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Authors: Dixie Lee Brown

Rescued by the Ranger (21 page)

BOOK: Rescued by the Ranger
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“No. Don’t ever say that. I would endure this and much more to have our family back together again. Your mother loved us. Whatever else happened, I believe that with all my heart.” She cupped his cheek in her hand.

He hugged her gently. “You are a very smart lady. If my mother was even half the woman you are, I’d have been proud to know her.” Garrett kissed her temple and stepped back. “Now, I need to apologize to Rachel, too.”

“I haven’t seen her since Douglas left. I was just about to go check on her.”

Garrett stopped her as she pulled away and started for the porch steps. “I’ll check, Aunt Peg. You wait here with Luke. Okay? I’ll let you know the minute I find her.” He bounded up the steps, not giving the woman time to mount an argument.

Striding past the other occupants of the porch, he nodded to Jonathan, noting his concerned expression. Jase looked more curious than anything, but didn’t ask probably because he was sitting with Alan Taylor and two new guests whom Garrett hadn’t met yet. He didn’t have time right now, so he kept walking right through the door, into the lobby, and up the stairs until he stood in front of Rachel’s silent room.

He knocked loudly enough to wake her if she was asleep. “Rachel? It’s me, Garrett.” His hand dropped to the doorknob and twisted. It was locked, just as Luke had said. “Please open the door, Rach. I need to see that you’re all right.”

No sooner were the words out of his mouth than the door whipped open. Rachel grabbed his hand and yanked him into the room. Cowboy barely made it through before the door banged closed again.

One lamp burned beside her bed, casting shadows over the rest of the room. Even in poor lighting, Garrett could see that she was a mess. A very sexy mess, but a mess nonetheless. She wore a short terry cloth robe that tied in the front and only just covered her cute little ass. He followed her long legs all the way down to bare feet. Her hair was half in and half out of a ponytail, but it was her eyes that wrenched at his heart. She’d been crying—a lot. Her eyes were red and the area around them was swollen and puffy. Apparently, her lips were going to stay pouty regardless of how angry she tried to look. And she did look angry, piercing him with a withering glare, her hands braced challengingly on her hips.

Garrett raised his hands in acceptance of whatever she had for him. “I’m sorry. The senator came here because of me. This whole thing is my fault. I’m sorry, Rachel. Would you please say something?”

She stepped into him and thumped him on the chest with the sides of both fists. When he made no move to stop her, she did it again . . . and again. “Where the hell did you go? I was worried about you, you big hypocrite. It’s okay for you to run away, but not okay for me, huh? Well, you’re done telling me what to do if you can’t live by the same rules. And when the hell were you going to tell me you were my boss? I don’t date fellow employees or
.” She emphasized the word as if it was the worst thing she could imagine.

Slamming her fists against him again, she whirled away, but Garrett caught one wrist and jerked her around until her back was against the wall, and he held her there with one hand on each side of her.

He leaned in to kiss her but she turned her head aside. So he trailed kisses from her cheek, down the column of her throat, to the very tempting V of her robe. He was rewarded by a deep shudder, but she still wouldn’t look at him.

“You’re right. I got angry and had to blow off some steam. I couldn’t do that here where you, Aunt Peg, and Luke were hurting as badly as I was. But that’s no excuse. I shouldn’t have left. I should have been here for you. As for Amanda leaving her half of this place to Luke and me—I haven’t even had a chance to think about it yet, but one thing’s for sure. If accepting my inheritance means you and I can’t be together, I’ll be selling my share before the ink is dry on the transfer papers.”

A sniffle escaped her, and she finally met his gaze, her words a mere whisper. “I
needed you.”

“I know, sweetheart, and I’m sorry I let you down. It won’t happen again.” He leaned forward slowly and very gently took her lips, tasting, savoring, making her his again. And she
his, at least as far as he was concerned. Why was he only now realizing how true, and how important, that was? More imperative, how was he going to convince her of that if he kept screwing up and making her cry?

Her small hands fisted in his shirt and tugged him closer, so he stepped up and wrapped her in his arms. He could feel her heart beat against his chest, and the cadence seemed to match his own. He breathed in the sweet, womanly smell of her as the sense of peace that had become synonymous with her proximity settled over him.

His mouth hovered near her lips as he slid his hands down her back. He cupped her bottom with both hands and drew her against his hard-on. Her short robe worked up in the process and he found himself with his hands full of bare skin.

“Oh, shit. Do you have anything on under that robe, sweetheart?” His swollen manhood jerked and twitched at the thought.

She blushed a pretty shade of pink. “No. I was just about to take a shower.”

He lifted her, guided her legs around him, and pressed her into the wall. Just knowing she was open and bare before him and that he was positioned between her legs was dizzying. God, he wanted her—but he wanted all of her.

He kissed her breathless, then rested his forehead against hers and searched her eyes. “We’ve never talked about exclusivity, but I don’t want to share you with anyone else. You’re mine.”

She tensed and stared at him. “That’s exactly what will set Jeremy off.”

Garrett shook his head. “What if Jeremy wasn’t in the picture? Would you give us a shot then?

She cocked her head, as though considering her answer. Finally she nodded. “I’d like to—for as long as you’re here.”

“Yeah? Well, what if I decided to stay for good—be your boss? How long would you be mine then? You don’t have to answer now.” Garrett captured her mouth as he pressed his arousal into her. Reaching between them, he worked his thumb back and forth across the spot that made her mewl and her breath hitch.

She inhaled sharply and arched into his hand. “That’s good because I can’t even think right now.”

He chuckled as he pressed against her again. “Wait right there,” he said, setting her on her feet abruptly. He removed his wallet, found a condom, then unzipped his jeans and pushed them and his briefs down. With a grin, he handed the condom to Rachel. While she opened the package and rolled the condom on the length of him, he untied her robe and pushed it back off her shoulders, baring her beautiful breasts.

Her hand around his shaft almost brought him to his knees, so heady was the anticipation that coursed through him. And by the pleased expression on her face, she knew exactly what she was doing to him and enjoyed the power it gave her.

He rolled her nipples unhurriedly between thumb and forefinger while he devoured her mouth, raking his teeth over her bottom lip. Moving his mouth to her breasts, he lightly kissed one nipple, then licked, and immediately blew a hot breath. Rachel moaned and twisted against him. Meanwhile, her delicate hand, stroking and teasing his manhood, was pushing him past the point of no return.

Lifting her up so she could wrap her legs around him again and sink down onto his shaft, a ragged groan issued from Garrett. Rachel looped her arms around his neck and a smile curved her kiss-swollen lips. He held her tightly against him as he kissed her and let the warmth of her sheath spread contentment that he’d never known before to every part of his body. He returned her smile, briefly wondering if she shared his happiness.

He pressed her against the door, pulled out and sunk himself again, deeper than before. “You feel so good, Rach. You’re the one I need, sweetheart. Only you.” Again he pulled out and slammed home. The door rattled with the jolt. They both started to laugh.

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.” He glanced around and then nodded toward the center of the room. “Bed okay?”

“Wherever you’re going.” She held on tightly, grinning, as Garrett toed off his shoes, then obviously tried to choke back her laughter while he stepped on the hem of each pant leg and eventually pulled his legs free.

“Go ahead and laugh, sweetheart. I’ve got plenty of time to get even.”

Once he reached the foot of the bed, he glanced at Rachel. “Any ideas how to . . . you know?

Her gleeful laughter filled the room for a moment. “Well, we could just start over.”

“What’s the challenge in that? Hold on.” He winked just before he turned and dropped onto his back on the bed, holding her perfect ass in a death grip against his groin.

She squealed on the way down and her head clipped his chin, but happily, everything else was intact. He rolled her onto her back and tried to kiss the silly grin off her face. It didn’t budge.

“Well, Romeo. This will be memorable.” She giggled as he bit her nipple playfully.

“Shut up and hold on,” he said before his mouth covered hers and his hand found the sensitive spot between her legs again. At the same time, he started moving in and out, increasing the rhythm as his climax drew closer. When Rachel convulsed and cried his name, Garrett wasn’t far behind.

A few minutes passed before Garrett rolled off her. He snaked his arm around her waist and drew her close only to see sadness in her green eyes. “What’s wrong? Did I do something you didn’t like?”

Rachel jabbed him playfully. “You were perfect.”

“And you’re gloomy because?”

“Because, even if you wanted to stay, I can’t keep you.” She jabbed him again, presumably for daring to laugh.

“Why not? Afraid I’m not housebroken? Actually, you could be right about that.” He teased her, but she wasn’t buying. He cupped her chin and turned her face so she had to look at him. “What’s going on in there?” He tapped her head.

Her sigh was clearly painful. “It’s one thing to imagine Jeremy doesn’t exist—that he can’t hurt us—but that’s just wishful thinking. I don’t want you to stay here and get caught in his sick game. I’m serious, Garrett. I couldn’t take it if he hurt you.”

Garrett leaned back on the pillows, pulling her with him. “And I won’t leave you to face him alone. I think he’s proven that he’ll find you wherever you go. It’s part of the game for him. I appreciate that you’re worried about me too, but I’m staying, and I’d rather have you watching my back than anyone else. We’re stronger together than either of us is alone. We need each other, Rach. I need you.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

She studied his eyes until he started to wonder if she’d heard him. Finally her gaze drifted downward to his lips, and she kissed him with such tenderness, he wanted to go on holding her as long as she’d let him.

“Did you mean that? You’re staying?” Worry still cast a shadow over her face.

“Yes, ma’am. Is that okay?”

The most enchanting smile he’d ever seen lit up her entire face even as her eyes misted. “Yes,” she whispered. “It’s more than okay. It’s the best gift anyone ever gave me.”

She slid her arms around his neck, and he let her cry softly, safe in the knowledge they were happy tears. Having never been anyone’s
best gift
before, he might have shed a couple of his own while she wasn’t looking.

“I’ve got to see how Luke feels about this whole inheritance thing, and I’m sure there’ll be some papers to sign for Aunt Peg’s attorney, but first I’ve got some loose ends to tie up with the army. I have to report to Fort Lewis in a couple of weeks so they can evaluate my fitness for duty.”

Concern furrowed her brow. “They won’t send you back there, will they? To Iraq?”

“Cowboy and I were both extremely lucky.” Garrett turned his head in time to see the dog’s face pop up from his position curled in front of the door. He smiled as Cowboy’s tail thwacked the floor at the mention of his name. “Our injuries weren’t life threatening or debilitating. Miraculous really, when you consider all the strong men and women coming home with amputations or head injuries. For a long time I beat myself up wondering why I didn’t die like almost everyone else in my unit. Then, when I saw some of the other wounded at the hospital, I couldn’t help wondering why I’d come away with barely a scratch.”

She shook her pretty head. “It still hurts you. I see you sometimes, when you don’t think anyone is watching, trying to wait out the pain so you can keep on moving and pretend there’s nothing wrong.”

He smiled and kissed her pouty lips, sorry that she had to witness his weakness, yet proud beyond measure to have this woman in his life. “I’m a hundred times better than I was. For a few months, it looked as though I’d never walk without a cane, so I’ll take what I’ve got now and keep trying to make it better. But the truth is: the Rangers are an elite group—the best the army has. Less than perfect, I’ll be an instant washout. My fourth hitch is nearly up so they’ll offer me a desk job or a medical discharge. My commanding officer already knows which one I’ll choose.” He smoothed the wrinkles in her forehead with his thumb. “Come with me.”

“What? To Fort Lewis?”


“Maybe I will.”

Garrett pulled her head toward him and covered her mouth, sipping again and again until suddenly a stray thought registered in his brain. “Oh, shit! I promised Aunt Peg I’d let her know you’re all right.”

Rachel rolled away from him, stood, and retied the belt of her robe. “While you do that, I’m going to jump in the shower. Then maybe we could go raid the kitchen? I’m starving.”

He looked her slowly up and down with a smirk. “I’m hungry, too.”

She smiled secretively at his taunt, tossed her hair over her shoulder, and disappeared into the bathroom. A second later, he heard the water running.

With satisfaction warming his heart, he threw on his clothes, smoothed his hair with his hands, and opened the door. Cowboy jumped up and followed him. Garrett turned left toward the stairwell while Cowboy lingered near the door, his nose to the ground. Garrett glanced over his shoulder and tapped a signal on his leg for the dog. Cowboy’s head came up, but instead of looking at his master, he focused on something at the other end of the hallway. Garrett followed the dog’s gaze and saw only an empty hall, about 150 feet long, with an exit sign at the end.

BOOK: Rescued by the Ranger
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