Resisting Nick (Wicked in Wellington) (7 page)

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Her candid green eyes finally lifted to lock with his.

“Later this afternoon, if this weather clears, I want to take you up the coast a few miles and show you something.”

Her feathery brows rose, and she straightened so her breasts pressed against the soft red fabric of her top. Nick’s palms itched and his groin stirred.

Why her? Why the hell do I want her so much?

“A property,” he grated. “You need to see it because you’ll be in charge of queries and messages while I’m not here.”

property? Okay.”

“I’m having some work done, and the builder needs a local contact.”

A small crease appeared between her brows, and she moved so her weight rested equally on both parted feet. His gaze zeroed to the gap between her thighs.

“Nothing to worry about,” he hastened to add, dragging his attention back up to her face. “It won’t be anything too tough, but you’ll know how to contact me if I’m really needed. I’d rather not be interrupted by the builder during the Auckland meetings.”

She looked past him to the window, and his eyes roamed over her again. Long legs in blue denim, red top draping gracefully from neck to hips, hinting at the soft warmth of her breasts, the curve of her waist. Long blonde hair tousled as though his fingers had already ruffled through it. The face of a naughty angel.

And damn if his cock wasn’t reacting to her yet again. He pulled his chair closer to the desk so she had no chance of seeing the effect she had on him.

“It’s still pouring,” she murmured as the rain spattered on the windows.

“Yeah, well, we’ll see how it looks later. Thanks for the coffee.”

Sammie hastened back to the reception area and the ever-ringing phone. That hadn’t gone too badly. She’d worried Nick might have taken last night’s embrace as an invitation to rekindle their old friendship, but he seemed fine and cool. Which was more than she could say for herself.

Every time she looked at him, she wanted to do more than just look. Wanted to touch and stroke and lick and taste and luxuriate in him. Wanted to press herself up against his tall beautiful body and do things she’d never contemplated with past boyfriends. Her old teenage temptations hadn’t been buried too deeply at all.

Damn, damn, damn! He was taking over her mind—floating by at the most inappropriate moments. She needed to stay focused on her job and her future travel plans.

At least the property queries might make a distraction. She kept an eye on the weather, hoping the rain would stop.

Tyler arrived—late but determined—and by noon, Sammie knew she had a good handle on most of her BodyWork duties.

Yet another email dinged through.


Did he get a kick out of summoning her like that? She saved her work and hurried through to his office.


Nick scooped up his car keys and held them toward her. “Take Tyler home and tell her to stay there. She’s done enough. She shouldn’t still be working.”

“She’s three days overdue now and says she’s beginning to feel ‘interesting’.”

He pulled his beautiful mouth into a rueful grimace. “Get her out of the place, for God’s sake. She’ll have the kid on the floor if we’re not careful.” He jingled the keys at her.

“You drive her. Your car’s murder to control.”

“Sorry—waiting on a call from Sydney.”

Sammie sighed, reached out, and found he’d wedged them over the knuckle of his thumb. She held out her hand imperiously.

Nick grinned. “You’ll have to wrestle them off me again.”

She huffed out a sharp breath and grabbed, secretly pleased to have the excuse to touch. He jerked the keys out of reach, rolled his chair backward, and swiveled to face her. He jingled them again and she pounced—and found herself neatly tipped onto his lap and cradled against his chest. She reacted like an enraged cat facing up to a much bigger dog. Pure instinct made her raise a hand to slap at him, but he caught it and held it against his neck.

“Let me go, damn you.” She struggled, knowing she had little chance of escaping from his confining embrace. Her fingers tensed against hot skin, and she attempted to scrape her nails down, but his grip on her hand remained firm. His pulse beat under her palm, and his amused smile dipped dangerously close.

“Let you go?” he teased. “Why would I do that?”

“Because I’m
.” She gave another fierce wriggle.

“Nah—you’re on your lunch-break now. The boss says you can fool around all you like.”

“Well I
like.” She attempted again to get free, but stopped in alarm when she felt what she was sitting on.

His strong arms wrapped tighter around her, and he laughed at her no doubt horrified expression.

“Stop that!” she insisted, as a sudden rush of heat and moisture arrived right where she pressed against his rampant cock.

“You really think I can reverse things with your pretty little butt keeping him such good company?”

“Try.” She sent him her sternest glare.

“Not a hope. One kiss?”

Her willful body gave another electric surge. “No.”

“One little kiss. I should have kissed you last night.”

“No you shouldn’t.” His scent washed across to her, so fresh and clean and sexy. The keys pressed against her thigh, jingling and clinking together where his big hand held her prisoner. “You shouldn’t. We mustn’t.”

“We’re all grown up now, Sammie. We can do anything we want.”

She squirmed on his lap, still trying to break free, and then stopped again as his grin broadened.

“No, Nick.”

“No, you’re not grown up? Or no, you don’t want?”

She looked up into his laughing eyes. “I don’t want.” She pressed her lips into what she hoped was a convincing line of disapproval.

“Liar,” he whispered. “Pretty little liar. Your big eyes, and these—”

Sammie gasped as he touched a tight nipple.

“—are telling me an altogether different story.”

The dampness surged in her groin yet again.

Please God he can’t tell what’s happening down there...

“Well, okay,” she allowed. “I might be a bit turned on because I can feel you are, but I don’t want to start anything.”

“Not thinking of starting anything.” He rotated his thumb on her nipple. “Just playing. You were always fun to play with.”

Sammie’s breath caught again as he bent his head and brushed his lips across hers. Once. Softly. He tasted deliciously of coffee. Her heart thudded.

“I never kissed you in the implement shed,” he whispered, pulling back a tiny distance. “I can’t imagine how I held off. I was hard as hell all that last summer. You were so cute and solemn and innocent.”

He dropped another light kiss onto the tip of her nose and drew back again. “Now you’re just cute, and I’d really like to play some more.”

So would she! She let out a long slow sigh of frustration. “No,” she insisted, angling her head enough to look into his eyes, and hoping she sounded convincing.

“Why not? One good reason?”

“Because that’s all it is—playing. It might be enough for you, but it’s not enough for me, and the timing’s way wrong.” She saw his gorgeous lips parting to voice some objection, and rushed on before he interrupted. “Right now, Nick, I don’t want anyone, serious or otherwise. I want to finish this assignment and get away. I’ve been held up for years, and I’m not delaying my traveling any longer. Not for you or for anyone else.”

He nodded slowly as though he accepted her reasoning, and her thudding heartbeat eased off a little.

Then a further challenge flared deep in his dark eyes. “I still say you’re a liar though. I know when a woman’s turned on.”

“I admitted I was! A bit. What I’m sitting on feels like one hundred percent temptation if that makes you feel any better, but...”

“But you’re not going to do anything about it?”

“Right. Good. You finally understand.” She made to wriggle off his lap and still he didn’t relax his grip on her.

“One hundred percent temptation, huh? Room for any negotiation there, Sammie?”


As she drove Tyler home, the clouds parted and fitful sunshine beamed through. Maybe Nick would take her out to his house after all? With the traffic lighter in the suburbs, she let the Ferrari have its head a little more. Its throaty growl reverberated deep in her gut and she couldn’t suppress a smile. No doubt it gave
a visceral thrill, too. Put a grin on his gorgeous face. Made the blood pump faster around his incredible body.

She stalled the capricious car yet again as she stopped at an intersection.

Damn, I’m thinking of him instead of concentrating.

“Why would he want a car that’s so hard to drive?” she demanded.

Tyler grinned. “Because he’s a man. Cam would give his eyeteeth for it. I think it’s quite old, and I know they made hardly any as four-seaters.”

“So it’s a rare classic? It’s ridiculous he lets anyone else drive it.”

“Aren’t you lucky, then?”

Sammie pulled a face and dragged her brain back to where she needed it.

“Left at the next corner.”

She followed the rest of Tyler’s street instructions and glided to a halt in the driveway of a white-painted 1920’s timber bungalow. “Nice! How long have you lived here?”

“We bought it as soon as I got pregnant. There’s a lot more we’d like to refurb inside, including the kitchen, but it’s coming on okay.”

Sammie pushed the driver’s door open, raced around to the passenger side, and offered her arm for support. “Thanks for all your help, Tyler. I can always phone if I have more queries.”

“See that you do.”

“Yes, Mom. I’ll just see you safely inside.”

“Phfffft!” Tyler teased. “You think I need helping like I’m an old lady?”

“I think you need helping like you’re a rather
one. If you fall over, I’ll never be able to pick you up.”

Tyler rolled her eyes at that, and grasped Sammie’s hand to heave herself from the low seat. “Yeah, the fat lady’s had enough of this. Roll on baby-day.”

Sammie glanced up at the sky and asked, “What do you know about Nick’s house? The beach house? He said if the weather cleared he’d take me there so I can liaise with the builder.”

Tyler’s attention sharpened. “Lucky you. It’s quite an old place, built around 1900 I think. I saw the deeds but I haven’t seen the house.”

“What’s he having done?”

“A heap of stuff. Practically turning it back to front. He said the living rooms didn’t face the sea.”

“Well, they used to build the oldies facing the street.”

“I get the feeling there’s not a street as such.” Tyler dug out her keys, unlocked the door, and sent Sammie a rueful smile. “Look after my nice boss for me.”

“He doesn’t need much looking after, although half the women in town are probably keen to try.”

“He’s a short term guy—never gets serious.”

Small tremors that felt horribly like jealousy squeezed at Sammie’s heart, even though she’d vowed to keep clear of him. “Why am I not surprised?” she asked, trying for a tone of casual disinterest.

“He’s too busy for serious.” Tyler turned aside into a sunny family room and dropped her purse onto a small oak table. “He’s empire building. I never saw a guy so driven—not that I’m warning you off.” She lowered herself onto a chair and sighed with relief.

“Not that I need the warning,” Sammie countered, trying to rid herself of the feeling of something good passing her by. “Can I get you anything before I go? Tea? Coffee? Juice?”

“Nope, I’m fine thanks. I’ll visit the bathroom yet again,”—she gave another theatrical roll of her big eyes—“and then me and bubs will have a lie-down for a while. Enjoy your trip to the beach.”

“Without my bucket and spade, sadly. Look after yourself, or even better get Cam to.” She bent and gave Tyler a quick hug, waggled her fingers in a farewell wave, and pulled the front door closed behind her.

She hated to admit it, but Nick attracted her fiercely, had fascinated her as a child, and had fueled an intense crush when she was a teenager. He’d left a huge hole in her life by disappearing. With no goodbye, and no intimation she was anything but a silly little girl to play games with.

He’d lurked in her memory banks as someone darkly desirable and purely masculine ever since—spoiling any other boy’s chance of making much of an impression, and raising her expectations of sexual attraction to unattainable heights.

The growling car vibrated under her, almost as potently suggestive as Nick himself. Perhaps she should take its owner for a test-drive too? Abandon all her good intentions and enjoy him for the short unexpected time she’d been given? She drove back to BodyWork telling herself to be sensible—and countering every objection she produced. He was a player, and he’d said he wanted to play. Why shouldn’t she play along with him for the next couple of weeks?

Because I’m not that kind of girl.

But you could be?

Maybe I’m not brave enough to try.

You’ll never know unless you do.

I’ll probably disappoint him.

He’s only after sex—you can manage that.

But working for him as well?

It’s a temporary job. You can leave if you want to.

I might fall for him even harder, and then I’ll never get him out of my heart.

There was no guarantee with that last one.

By the time she arrived back at the fitness center, the sky was ninety percent blue. She ran up the stairs full of energy, pulse racing in time with the pounding music, hoping the trip to the beach house happened. More time in Nick’s company would test her resolve, and if she lost the battle, she’d have to suffer the inevitable heartbreak and wait it through until it ebbed away to a bearable level. Then she’d take her mind off him by traveling to wonderful places and meeting interesting new people.

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