Retraining the Dom (15 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Denys

BOOK: Retraining the Dom
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In fact, it
would be good if he did arrive because Sean was finding it unnerving to have
such a strong woman as Olivia sobbing in front of him. Had it been a huge
mistake to ask her to take on Trey?

will you please calm down. I still don't know what the problem is. Are you
saying you hadn't finished with Trey?"

Trey had
completed the retraining program a few weeks ago, and Sean had to admit that
Olivia had done a good job with the Dom. No longer was he worried about Trey’s
practices, but the Dom actually seemed to care about his subs, which was
something of a miracle.

Sean had been
watching remotely that final session when Trey had persuaded Mike to join him
and Olivia in the hot tub for a double penetration scene. In fact, Sean had
been astonished that Trey would share the control of any scene, and he just had
to watch on the security monitor. Trey had proved him wrong, and Sean had seen a
new side to him. Olivia had worked wonders.

If anything,
though, Sean was more intrigued by the change in Olivia, particularly if this
latest episode was anything to go by.

She looked at
him with a confused look, her eyes looking particularly beautiful, soft and
glittery through her tears.

“Yes …no … yes.”

Sean chuckled.
“Well, what is it.
Yes or no?”

“No, I haven’t
finished the training!”

Looking at
Olivia, surprised, Sean was about to ask why she had said he was ready when she
stood to pace. He smiled ruefully. That was Trey’s usual practice when he was
worried about anything.

That’s not right. He was ready … I’m the one who’s not ready. Everything has
changed. Trey made me reflect on myself and what I am. And I don’t know what to

This admission
was amazing, but confirmed what Sean had suspected.

you excuse me a moment? I’ve just remembered I forgot to pass some important
instructions to… Lucas.”

He ignored the
startled look on her face as he hurriedly stood.

She started to leave.
“No! Stay there. I’ll be back shortly.”

Olivia was still
there when he returned a few minutes later. She was composed now. “Look, I was
wrong to come here. I should go. Forget what I said.”

Sean barred her
way, which wasn’t easy considering her size. He gestured to the chair. “Sit
down, Olivia. Please.”

She stood uneasily,
showing her uncertainty.

“I need to get
some more details from you for Trey’s file. Sign him off, that sort of thing.”

“Oh.” She
slumped into the chair.

He resisted
blowing a sigh of relief that she believed that hurried excuse so easily and
went over to his filing cabinet. Retrieving the file in question before sitting
in his seat, Sean opened it at a random place. He picked up a pen and ticked a
page or two, then got to the end.

“Umm, let me
see. You were saying you were not ready to finish Trey’s training. What exactly
is there still to do? You’ve covered trust, respect, the subtle use of impact
and sensation tools, and even got him to share authority.”

“He was ready.”
He pretended to look puzzled. She continued.
It’s me. I need to leave. Join another club or something. I need to move on
with my life.”

Sean shook his
head. “Olivia. I watched the two of you. I could see that you enjoyed
submitting to Trey.”

She placed her
head in her hands, her usually impeccably tidy hair coming adrift from the
clips that held it back.
“Oh God.”

“Olivia, it’s no
crime to be submissive.”

“But I’m a
!” She raised her head to look at him, her confusion
evident on her face.

Sitting back in
his seat he surreptitiously glanced over her shoulder as Trey silently entered
the room and leaned against the wall listening to their conversation. “Tell me,
Olivia, if you weren’t a
would you be happy
being Trey’s sub?”

God, yes.”
Her response was immediate, and Trey suddenly
looked alert, standing up straight.

“Do you love
him, Olivia?”

She nodded. “Yes,
but he just wants a sub.”

The misery on
her face at this predicament was clear.

“So can’t you be
now?” Olivia turned her head so quickly at Trey’s
wistful question that Sean winced.

As she stood
quickly, the legs of the chair squeaked against the floor. “No, I can’t. I’ve
been a Dominant too long. I can’t go back. I’m sorry.”

“Can’t you give
your submission to the person you say you love?” As Trey asked this Sean could
hear the agony in his voice.

She groaned as
she realized he had heard her admission.

“Even if I say I
love you, too.”

Olivia gasped
and trembled, but shook her head, tears running down her face. “It’s been too
many years. I’m too old to be controlled now.”

Sean hissed at
the heartbreaking look on Trey’s face as he turned to leave, keenly feeling the
man’s pain at this rejection.

“Stop it, both
of you!” Sean’s demand had them both looking at him, startled.

God’s sake.”
Trey’s exclamation was harsh. “We’re both Dominants
with reasons why we became Dominant. Neither of us can give in now, however,
much we love each other.”

“Oh? I watched
some of your sessions. It looked to me that you were giving in very nicely.”
Olivia’s head dropped. She obviously thought he was referring to her. “Both of
you, at different times, submitted.” Sean stood with his hands on his hips and
watched as his two senior Masters shared a guilty look.

“That was only
for the training.” Trey was adamant, crossing his arms defiantly as he glared
at him.

Sean smiled to
himself when Olivia gave the same stance as she nodded in agreement.

He shook his
head. “Look at the two of you. Both in tune, both caring about each other, both
knowing what the other’s needs
at any given time,
and, I suspect, able to give exactly what is necessary.”

“Are you
suggesting I switch?” Olivia asked, with a frown on her face.

“I’m suggesting
you both switch.”

Sean had to
clasp his hands over his ears at the uproar.

that suggestion.”

have to be kidding.”

Using the time
out symbol, he managed to get them to shut up. “Jeez. I am only saying you can
switch with each other.”

Silence followed
this innovative idea. Both looked at each other unable to voice words.

Trey broached
the quiet first, his eyes showing his mistrust. “What, be Dominant with our
subs and switch with each other?”

Sean crossed his
arms and grinned at them.
How about it? I know
you both have deep seated reasons for becoming Dominant, but you trust each other
implicitly, don’t you?”

“Can we?” The
plea in Olivia’s voice was full of hope as she turned to Trey, wiping her wet

Knowing his
newly retrained Master would be the sticking point Sean gave a final push. “You
might think,
Trey, that
Olivia was the one who showed
her submissive side during your sessions, but there were times when you
appeared to be thoroughly enjoying her being on top, being the Dominant one,
challenging you.”

Trey ran a hand
through his hair. “Shit, I don’t know. I enjoyed
feistiness, that’s for sure. But as to letting her Dom me, that’s something
else. I vowed long ago not to let a woman dominate me again.”

“Can you
honestly say you didn’t have fun with the feather scene? Or enjoy her fellatio?
Or love her riding you?”

The look on his
face as comprehension hit Trey was a huge moment of relief for Sean.

It was Olivia who
appeared more
suddenly, as she put her hands
on her hips and glared at the club owner. “I know you have the monitors for
safety, but I find it creepy that you’ve studied our sessions that much.”

Trey moved
forward and roughly pulled her to him, cupping her face in his palms. “Forget
this dick. We can certainly give it a try. I can give it a go. But, for God’s
sake don’t let anyone know!”

She laughed
loudly and wrapped her long arms around his back pulling him to her as he
swooped in to kiss her hungrily, and Sean relaxed against his desk, extremely
pleased with the outcome.

“Come on, let’s
get out of here. Bye, Sean—and thanks.” Trey led the way out of the room.

Sean drummed his
fingers on the desk for a moment, before walking over to his mini-fridge to get
a beer and then sauntered casually down the corridor to the monitor room where
one of his staff was viewing the screens. Some might say that this was
voyeuristic, but he made it known at induction into the Club that all rooms
were monitored. It provided a safety feature that was very useful.

Nodding to his
member of staff to leave, he sat down in the seat and waited until the intrepid
duo arrived in a room.

“Ah, there they
are.” He guessed they would go to a room immediately to try out his suggestion.
Of course, there had been the chance they would go home, but he knew them
better. Now, the question was, what would they do next?

Trey and Olivia
stood in a room which held a swing, looking at each other, neither moving.

“Umm, Trey,
we’re here, so who goes first?”

He chuckled. “Hell
if I know. This was Sean’s mad idea.”

Sean won his silent
wager that Trey would be the person to take charge, although he wasn’t
expecting Trey’s next comment.

“How about you
get in the swing where I tie your legs, but leave your hands free, and you
attach the cuffs on my wrists to the hooks on the rope.” Trey was still wearing
the training cuffs. He kept saying he liked the heavy feel of them.

Olivia eyed the
swing uncertainly. “Are you sure it will take my weight?”

Trey took hold
of her shoulders walking her over to the equipment. Sean could see he was tenderly
caressing her shoulders. “Let’s try it and see. Of course, if it collapses and
brings the ceiling down I’d love to know what Sean’s
put on his insurance claim.”

made Sean sit
It should take
their weight. I hope.

He watched
anxiously at their antics as they got Olivia undressed and into position, and his
heart started beating quicker. The swing creaked, but held. From what Sean
could see on the monitor, Olivia was sitting back in the swing with her legs in
a wide V and Trey was standing before her, his wrists attached to the rope above

“So my brave,
strong lover, let’s see what we have in here.” Sean guessed she was undoing
Trey’s jeans.
“Oh, my.
Someone is eager to see me.”

“And if you
don’t stop playing with me like that I’m going to turn Dom on you and yank my
cuffs from the clips and slam into you.”

do that and insurance be damned, I’m making you pay for the replacement cost.

“Is this what you want, my love?”

Trey groaned
loudly. “Oh, yes, sweetheart.” Sean surmised that Olivia had maneuvered Trey’s
cock into her pussy.

Olivia grabbed
hold of Trey’s butt and swung herself toward him. This was a clever idea. He’d
have to suggest it to his other Masters. In the meantime, the sounds of delight
coming from both of them made Sean erect, and he shifted in his seat as he
watched Trey push forward to meet Olivia.

“That is exactly
where I need to be, where I always want to be.”

The love in
Trey’s voice startled Sean.

“Will it work do
you think?
Olivia sounded less certain.

“If we help one
another, compromise, do it together, it will.”

in control and yet yielding to the other.
I like it.”

“I think that’s
what they call marriage.” Trey sounded rueful.

Olivia chuckled.
“Why, Master Trey, if that is a proposal, I may have to accept.”

Trey laughed. “I
do love you, you feisty, maddening, beautiful woman.”

as much as I do you, you irritating, adorable hunk of a man.”

“Want a bet?”

As they started
moving in earnest trying to outdo each other, no more words necessary.

Sean sat back in
his seat, smiling broadly. He was extremely pleased with his work. Tipping his
glass toward the two in honor of their partnership, he silently thought it wouldn’t
be long before Olivia became the sub in that relationship, but in the meantime,
she’d make Trey work hard to earn her submission. It would be a battle of wills.

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