Revelation of Blood (5 page)

Read Revelation of Blood Online

Authors: J. L. McCoy

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance

BOOK: Revelation of Blood
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“Dick isn’t my thing, so I’m with Lochlan and
Hunter,” Quinn chimed in. “Who’s up for some fine puss-”

“Not in front of the females,” Hagan groaned
as he shook his head exasperatedly from the doorway, his arms
crossed over his chest. “Have some tact, man. You ready to roll,
Mr. Rhys? We’ve loaded the SUV.”

“Aye, Hagan. You ready, baby?”

“Almost,” I said then made my way around the
room to give everyone one last hug and to thank them for the
generous gift.

“You take care, babe,” Hunter whispered as he
hugged me tightly. I kissed his cheek and told him the same. I was
going to miss my new family so much while I was gone.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, boys!” I
called over my shoulder as Archer led me out of the room.

“That’s not saying much, wild child,” Hunter
grinned and winked back.




After passing through two gated checkpoints,
Hagan pulled the Escalade up to a large white jet at the back of

“What’s this?” I asked Archer, confused. I
thought we were flying commercial.

“It’s my plane, baby,” he explained with a

My eyes widened in surprise. “You own a
plane? Shit, Archer… Just how rich are you?”

,” he corrected. “We are very
comfortable. Don’t forget that what’s mine is yours.”

Holy shit
, I thought to myself, a bit
overwhelmed at his statement. That stuff was normally reserved for
married couples and people who had been together longer than our
three weeks. No matter what he said, his millions were NOT mine in
my eyes.

Hagan opened the back door for us as a
handsome man in dark, navy blue trousers, and a white button down
shirt descended the jet steps.

“Mr. Rhys,” he smiled kindly as he shook
Archer’s hand. “My name is Donovan and I’ll be your steward this
afternoon.” Donovan looked to be in his mid-twenties and he could
have been an underwear model on the side, he was that handsome.

“Good afternoon, Donovan. This is my…life
partner Skye Morrison.”

Archer’s introduction made me turn and look
at him. The word girlfriend was too insignificant for our
relationship, but life partner? That implied that our relationship
was until death. I loved Archer with my entire being but the
thought of ‘until death’ scared the socks off me. That’s what
marriage was.
Oh my God! He’s not thinking of marriage, is

“Good afternoon, Miss Morrison,” he smiled as
he took my hand, snapping me out of my mental breakdown. “May I
take your bag?”

I allowed him to relieve me of my messenger
bag as a lone baggage handler went around the back of the SUV to
unload our luggage.

“Safe travels,
,” Hagan said
formally as he shook hands with Archer. “Are you sure you don’t
want me to accompany you as guard?”

“I am,” Archer smiled reassuredly as he gave
him a firm pat with his free hand. “The threat against Skye is no
longer. We will be more than safe in my old city, but thank you
just the same. I appreciate your dedicated service to my mate and

Hagan nodded and turned to me. “Don’t go
getting soft on me while you’re away, Morrison,” he smirked. “I
plan on kicking your ass when you get back. We never did finish our
last lesson.”

“Not a chance, old man. I’ll be ready,” I
grinned and briefly hugged him. I pulled away after one whole
second, afraid of getting my ass kicked, and offered up a fist
instead. He stared at it a few seconds before he hesitantly touched
knuckles with mine. “Thanks for your part of my gift. It was really
thoughtful of you to pitch in with the others.”

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked
away uncomfortably. “Aoife threatened to cry in front of me if I
didn’t. You know how whiney she can be. It was more like
self-preservation on my part really.”

“Yes, sir,” I said as I fought a knowing
grin. Hagan was not the sentimental type so I didn’t push the

He stood at attention, his back straighter,
his hands fisted at his sides, and his head held high.
This must
be another formal vampire thing I don’t understand
, I thought
as I eyed his immediate change in posture.

Archer nodded once and turned on his heel
toward the plane. Donovan, the steward, held his elbow out to me
and I took it; allowing him to escort me to the airstairs.

Once inside the jet, my mouth dropped at its
interior. It was very modern, sleek, sophisticated and roomy; in
classic Archer-style, it was decorated in warm, inviting earth
tones. The sixteen tan leather seats at the front were arranged in
groups of four that faced each other and there were two rows that
split down the middle. Toward the back I could see a bar, a
conference table with chairs, and a long bench seat against the
right side. Further still was a door that looked like it might lead
to a restroom and next to that was a small spiral staircase that
led to an upper floor.

“Goodness, baby,” I whispered with wide eyes,
“it’s huge.”

“That’s what she said,” he winked playfully
as he took my hand and escorted me to the back set of seats.

“Have a seat,
. I’ll be back
momentarily. I’m going to say a quick hello to Leo, our

As I sat facing the front, my eyes followed
Archer to the open door at the very front of the plane. Two men
were behind the complicated controls and turned with a smile at
Archer’s arrival. I watched as Archer greeted Leo like they were
old friends.

“Are you comfortable. Miss Morrison?” Donovan
questioned as he stowed my messenger bag in a small compartment
between my and Archer’s seat. I saw him take out a beige, fur throw
before he shut it again.

“I am, thank you Donovan,” I replied as he
draped the silk-backed throw over my lap.

“Just in case you get cold,” he smiled and
then turned his attention to the bar. I didn’t have the heart to
tell him that it wasn’t a possibility. Since becoming a vampire,
fluctuations in temperature haven’t bothered me.

Looking down at my lap, I ran my fingers over
the luxuriously soft fur of the throw and wondered what poor animal
had to die to create it.

“It’s Russian Sable,” Archer answered as he
came back down the aisle.

“It’s heartbreaking, is what it is,” I
frowned. “What’s your fascination with fur anyway? You’ve got
blankets and rugs in your room too.”

“I don’t know,” he looked thoughtful. “I’ve
just always liked it. Hundreds of years ago, that’s what was
readily available to keep us warm. I know there are synthetic
alternatives now, but I like my fur.”

“It is really soft,” I admitted begrudgingly
as he took the seat beside me.

“Champagne, Mr. Rhys?” Donovan asked as he
held out a glass.

“Thank you,” he smiled, accepting it then
handing it over to me. He took the second glass for himself and
clinked glasses with mine before he took a sip.

The bubbles tickled my nose as I followed
with a sip of my own. The champagne was delicious and I could
immediately tell that it was Archer’s favorite brand; he’d
mentioned once that he had cases of it shipped in from France once
a year. I wondered just how many cases that ended up being.

Donovan closed the jet entrance door and
sealed it before turning to strap himself into the wall-mounted
jump seat by the cockpit door. Before long we were airborne and I
settled in for the four hour trip.


Chapter Five



Archer and I talked, sipped champagne, and
cuddled for the first hour of the flight. Donovan was very
attentive and our glasses were never empty.

“Would you be taking your meal now, sir?” he
asked after we finished the first bottle of bubbly.

“Are you hungry, love?” Archer questioned,
turning to me.

“Starving,” I replied breathily, licking my
lips. “Who’s donating?”

“I am, Miss Morrison,” Donovan replied with a
professionally polite smile.

Oh damn
, I thought.
This might be
difficult. He’s really cute
. I silently hoped I could control
myself when I had a taste. I’d been struggling with that lately.
The more blood I drank and the longer I was a vampire, the more my
blood thirst took over when I fed. If the donors were attractive, I
had an even harder time because…well, blood and sex kind of go
hand-in-hand. Archer had to pull me off of a donor three days ago
because I came dangerously close to draining him. He got paid
triple the going rate that night.

Swallowing thickly, I nodded my head and
watched as Donovan began unbuttoning his shirt.

“Is there some place private we can go?” I
mumbled to Archer as I eyed the cockpit door. I was still a little
shy about feeding in front of others, especially since I didn’t
know if I could keep the meal PG.

“Follow me,” Archer smiled knowingly as he
took my hand.

We followed Donovan up the set of stairs in
the back to the upper level. It opened up into a cozy little
bedroom, complete with a work station, shower, sitting area, and of
course a bed. I sat down on the bed and Donovan turned to

“Where would you like me, Mr. Rhys?”

“The bed is fine, Donovan. Thank you,” he
replied, motioning to it.

Donovan finished removing his shirt and
draped it over the chair in the corner before coming over and
taking a seat next to me. Archer took a seat on the other side of
him and asked which spot he preferred to feed us from.

“Anywhere you wish. I’m not picky.”

I glanced over at Archer questioningly and he
nodded his head at my silent question. Wasting no time, I stood up
and straddled Donovan’s hips so I could have better access to his
neck. He was a great deal taller than me and unless he bent over
quite a ways, I’d be hard pressed to reach from my previous

“Is this okay?” I asked, wanting to make sure
Donovan was comfortable with it.

“Mmm-hmm,” he answered with a nod of his head
as he tried his best to meet my eyes and not glance down at my
breasts which were almost eye level.

Archer picked up Donovan’s wrist and I blew
him a quick kiss before I turned my attention back to the pulsing
vein in Donovan’s neck. I slowly slid my nose across the hollow of
his neck, breathing deeply as I did. Donovan smelled delectable;
musky and woodsy with a splash of Irish Spring soap. My fangs
descended with a quick
and I growled as I closed my
eyes and leisurely licked his pulsing vein. It vibrated
rhythmically against my tongue; his heart’s tempo picking up
instantaneously upon contact.

I was hit by a sudden feeling of need and
anticipation and I realized that our new friend Donovan loved the
high he received from a Day Walker’s bite.
Well if he likes the
normal high then he’s going to love this
, I thought wickedly as
I sunk my teeth into his thick, throbbing vein, wholly intending to
hit him with the full effects of my bite.

I heard Archer do the same as my mouth began
to fill with the first taste of his blood. It was sharp, thick,
tangy, and tasted remarkably clean. Donovan lived a relatively pure
life; no drinking, smoking, or drugs. This made me really happy and
I finally let him have the full venom high he was after as I
swallowed my first mouthful.

Donovan moaned as I wrapped my arms around
him and pressed his body flush to mine. His hands ran up my thighs
to my hips where he stopped their ascent and held on as he began to
move under me. Donovan was painfully turned on by this point and
his emotions blasted me full-force. Aching need and sex poured off
him and I moaned as I pushed him down on the bed. I ground my hips
into him as Archer took his fangs out of Donovan’s wrist and
lightly put his hand on my back, signaling to me that I needed to
finish up.

Feeding from the thick veins in the neck made
the blood flow faster than feeding from the smaller veins in the
wrist. I had swallowed four full mouthfuls and was working on my
fifth when Donovan’s breathing suddenly increased and his hips
began pumping into me. I’d like to say that this had no effect on
me whatsoever, since I’m in a happy and deeply committed
relationship with Archer, but the sad truth was that I was ready to
rip his clothes off and fuck him six ways from Sunday. Donovan came
loudly and the sound of his pleasure made me dizzy with my own

,” Archer whispered and I opened
my eyes and immediately pulled my fangs out, but not without great

I sat up on Donovan’s hips and glanced at
Archer as I licked my fangs clean. The heat zinging between us was
almost palpable as he leaned in to kiss me. Donovan chose that
moment to moan again and my eyes darted back to the two weeping
puncture wounds in his neck.

Just one more little taste
, I told
myself as I leaned back down. I was always hungry and it was an
inconvenient curse that would only fade with the passage of
time…lots of time.

Archer grabbed me by the hair and I hissed
with pain and desire as he pulled me off Donovan and slammed me
against the wall of the airplane.

“Donovan?” he called as he grabbed my right
leg and hitched it up.

“Y-yes, sir?” he dazedly answered back.

“Thank you for the meal. We enjoyed it. As
soon as you are able, please exit the room and close the door on
your way out.” I growled then at the thought of my food leaving and
Archer quickly added, “The sooner, the better, son.”

“I’m hungry,” I growled lowly, trying to
reason with him. I was hoping he’d let me have just one more

“I’m hungry too, love,” he grinned sexily.
“Very, very hungry.”

His mouth flashed to mine and soon Donovan’s
blood was a distant memory. Moaning at the contact of our lips, I
jumped up and wrapped my other leg around his waist; locking my
ankles behind his back. Archer’s tongue slid against my bottom lip
and I eagerly opened my mouth, inviting its entrance. Our tongues
frantically clashed and warred together as my burning need turned
from Donovan’s blood to Archer’s sex.

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