Remembering Mrs. Rossi (9780763670900) (5 page)

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Authors: Heather (ILT) Amy; Maione Hest

BOOK: Remembering Mrs. Rossi (9780763670900)
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must be a mind reader. Because if there’s one thing I’m in the mood for, it’s chocolate milk.” Professor Rossi takes a long and surprisingly noisy drink. “Outstanding!”

“You may now tell me all about our Yankees.” From time to time — even when it isn’t her father’s birthday — Annie pretends to be interested in baseball. She likes to pretend she is a big Yankee fan. (Her father, a
Yankee fan, seems to appreciate this.)

“Unfortunately”— big frown as he scans the headline —“our Yankees managed to lose again last night.”

” Annie drags her chocolate milk through a straw, inch by inch, to make it last.

“It all fell apart at the bottom of the ninth.” Professor Rossi shakes his head and begins to explain exactly how it fell apart. “With bases loaded, the last thing you want, Annie, is a high pop toward center field —”

“Okay, Daddy, now we should talk about something
” Annie cuts him off, but in the brightest possible way. “And I know just the thing that makes
happy — birthday presents!”

“You’ve got to watch out for sloppy hitting,” her father informs Annie.

“Daddy, we already stopped talking about baseball,” Annie reminds him sweetly. “Now, I’ve been thinking”— extra-sweet —“a
makes a good birthday present, and I bet you want a dog!” (In fact, she has already practiced saying these very words — several times — in front of the bathroom mirror.)

Professor Rossi slowly lowers the paper until it is face-down on the table.

“I know a lot about dogs,” Annie rushes in. “If you want, I could even help you pick one out!”

we have this conversation again?” He sighs. “We’ve had it so many times already. Dozens of times over the years . . . no,

“A dog is fun,” Annie says.

“Yes, but —”

“A dog is your friend,” Annie says. “Some dogs are brave!”

“Yes, but some
aren’t that comfortable with dogs, and, as you well know, I happen to be one of them.”

“That’s not fair!” Annie bangs her elbows on the table. “You
like my good ideas!”

“Don’t pout, Annie.” Professor Rossi spreads extra jam across his toast and takes two big bites.

has a dog.”

“Everyone does not have a dog, and you know it.”

“Well, the super’s boy — that boy in Mommy’s class — he got a puppy, and I got to hold the puppy in the lobby. Did you know

“I seem to remember a nice long story about a puppy with silky ears.” Professor Rossi smiles.

Annie does not smile back. He’s
to want a dog for his birthday! He’s
to be nice, not mean! “Your birthday’s not fun anymore”— Annie jabs at her toast —“and
not fun.” She had cut all the toast into beautiful triangles for his birthday, and he didn’t even notice.

Suddenly, Annie is tired of her father’s birthday, tired of chocolate milk, and tired of being in charge. It seems to her she’s just no good at it, and why couldn’t her mother be in charge of birthdays like always? Everyone has a mother, and she wants one, too. She wants her very
mother, now! “
fun,” she blurts out, “and Mommy had a dog when she was a little girl — did you know

“A dog?” Professor Rossi seems quite surprised.

“Yes,” Annie says in her know-everything tone of voice.

“A dog?” he repeats. “Are you sure? Because I thought I knew everything about Mommy, and I never heard about —”

know everything about Mommy. And
know she had a dog. A dog named Miss Phoebe, and I even have a secret picture to prove it!” (Annie doesn’t actually mean to say that about the picture. Because now her father is going to say, “Where did you find this secret picture, Annie?”)

“Where did you find this secret picture, Annie?”

Annie bites off a corner of her toast. She chews carefully, taking her time, so she doesn’t have to say, “I found it in Mommy’s top dresser drawer.” If she says that, she might wind up saying, “Also I found big sunglasses there, and her lipstick is there, and I look pretty in Mommy’s sunglasses . . . and once I tried on her lipstick and you didn’t know, so
to you!”

“What a curious development,” her father is saying. “I sure would like to see that picture sometime. . . .”

Annie folds her arms across her chest and pinches her lips into a straight line. It’s
picture. She found it. Why should she show it to a mean old father who doesn’t want a dog?

“Oh, here comes the long face! A long face on my birthday!”

He is trying to make her giggle but
too bad
! Annie pinches her lips a little more. She is not about to giggle, or smile,
show him her secret picture. Then again, it’s such a
picture . . . and one teeny part of her (the part that simply
keep a secret) wonders if — maybe — one quick peek would be okay. Only,
has to be in charge . . .
See this little girl hugging her dog? This one, Daddy, with a flower in her hair. See, she has short hair like me! And freckles like me! But her eyes are green and mine are brown, and that’s how you know she’s Mommy! And now, look here. Because here in the corner, someone wrote
: Thelma (Age 10) with her dog, Miss Phoebe . . .

” Annie pushes back her chair. “
” she repeats. “I’ll show you the picture of Mommy.”

She finds it in her sock drawer between two pairs of white summer socks. The window is open and the day is bright, and a breeze blows in the window. Down in Riverside Park, a boy and a lady run with a dog.
Is that your mother, little boy? Hey! What’s your dog’s name, little boy?
Annie smiles but it’s a sad little smile because the boy has a dog to play with and she does not. The boy has a mother . . . and no one feels lonely down there.

Annie turns from the window and plants a little kiss on the picture of her mother. “I love
” she whispers, “and I love Miss Phoebe . . . and
is mean.” Annie sits on the floor to pack up her things for school, including her spelling notebook, with her picture tucked safely inside — a picture she no longer intends to share with a mean old father who doesn’t like dogs!

Later that morning in room 107, Miss Meadows puts ten long-division problems on the blackboard. “Quiet down, people! It’s time to practice our long division, so take out your math notebooks, please!”

Annie reaches into her desk for her notebook. Long division,

“Carefully copy each problem, and do not rush, boys and girls. When we rush, we make careless errors.”

Annie turns to a clean page in her math notebook and copies the first problem at the top of the page. (340 ÷ 17). She writes neatly and sits back to admire her neat numbers but wishes it were spelling time instead. Annie happens to be an
speller, and spelling, in her opinion, is an
third-grade subject. (Arithmetic, in her opinion, is not important at all.) Every week Miss Meadows puts fifteen new words on the board, along with the homework assignment:

While Annie is not a big fan of homework in general, she doesn’t actually mind
homework. As a matter of fact, she puts a big effort into her fifteen sentences each week. Sometimes, after an
big effort, they come out sounding like a
. . . and Miss Meadows says, “Well done, Annie! Now, how about reading your story to the class!”

“This is not a test, boys and girls.” Miss Meadows walks up and down the aisles. “But we must do our best at all times.”

Annie likes to do her best at all times. On the other hand, you can’t always be in the mood for long division. With that thought in mind, she reaches inside her desk. (A good spy like Annie never gets caught!) Inch by inch, she pulls out her spelling notebook and puts it on her lap, where Miss Meadows can’t see. (The good spy finds her secret picture.)
Hello again little girl who looks like me! We don’t like long division, do we? Hello, Miss Phoebe!

Annie quickly puts back the picture. (The good spy did
get caught). She still isn’t in the mood for long division, though, and just for the fun of it, she reads over last night’s spelling sentences, all of which please her very much.
Well done, Annie. Take a bow!
no one
in her class writes better sentences than she does! No one in the whole third grade — the whole
and perhaps she should be an
one day when she’s a grown-up lady!

Until this very moment, Annie has always assumed she will be a famous movie star one day. But an
! Why, authors get to make up sentences every day. They get to make up whole stories every day! Annie the author! How exciting! She will need a lot of red notebooks, of course, fountain pens, too — and a dog! Yes, indeed, an important author like Annie
needs a dog.

“Number seven, Annie?”

Annie looks up. Seven. Seven what?

“Could you please tell us the answer to problem number seven?” Why is Miss Meadows looking at her like that? Annie closes the book on her lap, and maybe she stops breathing. You could hear a pin drop in room 107.

Miss Meadows is walking slowly up the aisle. “We’re waiting.” Closer! Closer! And now she is here! Right here at her desk!

Annie swallows, throat dry, and why is her face so hot? Burning hot!

“I’m disappointed in you, Annie,” Miss Meadows says in a faraway voice.

Disappointed! Annie’s stomach flops over. She looks down, down: Miss Meadows’s feet in blue shoes.

“Now, may I please have that notebook?” Miss Meadows is saying. “The one on your lap.”

With shaky hands and without looking up, Annie hands over her spelling notebook.
Don’t cry! Don’t cry! Don’t cry!

“Under the circumstances, Annie, recess is out of the question today. You can devote that time to your long division.” Miss Meadows walks crisply to the front of the room. “You can collect this at three o’clock,” says Miss Mean. She puts the notebook (and Annie’s picture!) on her desk, underneath her Daily Lesson Planner.

“I’m disappointed in you, Annie.”
Miss Meadows’s words don’t go away as the morning drags on. Miss Meadows stole her spelling notebook! She stole her mother’s picture . . . and what if she never gives it back? Then what? Annie will just have to
on her,
what. She’ll tell the
and Miss Meadows will go to jail! Too bad for you, Miss Mean. . . .

Instead of going outside for recess, Annie goes to the school office. And there she sits, all by herself on a hard bench, unappreciated and slaving away at stupid long division while everyone else in room 107 is having fun. Anyway, who cares about stupid old school! Maybe she’ll
school! Miss Meadows will cry and cry.
Annie, we miss you so much! Look, we have your trophy! See what it says? M
, M

Afterward, after the
recess in the history of her life, Annie slides into her seat in the third row. Jean-Marie holds up a tiny little sign in her own boxy print that says:
Annie loves the sign. But she refuses to look at Miss Meadows.
Excuse me, Miss Mean, have you heard my good news? I am quitting school!
Most days Annie raises her hand quite a lot in school, but for the whole rest of
day, she decides
to raise her hand — and something else she decides: no smiling. No sir, she’ll never smile again in room 107 — no matter what. The afternoon drags on . . . 2:05 . . . 2:10 . . . 2:14 . . . On the dot of three, Annie runs out of the classroom. She does not say,
See you tomorrow, Miss Meadows,
on her way out the door. Nor does she “collect” her spelling notebook.

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