Resistance (26 page)

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Authors: K Larsen

BOOK: Resistance
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Chapter 40

No Sex Therapy

Our first two days back to civilization were spent shoveling, making out like randy teens, and more shoveling. After that, Pepper shooed me out the door. We’re not to spend the night together. It’s too complicated given our history and attraction, so she says. I’d given her my best pout, but it seemed to do nothing to change her mind. Day three, Allie and Pepper were over and we’d had an epic snowball fight and snowman building competition followed by an ice cream sundae competition. Pepper’s sundaes were starting to get outrageous. Cheesecake chunks and ice cream with M&M’s sprinkled on top seemed like a bit of a stretch to me, but Allie voted it the winner. When I’d finally remembered to give Greta’s letter to Pepper, it’d brought her to tears. It was only three sentences.

I’m so proud of you. You are the lightness to my dark. I’m away for work, not sure when I’ll be able to catch up with you.


I’d tried to figure out why Pepper was so touched by her words, or lack thereof, but she told me it was girlfriend thing and I wouldn’t understand. Women are mysterious

After that
, real life slowly settled in. The snow melted, we all went back to work or school and the days never seem long enough to get in the things I want to do. Pepper started work with Dominic. She’s liking it so far but she’s also dog tired by the end of her shift. Tonight I’ve decided to lay it on thick for her. I want her to feel the way she makes me feel.

I have a bath drawn, candles burning
, and my iPod going in the bathroom with a playlist I’d made just for Pepper. I wait in the kitchen, wine glass in hand for her. The kitchen door swings open and she drags herself in, looking beat after her first evening running Dominic’s club alone. Clara had called and said that things had been slightly busier than normal and that maybe she’d need a little pampering after her day. It was the perfect catalyst for my plan.

, love,” I say, holding the wine out to her, smiling. She inhales sharply, looking startled. Zoned out, I’m sure, from her day.

, Sawyer, thanks.” She takes the glass, pushes up on her tiptoes, and gives me a soft kiss. I watch as she toes off her shoes, sets her purse down on the island, and sits on one stool. Pushing my hips off the counter, I prowl over to her.

“Come on
, love,” I say and hold out my hand to her. “Bring your wine.” She shoots me a curious look but takes my hand and lets me lead her to the bathroom.

“Sawyer,” she breathes. “What’s all this?” Taking the wine from her and setting it on the edge of the tub, I turn back to her. The look in her eyes takes my breath away. Beautiful

Slowly, I reach around her hips and pinch the edge of her blouse
, sliding it up and over her head. Next I pull the elastic from her hair, sending it tumbling down her back in soft, black waves. She stands stone still, not taking a breath or exhaling. I keep my eyes on hers. I reach for the top button of her pants.

Working the buttons
, my fingers graze her smooth skin and a soft groan leaves me.

She shakes slightly
, placing a palm on the back of my hand.

,” she pleads. I move her hand gently back to her side.


make short work of the buttons, then weave my fingers through her hair, pull her close, and rest my forehead on hers.

“Hop in and relax a bit. I’ll entertain myself till you’re done.”

Then I let her go, closing the bathroom door behind me. My jeans are uncomfortably tight in the crotch. I adjust myself and sink into the couch. This no-sex therapy business is tough on a man. Minutes later I hear her humming along to the song playing and contentment sweeps through me. I grab the remote and turn on the TV with a smile on my face.

* * * * *

Forty minutes later she appears in the living room, wrapped in a silky knee-length robe. Hair wet, face clear of makeup, she is the prettiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.

“You are gorgeous
,” I tell her. She blushes a faint shade of pink and makes her way to the couch next to me. I pull her closer to me, letting her snuggle into my side. We watch the late night show for an hour like this, her curled into my side, head on my shoulder. Perfect. The moment is simply perfect.

As time creeps on
, I can sense her exhaustion, so I shift our bodies, weaving an arm under her knees, the other around her back, and carry her to her room. She doesn’t protest in the least.

“I love this
,” she breathes sleepily as I walked her around the bed to her side.

“What’s that?”

“Being held by you. You make me
safe, and cared for and...and beautiful, I guess.”

I freeze and look down at her. Dipping my head to hers
, I brush my lips against her forehead and set her on the bed. I cover her up, brush a wisp of a kiss on her cheek, and say good night.

“Night,” she mumbles. I flip off the lights in the house on my way out, lock the door behind me
, and head home with the biggest shit-eating grin. The first bit of resistance has left the building. Mission accomplished.



Chapter 41

Proper Dates

Our schedules are proving difficult to line up. She works most nights and I’m at the shop most days. I silently curse Dominic for his job offer. It’s been weeks since she’s been home and we’ve yet to line up a time for a proper date night.

Out of frustration, I finally pleaded with Clara to take the Monday shift at Bloodlines so that I can surprise Pepper with a daytime date. Not an easy feat. Daytime dates are hard to plan and for whatever reason feel less
, as Allie would say. Still, I’m a determined bastard and today is the first proper date.

I arrive at Pepper’s at eleven a
.m. on the dot. I’m taking her to the Lyric. Free popcorn all day Mondays and the classic
seem like a good date idea for a daytime excursion.

Leaving the truck idling
, I saunter up to Pepper’s front door and knock three times. The door swings open and Pepper greets me with a bright smile. Taking her in from head to toe, I can’t help the groan that escapes me. Her jeans look like they’ve been painted on, accentuating the curves of her hips and waist. A simple V-neck sweater reveals just a hint of the cleavage that I dream about burying my face in. She laughs at my groan.

“Hello there
, stud.”

“You look good enough to eat
,” is the response that leaves my mouth. I take her hand in mine and pull her gently to me before wrapping my arms around her and hugging her.

“You look pretty edible yourself
,” she says and smiles into my chest.

We walk to the truck pressed together. I open her door, help her up and in
, and shut it gently before jogging around to my side and hopping in.

“Where are we going?” she asks curiously

the Lyric.”

“That old movie theatre?” Her brows arch and the corners of her eyes crinkle in delight. It’s one of the sexiest things I’ve witnessed

“The very one.”

“Oh nice! I haven’t been able to go yet. It looks so neat from the outside!” Pepper’s chirpy tone brightens the entire day.

She’s been so much happier since she’s been back. The sadness in her eyes
is lifting a little more each day. She reaches over and rests her hand on my thigh. I keep it there the entire drive, stroking the soft skin of her backhand with my thumb as she chitchats about anything and everything that happens to pop into her mind. It’s almost like she’s a different person. A new revised version of herself and we’re learning each other all over again.

* * * * *

Awed by the original 1930s tapestries, the golden glow of the replica lanterns, and the charm of the restored lobby and auditorium, Pepper gawks at me.

“This place is incredible
,” she breathes as we approach the concession stand.

“Wait till you have the popcorn. It’s the
best-tasting popcorn in southwestern Virginia.” Her nose wrinkles slightly but in good fun. “Don’t worry, I’m ordering peanut M&M’s for you too.” I chuckle. Her face splits into an enormous grin and I can’t help but pull her into my side. Her smile could make a smart man stupid. Her arm loops around my waist as mine wraps around her shoulder. The feeling of her pressed against me brings a calmness and peacefulness to me that I don’t often feel and I let myself take the moment to enjoy it.

“Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life
,” Pepper says dramatically as we exit the theater. I’d never seen the movie but it was pretty decent. If I’m honest, though, I’d watched Pepper’s face most of the movie. She’d gasp during the dramatic parts, frown when sad, smile or get that faraway look in her eye during the romantic scenes. I was mesmerized by her expressions. I sweep her up in my arms. Laughter peels from her in a surprised burst as I swing her around before dipping her backwards and kissing her passionately. Hoots and hollers ring out around us but I don’t take much notice as Pepper’s lips move with mine perfectly. I stand her back on her feet and admire the sexy flush of color her skin is sporting.

“Every girl needs to be kissed like that
,” she says quietly while catching her breath.

“I’m only concerned with making sure
girl is kissed like that,” I tell her. She runs a hand through her onyx hair and grins at me before taking my hand in hers and lacing our fingers together.

“How is Allie doing? I feel like I haven’t seen her in ages
,” Pepper asks while angling her body towards mine as we drive back to her place.

“She’s good. Excelling in school. Crushing on
,” I rattle off.

“That’s normal you know
,” she replies.

“I know what eleven
- and twelve-year-old boys think in their sick little heads.” Pepper laughs a full-bodied sound, filling the cab of the truck.

“You’re going t
o have to just get used to it.”

“I refuse
,” I answer flippantly. This earns me another blast of laughter. A broad smile creeps over my face at the sound.

When we arrive at her house, I throw the truck in park and hustle to her side of the car to get her door for her. She takes my hand and leans into me. Her lips brush mine. The high I get when our mouths meet is ridiculous.
I’m smitten and I know it shows. Her soft, exploratory kiss has me vibrating with need. A need that I’m not allowed to do anything about. Her plump lips pull away from mine and she smiles a shy smile at me. She has a grip on me so powerful that one glance from her and I would do anything she asked.

* * * * *

By four p.m. I’m home with Allie. We’re sitting together at the table building a volcano for her science project. My mind keeps wandering to how Pepper’s evening is going at work. I wonder if she’s sporting the same dopey smile I am from our date today.

“You’re doing it wrong!” Allie huffs at me. I shoot her an
I’m-losing-all-patience-with-her look and stand up from the table.

“Then you are more than welcome to make it yourself
,” I snap.

“Sawyer!” she whines petulantly.

“Allie!” I mimic. She shoots up from her seat, stomps her foot, and crosses her arms over her chest. Her pout is perfected.

“Please help me
,” she states, trying to sound
whiny. I chuckle and look at her.

“I think make we should get dinner started and then take another crack at this. What do you feel like?”

“Steak and mashed potatoes,” she answers. This kid thinks anything is possible on a whim. It kills me sometimes.

“I don’t have potatoes
,” I answer.

“Steak and corn then.”

“No corn,” I answer.

“What do you have then?” she asks
, exasperated.

Hm, mac-n-cheese?” I arch an eyebrow at her.

“With steak?!” she squawks

“No. That’s disgusting. With hot dogs?” I offer up. Allie’s eyes slide to mine and shoot daggers at me before realizing I was kidding. Her laughter fills the house as I move to the kitchen to make
us some macaroni and cheese. I grab the box, the pot, and a wooden spoon while she cranks up the music. Lord help me if Britney Spears comes on again.



Chapter 42

End Game

“Sawyer! XOXO”

The text
message from Pepper pops onto my screen and I grin.

I reply.

I continue getting the shop ready for the day. I know what she’s talking about but I want to drag it out a bit. The flowers I bought should have been delivered to her door by now. The florist had walked me around the shop and asked me a million questions about Pepper as she pointed out various options. I’ve never dropped so much money on something that’s life expectancy is less than a week. But, I know that it’s well worth it. My phone dings

They’re seriously gorgeous.”

Happy you approve.”

No like, I’ve never seen a bouquet so stunning.”

Again, if you’re happy, I’m happy.”

Happy seems like a gross understatement.”

You can make it up to me...”

eh hem....dare I ask?”

Date, tomorrow night. Pick you up at 6.”

I type out the message and hope that she will agree to taking a night off for me.
I seriously hold my breath for what feels like an eternity. Finally the phone pings again.


Dress warm.”

I breathe a sigh of relief, shove my phone in my pocket
, and unlock the shop doors, ready for a full, busy day of artwork.

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