Resurrecting Ghosts (MC Romance) (Kings of Chaos Book 4) (20 page)

BOOK: Resurrecting Ghosts (MC Romance) (Kings of Chaos Book 4)
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“They’re absolutely beautiful,” Blue whispers.

I smile and look over at Skull. The proud daddy is cradling both bundles in the white blanket with a blue and pink stripe. Tiny pink beanies with the Kings of Chaos symbols adorn their heads.

“Would you like to do the honors and let her pull out the name blankets?” I ask.

“Yes,” Blue gushes. She moves to the massive black baby bag, and pulls out the white blankets covered in tiny pink flowers and their names. “Oh, my God! Did you really do this?” she asks holding up the blankets that read,
Waverly Jade, and Skye Blue

“Meet Wave and Skye,” Skull whispers.

“They’re beautiful, sis,” Rochelle says from her perch on the side of my bed.

“Thank you.”

“Which is which?” Shadow asks.

“Wave has light hair, and Skye has dark,” I explain.

“Can I hold them?” Blue asks.

“Sure, mama to be. You need to get in all the practice you can get. How are you feeling?”

“You just had two babies. You don’t get to ask me that,” Blue retorts.

“Of course I do.”

“Bloated and crabby, but good otherwise,” Blue replies.

I’m glad her nausea disappeared as she’s moved into her third month.

Skull relinquishes control of Skye and I soak in the love flowing in the room. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of seeing Skull with our babies.

“Come on daddy to be, you get to hold baby sister, Wave. You need get practice in too,” Skull urges.

Shadow walks over and lifts my baby girl with ease. “I’m the pro here.”

“Cocky much?” I quip sinking back into my cushions. The two are only docile because they have fed like piglets. They came into the world screaming and ready to raise hell. I can already sense their father in them. Skull and I braved the delivery room alone, and took a moment to bond before we invited others in, a few at a time.

In this room, I have a handful of the people who mean the most to me. It’s the perfect ending to the tumultuous road Skull and I have traveled. We will never be perfect, but perfection in itself is a lie. Real things are flawed, weathered, and worn. They have beauty because they survive the harsh conditions the world doles out.

We are stronger than the tragedies of our past, people who tried to part us, and our own damnable pride. I’m over the moon for this man and our babies, and I know I’ll never come back down to the atmosphere.

Tritt looks to me as if he feels my eyes on him. He gives me a goofy smile.

My love
. So strong, and yet willing to bend to give me what I need. A lifetime with him won’t be enough, so I guess we’ll have to try for forever.


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Resurrecting Ghosts (MC Romance) (Kings Of Chaos Book 4)
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