Rev (Jack 'Em Up #4) (32 page)

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Authors: Shauna Allen

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Rev (Jack 'Em Up #4)
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“Just like you.”

We were still kneeling in front of each other and I took a moment to admire him as well. Up close and personal in his uniform, he was definitely a sight to see.

“Oh.” He dipped his hand into his shirt collar and tugged. “I forgot. These are for you.” He took his dog tags off and put them in my hand, curling my fingers around them.

“Micah . . .” I met his dark eyes, and for once, there was no hint of angst. Just my sweet man.

He leaned in and kissed me with such tender reverence, I melted into a puddle of lovestruck goo.

I kissed him back, raking my hands through his hair to draw him closer. I needed him to taste my love, to feel my devotion.

He drew back to catch his breath moments later and pressed his forehead to mine. He cupped my jaw and brushed his thumb along my lip. “The bruises are almost gone.”

“Yes.” I only had a couple small, faint marks on my ribs and one on my cheek. Not bad, considering Nolan’s rage.

“You hungry?”

I laughed at the abrupt change of subject. “Why are you always trying to feed me?” I smiled as his lips brushed my throat.

“Because I like taking care of you.”

“Mmmm . . .” He reached my collarbone and goosebumps broke out on my body. I placed my hands on his shoulders, not sure of the proper protocol for removing this fancy stuff. “All I need is you. Naked. In my bed.”

He smiled against my skin. “I think I can handle that.”

I stood and led him to my bedroom, locking doors and turning down lights as I went. “Just a second.” I brushed past him to the bathroom where I shimmied out of my clothes, thankful I’d put on a pretty bra set that day. I plumped the girls, brushed out my hair, and spritzed on some perfume.

My ring caught the light and I examined it again. He’d told me once how my eyes were like emeralds. It was so him to think of something so spectacular.

I met him back in the room just as he was loosening the buttons on his jacket. I laid back on the bed to watch. His eyes flared and he removed his uniform with painful slowness, laying it carefully on the back of a chair.

Once he was down to his boxer briefs, he stepped my way, but didn’t get on the bed. “Take it all off,” he commanded. “Except the ring. That can stay.”

I whimpered, but did as I was told. The heat in his eyes when I was splayed open and vulnerable made me shudder.

“I love you,” he said softly, belying his fierce gaze.

“I know. Now come here and show me.” I beckoned him, using my left hand so my ring caught the light.

His gaze dipped to the gem on my finger then back to my face. “I knew it would match your eyes.”

“Come. Here.”

He smiled. “Impatient much?”

“Not at all.” I moved to kneel on my hands and knees so my breasts nearly brushed his belly. “Come. Here.” I punctuated my words with openmouthed kisses to his hips. “Now.”

He groaned as I pushed his briefs down and found his erection with my hand. I tasted him with the tip of my tongue. “I’ve missed you.”

“God . . .” He was incoherent as I continued to love him.

I grabbed his hips and yanked him to the bed so he toppled beneath me. He gazed up at me with such love and lust in his eyes, I could scarcely take it all in. I caressed his belly. “We’re going to make love then we’re going to talk. Okay?”

“Talk?” he ground out as my nails raked his groin.

“Yes.” I caught his gaze. “I don’t ever want anything to come between us again.”

His face softened and he reached out to cup my head. “That won’t happen, baby. I swear it.”

I nodded then leaned down and kissed his stomach, making his muscles jump. I smiled against his skin as I loved him in every way I’d ever dreamed.

Totally. Fully. Without reservation.

A soft summer rain pattered against my windows as I lounged in Micah’s arms, nearly afraid to sleep and have all of this be a dream.

He shifted beneath me and lifted my hand to his lips. He pressed a kiss to my engagement ring then the back of my fingers. “I’m glad you said yes.”

I propped my chin on his chest. “Did you really think I’d turn you down?”

He shrugged. “I had no idea what to expect.”

“I did already say yes at the lake.”

“I know . . .”

“Plus, you did show up in your uniform. Well played. Very sexy.”

A half-smile tilted his lips. “Gotta use everything in my arsenal to win the woman of my dreams.”

I kissed his shoulder. “You didn’t have to win me, but I appreciate the effort anyway. I really don’t need anything but you, Micah.” I laid my cheek against his heart. “You have the greatest ass. I couldn’t let that slip away.”

He chuckled beneath me. “Just love me for my body, huh?”

“Absolutely.” I grinned up at him. “And your smile. Your jokes. Your sense of honor. Your dedication to what’s right. Your heart. I love it all.”

“Well, that’s good, because you’re stuck with me now.”

We rolled until we were spooning with his front to my back and his face buried in my neck. Our spot. I linked our fingers and couldn’t help but glance again at the ring weighing down my left hand. “When do you wanna tell everyone?”

His pause was palpable.

I rolled and peered over my shoulder. “Micah? Who have you told?”

“No one.” He kissed me soundly. “Just your parents.”

“My parents?” I squeaked.

“You didn’t honestly expect me to propose without asking your father’s permission first, did you?”

I lifted a brow. “You did propose already. At the lake.”

“True. Still. It was the right thing to do.”

I tried to imagine my parents’ reactions and came up blank. “What’d they say?”

“Oh, the usual. They were surprised, threatened my life if I hurt you.”


“Seriously. But don’t worry. Once I explained everything and how much I loved you, how I’d die to protect you for the rest of my life, they gave me the thumbs up. It’s all good. They love me.”

“I’m sure they do.” Who wouldn’t after all that?

Suddenly, I was flipped underneath him, pinned between his hot body and the mattress. “The question is, do
love me?”

I rolled my eyes and played along. “Yes. Do you love me?”

His hot tongue ran up the cords of my throat, making my toes curl. “Only with my whole heart and for the rest of my life.”

Well . . . that was a start.


Seven months later . . .

he nightmares were mostly gone. Every once in a while, I still had a dream of Afghanistan, but they were a bit more hazy. A bit more bearable.

I’d started a bit of a relationship with Mrs. Franks, and she now considered me her new grandson, giving me all the privileges that came along with that, including freshly baked cookies, packed tight and overnighted to the house. I’ve honored the Martinezes’ wishes and haven’t contacted them again. Juan did come to me in a dream, all grins, talking about his mama’s tamales. Ever since, I’ve had the feeling everything would work out for all of us.

Nolan Watkins was behind bars, facing a potential life sentence for six counts of aggravated sexual assault, one count of attempted aggravated sexual assault, kidnapping, and attempted murder. Though a life sentence wasn’t nearly enough for me, he was off the street and out of Jewel’s life. My only consolation was that maybe he’d become somebody’s bitch in prison and get a taste of his own medicine.

But today was not the day for thoughts of all that . . . today was different.

It was the beginning of my forever, my past not forgotten, but put in the past where it belonged.

I glanced around at all of my family and friends. My parents, my brothers, Mildred and the girls from class, Sergeant Dempsey, even my old military buddy, Asher Creed. Blake, Jesse, and Trace were beside me, their wives across the aisle, all the kids squirming in the pews with their grandparents.

Blake nudged me from behind. “You ready for this?” he whispered.

“More than ready.”

The music started and everyone stood to face the rear doors.

I only had eyes for my bride. Bathed in candlelight, Jewel floated up the aisle on her daddy’s arm, those green eyes that owned me, gazing right into my very soul.

Mr. Jackson offered me his daughter’s hand, which I took gratefully as we faced the pastor.

Jewel squeezed my fingers as if to reassure me, but I didn’t need any comforting. I’d been to all the weddings of my friends, always celebrated with them, but now I truly understood their happiness. Until this moment, there had been nothing in my life to compare to the joy, the contentment, this woman gave me. She was the gift of a lifetime.

The pastor turned to me. “Do you take this woman . . . ?”

I barely registered his words. I only knew I’d swear to anything to make this official. To start our family. “I do.”

Jewel smiled at me from under her veil and I clasped her shaking hands as she promised the same.

We were pronounced husband and wife and I wasted no time swooping my bride into a kiss, our friends whooping all around us.

I drew back and she smiled up at me, her face glowing. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, baby.”

I didn’t think I’d ever say that enough. Not in this lifetime anyway.

We made our way back down the aisle to head to the reception in style, thanks to Blake’s latest resto project, a sweet Rolls Royce.

We were barely out of the church parking lot when Jewel ripped the veil from her head and set her curls loose. “God, that feels better.”

“You look beautiful today.” I glanced over and took her in again. Her white gown clung to her in all the right places, but was flowy and loose around the middle, making room for our little surprise that was coming in a couple short months. “Both of you.”

She smiled over at me as we approached the turnoff for the state park. “Exit here.”

My brows dipped. “Here? The reception’s a couple miles ahead.”

“I know. They can start the party without us. I need a minute to breathe. With you.”

I understood. We’d been through hell, each of us conquering our own demons, one battle at a time. I exited and headed toward our spot in silence, the car filled only with the sound of our breathing.

I parked a few yards from where we camped the first time I’d proposed and hopped out to round the hood and help her out. We ambled, hand-in-hand, to the lake’s edge.

We took in the quiet for a while and I basked in the knowledge that I’d married my best friend and together we were following our dreams. She was acing her art classes and had been recruited by a neighboring city to assist in training all forensic artists. I was so fucking proud of her. I continued to teach self-defense, but only every other quarter. My star pupil, Miss Mildred, taught the rest of the time.

Life was good. Very, very good.

“You’ve made me very happy.”

I glanced over at Jewel’s whispered words. The sunshine danced on her golden hair, making her look like the angel she was. She’d made me more than happy. She’d made me complete.

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