Rentboy (8 page)

Read Rentboy Online

Authors: Fyn Alexander

Tags: #Mystery, #Humour, #Gay, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Suspense, #erotic romance

BOOK: Rentboy
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Fox arched his back and cried out. “Holy fuck! You’re getting good at this.”

The next minute was frenzied. Edward could not have held back even had he wanted to. But he didn’t want to. Allowing his cries to match Fox’s, he rammed his penis as hard as he could into the sweet young man bent over his desk, whose forehead now rested on the laptop he had stolen.

With every thrust, he felt more deeply joined to Fox and forgave him absolutely for the betrayal. In the midst of the most intense pleasure of his life, his orgasm rushed through his body, causing him to go rigid for a moment before thrusting hard another three or four times. With a deep moan Edward folded his body over Fox, pressing his chest into Fox’s back. The young man remained absolutely still. When his composure had returned, Edward reached his hand between Fox’s slender thighs and gripped his willy, realizing that Fox was still hard. He closed his hand around the rigid organ while Fox released a long sigh.

“Rub me fast, Eddie.”

Every word Fox uttered sounded so sexy. Edward obeyed, squeezed and rubbing with a fast friction. Thirty seconds was all it took for Fox to cry out, his milky sperm hitting the floor between his feet. Edward stood up, pulling Fox with him, and they remained for long moments with their trousers around their knees, holding each other. Edward gripped Fox’s buttocks and rubbed them hard with the palms of his hands.

“That feels so good. I really like that,” Fox whispered.

“Let’s sit down, and I’ll think of something we can eat. Or we could go to the Tofu Factory.”

“There’s a great falafel place I know that cooks the falafels in oil, not lard,” Fox said, following him to the couch. Edward pulled his trousers back up but didn’t bother to fasten them, and sat down. Fox left his trousers down and lay facedown across Edward’s lap. “Rub my arse some more,” he said, his voice soft.

With one hand Edward cupped Fox’s small bottom and then began to rub firmly in a circular motion, squeezing hard every so often but not pinching. The sight of Fox’s bottom, smooth, pale, hairless, the buttocks rounded and firm, made his willy begin to harden again. The narrow hips wiggled every now and then as Fox burrowed his face into the couch, moaning softly.

“Fox?” The question that had sat in the forefront of his mind since speaking with the tramp in Tisbury Court came back unbidden. “Do you really live on the street?”

Going suddenly still, Fox turned his face to look at Edward. “Yeah. Why?”

“He’s too clean for a street kid. Haven’t you noticed how clean he is?”

“You look too clean and well kept.”

“I go home sometimes. I go home to take a shower and check up on the twins. My mum works all the time. Her boyfriend is a psycho, but he’s good with the twins. I still like to check up on them, though.”

“Isn’t he good to you?”

“No. He hates queers. That’s why I live rough and sell my arse.”

“Fox, that’s horrible. It’s so unfair. Why does your mother put up with it? Where’s your father?”

Fox managed a shrug even in his awkward position. “He’s dead. He was a war hero. Iraq. But my mum’s great. She works really hard. She has to have some pleasure.”

“You’re very good to take it that way.” Edward slid his forefinger over the cleft of Fox’s buttocks and all the way down until he found the tender spot between the anus and the ball sac.

“Oh shit, that’s good.” Fox moaned. “Press harder.”

With a surge of delight and a sense of power at the pleasure he was giving, Edward asked, “Is it?”

Fox buried his face in the cushion, his hips writhing against Edward’s thighs while his breath became still more labored. Fingering the sweet spot faster, Edward watched as Fox’s buttocks and thighs clenched, his entire body growing rigid. The young man moaned softly for a long moment and then fell limp, panting hard. Edward rested his hand tenderly on Fox’s buttocks, feeling powerful at being able to make another man react so strongly.

“Did you come again?”


Remaining where he was, Fox turned his face until Edward could see his expression. His cheeks were pink and healthy looking for once, his eyes dreamily distant.

“I’m sorry about your family,” Edward said. It made him terribly grateful for his, even if his sister was annoying, his mother was terrified in case anyone thought they weren’t perfect, and his father had never known how to show real affection.

“It’s okay. Don’t fret it.” Fox got up and sat sideways on Edward’s lap, making him laugh suddenly. “What’s so funny?”

“No one’s ever sat on my knee before. Except Nicoletta. She’s quite a bit younger than me.”

Fox scrunched his face into a frown. “You had a girlfriend?”

“No. My sister. What are the twins called?”

“Alder and Arden. They’re nearly fourteen.”

“It’s my birthday on Saturday,” Edward said.

“No shit! I’ll have to give you a birthday present, then. What do you fancy?”

The cheeky look on the young man’s face told Edward exactly what kind of present he was offering. He had his computer back, and Fox was sitting in his lap. What more did he need? “I’ll let you decide.”

“Right, then.” Fox rubbed his palms together. “Let’s go out and get some grub. My belly thinks my throat’s been slashed.” He got up to pull up his jeans while Edward looked at the damp secretions on his thighs.

“I’ll just go to the bathroom and clean myself up.”


FOX WALKED WITH Eddie to Aida’s Falafel House on the Tottenham Court Road. The place was always busy, especially in the summer. Inside the hot restaurant the smell of spices mixed with the scent of fresh fruit juices.

“Let’s not stay here to eat. It’s too warm inside,” Fox said. But it wasn’t the heat that bothered him. Too many of his classmates went there. If he was approached by other students from Wimbledon College in the University of the Arts London, Eddie would know he was a liar as well as a thief.

“Whatever you want.” Eddie smiled down at him. His agreeable tone together with his gentle eyes made Fox’s heart lurch knowing how he had used him. With their falafels and mango juice in hand they wandered out again onto the busy street.

It was time he knocked this relationship on the head. Stopping on the street, his falafel stuffed in his mouth, ready to take a bite, he stared at Eddie.
It wasn’t a fucking relationship! It was a business transaction that had got out of hand.

“It’s excellent,” Eddie said, seeming to think Fox was interested in his opinion of the food. “I might even become a vegan myself. Not till after the weekend, though, because Mum always makes a big roast of some sort when we’re all home. She complains she has no one to cook for the rest of the time, except Dad, and he’ll eat anything.”

“Yeah, they’re the best falafels in London.” What the hell was he thinking? He shouldn’t be seeing Eddie anymore. Whatever
they had was based on a lie and on prostitution. The briefcase full of cash kept popping into his head, forcing him to question again what Eddie knew that was worth so much.

The evening was very humid, and it was dark by the time they walked past Bedford Square on the way back to Bloomsbury. “Eddie, what do you do for a living?” Fox finished his juice, and they found a bin to dump their rubbish.

“I’m a scientist. I teach and do research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.”

“Wow.” Fox was really impressed. “What do you research?”

Looking very animated as he talked about his work, Eddie said, “I’ve developed a pesticide for tropical climates. In many African countries the people have a hard time growing crops because of insect infestations. Irrigation is also still a problem in many places, but with the help of a number of nongovernmental organizations that situation has improved. But crops can still be ruined by locusts and stem borers. The goal is to kill off the insects while not harming the crops or the local population.”

“That must make you feel really good. Like you’re doing something worthwhile.”

“It does! I’ve always wanted to help people,” Eddie said passionately. “I love science. There’s so much good can come from it.”

“Aside from during sex, that’s the most excited I’ve seen you, mate.” Fox grinned. Just as they reached the Senate House Library, a sleek black car cruised slowly past. “I’m sure I’ve seen that car before,” Fox said.

Eddie glanced at the vehicle. “Looks like any other expensive black car that politicians and visiting dignitaries are chauffeured around in.”

The windows were tinted, but it would be hard to see inside anyway aided only by the light of street lamps. It couldn’t be Mr. Maputwa, could it? Why would he be following them? The car picked up speed and turned right on Montague Street, disappearing from sight. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Some politician looking for an arse to rent.”

Fox grabbed Eddie’s hand as they crossed the road and entered Russell Square. The park was nearly empty with just a few people sitting on the benches around the fountain, catching a little of the cool spray.

Eddie squeezed his hand. “I wish you wouldn’t do it, Fox.”

“What?” Fox led Eddie to a bench where they sat down. Light from the nearest lamppost shone on the water, making it appear to dance.

“Prostitution. You’re a very bright young man. You could have a great future. You need to go back to school.”

“Yeah, I’ll think about it.” He really didn’t want to get into it and tell any more lies. He hated lying, but with parents like his he had become good at it, always thinking of excuses why he couldn’t take anyone home. “Gimme a kiss.”

“Not here!” The panic in Eddie’s voice was also conveyed in his widening eyes.

“It’s the twenty-first fucking century, mate,” Fox said. “And it’s dark out.” He moved in close to Eddie’s side, but Eddie turned his face away, and all Fox could reach still sitting down was his cheek. He got up and rested one knee on the bench to lean over and grab Eddie by the head.

“Stop it,” Eddie said, attempting to fight him off. He grabbed Fox by the waist, catching his ticklish spot. Letting out a scream of laughter, Fox grabbed Eddie by both his ears and planted a slobbering wet kiss on his mouth.

“Oh, that was disgusting,” Eddie said through his laughter.

Neither of them heard the group of young males coming up on them.

“What we got ’ere?”

A sharp shove in the shoulder made Fox lose his balance and fall onto the bench beside Eddie until they sat side by side looking up into the sneering faces of three skinheads. The cockney accent of the one who had spoken was far heavier that Fox’s.

“Couple of arse bandits?”

“Look, I think you should leave,” Eddie said firmly. “We are minding our own business, and I suggest you do the same.”

Fox looked sideways at him.
Shut the fuck up, Eddie
, was the only thought in his head. When approached by disenfranchised youth, the best response was run if you can, and if not, keep your mouth shut until they get bored and leave you alone. If you get a black eye, the guyliner will cover it up.

A tall, heavily built young man with a tattoo of a swastika on his forehead leaned into Eddie’s face. “What did you say, queer boy? I didn’t hear you right.”

In the short time he had known Edward Atherton, Fox knew he would not pick up on the deadly sarcasm in the skinhead’s tone. “I said we are minding our own business, and I suggest you do the same.”

Yeah, that’s what Eddie would say.

The fist came so fast and so hard that though it struck Eddie in the cheek, Fox swore he felt it too. Eddie’s head shot back so far that even if his cheekbone was still intact, he would have severe whiplash. As the three yobbos stood back laughing, Eddie got slowly to his feet, wavering as he did so. “Eddie, sit down,” Fox whispered.

“Is the anorak going to defend his Goth boyfriend?” The three laughed.

“How dare you!” Eddie sounded quite convincing even as blood dripped from his cheekbone.

The straight-fingered jab he delivered to the throat of the young man who had hit him caught the dude totally by surprise. The light from the street lamp shone on the skinhead’s face, outlining his bulging eyes. A strangled gasp issued from his open mouth as he clutched his throat. Eddie leaped into the air, and when he landed, he was posed like Jackie Chan in
The Karate Kid
, both arms extended, hands ready to deliver another blow. The youth to his right attempted to attack, but Eddie swung his hand sideways, delivering a chop with the outside of his hand that landed in the youth’s upper chest, severely winding him.

“I’m getting the fuck outta here,” the third yob said. He ran, followed by the other. The man Eddie had struck first staggered after them.

His adrenaline rush appearing to be over, Eddie stumbled back and sank down abruptly on the bench. From the other side of the fountain a round of applause sounded, and a couple of girls who looked about Fox’s age ran over to them. “Well done, dude,” they said. “You showed them.”

“Wasn’t he great?” Stunned at Eddie’s prowess and bursting with pride, Fox said, “He’s my boyfriend.” He shouldn’t have said it. It wasn’t true, and it couldn’t be true, because then Eddie would find out Fox had set him up. But wow! What a fucking hero he was.

Giggling, the girls hugged them both spontaneously before walking away talking loudly about how great it was when someone got a well-deserved arse-kicking.

“Eddie.” Fox pulled up his T-shirt and used the edge to dab at the blood on Eddie’s face. “You’ve got hidden depths.” He couldn’t stop grinning at him.

“Yes, well…” Eddie shrugged, letting his words trail off. “When you are built like a long drink of water, as my mother always describes me, you have to learn how to protect yourself. So I got into karate lessons for a number of years in my early teens. I did rather well. I’ve got a black belt. ”

“A black belt?” Fox was well impressed. The blood finally stopped running from the split on Eddie’s cheekbone, but it was starting to swell. “You’re going to have a black eye to go with it.”

“Oh God, Mum will have a fit,” Eddie groaned. “Fox.” He took Fox’s hands in both of his. “Come home with me for the weekend. Mum and Dad are doing my birthday dinner. I’m going to rent a car and drive down on Saturday morning. It won’t be terribly exciting. Just my parents and my sister, and my grandparents will come for dinner, but it will be much more fun with you there.”

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