Repo (The Henchmen MC Book 4) (13 page)

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Authors: Jessica Gadziala

BOOK: Repo (The Henchmen MC Book 4)
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"Get in the car, Maze," he commanded softly, doing one more stroke before pushing away from me and reaching to open the door.

And, well, with a tingling between my legs and a shaky feeling in my belly, I turned, ducked behind the front seat and fell into the back. "Ow, fuck," I yelled, something stabbing into my side.

Repo chuckled as I straightened, pointing to the metal seatbelt receiver. He reached out, rubbing my side where it had stabbed me. "Forgot how problematic cars can be."

"Spent a lot of time in back seats, huh?" I teased, trying to ignore the fact that his incredibly chaste touch was sending off tiny sparks of desire through my system.

He gave me a sheepish little smile. "Kinda cramps your style to try to bring a chick home to your uncle's apartment, ya know?"

"Why doesn't it surprise me that you were charming even as a teenager?"

His head tilted as he planted one hand beside my hip, leaning over my body, as his other hand slid down my side and sank into my hip. "Think I'm charming, huh?"

"Oh please," I said, rolling my eyes. "You do that eye-dancing thing and the panties get flung across the room."

"The... eye-dancing thing?" he asked with a confused smile, completely unaware that he was
the eye-dancing thing right then.

"Yeah," I said, feeling my cheeks warm a little, embarrassed by the admission.

"My eyes dance?"

"Sometimes," I shrugged.

"And this... pantie-flinging thing," he said, his hand on my hip moving up toward the waistband of my pants and slipping in slightly to toy with the band of my panties. His fingertip slid under and stroked across the lowest part of my pelvis. "When they get... flung... out of curiosity, are the panties going to have pink and purple hearts all over them again?" His lips twitched as he tried to hold back a smile. "Gotta say... pink and purple hearts just scream outlaw biker..."

"Shut up," I laughed, swatting his chest. "You're killing the mood."

"Am I?" he asked, brows drawing together, suddenly seeming all-business. "You sure about that?"

"Pretty damn sure."

"Really? Huh, then why..." he started, and before I could realize his intention, his hand moved completely inside my panties, stroking up my slit and making my whole body jerk back, hitting the side of the car in surprise, "is your pussy still wet for me?"

"Must be..." I started to try to make some witty comeback, but his fingers promptly slid up and started working over my clit, the motion small and hard, my still-fastened jeans limiting motion.

"Must be what?" he asked, eyes getting heavy as I let out a small whimper. I shook my head at him, my hand curling into the sleeve of his tee. "Lie back, honey," he commanded softly. I slid back on the leather as he towered over me, one knee between my open thighs, the other at the edge of the cushions. He pushed up and used his other hand to finally unfasten and unzip my pants. His thumb moved out to work my clit as his other fingers slid a path downward, pausing at the opening to my body and pulsing his fingers there until my hips were rising up, begging for him to sink inside. The tip of one finger did, just the smallest bit for a long minute before plunging all the way in.

Then he was done teasing, his finger thrusting for a couple of strokes before turning and scraping up against the top wall and hitting my G-spot with the same relentless precision as he was working my clit.

My free hand moved to the collar of his shirt, using it to pull him down toward me and claiming his lips as my own as his fingers drove me up hard and fast, making every inch of my skin feel electric. The pressure in my lower stomach felt almost oppressive as my hips rose upward to meet his touch, begging for release. His tongue slipped inside to claim mine as my greedy hands roamed his body, stroking up his arms, up under his shirt to feel the strong muscles of his back, stomach, and chest, before moving around and back down, grabbing his ass.

"Fuck," he groaned, releasing my lips and letting his forehead rest on mine. "You're killing me, Maze," he murmured, his voice thick and when he shifted his weight, I could feel his cock press into my thigh. "Come," he demanded as my breath got caught in my chest, feeling my sex clench tight around his fingers as my orgasm threatened to break. "Come honey," he demanded again, running his nose down the length of mine to take my lips gently as his fingers did another sweep of my clit and G-spot and I cried out my climax against his lips, my body jolting upward as I dragged his down, a tremor running through me as the waves of pleasure crashed hard and constant.

When I was spent, relaxing against the seat, his finger stayed inside me, his palm flattening against me, refusing to let go of the intimacy. My hands went to the sides of his face, holding him to me as he kissed me slow and deep until I could feel it through my entire system, until all there was in the world was the two of us.

"Repo where the fuck are you?" Reign's voice called, making my entire body stiffen as I pushed his face from mine. The sound was still from a distance, but I was sure it was getting closer.

"It's okay," Repo murmured, no doubt taking in my huge eyes. Hell, they felt like they were popping out of my skull.

"It's not o-fucking-kay," I whisper-yelled, pushing hard at his chest until he rose off of me. His finger slipped out of me then out of my panties and I had the almost overwhelming urge to cry over the loss of the intimacy. But through the want, the desire, the urge to continue what we had started, my survival instincts kicked in. Reign couldn't find out about us. Repo would probably get a slap on the back and I would be out on my ass. That couldn't happen. If that happened...

"Christ," Repo said, drawing my attention. He was looking down at me. In the dark, it was hard to make him out entirely, but there seemed to be a tightness around his eyes that I took for either frustration or anger. His air sighed out of him and he moved completely off of me. "Fine," he said, shoving the front seat forward so he could slip out, then slamming the door so hard behind him that I actually jumped with a quiet yelp.

So yeah... angry or frustrated or both.

I flattened myself further against the seat, still childishly worried someone would come up and look in. I listened to the sound of conversation for a second before it started to fade as they moved away. I put my hand over my hammering heart and pressed my knees tightly together, still feeling the tingling aftermath of my orgasm.

And the first clear thought that crossed my mind after the panic wore away, was: shit.


I stayed there a long couple of minutes, deep-breathing before finally zipping my pants back up and climbing out of the car. I made my way back to the party with weighted feet.

"Violet!" Renny's voice called and I slowed my pace when I saw him running toward me.

"Hey, what's up?"

"This fucking phone has been ringing off the hook for almost an hour straight. Literally," he said, holding out my burner I used to call K. Panic gripped my chest, making my air feel caught in my throat as my heart started to slam underneath my ribcage. He didn't call. K never called. That was my job. I did the calling. He knew that calling was something that could blow my cover. And no one else had that number. "I know I shouldn't have, but I tried to pick up. I was worried maybe something was up with your family or some shit. But there was nothing on the other end. And then they just kept calling."

I reached for the phone, making a point of trying to seem casual. "That's weird. I'll have to call them..."

"Give it ten seconds, they'll call back again," he said, shrugging then moving off to rejoin the party.

I wasn't going to wait the ten seconds. If K was calling, something serious was going on. But even as I moved to swipe into my contacts, the phone started ringing again. "Hello?" I said somewhat tentatively into the phone as I moved further away from the dock that was pounding out rock music, the guitar rift raking over my already sensitive nerves.

"Fucking hell Maisy," K's voice called, sounding worried. "I've been calling for an hour straight."

"The BBQ was today. I wasn't by my phone," I hedged, leaving out the fact that I was busy because I was getting finger-fucked by my boss in a broken down car, not because of actual club business. "What's going on?"

"They're gone, Maisy."

In that moment, the entire world fell away. The music muted to my ears, the smell of food and booze disappeared, everything became colorful blurbs to my eyes.

"Gone?" I repeated, my voice hollow as I leaned back against the fence protecting the property, not trusting my legs.

"I keep tabs. Did a drive-by earlier and saw no cars. It was weird so I parked up the block and took a walk. Maisy, the doors are bolted, the windows boarded from the inside. I went around the back and jimmied off one of the boards facing the alley, everything inside is gone. Desks, lights, filing cabinets. Everything. It's all gone."

"What does this mean?" I asked, needing to hear it from K. If I was left to let my mind wander, I was pretty sure I'd be checking the buildings across the street for gunmen. I had a tendency to run toward paranoia. Not that anyone could blame me.

"I don't fucking know," he admitted, the frustration evident in his tone. K wasn't the kind of man who settled for not knowing. He knew everything. He knew all the good guys, the bad guys, what the bad guys have done, where the bodies were buried, who the weakest links were, how to exploit their Achilles' heels. For a man as powerful, as all-knowing as K to be in the dark, well... it wasn't good. "This doesn't fit their M.O. They've been in the city for a decade."

"Maybe because of..."

"The cops don't have shit anymore. They were paid to bury it. You know that. I know that. It's something else, but fuck if I know what that is. And the not-knowing, that's not fucking good."

"Did you go to their places?"

"'Course I did. Empty too. Cars cleaned out of the garages. Went to their favorite dinner spot and pretended to be an old friend and asked around about them. They haven't been in in a week."

?" I squeaked, the panic in my system turning to outright hysteria. They could have made it anywhere in a week. They could be in New Jersey. They could be in Navesink Bank...

"Maisy, breathe. We don't know anything for sure. Right now, there is no reason to believe they know where you are. We've been careful."

"But," I prompted, knowing there was one coming.

"But we can't be sure they haven't sniffed out a lead either."

"What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to stay inside those gates. Whenever possible, try to take a shift with another probate. Try to avoid the overnight and early morning ones alone. Be alert. If anything feels fucked, chances are, it's fucked. And if it's fucked..." he prompted me.

"If it's fucked, I need to make sure I have a safe way out. Then I need to get to the train station and head to Pennsylvania. I need to get my bug-out bag, power up the burner, and call you."

"Then I will point you in a new direction," he said, sounding calmer.

There was an unexpected, nauseating swirling sensation in my stomach at the idea of leaving. I didn't even need to consider it to know that it was Repo that put that feeling there. Shit again. The last thing I was supposed to do was get attached. K had been specific about that. He told me that, chances were, I would have to find more than one cover. He said most of the women he 'disappeared' had to move at least once every two years. And while it was in my best interest to stay with The Henchmen, to integrate into the lifestyle, chances were it wasn't going to be somewhere I could stay indefinitely.


"Okay, K," I said, taking a deep breath as I scanned the trees, the darkness not letting me see anything.

"Stay vigilant, but don't get paranoid. I want to hear from you verbally every two days and I want a text with the word 'pineapple' every single day by noon. If I don't see that by noon, I am in my car. You with me?"

"I'm with you," I agreed.

"Stay safe and kick ass, Maisy."

The line went dead and I curled the phone into my hand so hard it hurt my palm.

I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath, wondering how the hell my life had come to this. Everything had been so normal, so tame, so certifiably boring until...















Moving back to the city after my grandmother's death and the volcanic explosion known as my relationship with Thato had been a culture shock. Granted, I had been born and raised there for the first ten years of my life, but that had been under the shelter of my mother. She was there to bring me to the right subways and lead me down the right streets, to slam into the people who were too busy with their lives to notice they almost trampled me.

And then I had been in Vermont where I could walk just about any sidewalk and never run into another soul or drive without seeing more than a handful of cars on the road.

So the crowded sidewalks, the constant squeal of taxi brakes, the honks of horns, the shake of the subway beneath your feet at all times, the never-ending brightness... it had been off-putting.

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