Read Respect (Mandasue Heller) Online

Authors: Mandasue Heller

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Respect (Mandasue Heller) (22 page)

BOOK: Respect (Mandasue Heller)
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‘I – I didn’t know what to do,’ Leon yelped, stumbling as he backed away. ‘I was hiding behind the bin, and they were right in front of me. If I’d tried to warn you they’d have got me.’

‘So you decided to run home like a baby and let them get
instead?’ Acky towered over him. ‘You know how fuckin’ many of them there were, do you?’ He jabbed a hard finger into Leon’s chest. ‘Fuckin’
, that’s how many.
, against me and him.’ He jerked his thumb back at Damo.

‘Damo said you got away,’ Leon cried, tears of fear running down his cheeks.

‘No thanks to you,’ Acky snarled. ‘And quit fuckin’ crying, you little pussy,’ he added, punching Leon in the mouth before seizing him by the throat. ‘I’ve always said you were a liability, and now you’ve proved it. What d’ya think, lads?’ He looked back at his friends over his shoulder. ‘Reckon it’s time to get rid?’

‘Please don’t hurt me,’ Leon whimpered, sickened by the taste of the blood that was seeping from his split lip. ‘I didn’t mean to run; I just didn’t know what else to do.’

know what to do,’ Acky growled, tightening his grip. ‘I’m gonna fuckin’ strangle you, then toss you in there.’ He dragged Leon towards the canal as he spoke. ‘Get me some bricks,’ he barked back at the others when they reached the edge of the bank. ‘I’m gonna mash his face up so no one’ll recognise him when they fish him out.’

’ Leon squealed, his whole body shaking with terror as he felt the empty space beneath his heels and heard the water lapping behind him. ‘Please, Acky,
 … I’m sorry, I’m sorry!’

‘That right?’ Acky jerked him backwards so he almost fell, then hauled him back. ‘Sorry, are ya? Sorry for almost getting us fuckin’ killed?’

Leon was crying freely now, snot running from his nose as tears streamed from his eyes. He’d never been more afraid in his life, and he was convinced that he was about to get his head smashed in. ‘Muuuum!’ he wailed, clutching at Acky’s hands. ‘

‘Yeah, that’s right, you cry for your mummy like the baby you are,’ Acky sneered. ‘Ain’t gonna get you nowhere, though. Think anyone can hear you down here?’

‘All right, leave it,’ Damo said suddenly.

‘Eh?’ Acky snapped his head around. ‘What you on about?’

‘I said leave it,’ Damo repeated quietly. ‘Get him away from the edge before he falls.’

‘He ain’t gonna fall, I’m gonna
him,’ Acky said nastily. ‘With a fuckin’ brick in his gob to make sure he stays under.’

Leon peered at Damo through his tears and silently begged him for help. When Acky suddenly pulled him clear of the edge and released him, his legs gave way and he fell to his knees, crying, ‘I’m sorry … I’m sorry.’

Damo walked over and squatted down in front of him. ‘You did a bad thing,’ he said quietly. ‘Being part of a crew is all about looking out for each other; all for one, and one for all, an’ all that. That’s why he’s so fucked off with you, ’cos your arse went and you nearly got us killed. Lucky for you, they didn’t catch us, or I’d have let him do for you,’ he went on. ‘But now you’re gonna have to prove yourself if you wanna keep on hanging round with us.’

‘I’ll do anything,’ Leon sobbed, seizing the lifeline that Damo was throwing him. ‘Just tell me what you want.’

‘I had a job for you,’ Damo told him. ‘But I ain’t sure I can trust you no more.’

‘You can,’ Leon insisted.

‘Can you fuck,’ Acky interjected scathingly. ‘He’s a shady little cunt; wouldn’t trust him to pick me nose.’

Damo held up his hand to tell Acky to stay quiet, and peered thoughtfully down at Leon. ‘I’ll give you one last chance,’ he said after a moment. ‘But if you fuck it up, I’ll let Acky have you.’

‘I won’t,’ Leon whimpered. ‘I swear.’

‘Better not,’ said Damo, reaching inside his jacket and pulling out a plastic bag. ‘See this?’

Leon glanced at it. Something was wrapped in it, but he couldn’t make out what it was.

‘I want you to take this home and hide it for me.’ Damo’s voice was low and serious. ‘And when I tell you I need it, I don’t care what time it is, you bring it. Got that?’

Leon nodded, and wiped his nose on his sleeve.

‘You ain’t serious?’ Acky said incredulously. ‘You’re letting him take the gun? What the fuck, man?’

‘Who’s the leader of this crew?’ Damo demanded, his eyes still on Leon.

‘You,’ Acky conceded. ‘But—’

‘Ain’t no buts about it,’ Damo said sharply. ‘I’m in charge, so I decide who does what.’ Then, talking to Leon again, he said, ‘Ever used a gun before?’

Leon shook his head.

‘I have.’ Damo’s eyes held a weird gleam that frightened Leon almost as much as the thought of having to carry a gun home. ‘And I liked it. First time’s always the best; never get a buzz like that again. Now, Acky thinks you’re a bottle merchant, but I’ve always said you had guts, haven’t I?’

Leon nodded and licked his lips.

‘Problem is, I’m not so sure any more,’ Damo went on. ‘So you’re gonna have to prove it.’

‘H-how?’ Leon could barely speak.

‘We’re taking the leader of that crew down,’ Damo told him. ‘And
’re gonna do it.’

’ Leon’s mouth flapped open in shock.

‘You heard.’ Damo grinned. ‘You’re gonna shoot the fucker.’

‘But I can’t,’ Leon spluttered. ‘I’ve never used a gun; I don’t know what to do.’

‘It’s easy,’ Damo assured him. ‘I’ll show you when the time comes. For now, you just take it home and sit on it. Unless you ain’t got respect for us?’ No longer smiling, he drew his head back and stared at Leon. ‘’Cos if you ain’t, you already know too much, and we won’t be able to let you go. So what you sayin’?’

‘I’ve got pure respect,’ Leon croaked, sure that he was about to piss himself. ‘I swear.’

Damo carried on staring into his eyes for a few moments, and then nodded slowly. ‘We’ll soon find out, won’t we? Now, take it and go home.’ He shoved the package into Leon’s hands. ‘I’ll call you when we need you. Don’t let me down.’

‘Or you’re dead,’ said Acky, cocking two fingers and miming shooting Leon through the head.

As Damo and the others walked away, Leon rose unsteadily to his feet and carefully slid the package inside his jacket. It felt heavy as he began to walk slowly in the opposite direction, and he was terrified with every hesitant step that it would go off and shoot him in the stomach.

Chantelle was on her way out when Leon arrived back at the flat. She was standing in front of the hall mirror when he let himself in, giving her hair one last spritz of hairspray.

‘Oh, you’re back, are you?’ She gave him an unimpressed look when he shuffled towards his room with his hood up and his head down.

‘Get lost.’

‘Don’t you dare talk to me like that.’ Chantelle slammed her comb down on the table and placed her hands on her hips. ‘I’ve been looking after you for weeks, but now mum’s back you think you can backchat me. I’m sick of it!’

‘You ain’t my boss,’ Leon snapped. ‘Just get off my back and leave me alone. And you look like a
,’ he added, giving her a dirty look before slamming his door in her face.

Chantelle gritted her teeth and balled her hands into fists. If she’d had more time she’d have called off tonight’s job and stayed here to have it out with Leon. But Bill would already be on her way, and she couldn’t just leave her boss sitting there.

‘Right, I’ve got to go out,’ she shouted through Leon’s door. ‘But we
be having that talk, so make sure you’re here when I get back.’

When they reached the Hilton, Bill went in first and Chantelle waited a few minutes before following. Her stomach was churning as she rode the lift up to the bar at the top, but when she stepped out and saw the view through the bank of windows that greeted her it took her breath away. As Bill had said, it was incredible; she could see lights and buildings stretching out for miles and miles.

Aware that she was gawping when a passing waitress gave her a curious look, Chantelle snapped her mouth shut and glanced around until she located Bill at a table to the rear of the room. When she spotted Rob Knight waving to her from the bar, she took a deep breath and walked calmly over to him.

‘You look beautiful,’ he said, kissing her on both cheeks.

‘Thank you,’ she said shyly, clutching her bag to her stomach. He looked even more handsome than the last time she had seen him, and his aftershave smelled divine.

‘Would you like to sit here, or would you prefer to find a table?’ he asked.

‘I don’t mind.’

‘Okay, we’ll stay here for now,’ Rob said decisively, holding out his hand to help her up onto a tall stool. ‘We can always move when Greg gets here. What can I get you?’

‘Just a Coke, please.’ Chantelle settled on the stool and crossed her legs.


‘Er, no, I got a cab. Just don’t want to drink before I’ve met your friend, in case I say something stupid.’

‘Doubt that’d happen,’ said Rob, waving the bartender over. ‘But you’ve got to do whatever makes you feel comfortable.’

After ordering their drinks, he sat on the stool facing hers. ‘So, how have you been?’

‘Fine,’ she said. ‘You?’

‘Busy.’ He shrugged. ‘Nothing new there, though. Never seem to have a minute to myself, these days.’

‘What do you do?’ Chantelle asked, nodding thank you to the barman when he placed her drink on the counter.

‘Computer stuff,’ Rob said, removing the stick from his cocktail. ‘All very boring. How about you? What’s your line?’

‘I, er, look after children,’ Chantelle lied, taking a sip of the icy Coke.

‘Rather you than me,’ Rob chuckled.

‘Don’t you like kids?’

‘Nope. Do you have any of your own?’

‘Not yet.’ Chantelle smiled. ‘One day, maybe, but there’s too much I want to do first.’

‘And a boyfriend would probably help,’ said Rob, reminding her that she’d told him she was single.

‘Of course,’ she agreed. ‘But even if I had one I’d have to know he was the
one before I considered having children with him.’

‘Sensible.’ Rob nodded approvingly.

‘So, doesn’t your wife want children?’ Chantelle asked. Then, blushing, she said, ‘I’m guessing that’s a wedding ring on your finger?’

Rob nodded and took a swig of his drink.

Chantelle noticed that his smile had slipped, and said, ‘Sorry, that was none of my business.’

‘Hey, don’t apologise, it’s not a secret, or anything. I’m just …’ Rob trailed off and sighed, before adding, ‘Actually, I’m in the doghouse at the moment. She reckons I
work too hard
.’ He made quotation marks with his fingers and rolled his eyes. ‘But businesses don’t run themselves, so what can I do?’

‘Must be hard,’ Chantelle said sympathetically.

‘Yep. Although I don’t hear her complaining when she’s splashing out on shoes and weekend spa breaks with her girlfriends.’

‘Nice,’ Chantelle murmured enviously. She hadn’t thought that women actually did that kind of stuff in real life, but women with rich husbands obviously did.

‘Yeah, nice for
,’ said Rob. ‘I’m just the mug who slogs my guts out to bankroll it. But enough about me and my high-maintenance wife; tell me about you.’

‘There’s not much to tell.’ Chantelle shrugged. ‘I work with kids, and occasionally go out for a drink with my friend. Other than that, I lead a pretty boring life.’

‘What a waste.’ Rob shook his head and gave her a teasing smile. ‘With a face like that, you should be out every night. Still, once Greg gets his hands on you, you’ll need a big stick to fend the fellas off. Subject of …’ He glanced at his watch. ‘I wonder where he’s got to. If you’ll excuse me for a minute, I’ll find somewhere quiet and give him a ring.’

When he stepped down off his stool and walked away, Chantelle glanced across at Bill. Her boss was studying the videophone and, to anyone who didn’t know, she appeared to be reading and sending text messages. Chantelle was pleased about that, because she often worried when she was on a job that she might be being too obvious.

She smoothed her skirt over her knees now and took another sip of her Coke. She hoped Rob’s friend was on his way so she could get this over with and go home. Rob was nice, but she had never felt comfortable lying to people’s faces, and she was terrified of tripping herself up.

‘I am so sorry about this,’ Rob said when he came back a couple of minutes later. ‘Greg can’t make it.’

‘Oh?’ Chantelle was relieved, but forced herself to sound disappointed. ‘That’s a shame.’

‘He’s caught up in some video shoot on the other side of town,’ Rob said, sitting on his stool again, ‘and he reckons it’ll be at least another couple of hours before he gets away. If you’re willing to wait, he’s told me I must buy you dinner.’

‘Thanks, but I’d best not,’ Chantelle said. ‘I’ve got an early start in the morning.’

‘No worries.’ Rob smiled. ‘I can introduce you to Greg another time.’

‘Actually, I think I’ve changed my mind,’ Chantelle said, figuring that there was nothing more to be gained from this. Rob had already admitted that he was married, so he obviously wasn’t going to try it on with her. The job was done, as far as she was concerned.

‘Really?’ Rob gave her a regretful look. ‘I’m sorry to hear that.’

‘I just don’t think it’s for me.’ Chantelle reached for her bag. ‘I’m really sorry for wasting your time.’

Rob held up his hands. ‘Hey, it’s totally your choice; I wouldn’t dream of making you do something you’re uncomfortable with. But can I at least get you another drink before you go?’

‘No, I’m fine.’ Chantelle smiled. ‘Maybe you should go home and spend some time with your wife while you’ve got a chance? Might get you out of the doghouse?’

‘She’s out with the girls,’ Rob told her as he stood up. ‘But not to worry, I’ve got plenty of stuff to catch up on. Can I drop you somewhere? My car’s just across the road.’

‘Oh, no, really, I don’t want to put you out,’ Chantelle said quickly. ‘I’ll get a cab.’

BOOK: Respect (Mandasue Heller)
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