Resistance (15 page)

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Authors: K Larsen

BOOK: Resistance
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Chapter 17

Friends No More

Parties at the MC for patching in are wild, although I’m not exactly in the mood for a wild night out after the week I’ve had thus far. I refuse to let Pepper Philips ruin my night, though. I refuse to let the thought of her monopolize my brain. I’ve gone over Tuesday’s conversation a million times in the last forty-eight hours. I cursed and paced and picked up the phone only to hang up a thousand times. It all ends the same way: me being confused and Pepper out of my life, even as a friend. Tonight I drink. Tonight I replace my prospect patch with a member patch. It’s a big deal. I’m proud to be a member. I want to remember this night as an achievement. I push Pepper from my brain and focus on my surroundings.

The women are scantily clad, wandering around in mini-skirts and tube tops
, most of them already buzzing nicely. Music blares from the speakers, revving everyone.

“Where’s your girl?” Carmine asks
, glancing around the room with a scowl.

“She’s not my girl
,” I answer on a sigh. Carmine’s eyes dart to my face, searching for an answer.

“She skip town? Know where she went? She seemed flaky anyways
,” he rattles off at me.

“No she didn’t skip town
! What the fuck kind of question is that? We just aren’t hanging out anymore,” I reply, annoyed at his oddities.

“That was a compliment
, bro, figured if she left you, it musta been cause she wasn’t around anymore. Who could stay away from you, pretty boy?” he teases, but it doesn't feel good natured. It feels like he’s looking for information. On what, I have no idea. I stare at him blankly, trying to figure him out.

“Why are you so interested in her?” I ask after a few moments

“I’m not
,” he says and stiffens.

, though. Always questions about her, and then you’re all in her face when we do see her. Like at the bar. What’s your deal?” I ask harshly as my anger grows.

“Bro, settle. You have it all wrong
,” he says heatedly.

“I don’t think I do. Stay away from her
,” I bark. Carmine leans back, shocked, before sneering at me.

“It’s not me you should worry about
,” he mumbles before stalking off. I want to reach out and throttle him but it would serve no purpose outside of making me feel temporarily better. He is so strange. I don’t know why Beau keeps him around. After Hoot and I told him about the bar scene I thought for sure he’d let Carmine go, yet here he is at my patch-in party. I order another tequila shot and slam it before my brain decides to think or feel anymore.

, my boy, you’ve been a poster boy as far as prospects go. We’re happy to have you as one of our own, officially,” Beau bellows to the room, shot glass raised. A round of cheers rings out as the brothers gather around me. Beau rips off the prospect patch, tossing it to the floor. Kitten hands him a member patch. “Boys, it’s time.” Beau holds out my cut, allowing me to slip into it. As soon as I shrug it on and beam at the crowd they all laugh and toss their shots on my new cut.

“What the?!” I sputter. Beau slaps me on the back, hard. I stumble forward a step and glance around at everyone. They all seem to think it’s normal to throw liquor on someone

breakin’ it in for you,” he says and chuckles. “Tradition is tradition,” he muses.

I’m sticky and smell like
tequila but the night is sailing right along. Five beers in and multiple shots have my mind foggy but I’m not driving myself anywhere tonight so I enjoy the feeling, hazy and relaxed. A hot little blonde sits on my knee, purring about something in my ear. I’m far too concerned with the conversation Hoot, Beau, and I are having, though, to pay attention to her. She lightly taps my shoulder and pouts. I missed something apparently. I blink twice and try to hold her gaze.

Awww. Don’t be like that,” I flirt. She titters and says she’ll be whatever I want if I want her. I smile but my gut tells me the only thing I want isn't here and won’t be here. I shake the stupid thought from my head and hug the blonde into me. She smells kind of good.

Trip Like I Do
” starts to play from the speakers. My mind wanders to Pepper. I shake her from my brain and focus on the girls around me. All of them flirting, willing. A shot is handed to me. I take it and slam it back. The door to the club bar swings open, letting in a refreshing blast of night air. It’s after ten and most everyone who’s coming has been here for hours. The blonde on my knee nibbles the shell of my ear. It makes my skin tingle. I turn to the bar to order another shot.

“Get off
,” a soft voice commands.

leather-and-lace corset hugging every single perfect curve, leather pants that look like they’ve been painted on, and black heels appear before me. Pepper’s black hair is teased out to epic biker proportions. Her eyes are lined heavily with black liner, making the caramel color of her eyes pop. Her lips are cherry red and glisten like she’s just licked them. She’s every biker’s wet dream. I’m too drunk to bother wondering why she’s here. I want to lick her. I want to devour her. I just want her. I am so done being friends.

Scuse me?” the blonde says tartly.

“Get off him
,” she repeats with calm fury. I disengage the blonde’s arms from me and push her gently until she's standing, mouth agape at me. Don’t care, though. Pepper is here. Here and demanding full attention. I shouldn’t give it to her. I know I shouldn't but I’m going to. The boys are catcalling Pepper and offering to buy her shots or drinks. She doesn’t take her eyes from me, though. It’s like we’re the only two people in the universe right now. The music makes me feel like I’m in a trance. In a trance and staring at the most beautiful creature to grace the planet. She steps between my legs and opens her mouth. My vision is hazy, though. She sets something on the tip of her tongue and grins wickedly.

“Trip like I do
, Sawyer,” she breathes into my mouth as her lips meet mine. Her breath is minty. Her tongue pushes something into my mouth and I know I should care. I should ask what it was. I should spit it out, but I can’t. Velvet lips massage mine until my hand is knotted in the hair at the nape of her neck, holding her firmly to me. Her pelvis pushes against my groin, sending shivers through me, synapses firing, neurons receiving too many conflicting feelings. The beat of the music is fast, and the loud chatter at the bar is providing a white noise of sorts. Pepper’s smell infiltrates my nostrils, her lips are on mine, and the taste of her overwhelms me. My heart feels like it’s going to pound right out of my chest. I can hear my pulse in my ears, whooshing. I can feel Pepper’s pulse in her neck. Fast and hard. Exhilaration courses through me and I squeeze her tighter, the leather and lace providing a tactile experience. She's kissing me with a deep, greedy want. It feels good to be wanted. To be chased, instead of chasing.

“Who’s hottest?”
she asks, ripping her mouth from mine.


“Look around, Sawyer, pick a girl,” she pushes. I don’t know what game we’re playing but I drag my eyes away from Pepper and scan the room.

“That one.” I smile sloppily. Everything feels different. She looks over to the blonde that was sitting on my knee previously and sighs. Untangling herself from me she struts over to the blonde and starts talking to her. I try like hell not to punch every guy here in the face as they blatantly stare at Pepper
’s ass. Tugging the blonde behind her, she comes back to me, making me feel lighter somehow. The room spins and tilts a little but Pepper remains steady.

“Where’s the bed?” she asks. I can feel my face scrunch up at her question. I don’t understand. Her hand cups my jaw and it feels like heaven. Gentle, warm, soft. “There is a bedroom here
, right?” I nod and take her hand, leading her. Brothers whistle and scream as I lead Pepper to the guest room. Both girls enter the room and Pepper shuts the door. The music is now muted but still audible in the distance. Pepper instructs the girl to sit on the bed. The blonde follows her orders without batting a fake eyelash.

,” she says, holding my gaze. I nod to let her know she has my attention. My tongue doesn’t seem to be able to help my mouth form words. “I’m giving you a congratulatory gift. There is only one rule. You with me?” she asks. I nod. “You are to watch. No touching. Do not join in and do not touch yourself. Do you understand?” she asks. I nod. I have no idea what’s going on. My mind is hazy. I feel too much right now or maybe not enough. I can’t be sure what’s happening. I think I’m on drugs. No wait, I am. I know I am. She pulls a chair next to the bed and motions for me to sit. A steady thumping reverberates through the walls, creating a beat that she seems to move to.

She stands the blonde up and starts to strip her clothes off slowly. So slowly. It takes my brain minutes to catch up to my eyes. Everything has a strobe light effect. Pepper’s small hands caress the blonde
’s milky white breasts. My dick leaps to attention. I groan and shift in my seat. What were the rules? There were rules. Why is Pepper massaging another woman’s breasts? Wait, do I care?
. No, this is awesome. Pepper is awesome. I want Pepper. Why is the blonde even here?

The blonde watches me with fascination but I don’t return the eye contact. Pepper’s pouty
, full lips wrap around a nipple and suck as she guides the blonde onto her back on the bed. Her hands trail down the blonde’s body slowly. Those small, soft hands. I need to touch her. As if sensing my thoughts she glances at me and shakes her head no. I stay rooted in my spot. Pepper trails kisses and licks down her body until she’s poised between the blonde’s legs. I gasp and wonder if she’s really going to do what I think. Am I the king of the world? I think, yes, yes I am. Two fingers slide in and out slowly. The blonde’s eyes roll back in her head. My pants are too tight. My brain is going to explode. I’ve never experienced something like this. My eyes are heavy but I force them open wider. I rub my palms on my thighs to keep them from grabbing my cock. Pepper’s tongue comes out and licks the blonde’s center. Slowly she licks up and down the length of her. The blonde’s hips buck and she moans, hands finding her own breasts and massaging. Pepper works two fingers in and out in a steady rhythm while she licks the blonde with determination. Sucking, licking, in repeating patterns. My pants are wet with pre-cum. I think the slightest touch from anyone would make me explode right now. The blonde screams out as her legs try to snap closed. Pepper skillfully keeps them apart and keeps going through the tremors until the blonde is babbling utter nonsense.

Pulling back from between her legs, Pepper slaps the blonde’s crotch and tells her to get dressed and then get lost. The blonde shoots me a look but I ignore it. There is only one person I want. She quickly tugs her clothes back on and curses us both as she hauls ass out of the room
, shooting dirty looks over her shoulder at us. Pepper wipes her mouth on the back of her hand and stalks to where I sit.

“Take me home
,” she says into my ear. I sprint from the room, frantically looking for Hoot. Finally finding him, I tell Hoot to fire up the truck and drive us home now. I pull Pepper onto my lap in the truck, enjoying the feel of our bodies touching. She is soft. Light and warm. Hoot hollers at us to take it in the house, making Pepper giggle. The ride was consumed with making out like teenagers. If Hoot hadn’t been driving I would have taken her in the car. It takes no time to get us into the house. I hear a horn honk, probably Hoot signaling his departure, but I don’t pay mind to it.

Gripping her hips, I lift her, setting her on the countertop. Resting between her thighs
, I lean in for the kiss. Those lips. I need them. Now. Her legs wrap around my waist, pulling me to her, nails raking down my arms fervently. She tastes sweet, like pink lemonade, but she’s wicked, wickedly devious with her body. I pull back slightly; those big, brown eyes framed by perfect black lashes looking up at me all half-mast would do any man in. I’m quite certain that in this moment the bliss I feel will never end.

“Can’t blame a man for being a little over excited can you?” I rasp
as she breaks our contact to come up for air. She tips her head sideways and smirks.

“I guess not. I did go from friend zone to threesome in under a minute
,” she says, biting her lower lip. Her eyes darken, changing from caramel to milk chocolate.

“So damned hot
,” I growl, leaning towards her sweet, pouty mouth.

“Addicted already?"
she whispers before licking my lip ring.

"I prefer the term habit, but yeah
. Pepper, you’re an addiction I don’t
to kick," I whisper back.

“Let’s see how this plays out
,” she murmurs. The green light. I’m getting the green fucking light. Finally.

“I missed you
,” I groan as she massages the back of my neck.

“Not as much as I missed you
,” she says between kisses. I pull back and take a step away from her. Taking her hands in mine, I flip over her hands until they’re wrist up and kiss the inside of each one before dropping them and moving away from her.

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