Read Rent Me By The Hour Online

Authors: Leslie Harmison

Rent Me By The Hour (18 page)

BOOK: Rent Me By The Hour
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His jaw sharpens as I cry for him, “Oh Jeremiah.” Begging, “Please baby.”


“What sweetheart? Tell me what you want me to do!”


“You’re hurting me.” I pray.


He rests, “Sweetheart do you want me to stop? I do not want to hurt you.”


Scratching his back I hum, “Oh baby don’t stop. I like the pain.” I fix at his beautiful face features and glom his head forcing him to kiss me. Without hesitation he impels his tongue with mine and thrusts himself in my orifice. He claws on my ass pulling me closer to his pelvis while his protrusion buries me. As we passionately kiss, my center bellows on his iron rod releasing secretion.


He’s satisfied that he made me come three times already, “Yes baby. That’s it. Let yourself go.” He starts fucking me faster and harder, then he stops, “God dammit.” He pulls out.


“What’s wrong?”


The damn condom broke and I only had one.”


Watching how he looked at me. The passion he displays makes me do the unthinkable. I cup his face with my hands, pull him to kiss me, remove the torn condom, and guide him to continue. His bulge implodes my secret area. As our juices stir inside me, he fervidly makes me moan even louder.


“Baby I’m about to come.” Jeremiah trying to catch his breathe. “Tell me what you want me to do baby.”


I warmly whisper, “Come inside me baby.” And just like that he erupts in my uterus. He affectionately kisses me softly on my lips and I return the words he whispered in my ears earlier, “I love you too.”


He studies my tangible feelings and while inside me he continues to stroke my passage way with his scepter, “You know I really mean it right? I really do love you. I feel in love with you when.”


I place my finger over his mouth and pulled him closer to my lips. Our first time having sex was wonderful and I didn’t want him to accidentally say something that will ruin it. I didn’t think it was possible to really love someone that fast, but I did and with the ambience he portrays, together our passion is deep. Gazing at me he licks his lips and attends to his craft pleasuring me. He slowly and softly cocks himself inside my chamber making sure the pain he is giving me feels good. Lifting me off the bed with one arm he positions me over his lap. I straddle him staring down at this beautiful man who loves me. One arm pulls my butt hammering my clit over his shaft while the other massages my breast as he imbibes my nipples in his mouth. The harder he sucked, the harder I fucked him. Pounding his pole upwards inside me, my stomach throbs at the pleasurable pain. He grabs my neck directing me to his lips. I claw his face with my fingers forcing my tongue into his mouth. The pulsing sensation on his dick causes me come and he echoes along with me. I stay sited over him while he implodes everything he has in my cell.


Gently brushing is finger tips across my back, he whispers, “I love you Jacquelyn.”


Smiling so in love, I sigh the same words to him. Once we managed to pull away from each other, I got dressed as he watched me naked on my bed. Such a magnificent sight. He could pose for Playgirl or some other nude magazine.


“Did you bring clothes or are you going to wear that suit all day?”


“I brought extra clothes but it’s in my car. I wouldn’t feel right walking around your house naked?”


Without thinking, I ask him something very disturbing, “Do you need a robe?”


Swallowing the lump in his throat. “No.”


I can sense his discomfort thoughts. At Elite our ladies are trained to provide a robe for our naked clients so they wouldn’t be walking around the place with their rear ends showing. But how did he know that if all he did was outcalls? I offer, “If you give me your keys, I can go get it for you.”


He gets off the bed and hands me his keys. I slip into my flip-flops and head outside. Mufasa and Mulan are still roaming the yard. I glance at Jeremiah’s car, and it is stunning. It’s armored down to the license plate. Who needs this much protection? What’s his stature that he requires his license plate to be bulletproof? I really need Cynthia to do a background check on him. I know it’s probably creepy that I’m going to do it. But if he wants to continue being around us, I need to know more about him. I’m kind of scared to get near his car. The car gleams as the sun bounces of the glossy black paint. His car is humongous and the tires come up to my chest. It looks like a limousine in here. The leather bucket seats are trimmed with white stitching. The four seats in the back recline facing each other. There’s an entertainment console in the middle equipped with individual video game systems for each seat. On each side of the SUV hang two forty-two inch flat screen televisions. My kids loved riding in here yesterday. I tippy toe as I try to reach for his duffle bag in the trunk.


When I walk back into my bedroom, he’s looking at the picture frame set on top of my night stand. It’s a picture of Jordan and Jocelyn sitting on their dad’s lap. It was taken three months before he passed away. I place his bag on the sofa at the end of my bed.


“Was this your husband?”


I purse my lips and quietly respond, “Yes.”


Jeremiah narrows his eyes then looks up at me, “It’s weird?”


“That you two look just alike?”




I agree. What’s more awkward is how my kids look identical to Jeremiah. My friends have made that comment during Matt and Victoria’s crawfish boil. Others that we’ve encounter at Incredible World, the movies, and ice cream shop have complimented how gorgeous Jocelyn and Jordan are and how they look exactly like their father, Jeremiah. Of course my kids had no clue people were talking about Jeremiah not Max. Sometimes I wonder if that’s the reason why I’m so attracted to Jeremiah. The fact he reminds me so much of my husband. His face features and the way his body is built just like Max’s. Jeremiah also does well with my kids just like Max was.


You can hear a pin drop in my bedroom as Jeremiah and I remain quiet as he continues to study Max’s picture. “I have to go feed our animals.”


“I’ll help you.” He places the frame back on the night stand, and scoots off the bed. He wraps his arms around my shoulder focusing into my eyes. “I love you.”


“I love you too Jeremiah.”


While he dresses, I call Matt to check on Jordan. He tells me Jordan just caught a fish and is now taking a nap because it took him thirty minutes to reel it in. Maybe also because we were out and about yesterday having family time. I call Cynthia to check on Jocelyn. That was a big mistake.


“Sounds like somebody’s having fun.” Cynthia giggles.


“What are you talking about?”


“Oh quit acting dumb. I know Mr. Gorgeous is by you.”


I remain quiet and plead the fifth. “How is Jocelyn doing?”


“You know she’s ok. She’s in good hands. I want details Friday.”


“Oh speaking of our lunch Friday, the kids last day of school is Thursday and they have early release, so we’re going to the airport that afternoon and we’ll be in Disney World for two weeks. My kids don’t know. So can you not tell Stephanie so she wouldn’t accidently tell Jocelyn? I’ll ask Victoria; maybe we can have lunch Tuesday or Wednesday?”


“Sure of course. I’ll check what day I’m free. Have fun. And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Well hold on. Please do everything, I mean everything I wouldn’t do.” She giggles and hangs up.


Shaking my head Jeremiah asks, “You guys are leaving town for two weeks.”


I just nod.


“Disney World huh?”


“Yup. I would invite you but I’ve already made the plans plus you probably have to work.”


“Do you think the kids would mind if I tagged along?”


“They would love for you to come along. Wait. Hold on. You’d come with us for two weeks?”


“Of course I would.”


“But I already made plans. I already booked our flights. And the hotel.”


“Well cancel everything and get your money back. I have a superp travel agent. She’ll make the plans.”


“You want me to cancel everything? Are you sure? I mean I can’t cancel and tehn you don’t fall through.”


I can see his chest rising and falling, “Please just trust me. Give me that.”


I kindly accept. I must as well test him and see if he is going to do what he says he will. I will kill him if he doesn’t do it and if my kids get be disappointed.


Jeremiah picks up the routine fast. He prepared the chicken food, refilled their water containers, checked on the baby chicks, emptied the kiddie pool, and filled it with fresh water, fed our ducks, and tended to our goats, pig, and horses. He even carried a bale of hay on each of his shoulders. He made this nurturing process look so easy.


In my bathroom, he strips off his soaked shirt. I run my fingers across his solid chest and firm abs. He sits on my vanity chair pulls me close to him to remove my shirt and bra. As he gets rid of my shorts and panty, I stand before him bare-skinned. He examines my body the way you would if buying a new car. Slowly sweeping his fingers across to get the feel of beauty against his fingertips. Pulling me, he squeezes tight while he rests his head on my chest.


I wrap my arms around him, “Is everything ok?”


He doesn’t reply at first but instead squeezes harder, “Yes.”


I cup his head into my hands and give him a kiss. I know he needs to tell me something but I’m too afraid of what it might be. I don’t want this moment to be ruined. This wonderful feeling of a man loving me. The way he kisses me lets me know what we have is more than lust. Somehow he has great love for me. I lift him off the chair and we take a shower.


He delicately leans me against the wall while he whispers sweet words in my ear. Holding my hands in the air, he squeezes them as he tilts his head to meet my lips. He clutches my head in his strong but gentle hands rolling his tongue inside my mouth. I rest my hands over his shoulders sometimes pawing on him as our desire for each other rises. He touches the brim of my cleft. Since I was so slippery, he easily slips a finger in.


Oh sweetheart you’re so wet and hot inside.” He pokes deeper than slips another finger in. “You’re making me so crazy. I want you forever. Please tell me you’re mine and you will never leave me.”


I promise to never leave you if you promise to always stay.” I softly cry. I push his fingers away from my area and I grip him in my hands forcing him in my core. Lifting me off the ground he cradles me. I take a deep sigh of relief. He clenches his teeth together holding back from coming. With every thrust we both moan loud, verbally expressing our passion. I dig my nails into his back while our lips greet. He protects my head from hitting the wall with one hand and carries me with the other. He jerks himself harder and faster. My insides are sore but I do not stop him.


I yearn for him to hurt me more, “Baby please fuck me harder. Please I beg you.”


He salutes my tongue. My muscles contract releasing my juices on his cock.


As my lush pussy massages his hard long dick, he begs, “Please tell me what I want to hear.”


I seductively purr, “Baby I love you.”


He burst his semen in my cunt. We are trembling.


Chapter 9


As much as I tried fighting my feelings, I am falling for Jeremiah. He is exactly what I needed in a partner and what my kids need in a guy figure. After we showered, he dries me off, and we cuddle in my bed with our bare skin against each other under my sheets. I lay in his arms as he lightly brushes his fingers over my shoulders. We crisscross our legs as we learn more about each other. This moment is so magical and I never want it to end. We play twenty questions like it’s out first date?

BOOK: Rent Me By The Hour
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