Rescuing A Runaway Bride (2 page)

BOOK: Rescuing A Runaway Bride
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“Open up in there. This is the police.”

The commotion jerked her out of the remainder of her orgasmic cloud.

Jake froze, going rigid. “Fuck, I’m a damned fool.”

She froze below him stinging with hurt as she heard him curse himself for touching her and wondered who the policewoman was and why Jake was so pissed. She lay there trying to come to terms with the fact that she’d been rejected again as Jake he rolled off her. Then he reached down to pull her to her feet in a move so quick it made her dizzy. She might have wobbled just a little but she thought he was going a bit too far when he gave her a look of concern and shoved her down onto a shabby armchair.

“Put your head between your knees if you think you’re going to faint,” he gritted out before heading for the door.

Well, doesn’t he have a high opinion of his sexual prowess?
She watched him walk away. But her body was still quivering with little after spasms and her toes were only now starting to uncurl so she kept seated admiring his sexy behind as he walked away.

He tore the door open moving to pretty much cover the opening. “I need you to stand down, Officer Stone,” he said.

A hand shot out to keep him from closing it, a dainty female hand. “Not so fast, stud. The silent alarm went off and you know the drill.”

Officer Stone?
“Kathy,” Samantha cried out happily, recognizing her childhood girlfriend’s snarky tone and springing off the sofa to race to the door. Ignoring Ramsey’s quelling frown, she eased past him to see her pal on the doorstep. “Hey, girl, I heard you’d joined the force. What’s going on here?”

“Sammy Jo,” Kathy squealed with delight, her eyes going big and she leapt forward to hug her saying, “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

Samantha hugged her back hearing the concern in Kathy’s voice.
What is going on here?
She let her go asking, “I’m just on an impromptu vacation. What’s all this about a silent alarm? Since when does this old place rate one of them?” She felt Jake tense next to her and didn’t need to look at him to know he was giving Kathy one of his patented repressive glowers. Tough, she needed to know. But when she put the focus back on Kathy, she saw the same repressive cop stare.
Oh shit, they are both keeping secrets.

Jake cut in before Kathy could answer, “There have been a series of break-ins. I’m looking into it for your dad while vacationing here.”

There was a certain ring of truth to what he was saying. It did explain the
PI’s state of partial undress like he’d just rolled out of bed. She looked at the cabin seeing his shoes by the door, a new chenille throw on the sofa and let out a sigh.

“You okay, girlfriend?”
Kathy asked in a concerned tone, looking from Samantha to Jake. And then she smiled, her eyes widening.

Samantha blushed knowing Kathy was staring at the impressive hard-on still tenting Jake’s pants.
A blush that made her heat up all over.
Then she glanced down at herself and noted her white skirt was still hitched up high around her ass and her silk blouse had come open revealing her new red lace bra. It had been her
let’s go seduce Grayson and find out if we’re sexually compatible
outfit. In retrospect a big mistake. Then she caught Jake’s sultry gaze on her and changed her opinion shivering with delight. Maybe she could salvage something out of this dicey situation. “I’m fine, girlfriend.”

“So I noticed,” Kathy said with a smile.

Samantha flashed a rueful smile knowing Kathy was well aware of her yen for the forbidden fruit of Jake Ramsey. “With a big mouth like that, I’m surprised they let you on the force.”

Kathy grinned. “They had to take me. I aced the exam and besides I come from a long line of cops.”

Jake let out a growl. “As much as I hate to break up this reunion it’s time for you to be on your way, Officer Stone. If you’d be so kind as to escort Miss Logan off the property I’d appreciate it.”

Samantha held back a gasp as he tried to throw her out.
How could he after what we’d just shared?
It was the dash of cold water she needed to cool her arousal. But if he thought she’d actually run he was dead wrong. She flicked a
follow my lead
glance Kathy’s way before waltzing past him and back into the cabin saying, “You can just get that idea out of your hard head. I’m not leaving, Ramsey.”

“In that case I’m gone,” Kathy said, turning away.

Samantha heard Kathy drive away as she bent down to pick up the tote bag she’d dropped when Ramsey tackled her. Then she beat a hasty retreat toward the loft intending to put space between them. Jake grabbed her before she made three steps, his big hand circling her arm making her burn all the way to her toes but she refused to look at him.

“You need to leave before you get hurt, Samantha.”

The soft way he said her name intrigued her making her turn to look at him. It almost sounded like he really cared. The resolved look on his rugged face almost made her weaken. Why did he want to run her off so badly?

“Fine you can stay for tonight,” he said, adding with a rueful grin, “but you aren’t sleeping in my bed, sugar.”

If he thought that snarky comment was going to scare her he was dead wrong. Instead she gave him a cool smile she didn’t feel. “Don’t worry, Ramsey, your virtue is safe around me. I wouldn’t let you give me sex lessons if you begged me to,” she added, knowing it was a lie. Luckily for her, her own virtue was safe because he wasn’t asking. She could resist him just as long as he could resist her.


Chapter 2


Half an hour later, after checking the perimeter alarms and calculating the odds Samantha was here to screw him
Jake stalked into the cold shower confused and pissed as hell. His aching unsatisfied cock was still hard enough to break off, while she lay curled up and sleeping like a baby on the sofa. He knew because he’d checked on her twice and regretted it when he saw her wearing a slinky white nightgown that clung to all her sweet curves. It didn’t help his hard-on from hell situation one damned bit.

Of course she was sleeping now. She’d gotten her rocks off by dry humping him. Damn he was a fool to think she’d even want him. He groaned ducking his head under the cold needles of the water’s spray.
Wake up, dumb ass, you’re being played. It’s no coincidence she showed up here
right when you’re on the verge of arresting her brother for industrial espionage

He let out a groan and slapped off the shower. Her story about finding St. James in the sack with another babe had to be a cover. Grayson St. James was so enamored of his fast rise in the executive suite of Logan Industries, he wouldn’t step a toe out of place.
Still there is something too slick about the guy
It always paid to listen to his gut and right now it was screaming.
You’re so fucking horny you’re just searching for a reason to take her.
He’d wait until morning to get the truth out of her and send her home.

Then Samantha’s scream pierced the air making his heart clench. Bare-assed naked, he grabbed his
23 from the dresser and raced toward her. Damn it all, why hadn’t he made her tell him the truth? If she was hurt it would be his own fault and he didn’t think he could live with that.

He rounded the corner going in low to find her still asleep on the sofa and struggling in the throes of an apparent nightmare. The relief that surged through him made his hand
. He flicked on the safety and set his weapon down frowning at his trembling hand. What the hell was wrong with him? He’d drawn down on
in a lot less cozier settings than this living room and hadn’t so much as twitched.
It is Samantha.
He frowned down at her. She was turning him into mush.

Then she turned her head, whimpering, “

His heart dropped. Fuck she was still hung up on the loser.

He raked an irritated glance over her. She’d kicked off the chenille throw. And her sexy nightgown was bunched up around her even sexier ass. Damn, she was like kryptonite. Good thing he wasn’t superman. He watched one of her thin straps skitter off one creamy shoulder to bare one of her breasts. His mouth watered as he eyed the luscious tit topped with a cherry pink nipple. He growled jump-starting into the aching hard-on from hell again.

She wanted a sex instructor. He needed to sign up for the job and keep every other asshole from touching her. Damn she wasn’t even trying and she was seducing him into forgetting his mission.

Another cold shower
He turned to go. Then another heart-stopping cry poured out of her making him freeze in his tracks. It was a cry of fear. His gut tightened.
What the hell did the bastard do to her?
With a sigh he gave up the fight realizing his mission just changed. He needed to save Samantha before he worried about saving her father’s company from ruin. Decision made, he bent to touch her shaking her shoulder gently. “Wake up.”

She let out a panicked cry pulling away from him.

Her frightened reaction hurt him. He leaned over shaking
her a
little harder needing to know what he was fighting. “Wake up, damn it.”

She cried out, grabbing his wrists, jerking him off balance as she tossed him to the floor. Jake lay there stunned. Where the hell she’d learned judo? Then she landed on top of him, astride him like the Amazon Warrior Princess she was, her bare cunt pressed up against his aching cock.
Then her sexy eyes drifted open in shocked wonder and he groaned getting harder as her sexy mouth formed a perfect ‘O’ of surprise. He watched her blush fascinated as the red glow traveled down her sexy body to burn right around his dick. It was a hell of a rude awakening for both of them.

She bit her lip. “Oh my god, did I hurt you?”

He groaned as he gazed at her sexy mouth and his stupid cock twitched against her speaking for him. “I think you’re about to kill me.”

She frowned. “Not likely. I haven’t studied martial arts that long.” Then her eyes widened as she looked down the bare length of him. “You’re naked,” she said, wiggling on him.

He relaxed hearing her delight at finding herself riding him and took a deep breath trying to come up with a battle plan for survival.
Find out who’d hurt her. Kill them. Save
Logan Industries. Fuck her until she couldn’t think of hiring another sex instructor.
Yeah, worked for him.
Then wet cunt experimentally rubbed against his aching cock and he forgot all about strategic thinking. Her accompanying smile made him feel a little punch drunk.

Then she noticed the gun he’d brought to the party laying not so innocently on the coffee table and he groaned inside. Shit this was where she gave up on him. Told him what she thought of goons like him and walked out. He ought to be glad. He wasn’t.

“Is that what I think it is?”

He sighed. “It’s a
23. Small but it does the job.”

“Good,” she said with a nod.

He could only gape up at her for a moment. “Good. I thought you hated guns.”

“Depends who’s carrying them and why,” she said, smiling down at him.

His damn heart skipped a beat he was so relieved.
What the hell did Grayson do to her?
He said matter-of-factly, “You screamed. You might have needed rescuing.”

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