Resisting the Alpha

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Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

BOOK: Resisting the Alpha
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2015 Jessica Coulter Smith



ISBN: 978-1-77233-282-7


Artist: Sour Cherry Designs









The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is
No part of this book may be
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except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any
resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or
dead, is entirely coincidental.






To my husband, my alpha wolf, and my rock.
You are
everything to me and I would be lost without you.




Love Spell, 3


Jessica Coulter


Copyright © 2015




Chapter One


you…!” Bridget screamed into
the wind as the storm raged around her, knowing damn well with his sensitive
wolf hearing, she could have whispered. “You sent my fiancé running scared! We
were about to say our vows, you asshole!”

stood outside the church, her white dress feeling like it weighed fifty pounds
as the rain pelted down, soaking her. A gust of wind wrenched off her veil and
sent it into the nearby gutter, dirty water destroying it on contact.

aren’t marrying him,” Micah said, a growl to his voice.

she asked, the anger draining away as her shoulders sagged. “Why would you ruin
my life this way? I was happy, damn it!”

don’t belong with him.”

don’t belong with
,” she yelled.
“Go back to your pack. You aren’t welcome in my life!”

struck hard, making contact with his cheek. Holding her hand to her chest, she turned
on her heels and stormed back into the church, the heavy doors slamming shut
behind her. Five of the groomsmen formed a line, blocking Micah from following
her. His hands clenched at his sides as he bared his teeth at them.

he demanded.

eldest of the groomsmen, a bear-shifter of some sort, shook his head. “You
heard her. I think it’s time for you to leave.”

ears pricked as he listened for sounds inside the church. Over the crowd of
wedding attendees, he heard Bridget crying. He hadn’t meant to upset her, but
there was no way he could allow her to marry some random guy. She hadn’t even
been with the loser more than a month. Who the hell married someone they’d only
been dating a month? He would have stopped her sooner, but he’d only heard about
the wedding that morning.

isn’t over,” he told them. “You know I was right to stop the wedding. She
doesn’t belong with that puny paper-pusher. She just thinks she wants a man she
can control.”

wasn’t your decision to make,” the bear-shifter said. “Maybe you should go home
and contemplate why it was so important to you that the wedding not take

grumbled under his breath. The bear-shifter didn’t know what the hell he was
talking about. Micah didn’t have any ulterior motive. He’d just wanted Bridget
to be happy, and he’d known without a doubt that loser she had at the altar was
only going to make her miserable in the long run. Maybe if she weren’t such
good friends with the omega of his pack, he wouldn’t have cared so much, but
Josette had few friends so Micah tended to watch over the ones she did have,
like Bridget, even if they weren’t pack members. It had
to do with the erection that was straining against his
zipper, nor the fact that Bridget’s sweet scent had wrapped around him, even
while she read him the riot act, making him want her more than he should.

turned and stalked toward the parking lot and his waiting motorcycle. He hated
riding in the rain, but Mother Nature was a fickle bitch. When he’d left, the
sun had been shining. But ten minutes into his ride, the dark clouds had rolled
in and a few minutes later, the skies had opened up and soaked him. Whipping
his wet tee over his head, he shoved it into one of the saddle bags and
straddled his bike. The engine started with a roar and Micah pulled out of the
parking lot.

a detour, he stopped by Betty Lou’s to pick up some lunch. Arguing with the
obstinate Bridget had made him work up an appetite, and not just the sexual
kind. The bell jingled over the door as he stepped inside the cool interior.

Lou looked up from behind the counter and frowned at him. “Alpha! You know you’re
supposed to be fully clothed when you come into my establishment. No shirt, no shoes
… no service. It’s marked clearly on the front window. Something I never had to
do before your pack, and you, started showing up here half-dressed.”

just getting an order to go, Betty Lou. Besides, my shirt was soaked.”

snorted. “It’s your own damn fault for running around in this storm like a
lunatic. It would serve you right if lightning struck your sorry ass.”

smiled. Despite her harsh words, he knew the older woman secretly had a
fondness for his wolves … and for him. She always gave them extra-large
portions and usually threw in a slice of pie for Micah. He claimed a stool at
the counter and waited for her to pretend to cool down before he placed his

roast sandwich with a side of mashed potatoes.” He gave her his most charming
smile. “And a slice of peach pie, if you have any.”

ed. “And I suppose you want
the pie for free. Like I’m running a charity here.”

smile widened in response.

Lou shook her head and headed into the kitchen to place his order, grumbling
under her breath. Micah swung around on the stool and faced the diner, taking
in the other patrons. A group of his wolves sat at a back table and he nodded
to them. Before long, Betty Lou returned with one large plate full of hot food
and a smaller plate with a slice of pie.

might as well eat here,” she grumbled. “You’re already inside and sitting at my
counter. Can’t get much worse. Just don’t shift in here!”

, Micah thought.
You do something one time and people
never let you forget it

faced the counter and dug into his food, suddenly feeling ravenous. When the
bell jingled over the door again, he inhaled deeply.
. And by the slight scent of lilacs, he knew it was Josette.
Micah didn’t acknowledge her, thinking she was probably pissed at him for
ruining her friend’s wedding. He didn’t have to wait long before she approached

May I sit here?” she asked, indicating the stool next to him.

chewed his food in silence and studied her, trying to gauge her emotions. Finally
he said, “Sit.”

slid onto the stool and folded her hands in her lap, swiveling to face him.
Josette chewed nervously at her lower lip, but Micah waited patiently for her
to say whatever was on her mind. She usually only approached him when she needed
reassurance, or help getting her pack mates off her back. As the omega, she was
picked on, no matter how many times he told his wolves to treat her with
respect and to help take care of her. She was their weakest link, but had a
calming effect on those she graced with her presence.

just wanted to tell you that I understand why you did it.”

swallowed hard, nearly choking on his food. That wasn’t the response he’d

wondered how long it would take you to notice,” she said. “I just wanted you to
know that you had my support, and I’m sure Bridget will come around.”

in the hell are you talking about? I only stopped the wedding because she was
going to run roughshod over that guy and would be miserable inside a year.”

small smile tugged at Josette’s lips. “Is that what you’ve told yourself?”

someone who had a tendency to sit back and observe those around her, Josette
usually had good insight into people’s motives … but she was dead wrong this
time. Micah had only stopped the wedding as a favor to Josette. She might have
shown her friend support, but he knew that his omega wouldn’t want Bridget to
make such a colossal mistake. That was all––nothing more.

don’t know what you’re talking about.”

arched a brow. “So it’s a coincidence that you have to find a willing woman
whenever Bridget is around? I doubt I’m the only one who’s noticed your
reaction to her. Here’s a hint: wear baggy jeans if you don’t want people to
know how you feel about someone.”

time he did choke on his food.

it’s any consolation, I think Bridget secretly feels the same way about you.
She only chose Paul because she really wanted to get married. If she’d known
you would eventually make a move, I’m sure she would have waited.”

because I find her attractive,” he said, “doesn’t mean I’m going to act on it.
She’s your best friend, Josette. I wouldn’t jeopardize that. If I
to date her and we broke up, it could ruin your
friendship. Do you honestly think she’d be comfortable around the pack after

tilted her head to the side, giving him a quizzical look. “I wasn’t talking
about you dating her. Don’t you know? She’s your
, Alpha.”

pushy, opinionated woman is
mate. Don’t you think I’d know it?”

you’ve been denying your feelings for so long, you aren’t sure what you feel
towards her. Your instincts are guiding you, but you’ve pushed them aside because
of some preconceived notion that she can’t belong to you if she’s friends with

snorted. “Your psychology classes are starting to show. Quit analyzing me.”

shrugged. “I’m just telling you what I’ve observed. You can do what you want
with the information, but the only way the two of you are going to be happy is
if you admit you have feelings for each other. Bridget is every bit as stubborn
as you, which is why she’s your ideal mate. She won’t take any of your crap and
she’s strong enough to lead the pack by your side.”

pack would never accept a human as their alpha’s mate. Why do you think I’ve
had female wolves visiting from other packs? I have to mate with a wolf.”

wouldn’t be a true mating and you know it. How can you have an heir to take
over if you don’t mate with your true mate? Quit being
blasted stubborn
She shouted the last part, which took him by surprise. Josette was always so
meek. She had to feel rather strongly about the situation to be raising her
voice to her alpha.

aren’t alone here,” he reminded her. “Are you going to make me publicly punish
you because my wolves witnessed you raising your voice to me?”

Alpha. I just … I just want you to be happy. You’ve always been there for me,
and I want to return the favor. I thought you’d finally come to your senses,
but I see I was wrong.” Josette’s face screwed up with determination, a glint
in her eyes he wasn’t sure he liked faintly noticeable. “Very well. If you
won’t listen to reason, I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.”

that sounded ominous. “Josette, it isn’t that I don’t appreciate what you’re
trying to do. I just think you’re wrong. There’s a difference between desire
and need. And I don’t need that blasted woman.”

rose from her stool. “We’ll see.”

a sigh, he watched her walk out the door. If she’d gotten it into her head that
Bridget was his mate, he was certain she’d go to her friend’s house next. If
she couldn’t convince him, she’d try to convince Bridget. Which meant trouble
was coming his way. He’d have to be vigilant, keep his guard up. No telling
what tricks the two would get up to.

had thrown down the gauntlet and he’d have no choice but to respond. It wasn’t that
Micah didn’t want a mate, because all wolves wanted their mates, but he was
certain Bridget didn’t belong with him. Truthfully, he’d found her irritating,
even if he did desire her. What man wouldn’t? She had slender curves and an
abundance of chocolate-colored curls that hung all the way to her waist. She
was definitely worth a wet dream or two. Until she opened her mouth.

a shake of his head, he finished his meal, left some money on the counter for
Betty Lou and headed back out into the storm. It had slacked off a little, but
the cool rain still pelted his skin. Pointing his motorcycle toward home, Micah
pondered his next move. He knew Josette well enough to know she wouldn’t give
up. Once she got an idea into her head, she wasn’t satisfied until she saw the
desired results. His omega might be sweet and biddable most days, but she could
also be one stubborn woman.

life was about to become very interesting.

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