Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles) (30 page)

BOOK: Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles)
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Thane bowed low to the council, at a loss for words from their unexpected declaration. Without waiting for them to change their minds, he hurriedly left the Hall of Astraea. As he crossed the courtyard, Thane tried to absorb the sounds and actions around him. Once he left Kifo, he doubted he
'd ever return, and he wanted to remember as much as he could before his departure. He stopped on the threshold of the Dewan Besar and studied his surrounding, as if seeing them for the first time. His new life would be with the Matka-Zem and he would not want her here. Nevertheless, it would not be an easy adjustment never to see his home again.

Unlike other Mlinzi, who entered Kifo at their Branda, Thane had lived his entire life in the city. Naji had found him at the gate, still swaddled in his birthing sheets, starved and near death. She told of how she
'd immediately recognized his uniqueness. She raised him as her own. Of course, she was unlike other mothers who cuddled and cooed over their children. She was, in the eyes of others, cold and unfeeling. Yet he knew of her secretive softer side and he swore never to reveal it to others. Even so, he understood Valencia's hatred for the Xeral Mlinzi, because at times, he had felt animosity toward her too. Still, he missed Naji and was glad she summoned him on her last days. To his shock, she had actually hugged him and told him she loved him as her son and was proud of him.

Shaking off his sad thoughts of the woman who raised him, he gathered what meager belongings he had from his sleeping pod, retrieved new crystals, and freshly sharpened weapons before he left his home.


Once the doors closed behind Thane, the council lowered their cowls and smiled with pleasure.

"Naji couldn't have planned this any better," a male Koylu said with glee. "Her years of scheming are falling into place."

He really does love the Matka-Zem," another member said in amazement. "Let's hope the princess feels the same way."

Nothing is random here. The Xeral Mlinzi planned for this to happen, with the guidance of Sora." The lead female smiled at her companions. "Sora caused her to find and raise Thane. Naji made him protect the spoiled child to build an affection for the girl. Moreover, she sacrificed her life to teach the young Matka-Zem humility and to try to stop Sora's destruction. The Xeral Mlinzi hoped to make them love each other in order to save Sora and it looks like she succeeded. Too bad she could not be here to see her hard work come together."

Let us hope their Kleben will renew the Mlinzi Nation.," a male councilmember said. "We have dwindled to less than a thousand strong."

We received only two candidates this last Branda, and they are not very promising," another female Mlinzi councilmember replied in a sour note.

Yes, let us hope. We would easily be overrun if Sora was to be invaded by a neighboring star system," the lead female replied. "Let us hope no one is aware of our dilemma."


"You stupid fool!" Uzuri slapped Liam hard across the face, leaving a red handprint on his pale cheek. "You were supposed to woo her, not rape her."

The bitch needed to be taught who her master was." Liam glared at her. "If it wasn't for that damn Mlinzi, she would be mine by now."

Well, she isn't yours yet," she hissed back at her son. "You need to apologize to the girl and try to act sincere."

I will do no such thing," Liam huffed. "I will not lower myself, regardless of who she is."

You have to win her heart." Uzuri tried to stay calm, but she saw her plans slipping out of her reach. "Once you two are conjoined, you can do as you please with her."

Excuse me, Madame."

Uzuri spun around in fury when she heard the woman
's voice behind her. A hunched slave, dressed in the colors of the Matka-Zem, bowed her head towards her.

What do you want?" Uzuri snapped, not pleased to see the woman, wondering what she had overheard.

You beseeched me to inform you of any developments of the Matka-Zem."

Uzuri almost laughed in the slave
's face at her ill use of words, trying to sound more intelligent that she really was.

Yes, well, what news do you have?" With a wave of her hand, she tried to hurry the hunched woman not to waste her time. "Did you

You promised to free me if my information was important." The woman attempted to sound strong, but she visibly quivered.

Yes, yes, I did."

Liam snorted in disgust.

Uzuri ignored her son. "Get on with it."

The Matka-Zem left the city last night." The slave practically whispered her information.

What?" Both mother and son asked simultaneously.

Liam tore off the slave
's veil, grabbed the woman roughly by her neck and shoved her against the wall. "What did you say, slave?"

The princess . . . she fled during the night and took the earthling and the half-breed with her." The slave hurriedly added, "I did warn you of her possible escape shortly after she arrived."

How did she get out? All the entrances were guarded, and the guards had orders to stop her," Liam hissed as he squeezed his hands tighter around the woman's neck. "Did you

I'm not sure." The scared woman quickly amended her statement, saying, "I didn't
anything." Uzuri smiled as she watched the woman squirm as her son's hand tightened around the slave's throat. "But the earthling left the city with a Mlinzi before the first sun sank."

Ch'iidii," Uzuri cursed, and began to pace the floor. "This is just great! Now things will have to get messy and I hate messes. Liam, you will have to contact our friends to find the little bitch."

Madame, you promised. My information was important," the hunched slave pleaded softly, looking from mother to son.

Yes, I did promise the Vident-Ara her freedom. Yet, you are not her. You have no psychic abilities. You lied to me, saying you are the real Vident-Ara and can see the future. You are nothing but a slave."

The slave
's eyes grew wide in fright.

However, I will be generous if you tell me who the real Vident-Ara is." Uzuri forced her lips to curl into a smile as she tried to give the slave false hope.

She . . . she is the half-breed."

My bastard is a Vident-Ara and you never told me?" Liam growled in anger.

It was common for lords and ladies to enjoy their slaves, yet Uzuri was not pleased when her son impregnated one. Whenever this happened, because the child had her royal blood she could not abort the baby. Nevertheless, Uzuri made sure any half-breed was securely out of sight. Now she
'd just learned one of those children was a Vident-Ara, a far-seer. Had she known, she would have put the girl to better use then performing mundane chores.

What do you expect from slaves? Don't worry, we will find them both, my son." Uzuri said with disdain as she strolled towards the door, as casually as if heading to dinner, but inside she was fuming. The thought of the slave trying to manipulate her turned her stomach. She glanced over her shoulder at Liam. "Make sure this woman is well-compensated."

With pleasure, Mother." Uzuri heard a faint gasp right before the sound of a crack. She turned around just in time to witness Liam tossing the slave aside like garbage. The thump of the body hitting the floor brought a smile to her lips. Uzuri's smile widened as she realized the dead woman had fallen right under a newly posted decree. The slave's vacant eyes would never see the new ruling, stating that all slaves were now free from their bondage by order of the Matka-Zem.


When they arrived at a small clearing an hour before the Alpha's sunrise, Valencia was surprised to see Donna, dressed as a Mlinzi, sitting on horseback. Parth was beside her as well as two new Mlinzi on their own steeds, along with two extra horses.

I'm not too sure about this beast, Val," Donna complained when she saw her. "These things have a mind of their own and I think this one hates me." At her words, the horse's ears lay flat on her head. Valencia smiled at her friend and brushed a hand on the horse's neck. She sent a small stream of energy into the horse and willed it to be nice to her friend. At her command, the horse gave a snort of displeasure, but visibly relaxed.

She shouldn't give you any trouble, Donna." She was pleased at how she was learning to control her Gift to help others. She wondered what evil deeds she did as a child to cause everyone to hate and fear her. With a slight shake of her head, she pushed the thought from her mind. The child of her past no longer existed and she needed to move forward to help the unbalanced world. She mounted her own steed and had Gabby sit behind her. She remembered how she had escaped the compound on a horse and felt sorry for the long-dead animals. "Aren't horses indigenous to Earth?"

Yes, they are." Parth brought his mount next to hers. "Our ancestors liked the animals and brought them here. They evolved on Sora and are smarter than the animals on Earth."

Have you ever been to Earth, Parth?" Donna gave her a wink, but addressed the Mlinzi with a frown. Valencia stifled a giggle as she realized her friend was purposely antagonizing the large man. Parth only shook his head and Donna snorted her disgust. "Then how do you know horses here are smarter than horses on Earth?

Parth grumbled in response.

The company fell quiet as they rode at a brisk pace along the woodland path that was no bigger than a well-traveled animal trail. The guardians formed a triangle around the women, making sure she was in the middle. For a while, all was silent except for the sounds of the forest, but Donna's talkative nature soon interrupted the tranquility.

Parth and I didn't have any trouble getting out of the city, but I thought I saw that hunched slave of yours spying on us."

She could be a spy." Parth said with a snort, "We should never underestimate the Torpek."

You know, some things just don't make sense." Donna pulled her horse closer to her so she did not have to raise her voice. "When you were a kid, you never left the city, so why did they send you away? Wasn't Kota Emas the safest place for you? Surely, the rebels could not get you in that huge tower."

The rebels were not the real reason for my exile, Donna." She cringed at telling her friend the truth and braced for her laughter. "My father told me the truth."

And the reason is . . . ?" Donna prodded softly.

He sent me away because I was a spoiled, selfish child." Valencia hung her head in shame and glanced at her friend from under her lashes. Expecting a wise retort from the human, she was unprepared to see tears swell in her sapphire eyes.

I'm so sorry, Val." Donna hurriedly wiped her tears away and glared at Parth when he made a huffing sound. When the big man only shook his head, she turned her attention back to Valencia. "That must have been tough to hear. I feel your pain. I got sent to juvie for a year for stealing a car, but at least I had someone my own age to talk with. I think I would have gone crazy not being able to talk with someone."

Yes, the Keeper was not a nice woman."

Both Alana and Parth snickered at her comment about Naji.

"If that's the case, then why send the Jeger or the Glauc-tuko?" Donna pondered. At her words, all four Mlinzi turned in their saddles to stare at her.

No, it doesn't make sense." Valencia agreed. She rubbed her chin in thought. "If it was just a façade, then who sent Inga to capture or kill me?"

Inga was on Earth with the Glauc-tuko?" Parth could no longer hold his thoughts. "This is not good."

Tell us what you think, Parth." She had learned from experience that Mlinzi did not express themselves without prodding. "Speak your mind."

I knew Inga during our training. She was five years my senior and very skilled as a warrior. However, she was arrogant and selfish. At the end of the Mlinzi's training, a Tyro must face the trials of the five elements. Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Spirit, with all being physical challenges, save the last. If the Tyro passes the first four trials, they must travel to The Cor to face Sora herself. If their souls are not pure, they die instantly and return to Sora to start anew. If Sora finds them worthy, she will bind them to her and may honor them with insight to their future. Inga would not have passed the last trial, even if Thane had not bested her in a hand-to-hand combat test. She thought she was the best warrior on all of Kifo, but Thane proved her wrong. He was only a boy at the time and she took personal insult at his win. She fled in shame and became a Jeger." Parth shook his head in disapproval. "Having Inga after you is not good. She only hunts for money, but if she ever learns that you are bound to Thane, she will kill you just to strike at him."

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