Revenge is Sweet (BBW Erotica Romance)

BOOK: Revenge is Sweet (BBW Erotica Romance)
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Revenge is Sweet

By JD Anders

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Disclaimer: The persons, places, things, and otherwise animate or inanimate objects mentioned in this novel are figments of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to anything or anyone living (or dead) is unintentional. This book is fiction.



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4


Chapter 1


My name is Lauren Davies. I’m
35 and own my own home. You could say I’m just your average girl, and you would be right. I have a wonderful job with the Sinclair Advertising Agency. Mr. Sinclair comes from a very wealthy family. Some say, he’s worth twenty billion. He has this agency, real-estate, oil interests, you name it. It’s hard to believe that I work here but I do. I get a great salary and all in all, I’m pretty content with my life.

I do wish I had someone special in my life since my last boyfriend. I found that bastard with a nineteen year old in my bed. I can’t believe men can do that. Dan and I had a good thing and he had to go and ruin it. I’m better than that and he misses out on these curves I have. Needless to say, I threw him out and his little tramp too. That was about
six months ago, so I’m not sure when I want to start dating again.

We have a couple of young girls in our office. I guess they are both in their early twenties. They giggle a
lot so I call them the giggle twins. Janet and Susan can be very annoying. Janet is the blonde and she thinks she’s God’s gift to men. I’ll admit she has a nice body but those breasts are so fake.
Guess what girl, mine are real, big, and gorgeous!

Susan is a brunette and while she is a bit better than Janet
, she’s no saint. She has long legs and is very attractive. Most men would stop and look twice at them. Me on the other hand, why they might just go the other way. I suppose I shouldn’t be so hard on myself but I am. I do have a lot to offer a man. I’m kind, generous, I’m an amazing cook, and above all, I’m a very loving person. Of course, men don’t see that do they? All they see is the tits and ass, the firm tight stomach. They see with their eyes. He’s out there and I’ll find hm. When I do, he’s be the luckiest man alive.

Oh, God. There go Janet and Susan again. D
o those two dimwits ever shut up? Always going on about this and that.
No girls, I don’t care. Honestly, I don’t
. They sit across from me.

“Hey Susan, guess what. Drake is picking me up in his Porsche after work. We are going to dinne
r then, who knows what.”

“Damn, he sure is hot
,” said Susan.

Janet spread her hands apart. “He’s big
, too.”  They both laughed.

I got a date with Rick on Friday. Last weekend we…Oh, damn, you know about that!”

“Yeah, you told me a million times,” said Janet.

“But it was such hot sex. I think my hair sizzled some.”

“Ha, ha.”

Dear lord, you idiots. Shut up, so I can work here!
I slammed my binder shut and typed in frustration.

“Hey Lauren,” said Janet. “You got any plans for this weekend. I bet you got a hot date, right?
A girl like you has to have tons of boyfriends.”

Susan joined in. “
Yeah, a real hot date. You gotta get out sometime.”

“No. I’m gonna stay home and read. I might catch up on some work
, the usual thing. Now, just turn around. Leave me alone so I can work. This is an office you know, not a gossip clinic!”

“Oh, I like to read too,” said Janet.
“But I like da pushin better!”

Susan laughed.

Read? That must give you a supreme headache.

Janet looked up towards the back of the office. “Shit!’ Mr. Sinclair’s office opened. He’s here today!”

“Oh, yeah, now there’s a man. God, what a hottie,” said Susan.

Mr. Sinclair was usually out of the office or on some business trip
. He keeps busy and only stops by here a few times each month. My interview was with him and he seemed really nice. I bet he has his pick of the ladies, I’m sure. He’s tall, with gorgeous brown hair. He has deep blue eyes and a smooth face. He always wears a jet black suit and a red tie. He stands out in the crowd. Any woman would want him.
I do
Lauren, you dreamer.

“Ladies,” he said as he approached the three of us. H
e stopped by Janet and Susan.

Of course. Men.

“I trust the work is going well. I’m going to be in town here for about a week. We have some very important clients to deal with. These are big rollers so we need to get on it immediately.”

“Oh, you know us, Mr. Sinclair. W
e’ll get this work done quickly,” said Janet.

God, you’re drooling Janet.
The only work you do is your nails!

“Good to hear, good to hear.”

“Ms. Davies, you look lovely today,” he said, as he turned to me.

Lovely? Did this man
God call me lovely?

“The agency has been very impressed with your work and I wanted to repay you for what you have brought to us. Some of our clients are every happy. You’re promotions have been exceptional.”

“Thank you, just doing my job here.”

“I was wondering if you had plans for tonight.”

Me? Is there another Lauren in this office I don’t know about?
  “No, I am free.”

“Wonderful. I want to treat you for the work you have done. The
limousine will be out front at five. I’ll be waiting for you. It’s casual so you’re business attire is fine.”

“I look forward to it. Thank you, Mr. Sinclair. That’s such a nice gesture.”

Dinner? Me? Holy crap!

I got up after he left and went to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. I
put my hand on my heart.
Still beating, that’s a good sign
. I pinched my arm.
Nope, not dreaming

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful but the two giggle twins were very quiet. It was nice to work without the two of them yapping away. I watched my clock tick away the minutes at fifteen minutes to five. I was nervous but excited at the same time. I took the elevator down and sure enough, right outside was a long stretch limo. I went through the doors and the drive
r opened the door for me.  Inside, Craig smiled at her.

Chapter 2


limo drove out into the city and Craig poured a glass of champagne for the two of us. I wasn’t sure what was going on with him.

“So, where are we going for dinner? I hope it’s not fancy. You did say casual.”

“No restaurant,” he said sipping his drink. “I’m taking you to my penthouse. My cooks will make you an excellent meal.”

Penthouse? His home?

“How do you like your steak?”

“Uh, medium.”

He pressed a button. “Donaldson, let them know that Ms. Davies wants a medium steak.”

The driver came back on the intercom. “Right away, sir.”

“Steak, lobster, veggies, the works. Sound good?”

“It sounds heavenly.”

“I have several homes around the world, estates, the typical properties for a man with my wealth. I think I like my penthouse here the best. You can see the whole city. It’s amazing at night.”

“I bet.”

“There, that complex coming up.”

I look up at the tall skyscraper we approached. The limo went under into the parking garage. Craig got out as the drive opened his door. He went around to my side, opening my door. He took my hand. “Please, allow me.”

“Thank you.”

We got out and the driver left us. As we approached the elevator doors.

“Getting hungry?” he said as he briefly brushed my shoulder.


The elevator doors stopped at the top and we got out. His place was gigantic. The floors were all oak with exquisite leather furniture. A big fake fireplace with lovely stone was in the middle surrounded by all sorts of couches and tables. The walls were decorated with paintings and there were various statues around the room. One statue was that of dragon. It looked about three feet high and made out of jade. Glass went around the entire suite. To one side of the main room, was a large black grand piano.

I could smell the steaks cooking in the kitchen. A servant came out and poured wine at the table
. On that table sat a giant bouquet of red roses.
Ok, now I know something is up

He led me by my arm. “Please, let’s sit and enjoy our meal.”

“Yeah,” I said. My brain tried to process everything. “Let’s eat.”

We sat down and the servants brought our plates. Steam rose from the food which looked incredible.

“Thank you,” said Craig. “Have them cleanup and you may leave us for the evening.”

“Sir,” the man said.

I cut into the meat and took a bite.
I chewed, savouring it.

r steak?” he said

“Oh, perfect. The lobster too. Wow, this is really nice. Can’t thank you enough.”

“Just having your company is enough for me.”

“Mr. Sinclair,” I said. “You didn’t want to discuss work did you? I mean, all this
? What is going on here? Please, tell the truth. This looks like a date.”

He chewed a bit of food and cleared his throat. “No, you’re right Lauren. I wanted to get to know you better. I thought this would be the best way to do it.”

“I’m flattered. I mean, me? You been drinking?”

“Why not you?”

“Well. I’m not exactly a model here am I?”

“So what?”

“Well, for starters you’re rich beyond my wildest dreams. I mean look at this place, it’s amazing! Dear lord, I bet you have smoking hot women falling all over you.”

“You’re right, I do. I could in about thirty minutes have any woman
I wanted up here. Black, Asian, big breasted, Latino, tight little ass, anything really. They would worship me and suck my cock dry.”

Oh, brother. Don’t brag or anything. Geez!

“Then why don’t you?”

“It’s boring.”

“Boring? You mean to tell me that all those hot women bore you? Oh God, give me a break!”

“No, it’s true. Oh, when
I was younger, sure. I have had my adventures but now, it’s just not worth it.”

“So what am I then?”

“Someone I want to know more about.”

You see, these other girls are all just ice cream flavours. Sure, some are sweet but there’s so many flavours. You just get bored of it all.”

now we are just desserts to you?”

“No, no.
It’s a metaphor.”

cream is great but we all have one flavour we like. There’s one we would crawl across the floor for. There’s one we love. One we would do anything for.”

“I think I follow you now.”

“That’s what I want. I can keep sampling, keep playing, but I don’t want to anymore. It’s no longer exciting. I’m no longer that kid in a candy store, I’m close to 40.” He dug back into his steak. “Well, enough about me. What about you?”

“Not much to tell. I go to work, I go home. I exist.”

“Any relationships?”

“You know I’m single.”

“Yes, but what about the past?”

I was in one for 5 years but he cheated on me. Caught them in bed together.”

Oh, damn. Sorry.”

“It’s fine. I’ve moved on. Can’t say I blame him
. Me, the plain Jane.”

“You’re not plain. I think you’
re beautiful.”

What? Shit, are you sure you’re not tossing back the sauce there?”

No, serious. Let me tell you a story.”


“I was in the park and there was this old couple. They were hand in hand, smiling together. They were giving bread to the birds. It was so lovely. There they were, still in love. The looks long gone but it was still there.”

“Your point?”

“The point is we all grow old, our looks fade but what we are inside doesn’t. If you care for someone, it doesn’t die. I guess it’s the beauty is skin deep thing.”

“I guess.”

“So you’re beautiful. I see it in you. You’re a strong woman.”


“Plus, you have a wonderful smile. It lights up this room.”

“You’re a different man,” Mr. Sinclair.

“I suppose I am.”

So what do we do after we finish eating here?”

“Only one thing to do. We dance.”







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