Revive (Storm MC #3)

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Authors: Nina Levine

Tags: #biker romance, #mc, #motorcycle romance, #Love Story, #biker, #sexy, #biker erotica

BOOK: Revive (Storm MC #3)
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(Storm MC #3)

Nash & Velvet’s Story


Cover designed by Louisa @ LM Creations


Cover Photography by Christopher John @ CJC Photography

Cover Model: Joseph Troisi


Stock Image from Dollar Photo Club


A Note About The Storm MC Series

Each book in this series continues on from the previous.  While there won’t be major cliffhangers in each book, there will be parts of the story that won’t be resolved so please be aware of this.

It is recommended that each book be read in order.


For Mature Audience 18+

Contains Adult Sexual Situations & Language

Table of Contents



Nina Levine



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30


To My Readers


Revive Playlist

Nina Levine


About the Author

The Beginning: A Duet by Jani Kay

Sneak Peek of Control Me by Elle Raven


opyright © 2014 Nina Levine

Published by Nina Levine

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Nina Levine is in no way affiliated with any brands, songs, musicians or artists mentioned in this book.

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

Nina Levine

USA Today
& International Bestselling Author

Also by Nina Levine

Storm MC Series

In Order:

Storm (Storm MC #1)

Fierce (Storm MC #2)

Blaze (Storm MC #2.5)

Coming Soon

Slay (Storm MC #4)

This is Blade’s story and it will release on the 20th October 2014


She’s wild, carefree and sassy.  His total opposite.

She drives him crazy... and yet, she’s the only woman he wants.

This is Roxie & Liam’s story.  The Storm MC characters feature in this story but it is not based around the club.  I have included some chapters of Roxie in the back of this book and information about how you can read it.

Keep up to date with my books at my


To all the women who have had their self worth crushed by someone they loved.

To all the men who have been too strong and proud to admit when they were struggling.

And to those who picked up the pieces and helped put us back together.

To love.


ash - Three years ago

Memories were a double-edged sword.  For me, they were mostly a sword that never failed to leave another scar on my heart.  And today was no different.  Mothers Day; the beginning of my yearly cycle of remembrance.  It always began on Mothers Day and lasted for nearly two months.  Had been this way for seven years now and I figured it would continue until Gabriella took her last breath.

I re-read the text she’d sent me. 

Happy Mother’s Day asshole

There was no need to reply so I slipped my phone back in my pocket.  The pain she’d stirred up hurt like a motherfucker, but I was skilled at dealing with it now.  I shoved it away and focused my attention on finding a distraction for the night.

“You okay?” Velvet asked as she slid into the seat next to me, a concerned look on her face. 

My gaze dropped to her legs as she crossed them.  And then it shifted up to admire the curves of her hips and tits that were encased in the hottest black dress I’d seen in awhile.  Her long, brunette hair hung half way down her back.  She was a stunning woman, but the thing I loved about her the most was her heart and soul.  Caring and kind on the inside, fearless on the outside.

“Yeah, sweet thing, don’t worry about me.” 

“I do worry about you, Nash.  A lot.  And tonight, you’re giving off a vibe.  What’s going on?”

I’d known her for a year now, and she had a way of reading me, of knowing when I was struggling with something.  But I didn’t want friends like that; friends who pushed you to play with your demons.  I pasted a smile on my face.  “Just had a busy day, babe.  I need to relax, maybe have some fun.”  I winked at her.  “You wanna help me with that?”

“You never give up, do you?”

I’d lost count of the number of times I’d hit on Velvet.  To her credit, she put up with me and let me do it, all with a smile on her face.  She’d almost given in a couple of times but even I knew we’d reached the point where it was unlikely to happen.  Velvet had chosen our friendship over sex, and for some reason I couldn’t fathom, I was more than okay with that.  Still, a man had to try.  You never knew when a woman would give in.

I shrugged.  “One day you’ll succumb to my cock, sweet thing.  I can be a patient man.” 

“I’ve got plenty of other cock to keep me occupied, Nash.  It’s your heart and your mind I’m interested in.  Maybe one day you’ll give me those.”

“Baby, you say the sweetest things but truly, once you’ve had my cock, my heart and mind will be distant memories.”

She leant closer to me and whispered, “One day you’re going to be knocked off your ass by a woman who will own all three.  It’ll be a sight to see, Nash Walker.”

“Sorry, babe, but the only item on the menu is my cock.  My heart and mind were trashed by a woman a long fuckin’ time ago.” 

More like fucking annihilated.

Her eyes widened and she sat back, processing what I’d said.  Before she could say anything else, I stood.  “I’ll see you tomorrow night, yeah?” 

She nodded, disappointment clear on her face.  “Yeah, Nash.  I’ll be here and I’ll come and find you for a chat.”

I forced a smile.  “Good,” I said, and walked away from her without a backwards glance.  It was all well and fucking good to have friends, but what I needed was pussy.  That’s what would make me feel better.  Losing myself in it helped me forget.  And Mothers Day was a day when I really needed to forget.

Chapter 1

Lookin’ For A Good Time ~ Lady Antebellum



My boys. 

As I watched them give J shit about something he’d done, I thought about some of the stuff we’d been through lately.  A lot of people didn’t understand our club, didn’t understand what we stood for.  When it was all said and done, we stood for family.  For loyalty and trust.  Things that were hard to come by these days, and things that when broken, could never be repaired.  At the moment, our loyalties and trust were being put to the test. 

Griff lifted his chin at me before walking my way.  “You and J good at the moment?” he asked.

“We’re working on it, brother.  It’s been two months since his wedding, and Madison’s done her best to push us together.”

“I can imagine.”

I chuckled.  “Yeah, she’s running herself ragged holding get togethers all the fuckin’ time.  I think J’s had enough; I know I have.”

“Never thought I’d see the day you and J talked like civilised men.  Madison’s a miracle worker.”

“Fuck you.”  I grinned at him.  “We all know J was a dickhead when it came to his caveman attitude towards Madison, so that was all on him.”

“Takes two to fuck it up,” Griff muttered, his gaze drifting to Marcus who’d just hit the clubhouse.

It was Friday afternoon and all the boys were gathering for Friday night drinks.  Tension within the club had hit an all-time high over the last few weeks.  After the fallout between Marcus and J a couple of months ago, Marcus was strengthening his ties with some of the boys.  It looked like he was using those ties to create a divide between them and those of us behind J.

“He’s a sly bastard,” I said.

Griff turned back to me.  “Marcus?”

I nodded.  “Yeah.  Some of the boys told me the shit he’s been spinning them.  Making them promises of huge payouts if Storm runs drugs again.  What I can’t fuckin’ work out is why the hell he got us out of drugs years ago if he’s just going to dump us back in that shit.”

Griff was quiet for a minute.  “Been trying to figure that out myself.”

J and Scott joined us, and J glared at Marcus.  “What the fuck’s he promising them now?” he snarled.

“Christ knows,” Scott said as he downed some of his beer.

I eyed him.  “How you holding up, VP?  That’s some shit Marcus threw your way this week.”

Scott scowled.  “He can throw as much shit as he wants at me, at all of us; if he wants any of us out, we’re not going quietly.”

It was clear Marcus wanted J out, but it looked like he was trying to turn the boys against Scott too.  We’d heard rumblings that he wanted a new VP.  And it appeared his plan to achieve that goal involved spreading lies about Scott, which was what he’d started doing this week.

“Wilder tell you anything more?” Griff asked Scott.

“Thank fuck for that prospect,” I muttered.  Wilder had been with Storm for almost a year, and as far as I was concerned, should be patched in right now.  He was quietly behind J and Scott, and passing on information about Marcus.

Before Scott could answer, Harlow and Velvet walked in.  I straightened at the sight of Velvet, on high alert for what she might have to say to me.  We hadn't spoken in months after a disagreement.  However, watching her now, she didn’t appear to be mad at me.  In fact, she seemed happy enough to see me.  I ran my eyes down her body, and my dick jerked as I took in the skin tight black pants, and fuck me heels she was wearing.  I had no idea how women managed to walk in shoes that high, but I wasn’t fucking complaining.  My gaze settled on her tits that were pushing their way out of her tight black top.  She had to be a double D cup at least.  Christ, one day I had to get my hands on them. 

They came over to where we were, and Harlow began telling Scott some shit about her day.  It was white noise to me as I zeroed in on Velvet’s tattoos.  In amongst the ones she had on her arm, there was a new one.  It was some sort of flower and swirl design.  I wondered what it meant, because Velvet was deep where her tattoos were concerned.  She had a lot of them on her arms, stomach and back, and they all symbolised something in her life.

She was watching me.  I jabbed my finger in the direction of her tattoo.  “What’s it mean?” I asked her, quietly.

“It’s a lotus flower.  New beginnings, growth.” 

“The colour in it looks good.” 

Shit, this whole conversation felt stilted.  I yearned for the easiness we used to have.  And what new beginnings was she talking about?

“I used your girl again to do it.  She’s good.”

I’d put Velvet onto my tattoo artist awhile back after she had a bad experience with the guy she was using.  He’d hit on her and hadn’t been happy when Velvet said no.  I was livid when I found out, and had paid him a visit.  “Yeah, she might be an angry dyke but she’s damn good at what she does.”

Velvet’s gaze shifted to my arms.  “You get any new ones lately?”

I chuckled.  “It’s kinda getting hard to find any bare skin to ink.” 

She smiled; the kind of smile that makes a man forget where he was and what he was doing.  “Yeah, I guess.”  And then her eyes twinkled with the Velvet mischievousness I’d really missed.  “What about your ass, Nash?  Is it inked?”

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