Renegades (7 page)

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Authors: Austina Love

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance, #Shapeshifter, #Ghost

BOOK: Renegades
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Long dark lashes fluttered against her high cheekbones. She looked up and flashed a dazzling smile. “Hi, baby,” she purred. “Didn’t you sleep?”

“No, angel, I was too caught up in the stunning view.”

And there it was—the adorable wash of pink that flooded her sweet cheeks.

“How do you feel about a swim and dessert?” He winked playfully. “Then I’ll cook us something over the fire.”

“Ooo…dessert before dinner. I love the way you think.”

“C’mon then, babe, let’s get to it.” He swept her into his arms and headed toward the front door. A sudden movement caught his eye, then a shadow slid across the wall. Gently he set Shye on her feet. “We best get dressed, babe.”

“What is it?” she whispered with panic in her eyes.

“Uninvited company.” He grabbed her waist and guided her back to the bedroom where they hurriedly donned their clothes.

Her demeanor instantly switched from kitten to lioness as she grabbed her backpack and reloaded her shotgun. He grinned slightly while looking her way and she offered him a guarded smile in return. After gathering all his ammunition and personal effects he checked on her.

“Do you have all your belongings? We can buy more food once we find a new place to hide out.”

She nodded but didn’t speak, making him even more aware of what an astute woman he’d taken up with. He crept around the cabin, keeping her safely behind him.

“Give it up, Viper! We’ve come for Shye!” shouted Carter. “We don’t have any trouble with you but if you don’t give her up, you’ll be harboring a wanted woman.”

Trip peeked out the window and saw the greasy banker, Pike and some unknown thugs covering the front yard. He turned toward Shye. “I’m not giving you up.”

“You’ll be a wanted man.” She stared up with expressive eyes filled with concern.

“Only until I nail Draven.”

“I’m mucking up your plan. You don’t need trouble tagging along.”

Laying one hand alongside her face, he smiled. “I live for trouble.”

She half smiled and a daring sparkle flickered in her eyes. “Do you have a plan on how to get our asses out of here?”

“I’m working on it.”

“I have one!” she said in an excited whisper. “Can you hold them off for a few minutes?”

“Probably. What are you going to do?”

“Shift. They can’t kill a shadow. I’ll draw them on a chase so you can get to the bike and escape.”

“I’m not leaving here without you.”

Her eyes glistened with tears. “You have to. There’s only one road out and we can’t shoot our way this time. I have this gift…please let me help.”

He thought for a split second and failed to find a better way. “Okay…go. I’ll grab our gear, you take your gun. We’ll meet on the road.”

“I don’t want to lose you.” She sounded worried, not about herself but something deeper.

“You won’t. I love you. I’ll never let you go now that you’re mine.”

“Promise you’ll find me on the road somehow?” Her concern became evident.

“Promise you’ll watch for me?”

“I swear I will.” With one hand, she made a cross over her heart. “I love you, too.”

He pulled her to his chest, using one finger to lift her chin. “On my brother’s grave…I swear I will ride until we find each other. She gave him a sweet kiss, then slipped out the back door.

“Hold your fire!” Trip called out. “Shye is coming out. If anyone shoots I’ll drop them quick.” He held his breath and waited. They needed to get into hiding before sunset so she could shift back into her human form. He was glad they’d shared more details about each other but extremely distraught over splitting up even for a short while. He had to trust her and
that her instinct and courageous plan would work.

please help her.

“Where is she?” Carter bellowed. “On the count of ten we’re coming in.”

“Give her time to get dressed, you old badger.”

About a minute later Shye appeared behind the small posse. “I’m right here, boys.” She smirked with shimmering eyes, then took off running into the woods.

“After her!” Carter ordered. He waddled after his men as fast as he could go.

Trip understood why the man needed thugs, he couldn’t run worth shit. Gunfire erupted. He prayed Shye knew what she was doing as he raced to his bike. His heart already ached over riding off without her. After slinging their packs on back, he keyed the engine, throttled it and took off up the drive. She’d already led them deep within the trees, giving him a clean getaway.

Carter, Pike, and the others had also disappeared into the woods chasing—a shadow.

About the Author

Austina Love is a multi-published author with various pen names in many different genres with Extasy and Divine Destinies Books. Currently she resides with her husband and two sweet Maltese dogs.

In addition to writing romantic fiction, her passions include music, dance, culture, and creating new recipes in the kitchen. Always the dreamer, never the realist, Austina takes life one day at a time while battling the daily challenge of Meniere’s Disease.

She has a deep love for animals and nature, believes strongly in the spirit world and values loyalty most of all in people. Her dream is to visit the ocean many times, preferably on a Harley. The love of her life was a very special Bichon Frise and not a day goes by that she doesn’t think of him since his premature passing.

Ambitious and quirky, she loves to laugh. She feels that passion is everything and without passion one is not truly living but merely existing.

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