Revved (38 page)

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Authors: Samantha Towle

BOOK: Revved
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He pushes his tongue inside me, and I can’t help but move in rhythm against his face.

My head presses back into the pillow, as he runs his tongue up to my clit. He starts licking with gusto, sliding a finger inside me and then another, fucking me with them.

“Yes,” I moan. “God, Carrick, yes…right there.” My toes curl into the bed, the muscles in my legs tightening, as I feel it moving through my body. Then the coil snaps. And I’m screaming out his name, my back bowing up off the bed.

When it’s over, I fall back, lax, into the mattress as he climbs up my body, taking my mouth in a kiss. The taste of me on him turns me on even more.

He’s readying to put himself inside me, and I want that, but first…

Pushing him off me, I roll him onto his back and climb on top of him.

“You riding me, cowgirl?” He grins, slapping my arse.

His eyes are so full of heat and desire that I feel it ripple through me, right to my sex.

I bite my lip. “Maybe, but first…” I let my words trail off as I move down his body, readying to take him in my mouth.

I can’t believe this is the first time I’m going to taste him. I’ve wanted to for so long. But he’s always so in control in the bedroom, so I’ve just let him take the lead.

But now is my turn.

Kneeling between his legs, I take his cock in my hand. Curling my fingers around it, I move the shaft up and down. He hisses such a sexy sound that I feel it deep inside.

Licking my lips, I move my head down and slide his cock between my lips.

“Ah, fuck…” he groans, his hand grabbing hold of my hair. “That feels so good. Jesus, your lips around my cock…you have no idea how many times I’ve imagined this. Even better than I thought it would be.”

Wanting to keep on pleasing him, I flatten my tongue, taking him further into my mouth, until he’s pushing the back of my throat.

“God, fuck. Yeah, just like that, Andressa.”

I start sucking him harder, sliding my mouth up and down his cock, taking him far back each time. I love the hot dirty praise spilling from his lips, the way his hand is pulling on my hair, as he fucks my mouth.

“Babe, fuck…ah, you need to stop, or I’m gonna come.” He tugs on my hair, lifting my head from him.

“That was kinda the point.” I pout.

“Another time. Right now, I want to fuck you.”

He starts to move, to take over, but I stop him with a hand on his chest.

“No. Stay there. Right like you are.” I slide my legs over his hips, so I’m straddling him, his cock pressed up against me.

He growls. “Always so fucking wet for me. You have no idea how much that turns me on.”

Desire hurtles through me.

Lifting up on my knees, I take his cock in my hand and place him at my entrance. I slowly slide down on his length. I suck in a breath at the feel of him filling me. And his resounding groan tells me he feels as good as I do right now.

I start moving up and down, riding him. His hands quickly find my hips, fingers biting in my skin.

Knowing I won’t have long before he takes over, I ride him hard. My hands are on his stomach, but I can’t get the grip I need for traction.

He offers his hands to me. Taking them, I link my fingers with his.

It’s not long before he’s sitting up, pressing his chest to mine.

I drop his hands and grip his shoulders. His hands on my behind, he takes control, lifting me up and down his cock, increasing pace.

“So good,” I moan.

“That’s it, babe. I need you to come for me.”

The friction is almost too much to bear. My body goes into overdrive, and in no time, I’m shattering around him.

My eyes are locked on his as I come, unable to look away. I never want to look away from him ever again. And that feeling I’ve had of falling before hits me, but it’s harder this time, bleeding into my veins, making me dizzy…

I love him.

I’m in love with him.

Oh God.

Before I can even process my thoughts, I’m moving backward.

Carrick is on top, his body pinning mine. His elbows are pressed against my upper arms, keeping them in place, as he frames my face with his hands.

He’s moving in and out with sure hard thrusts, and I lift my legs, wrapping them around him, urging him in harder.

His features are tight. His eyes are dark with urgency and need. The way he’s looking at me is somehow more intense than ever before, and it stops my breath.

“Andressa…” he groans my name like a prayer. “Fuck, babe…”

Then, almost as if it’s too much for him, he closes his eyes. He brings his mouth to mine, breaking the connection between us, allowing me to breathe.

His body tenses, shuddering, as I feel his cock jerking inside me, filling me with his warmth.

We lie there for a moment, pressing soft tender kisses wherever we can reach skin.

Then, he rolls off me, taking me with him, so my head is on his chest, his arm around me.

“That was…” He sounds in awe and lost, and I’m right there with him.

“Out of this world.” I tilt my head, so I can look at him.

“Don’t go to work today.” He touches my lower lip with his finger, tracing it. “Stay with me.”

“I want to…but I don’t want to let Uncle John down.”

“You’re not letting him down. You’re pulling a sickie, like ninety percent of the population do. Technically, in a roundabout way, you work for me, and I’m saying it’s more than okay for you to play hooky.”

“That’s because you’ll benefit from me playing hooky.”

“True.” He presses his lips together, brow raised, a cute look on his face. “But I’ll make sure that you benefit too.”

I laugh, considering it.

“And the part for your dad’s car is being delivered this morning. We can fit it and then take her out together.”

And he’s got me. I was eighty percent sure I was going to stay just from the feel of his hot body under my hands, but if I can be here to finish my dad’s car…

“You know how to get me.”

“Sure I do. If I didn’t, you wouldn’t be naked and in my bed right now.”

I lift a brow.

“Granted, it took me a while,” he adds. “But we got here in the end.”

“We sure did.” I smile, giving him a kiss. As I pull back, I remember that my phone is in the garage. I left it there yesterday. And if I’m calling in sick, then I’m going to need it.

“Ugh, I left my phone in the garage. I need it to call Uncle John and let him know I won’t be in today.”

“Use mine.”

“Oh, yeah!” I laugh, but I abruptly stop when I see the less than happy look on his face. “What’s wrong?”

“You don’t want John knowing we’re together?”

“I never said that. But if I call from your phone, he’s gonna know in an instant that I’m not playing hooky because I’m sick but because I’m too busy in bed with you. And I’d rather my Uncle John not know those intimate details of my life.”

“But you are gonna tell him that we’re together?”

“If that’s what you want.”

“I do.”

“Are you telling your dad and Pierce?”

He gives me a stupid look. “Of course. I’ll be telling anyone who’ll fucking listen that we’re together. That I’m with the hottest girl in the world.”

I roll my eyes at his cheesy line, but I’m secretly loving it.

“You don’t think it’ll be weird at work?”

“Babe, I’m pretty sure that everyone at work knows that we’ve at least slept together. The way we’ve been with each other these last few weeks, they know.” Moving out from under me, he gets out of bed. Going over to his chest of drawers, he pulls out a pair of dark gray drawstring pajama bottoms and puts them on. “My dad even asked me about it the other day. Asked what was going on with you and me.”

Lying on my side, I prop myself up on my elbow. “What did you tell him?”

“That I was pissed off because you wouldn’t fuck me.” He grins.

“You never said that!” I gasp.

“What else was I going to say?” He comes and sits on the bed. “That I was fucking cut up because you didn’t want me? I don’t go that deep with my dad, babe.”

My eyes lower, my lips turning down at the corners.

“Hey.” He chucks my chin with his fingers.

I look back up at him.

“Don’t feel bad. That shit is all in the past. We’re here now, and we’re good.” He tucks my hair behind my ear.

“No, we’re better than good. We’re great.” I slide my hand around his neck. Bringing his lips down to mine, I kiss him.

“You want me to get your phone?” he says in between kisses.

“Would you?” I blink, looking into his eyes.

“I’d do just about anything for you.” He winks and then gets up from the bed. “Back in a few.”

I watch his hot arse leave the bedroom. Needing the bathroom, I climb out of bed and use the toilet.

After I’ve finished, my stomach is rumbling, and I’m dying for coffee, so I decide to meet Carrick downstairs.

I grab his Rybell T-shirt and boxer shorts that I wore last night when we had pizza because all my clothes are still scattered around his garage. I hope he retrieves them when he gets my phone.

I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I’ve just got the coffee brewing and bread in the toaster when Carrick appears with my phone, my clothes, and a box in his hands.

“Delivery guy turned up while I was outside. Starter motor’s here.” He puts the box down on the counter along with my clothes, and he hands me my phone.

“He was early,” I comment.

“Yeah. Aw, you’re making coffee and toast. You’re the best girlfriend ever.” He presses a kiss to my cheek as he passes by me.

I freeze at the term, surprised to hear him calling me his girlfriend. Then, I relax, letting it seep into me.

I am his girlfriend. And he’s my boyfriend.

And I sound like I’m still in high school.

“You want jam, Nutella, or peanut butter on your toast?” he asks me from the fridge.


“Good choice.” He comes over with a jar of Nutella, putting it on the counter in front of me.

“I should call Uncle John and let him know I’m not coming in.”

“Call him. I’ll finish breakfast.”

Taking my phone, I walk out into the hall. I see a few texts from my mum, Petra, and Ben, and I have a missed call from Uncle John.

Swiping the screen, I call him back.

“I called you yesterday. I was hoping to have dinner with you last night.” Uncle John’s voice comes down the line.

“Sorry. I was out with a friend.” I choose not to elaborate. I can’t tell him now, not with me pulling a sickie. “That’s kind of why I’m calling. I think I ate something last night that disagreed with me, and I feel ill. Stomachache.” I actually press my hand to my belly, like he can see me.

“Are you okay? Do you need me to come around, take care of you?”

“No.” My voice goes unnaturally high, so I rein it back in. “No, I’ll be fine. I just need to sleep it off, I think. I’ll be fine by tomorrow.”

“Well, no rush. Just come in when you feel up to it.”

“Okay. Thanks, Uncle John.”

“I’ll call you later, check how you’re doing. Feel better soon, kiddo.”

Saying good-bye, I hang up with him. Then, I reply to my mum’s text. If I don’t, she’ll start freaking out.

Then, I go back into the kitchen.

Carrick’s already poured the coffee and made my toast, all set out for me on the breakfast bar. He’s munching on his own toast, reading something on his phone.

He lowers it when he sees me. “Okay?” he checks.

“Yeah, fine.” I sit up on the stool. “I feel crappy lying to him, but if it means I get to spend the day with you, then it’s worth it.”

That earns me a heart-stopping smile.

After we’ve finished breakfast, I load the plates and cups into the dishwasher, seeing as though Carrick made breakfast.

We take a shower together, which ends up being longer than it should, as I end up bent over, hands pressed to the tiles, with Carrick taking me from behind.

We finally make it down to the garage where I put on my overalls over another one of Carrick’s clean T-shirts and boxer shorts. As my clothes are grubby, I’ve put them in his machine to wash, so at least I’ll have some clean clothes to go home in.

Carrick seems to quite like me in his clothes. Honestly, I like wearing them. I like smelling of him.

We have the starter motor fitted in less than an hour. Quick easy job with the both of us. But I let Carrick do most of the fitting. I’m quite happy to sit back and watch his delicious arse bent over the car.

“Seriously, I feel like a piece of meat with the way you’re ogling me from back there.” His voice comes from under the hood of the car.

“Welcome to my world. And seriously, you’re complaining? I thought you liked being adored by women.”

He lifts his head, looking back at me. “I do.” Moving out from under the car, he comes over to me, sliding his dirty hands around the waist of my overalls. “But only by one woman.” He kisses the tip of my nose.

“Nice save.”

“I thought so.” He grins.

“How’s it looking?” I nod at the car.

“All done.” He smiles.

I feel a little tremor inside my chest.

“You ready to try her out? See if all our hard work’s been worth it?”

My eyes come back to his handsome face. “I think it’s been worth it even if she doesn’t run.” I smile, referring to him and me, the time we’ve spent doing it, bringing us together.

“Definitely worth it.” He rubs his nose over mine and then softly kisses me once.

Stepping back, he pulls the car key from his overalls and gives it to me. “Come on. Start her up, babe.”

I follow him to the car. Opening the driver’s door, I climb in.

He puts the hood down with a gentle clunk and gets in the passenger seat beside me.

I look at the key in my hand for a moment and then push it into the ignition. I glance at Carrick, and he gives me an encouraging look.

After a deep breath, I turn the key. She chugs a little as I feel the mechanics all trying to rub together, adjusting to each other.

Releasing the ignition, I wait a few seconds, then, I turn her again, and this time, she comes to life.

I beam at Carrick. “She’s working! I can’t believe she’s working!”

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