Revenge of the Dixie Devil (5 page)

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Authors: Kin Fallon,Alexander Thomas,Sylvia Lowry,Chris Westlake,Clarice Clique

BOOK: Revenge of the Dixie Devil
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Pages From the Records of Doctor Helena Hopfl
by Kin Fallon

Experiment Number 307, 3 days until completion.

Reinforced the mechanism on the drawbridge today. Cogs were stiff and stone dry; it took great effort. Cannot afford to have intruders or busybodies disturbing the quiet of the castle. This week’s work is crucial. The work on Man Model Mark II is almost complete. The final few pieces of the puzzle are coming together, they seem close but ungraspable. It will be worth the effort when it is brought into life and there is help with the work.

Today went as scheduled. Spent the morning perfecting the breath pump. Took two long breaths into the tube and two hard pushes on the pump to get the air sack at the other end to fill with enough oxygen as the Model needs for one breath. Perhaps the Mark II was built too large. A poor decision maybe. I do not recall the reasoning behind its six feet length, nor the rationale for the width of the shoulders, the expanse of the chest. Certainly it will help with tasks of strength, the evident musculature attests to that, but it seems a little excessive.

Worked on the pump mechanism for some time trying to improve on the two to one breath ratio but could not get it any lower. Opened the Mark II’s “mouth” and inserted the tube. Worried about dryness/rubbing and decided to wet it first. Applied a layer of oil to its lips and then, inserting a finger into the mouth, wet the tongue, the inner sides of the cheeks and back down into the throat.

Reinserted the tube into the wet mouth and commenced pumping. Pumped twice to give enough oxygen and the calculations held. The chest expansion was extraordinary. Started slowly, marvelling at the structure. Began to get breathless myself as it was hard going, but needed to test it at higher speeds. Pumping harder, faster, I watched the chest rise and fall with increasing speed without losing any of the fullness of the volume of each individual breath.

Began to feel the effect of my exertions in strange ways. My own breath speeding up was expected and had been accounted for. But … Also felt unusual sensations in the most unlikely part of my body and a heat from that centre. The sensation became so distracting that it threatened the experiment as it begged for attention with a force hard to ignore. Luckily, by instinct my legs found themselves either side of the pump. As the work continued the site of my distraction pushed roughly against the pump mechanism. Watched Mark II from my new position, my feet firmly apart, pump between my legs, my body squatting and rising, my centre pushing harshly against the pump, pushing my every hot breath forcefully down the tube and watching that enormous chest rise and fall in response.

My breath felt almost spent but the need to see Mark II’s body “breathe” one more time with mine was enough to enable me to continue. Was able to continue the experiment thus, pushing myself with greater and greater force against the pump to satisfy that feeling as the exhausting up-and-down continued.

Finally, without any thought my hands released the pump and moved forward to touch the chest. The pump, obstructing my movement, dug into my centre as I leant in. As the pressure registered I touched Mark II’s still breathing chest; my body seemed for a moment electrified as with a complex of magnets, shaking and tensing. The feeling was strange, almost wave-like, as it took over me; like a consuming force that drove out all thought, all ideas. A sound escaped me with the pleasure. My hand remained on Mark II’s chest, as it fell for the last time and I watched as the same last breath seemed to leave me.

After taking some time to recompose myself from the encounter I am satisfied with the outcome, the strangeness of the experiment notwithstanding. The body will take the breath if I can get the other parts to work. The main potential problem was that my breath would prove insufficient to the task. It has been quite poor since The Disappointment. The training undertaken must have done some good as the breath was adequate. Mark II, you are my masterwork. I rebuilt my lungs so I could give breath to you.

Experiment Number 307: Man Mark II, 2 days until completion.

Another successful day. The blood transfer went well. A few tendrils of greenery have broken through the chains of the drawbridge but it is holding. The springs on the blood pump system needed tightening and the cogs needed to be changed to the smaller size to increase the power of each revolution. It meant the flow was slower initially but at least it achieved the force required for the momentum. After making the necessary changes and waiting the extra time the blood was able to circulate through the body without any slowing or back flow. With the use of the clip pulley I can now wind it hard and far enough to get 30 seconds of flow through the body.

Mark II’s body looked fuller with the blood, fleshed out, more animal. His hands and midsection, thighs, balls, penis fatted out, looking much more human than yesterday. His body awakened in me the memory of yesterday. I felt the memory in my body and so pleasant was it that this time I decided to nurture it. In any case it would have been foolish not to try out the breath pump and the blood flow in tandem in readiness for tomorrow.

I took the breath pump as yesterday, rubbing between my legs, and got a good rhythm going. I watched as his chest rose and fell again. This time I laid my head sideways on his chest, the better to feel the action of my breath on him while maintaining a monitoring eye on his face. When I felt the pressure building in me and my breath growing hot, I released the blood flow mechanism. I saw the blood vessels of his neck fill and felt his body flow with blood. My head still on his chest, I saw his face take on a redness. Instinctively I reached a hand behind me to feel for blood flow to the penis. I felt the flow and the fullness in it, felt the pulse through it. Though not fully erect, it grew fatter, stiffer in my hand.

The body seemed enlivened. As I felt myself drawing closer to the pleasure of yesterday, the heat building in my aching middle, I pulled gently on his. Accidentally, I held my breath as my body jerked; curiously, Mark II’s chest filled anyway and I felt a force on the pump as he sucked air in. More curious still, as I grasped him hard, feeling the heat shudder through my body as it had yesterday, his penis seemed to twitch slightly, even without nervous stimulation. A split second of life in his flushed body.

His body had warmth and I stayed resting on his chest while the heat remained. Strange that he has encouraged me despite his stillness to rewarm my blood, blood which has always run so cold recently. I feel pleased at the signs of something like life today, the signs that I can bring him to life through these efforts. Mark II, I remade my blood so I could warm you.

Mark II Experiment, 1 day until completion.

Another day of strangeness and progress in equal measure. He seems well. I was eager today to see his flesh warm again, alive. This morning was wasted as I contemplated stopping the experiment. I decided to take care of the greenery breaking through the drawbridge, only to find that there are now small flowers growing from the vines; will attend to them tomorrow.

The testing of the nervous system was dangerous beyond the perils of the previous stages. I knew that there was no way but forward, but feared to damage Mark II. As I looked upon him I felt a strange pull, a feeling I do not understand. I wanted no harm to come to him. I imagined a life in this castle with him. The pumping exhausts me but also invigorates me. I calculated that I could probably manage two or three pumping sessions a day. I thought that I could be happy with that life; to see him warm, flushed for 30 seconds twice or thrice a day.

I tried to reason with myself throughout the morning, knowing that the experiment must go ahead. Finally I began to prepare the system, but it was not reason alone that pushed me but an image of him animated, alive.

Nervous was the right word for my disposition today. I prepared the charged magnets in the salt solution module and aligned the resulting stimulator with the major nerve from his hand. I placed his other hand in the other module in order to detect any successful stimulation of the nervous system.

I began the breath pump and found that it had got easier with practise. I released the blood flow mechanism and immediately released the magnets in the stimulator. The charge of the magnets worked first time; the first hand jerking and then the second. The skin flushed and filled again. In the slight jerk of his arms I imagined the potential for greater movement, shakes to match my own.

I removed his wet hand from the module and stroked it; warm and fat. I continued to trace my finger around it. I slipped my other hand behind my waistband and began to trace a finger around myself. I felt my throbbing and my pulse and my blood flowing as I hope his will. I kissed his hand, a strange thing to do, then pulled my own hand from the site it had not yet satisfied.

I locked my fingers with his while I struggled, one-handed, to reset the systems. After some tussling I managed it. I began pumping again and released the flow. I saw the flush and the fattening as the oxygenated blood went around the body. I took the second hand from the second module in a quick movement and placed it where I wanted it; against the hottest part, the throbbing part, hidden beneath my clothes. I released the magnet of the stimulator. The effect came quickly, like lightening.

There was an initial jerk, his body, his arms, chest, sex, and hand moved quickly; my excruciating pleasure was instantaneous as his hand clasped, his fingers pinching together hard, my engorged point stuck in their grasp. I fell onto him for support as the intensity bounced around my body; the blood and heat stuck in that one point around which all my energy flowed. As he released me the nerves relaxed, all tension left. I panted, leaning against him, and that’s when I think I saw his eyes flicker.

I feel now more alive than I have felt in all my days of experimentation. I have studied nerves and the feelings of the body in great detail while planning my Mark II but I did not truly feel anything myself until he felt, until I felt it through him. The most important thing is the success of the experiment but this by-product is not unwelcome. My Mark II, I reforged my nerves so I could feel you.

My Mark II, The day.

Oh, my Mark II. I dreamt of you last night, so excited was I for this day to some. I made the preparations for your coming. I reset the magnets, placing the stimulator modules by your heart. I wound the blood flow mechanism and stood by your side with the breath pump.

I began pumping my hopeful breath into your chest and watched you fill and expand. I set the blood flowing and watched you flush as the blood moved through your body, taking the oxygen through you. I activated the stimulator, the magnets spun, then came the kick. Your chest lurched and I saw that the blood flow mechanism had completely unwound, the 30 seconds gone.

I saw that your penis had fattened and reached out to grasp its size and warmth as it jerked and called to me. That was when I felt it; the pulse, the pulse that was continuing even though the machine had stopped. I took my hand away from your penis, wanting to feel your heart centre and not wanting to stop the breath pump. The heart was indeed continuing to beat without further shock from the stimulator. I moved my hand back to your penis. It became harder in my hand fully hard, alive; it twitched as I pulled on your balls. I felt you pulsate in my hand.

That was when the most amazing thing happened. You sat up, you opened your eyes. I looked into you as I gave you my breath, then I noticed your chest had taken up its own rhythm. You sucked air from me and breathed into me just as I had breathed into you. I removed the mechanism and for a moment just marvelled at you sitting, pulsating, breathing, living. I moved my mouth to yours and we shared our breath without machinery.

My Mark II, your breath was on my face, my neck, in my mouth, filled with heat and condensation and the sounds of depth and need. I felt my body get wet and fat, wanting you. I removed my clothes and climbed up over you, my legs either side. I looked at your living body transfixed. My hands automatically reached down to hold on to that part of you that was so hard now, more changed than the rest of you, a new thing, so hungry for touch. You raised your arms and grabbed my waist with your hands. They grasped firmly and pinched into my skin. I placed my hands over them.

You pulled my body down hard and rubbed our sensitive places together so that you entered me and our parts most needing of touch and warmth were joined. I held your hot, pulsating sex inside me, feeling its life and feeling my own sex come to life around it, heated by it, engorged by you. You lifted my body up so that I felt you slipping from between my legs almost all the way, then pulled me back down, refilling me, rubbing against me.

You pushed and pulled me, moving my body so that I felt you moving in and out. Each time you seemed to fill me a little more, each time my flesh seemed more sensitive, more able to feel. You fucked me harder and harder as I felt you get harder and harder until finally you pulled me down hard against you, your sweat-covered hands pushing our hot, wet sex together and jerked your last. Your release inside me, mixing with my own stickiness, pushed me into my own final pleasure and I felt those inner twitches, this time touching yours from within.

You held me then as we remained together. Juices flowing from between our flushed flesh. I knew that I loved you and, as you touched my skin, that you loved me too. Tomorrow I will open the drawbridge and we will walk in the garden together. Mark II, my heart and my sex, my love and my life, I rebuilt my whole, that I could hold you.

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