Revealed (The Found Book 1) (7 page)

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Authors: Caitlyn O'Leary

BOOK: Revealed (The Found Book 1)
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“You’ve been burning the candle at both ends lately, Kali. Is it always like this?”

“Pretty much, at least at the start and the end of each semester. Especially when you’re teaching two diverse subjects like social studies and algebra.”

“I would have thought with your ability to speak different languages you would have been teaching a language course.”

“That’s what I requested, but because I don’t have as much tenure as other teachers, I didn’t get it. Maybe in a few years.” Kali sipped her hot chocolate and looked at the papers spread on the kitchen table.

“I bet you’re a great teacher.”

“What makes you say that?”

“The way you care. How much effort you put into this. Does every teacher e-mail all the parents and introduce themselves?”

“No. But doing that kind of thing makes this more of a partnership, and I’ve found it helps.”

“Don’t I see you e-mailing more than just the parents?”

“Yes, I talk to the parents, and sometimes they have me e-mail an aunt, or a grandparent, or an older sibling. Sometimes I have as many as five people on a mailing list for one child, it’s kind of a safety net. In those cases, the child has a real high ratio of success. I’ve been doing it for the last two years. The principal is beginning to take interest.”

“But it’s one of the things taking up a lot of your time. It seems to make for long days.”

“The kids are worth it.” She kept her eyes on the math problems, because seeing the brown skin of Noah’s arms against the white of her kitchen tabletop was just too mouth-watering.

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

Kelly thought about it. “Do you know anything about the Donner party?” When Noah nodded, she gave him part of the social studies project plan, and she focused on the algebra. They worked in companionable silence, and she did her best to keep her eyes on the paperwork. However, every time she looked up, Noah was looking at her.

* * *

Mai was kidnapped in Taiwan. They didn’t have one fucking lead. Admiral Sakuro was furious, because Mai, Sarah and Niko had all been under close supervision by his team. Noah met the admiral nineteen years ago when he was in fifth grade. It was Nelson Sakuro, then Lieutenant Sakuro who introduced him to the Japanese language.

“It is impossible he did not know Japanese before today. This is some sort of trick.” The imposing man was furious. Noah hadn’t been afraid, he and his friends thought the man’s anger had been funny. They were all aware of Noah’s superpowers. He was like an X-Man. His teacher didn’t seem as amused. She invited the Lieutenant to give a talk about the Navy, and she was not happy with the way he was talking to one of her students.

“Samson does not lie. He has an affinity for languages. He can learn them quickly.”

“Nobody can learn a language that quickly.”

“Samson can,” Miss Leilani assured him.

“Prove it.”

“How, he has already learned Japanese.”

Noah and his friends watched wide-eyed as the Lieutenant and their petite Hawaiian teacher stood toe-to-toe. Finally the gruff officer turned and looked at Noah.

“Can you do it again? Learn another language?”

“I think so.” Noah had always been able to do so, he didn’t see why he couldn’t do it again.

“Do you know Portuguese?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Good. Tomorrow I’ll bring a man who knows Portuguese, and we’ll prove this was a trick.”

“And when he learns the language, you will apologize for being rude.”

Noah was amazed at Miss Leilani’s bravery.

“If he can speak Portuguese by the end of the day tomorrow, I will apologize.” He turned to Noah. “Sayonara.”

The next day Nelson Sakuro brought in a man who could only speak Portuguese, and Noah had been able to converse with him within five minutes. From then on, Nelson had been an honorary Godfather to Noah, and he was let in on the secret Samson Noah Kukailimoku was one of the
children. As a result, he had made it a mission of the Navy to protect those children even as they grew into adulthood. He had all available resources working on finding Mai Zhang.

“I pulled Rydell out of the jungle. He’s working on this now,” the Admiral told Noah.

“He doesn’t do investigations, he does recovery.”

“Well we’re going to damn well recover her,” the Admiral said as he slammed down the phone.

Noah threw his cell phone on his bed, and pulled on his running gear. He needed to work up a sweat. He knew Kali was in the dining room grading papers, and he wasn’t in the mood to play the flirting game.

“Noah, what’s wrong?” She was waiting in front of the hallway when he got out of the bedroom. Dammit, he’d forgotten about their damn connection.

“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong. I need to go for a run.” He brushed past her. She grabbed his arm, and he jerked away causing her to lose her balance. She reached out and righted herself against the wall.

“Kali.” Noah had her in his arms in an instant. “Kali, are you okay?”

“Don’t be an idiot, I’m fine. It’s you I’m worried about. What’s wrong? And before you open your mouth to lie, remember who you’re talking to.” He looked into her beautiful blue eyes, and rested his forehead against hers.

“Mai’s been taken.”

Chapter Twelve

Kali didn’t say anything, just gripped him hard around the waist and waited.

“We should have done a better job. We had eyes on her, but she didn’t want full protection, and we let her. We shouldn’t have listened.”

“It was her choice to make.” Kali’s hands snaked around his neck pulling at his short hair. “Are you listening to me Noah? This is not your team’s fault. This is not your fault. You’re good men. You are one of the best men I know.”

“I’ll die before I’d let them take you again, Kali.”

She yanked on his hair. “Don’t you dare say that! You’re doing everything in your power to keep me safe, but if they take me, they take me.”

“I couldn’t bear it if they took you from me. The only way they will ever get you is over my dead body.” Looking at this woman in his arms, he realized it was the absolute truth. More than their connection from the past. It was the woman he had come to know.

“Noah, never say something like that again. I can’t bear the idea of losing you now I’ve found you again.” They stared at one another. Finally, Noah knew the time was right. This was not going to be some flirtation, some seduction, this was going to be the two of them making love. As his mind formed the thought, he saw the flare of acknowledgement and agreement in Kali’s eyes.

“Will this ruin things? You were my first and best friend Noah. I couldn’t stand it if this ruined things between us.”

“Close your eyes Beautiful, tell me what your heart says.” She continued to look at him. He gently brushed his hand over her eyelids. “Now, tell me what’s in your heart. What is the right thing for Noah and Kali?” Her hands drifted slowly downwards until they were pressed against his chest, his heart.

“We were meant to be together. But I’m still scared Noah. I’m not good at this stuff. I’m afraid I’ll screw up, somehow I’ll mess up and destroy what we have.”

Looking at someone who had their eyes closed was enlightening. It was as if their vulnerabilities all came to the surface, and Noah could clearly see and feel how Kali truly felt this step would somehow shatter their relationship. As if anything could ever come between them. He wouldn’t allow it.

“Not going to happen, you can’t do anything to ever mess this up.” He wrapped himself around her, his head resting on top of the fine silk of her hair, drinking in her warmth and the scent that was Kali. “I know down to my bones this is the right next step. We belong together, Beautiful.”

She pulled away and opened her eyes, looking deep into his. She nodded, and he swept in, his mouth soft, a gentle slide against her plump pink lips. Slowly he moved back and forth until she followed him and whimpered, then he swiped his tongue against her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She opened eagerly, and he went from soft to carnal, unable to stop his need to conquer. Kali’s answering moan, and the way she pressed tightly against him was a balm to his senses. Suddenly he was scared, and it broke through his haze because it was Kali, not him.

“Beautiful, what is it?”

“I need you so bad. It’s going to hurt when you leave. I mean when your leave is up.” She shook her head, white gold hair flying around her face.

“I’m not leaving Kali.” She looked at him for long moments and then grabbed him around his neck. He gripped her ass and hoisted her up, heading for her bedroom. He laid her on the bed and followed her, relishing the feel of her beneath him. She was petite, and because of all she had been through, she was even more delicate now. He needed her so badly, but he needed to take care with her. He lifted up, so as not to crush her.

“No, I like you where you are.” Kali pulled him back down, but there was no way her feminine muscles were a match to his masculine ones.

“Careful. We’re going to be careful. I don’t want to hurt you.”

She pulled at his hair, giving up on trying to pull him down. “You can’t possibly hurt me. I want to feel you. You feel so good on top of me. Please Noah,” she breathed hotly into his ear as she nipped at his lobe, sending shivers down his spine. God she would be the death of him. He arched up and away, and she wailed his name, until she saw him rip his shirt over his head, then she stopped mid-wail.

“Clothes. Undress, Beautiful,” he prodded.

Kali clambered onto her knees and started stripping. Noah stopped unlacing his running shoes, watching helplessly when she was down to her bra and panties. Suddenly Kali stopped, hesitant.

“What? Please don’t stop now, I’m begging.”

“I’ve never been with anyone like you before,” Kali motioned to his chest. Noah looked at himself in confusion. Then he looked up, his eyes sparkling.

“You’ve only been with girls? That’s hot.”

“No, you big goof. I’ve never been with someone who looked like a damn underwear model. I know I’m pretty, but for God’s sake, I’m nowhere close to your league. I just can’t do this. Why don’t we try this after I’m back to my fighting weight?” Kali reached for her shirt, but before she could, he grabbed it and threw it across the room. Noah had her flat on her back, with one of his big hands under her cupping her ass, in less time then it took to blink.

“Are you kidding? I think you’re beautiful.”

“I know I have a pretty face, but seriously Noah, have you not looked at me? Right now I look like a boy, not a woman. I’ve never been on the voluptuous side, but now I barely have hips and my ass is nonexistent!” she wailed.

“Not pretty, beautiful. Everything about you, including this slender body is beautiful, and I’ve been imagining every inch of it pressed against me since I’ve moved in here. Don’t you understand my life? I live everyday where it’s hard and dangerous.”

He looked at her reverently. “The idea of someone as soft and warm as you,” he said brushing a kiss against her temple. “Makes my heart melt.”

“Looking at your tender curves,” he said breathing a caress down her cheek, towards her mouth. “Makes me hard as stone.”

“Having a woman as kind and beautiful as you in my arms,” he said tasting the softness of her lips. “Makes me believe dreams really can come true.”

His lips sought hers, and she welcomed him, seduced by his words and the emotions conveyed. She didn’t even notice as he began teasing the silk and lace off her body. It wasn’t until his lips started drifting downwards, and he took a slow long lick across her right nipple she realized she was naked.

She raised her startled gaze to his satisfied eyes. “Kali, let me show you, please.” Noah waited a beat, and finally she nodded. He bent to his task, lapping at her sensitive nipple, delighting in how the blood flowed to it, and it puckered and engorged at his ministrations. When Noah brought his hand to play with her other breast he was amazed at how it covered half of her chest. He hadn’t been lying, there was no part of her he didn’t desire, no part of her that didn’t set him on fire, but her body’s fragility did concern him, and he was determined to make sure she regained her health.

Lightly brushing his calloused thumb around her areola, he continued tasting the sweetness of her skin, drinking in the scent of her, and enjoying her sighs of pleasure. When she was shuddering and arching up, he took her into his mouth and suckled her, but winced from her nails in his scalp.

“Oh my God, you’re good at this. Stop, let me roll over, please.” Noah kept her where he wanted her, and switched sides, releasing her breast with an audible pop. Before focusing on the left side, he took a moment to see Kali’s pale skin flushed, her eyes at half mast, glittering at him, promising retribution. Noah bent down to the tantalizing swollen pink bud of her nipple, taking it between his lips and laving it with his tongue. Never had a more responsive woman been in his arms, it was intoxicating. It was also tough on his self-control. He couldn’t roll over and let Kali have her way with him, because he had a damn short fuse where she was concerned. He had a plan, he was going to make Kali come a half dozen times and then she could play.

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