Repo Madness (45 page)

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Authors: W. Bruce Cameron

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My mother does more to promote my books than any other human on earth. I don't think she does anything
. Thank you, Monsie Cameron, for meeting your self-imposed sales quota every quarter.

There are other family members who pitch in and help, to the point where I am not sure I can list them all, but surely Georgia, Chelsea, Chase, James, Chris, Evie, Ted, Maria, Jakob, Maya, Ethan, Gracie, Amanda, Vicki, Kitty, Nancy, Dean, John, Charles, Jane, Ted, Bill, Michelle, Marta, John, Patsy, Jim, Cam, Sara, and Emily all deserve both mention and gratitude. Gordon and Eloise, you haven't even read my books! Come on, you're both only a few years away from kindergarten, get with the program!

Thank you, Jody and Andy Sherwood, for picking us up at the airport; hosting us in your home; driving us all over the place; buying us all of our meals; enabling, assisting with, and attending the Phoenix premiere of
Muffin Top,
pouring us delicious and necessary wines, driving us back to the airport, and then saying, “Thanks for coming to visit.”

Thanks to Life Is Better Rescue (
.) in Denver for saving so many death row animals.

And last but certainly not least (in fact, certainly
), thank you, my readers, for supporting this and all my other books. Without you I'm nothing. I mean that—with thousands of books being published every day, your decision to read my works means the world to me. And a special thank-you to the “secret group” on Facebook, who care about the world of dogs, of my novels, of the movies my wife directs—each and every one of you is wonderful.

If you like my stuff and would like to chat with others who hold the same views, come join us on Facebook and ask to be let into the secret group. There's a handshake and everything.

Now, here's a good question: Will Ruddy, Alan, and the rest of the gang be back? It's too soon to tell, but I'm inclined to say yes. There's just so much more to cover. Like, who killed Milt? (I know, but I'm not telling.) Will Rogan return? Is Ruddy crazy, or is Alan really some sort of ghost? (This last question is an interesting one. Would it amuse you to know that my wife and I hold opposing opinions on this issue? That's right, even though I write the books, I don't hold the answer to anything nebulous or subjective. You, the reader—your answer is as good as mine.)

Anyway, we'll see what happens. In the meantime, I promise you, I've got more stories on the way.


W. Bruce Cameron

Frisco, Colorado, December 7, 2015



The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man

The Dog Master

The Dogs of Christmas

A Dog's Purpose

A Dog's Journey

Emory's Gift

8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter

How to Remodel a Man

8 Simple Rules for Marrying My Daughter



Ellie's Story
: A Dog's Purpose Novel

Bailey's Story
: A Dog's Purpose Novel



W. Bruce Cameron
is the
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling author of
A Dog's Purpose, A Dog's Journey, The Dog Master,
The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man
. He lives in California. You can sign up for email updates



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Title Page

Copyright Notice



1. Nothing Like You in the Literature

2. Why Would Anyone Do That?

3. Not from a Him

4. Aloha Means Everything

5. Why Would You Believe Something Like That?

6. I Know You're There

7. The Deal with Uncle Milt

8. A Job Up Your Alley

9. The One-in-Five Drop

10. This Is Not Necessarily What It Looks Like

11. Ask Her How She Knows

12. Back in Jail

13. Someone Knows Something

14. We Don't Know She Was Murdered

15. You're Going to Be Mad

16. Then You Die

17. Who Is Rachel Rodriguez?

18. Looks Good on Paper

19. It Isn't Her

20. The Perfect Job for a Murderer

21. Lisa Marie's Autopsy

22. This Is Huge

23. Wrong About Everything

24. Why Would Anybody Lie About That?

25. Time to Kill Alice Blanchard

26. Something of Value

27. Here for the Money

28. Not Good

29. I Do My Best Work at Midnight

30. We Have Less Time Than We Thought

31. The Mayor of Shantytown

32. If I Don't Keep Moving I Will Die

33. You Don't Have Much Time

34. I'm Supposed to Be Here



By W. Bruce Cameron

About the Author



This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.




Copyright © 2016 by W. Bruce Cameron


All rights reserved.


Cover design by Jeff Miller


Cover art by Shutterstock


A Forge Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

175 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10010


is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.


The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.


ISBN 978-0-7653-7750-0 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-1-4668-5591-5 (e-book)


ISBN 9781466855915


Our e-books may be purchased in bulk for promotional, educational, or business use. Please contact the Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department at 1-800-221-7945, extension 5442, or by e-mail at
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First Edition: August 2016

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