Rewriting History (7 page)

Read Rewriting History Online

Authors: Missy Johnson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Rewriting History
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Chapter Eleven



Sophia arrives as I’m straightening my hair, and I can hear her introducing herself to my mom.  I love her accent; I could listen to it all day.  I bet the guys she dates love hearing sensual words from her mouth.

“Hey, girly, you look really nice,” she squeals as she walks into the bathroom. I turn and look at her, and we both crack up laughing when we notice we’re both wearing the same sparkly sleeveless shirt.

“So, you have awesome taste in clothes,” I joke.

“Come on, let’s get you into something different.  Unless you want to come across as twins and indulge in a threesome tonight?” She winks at me.

I laugh, opening the closet door. A threesome with Eli and Sophia… Hot, but there’s no way I’m sharing Eli with anyone—especially someone like Sophia, who looks like she just stepped off a runway show.

“We need to put you in shorts anyway. There’s no way toned legs like yours should be hidden by jeans,” she says, eying my figure.

She ends up completely redressing me. Somehow I transform from conservative Jill to seductive Jill, wearing turquoise shorts, a white strapless flowing top, and tall wedges.  

Sophia and I are standing in my bathroom. She is putting a few curls in my hair, and I’m replacing my nude lip-gloss with a rich pink lipstick at her insistence.

ous êtes très jolie
.” She shakes her head and whistles. “You’re definitely a candidate to get some hot American cock tonight.”

My eyes widen as I look at her in the mirror.

“I never thought I’d hear you being so crude.” I laugh, surprised.

“There’s many sides to me, Jill.” She winks at me. “And some are just downright filthy.”

We walk outside and over to her car, a brand new Mini, with all the upgrades one could ask for. 

“Where the hell did you get this?” I ask, jealous. All I get is the occasional drive of my mom’s five-year-old Honda.

“My parents bought it for me when I first got here. They wanted to make sure I had a means of getting around.” She rolls her eyes. “Though I’m pretty sure they’ve fitted it with a tracking device.”

I shake my head. “This would have cost a fortune.”

“And my parents have a fortune, so why not?” she asks, turning to me with a smile. She nods toward the back of the car. “I brought us some drinks for the party.”

I reach into to the back and bring the drinks to the front. My eyes widen when I see they are vodka and soda cans.
Freaking awesome.
I was so not looking forward to warm keg beer.


Sophia and I walk in the door, our arms linked. We get some catcalls as we make our way down the hall, along with some eye rolls and snotty remarks from jealous girls.    

“Well hellloooooooo ladies,” Josh grins, wrapping his arms around our necks, his hand inching dangerously close to my boob. I reposition it so it sits on my shoulder and he laughs. In our algebra class, I know he can be a bit of a clown. He’s dressed nicely in a button-down black shirt and jeans, and I giggle as Sophia eyes him up. I didn’t think anyone could out-boy-crazy Alice, but I may have underestimated Sophia.

“Hey, Josh, beautiful house,” I say, using the opportunity of placing our drinks in the fridge to shrug him off completely.


Josh shows us around his parents’ house. Situated in one of Denver’s more expensive estates, the whole place screams opulence and status. Clearly, his parents are loaded. What is it with everyone around me having money all of a sudden?

“Who’s the guy at the front door, Josh? Your own private bodyguard?” I joke. I’m grasping at anything to try and mask how nervous I feel right now. I’m so out of my element. I’m not the party kind of girl, and I’m already beginning to regret agreeing to come.

“That’s Joe. He’s head of security.” He moves closer to me so I can only hear. “So if you wanna go upstairs, he’s the man to make sure no one comes through the door.”  Josh laughs at his own joke, but I can tell he’s partly serious.

“Let’s have a dance!” Sophia yells. She stumbles into the doorframe on the way back over to me, grabbing my hand. I groan as she leads me into the middle of the room, feeling like an idiot as everyone watches us.

She grinds her body against mine and I laugh, holding my hair off my sweating neck. I’ve only had one drink and I’m already tipsy. I’m such a lightweight, which is why I rarely drink spirits. Sophia is dancing in front of me with her back to me, wiggling her ass against my leg, and her moves are drawing quite a crowd from some of the guys.

“Fuckin kiss her!” someone yells, and I snort.

In your dreams, buddy

But before I can comprehend what she’s doing, her soft lips collide with mine and I feel her sucking on my bottom lip. I exhale sharply, a shiver racing through me. As quickly as it started, it finishes, and the whole party erupts in cheers. 

“That’s it, boys, that’s all you’re getting for tonight.” She winks at them and turns back to me with a smirk, her hand clutching mine. “Did you enjoy that?” she asks, whispering in my ear.

I’m too shocked to react. I can’t believe she just kissed me, and apparently neither can the group of guys surrounding us. I cringe as they whistle and chant for more.

My stomach is in knots, because I know this will probably be all over school by Monday. Why do I feel like I just cheated on Eli? I kissed a girl. Well . . . technically she kissed me, but still. It’s not something I want to tell him over the phone, so I decide to wait until I see him next and sneak it casually into the conversation.

I have no idea how he is going to react, or whether to even tell him. It wasn’t a big deal—at least not for me—and isn’t it every guy’s dream for their girl to make out with another chick?

The kiss isn’t mentioned again, and Sophia keeps her distance for the rest of the night. We laugh at the stupid evil looks ‘popular’ girls are giving us. Clearly our kiss ruined any chance of those girls getting any attention, since half the guys are still hanging around us.

I’ve never had this feeling of being desired, and I have to say, I like it. I’m so used to fading into the background, watching other girls get all the attention.

Josh and a few other guys have gone in for the kill tonight, trying to get my attention with cheesy pickup lines. I can’t help but laugh at their delivery. Which is a shame, because they’re actually pretty cute guys that I could have easily gone for had it not been for Eli.

One thought of Eli and I’m gone. In comparison, these guys all seem so immature and young. I guess being with a real man will have that effect on you.

“Sorry, I’ve got a boyfriend.” I turn down yet another boy.  I haven’t had this much attention since middle school, where I was
with the popular crowd and hung around football players and cheerleaders.

“Get off your phone,
la pépée
, and come dance with me.” Sophia slurs from the middle of the floor, her hands creeping under her top, exposing her creamy white skin. I’m pretty tipsy, but compared to her I’m a freaking nun.

“Give me a second and I’ll be right there,” I giggle, quickly sending Eli a text.

“Is that your man?” she yells, trying to grab the phone from me. “Tell him you want to suck on that beautiful
la bitte
while fondling his balls,” she yells, and I laugh. I’m beginning to see some pretty serious similarities between her and Alice—especially when drunk. I can’t wait for them to meet.

“What’s a
la bitte
?” I ask, giggling. I’m pretty sure I know.

“Penis,” she laughs, blowing me a kiss.

God, if only she knew the beautiful
la bitte
she’s referring to is our teacher’s.


Sophia and I win several rounds of pool against the guys while the rest of the girls continue to give us the stink-eye. I’m sure it was because Sophia kept leaning over and showing a bit of boob every time they went to hit their ball. I haven’t had this much fun at a party in ages, but at the same time, I feel bad for having fun without Eli.


A cab drops us back at my place in the early hours of the morning where I convince Sophia to stay over. Mainly because the driver looks like a creep and the way he kept eyeing her legs made me feel uneasy—especially considering she could barely manage to speak.

I set out some water and Tylenol for Sophia, and change into my PJs while she’s in the bathroom, and then I slip into my bed. I tap away on my phone before putting it on charge, eager to tell Eli how much I love being with him.

Me: I can’t wait to do things to you that will make you wonder if I’m really so innocent and sweet. I can be naughty. The things I think in my head are so bad.

“I had a reallhy good time tonight, Jill. I hope the kiss didn’t freak you out.” Sophia and I are lying the opposite ends of the bed, facing each other.

“You did freak me out a little, but I have to admit, it was hot. I enjoyed it.” I blush as I realize what I’ve said. My words come way too easily after a few drinks.

Yawning, I close my eyes in an attempt to stop the room from spinning. “If I wasn’t seeing Eli, I’d probably do you. But I love him,” I mumble, rolling onto my side.

Sleep pulls me under, and pretty soon I’m dead to the world.



Chapter Twelve



I laugh as I read the message again.

Me: I fraeking love you. I camt wait to do tings to you that will make you wonder if I’m reely so innocent and sweet. I can be nautgy. The things I tihnk in my head are sooooo bad, Eli :p

It took me a few minutes to work out what the hell she was saying, and I’m pretty sure she won’t remember any of it in the morning, but I’ll happily remind her of all those naughty things she promised to do to me, and maybe even that she dropped the L-bomb.

“What are you grinning about?” Danny eyes me suspiciously.

We are lounging around my apartment, drinking and catching up.

“Nothing,” I say, unable to hide my grin.

He leans forward and swipes my phone off me. I lunge to grab it back, but I’m too slow.

“Who the hell is this?” he howls. “Because she sounds drunk as hell. Don’t tell me Eli is actually seeing someone?” He gasps, overplaying the dramatics.

I roll my eyes and snatch my phone back. “I’m seeing someone. Happy?”

“If she’s a good fuck, then hell yeah, I’m happy for you.” He grins. “Is this still the high school chick or have you moved on to college? Maybe you’re going backwards. She’s not in middle school, is she?” He laughs, slapping his leg.

I groan, my mind wandering back to our first night together in that hotel.

“I’m kidding, dude, of course I’m happy for you. I never thought I’d see you settle down. So, when’s the wedding?” He howls with laughter.

“Are you done?” I ask, shaking my head. So maybe my parents’ relationship has made me somewhat of a commitment-phobe. Is it any wonder, after what I witnessed with

“Tell me about her. Seriously, man, I’m interested. I’m glad you’ve found someone who makes you happy.” I know he’s being genuine this time.

“I don’t know, man. It’s all great until I think about how people are going to see us.” I lace my hands behind my head and sigh.

Danny shrugs. “Who cares what people think? Is it people you’re worried about, or your dad?”

“Both. This whole thing is all kinds of fucked up, but I’m in too deep to do anything about it.” I pause. “I don’t
to do anything about it. But at the same time, I feel like a first-class creep.”

“But you like this girl, right? And she obviously sees something in you.”

“She’s beautiful, Danny, and so fucking sexy. And I can actually talk to her. I mean, she loves history, for God’s sake. What female loves fucking
?” I laugh.

“Wow. Jesus, dude. I never thought I’d see the day you settle on a chick. She certainly sounds like a keeper,” he says.

I smile, because he sounds genuinely happy for me. “I just can’t help feeling I’m no better than Dad,” I groan. “His infidelity with a student ruined my mom’s life. I still hate him for that, but here I am, following in his footsteps by sleeping with a student.”

“The big difference is you’re not in a committed relationship with anyone else,” Danny points out. “Your dad was.”

“True. I don’t know.” I shake my head and stare at the ceiling. “It’s not just that . . . Now that he’s sick, I feel guilty for not being a better son.”

“So forgive him.” He shrugs again. “Move on, but do it for you. Let yourself break free from whatever it is you feel.”

Chapter Thirteen


It’s after twelve when he picks me up around the corner from my house for our midweek getaway. Mom isn’t home, but the last thing I need is Jamie sticking his nose in. I slide in the passenger seat and lean over to kiss him. He reciprocates, but I can’t help feel as if he’s distracted.

The flight from Denver to LA is a little less than two hours. Walking through the airport, I’m excited, because this is my first trip away with a boyfriend. Holding Eli’s hand, I can’t help but feel older than I am. Next to him, I don’t feel eighteen. Our age difference doesn’t seem to matter when we are together. I smile at the thought that perhaps we will make it, regardless of the years between us.  

By the time we arrive at the accommodation, I’m feeling a little deflated.  We didn’t speak much on the plane and he seemed far away, deep in thought.  My mind isn’t on the grand reception where we collected the keys or the small lodge where we will be spending the next two days, and I’m pretty sure his isn’t either. 

“Would you like glass of wine?” he asks as he’s setting the bags on the bed.

“I’d love one.” I grin. “Are you going to have one too?”

He nods and sets off to get the drinks while I look around the lodge. It’s an open-plan timber room with a huge king-size bed, complete with a big, fluffy duvet and a mountain of pillows piled high in the center. A large shower with dual showerheads waits for us in the far corner, and I know the wooly rug in front the cozy fireplace is where I’ll be spending the evening.
Hopefully naked and on top of Eli.

Walking out the door onto the balcony to take in the beautiful view of the lake, I light up when I see a hot tub in the corner along with a daybed. Now the real fun begins. I smile as I imagine us lying in the hot tub, staring up at the stars.

Eli walks up behind me. I turn around just as he places a cheese platter, along with our wine, on the table. 

“Complements of the house.” He smiles, handing me my glass.

“This is absolutely breathtaking.” I say, reaching for a cracker and some cheese. I feel so spoiled. “Thank you so much for bringing me here.”

“You’re welcome. I wanted to give you an amazing birthday,” he replies. “Plus I figured this would be something we could both enjoy.” He laughs as I nudge him with my elbow. “I didn’t mean it like
. Not that I’d say no to that, but I love spending time with you.”

We spend a few moments sipping on the wine in silence and looking at the stunning lake. I can make out the tiny shadows of people walking along the rocky bank. Huge trees billow into the sky, creating a beautiful, romantic feel.

“I wish we could stay forever. There are no limitations here.” My voice is soft as I turn my head to look at him. 

“You have no idea how much I would love that,” he responds, sighing. “But you need to finish school first, and then we can talk about where we want to go.” At least he
contemplating a future with me.

Eli takes my wine from my hand and puts both glasses on the table. He stands behind me and brushes the hair away from my neck. I shiver as his breath hits my bare skin, goose bumps prickling the surface.  I close my eyes as he kisses along the length of my neck, the softness of his tongue making my skin tingle.

  “Your skin’s so soft,” he whispers as his hands work their way under my shirt at the front.

Leaning back, I loop my hands around behind his head as he tilts my head to the side, pressing his mouth against mine.
God, he’s so fucking kissable.

I groan as he unbuttons my jeans. He lowers the zipper and runs his fingers over the thin fabric of my thong. My toes curl, the feeling of his fingers so close to
nearly unbearable. He slides a finger under the fabric and I gasp as it circles my clit, moving in and out of my wetness. He’s hitting my G-spot every time he thrusts back in.

“Oh God,” I mumble, breaking away from his kiss, my head falling onto his chest. I cry out as he continues to finger me. I’m unsteady on my feet, but I don’t care. What he has me feeling right now is pure ecstasy.

“Christ, you’re so fucking sexy,” he whispers. “Come on my hand, Jill. I want to feel you release.” His voice tips me over the edge and, bucking my hips, I let out a groan, collapsing against him.

“Oh, fuck,” I gasp as my body spasms. I bite hard on my lip; anything to stop myself from screaming. Though we’re secluded, I’m not sure how alone we actually are. The last thing I want to do is put on a show for the other guests.

Turning to face him, I run my hand over the front of his cargos and push him back toward the door. I want to be inside our room for what I’m about to do.

“What are you doing, Jill?” he asks, his lips twitching as I back him over to the sofa.

“What does it look like?” I smirk, my eyes narrowing as I push him. He falls back, landing in the middle of the cushions. He lets out a laugh and rubs his jaw. I position one leg on the arm of the sofa and unzip my knee-high boot, letting it fall to the floor. Then I do the same with the other. My eyes haven’t left Eli’s as I stand and lift my sweater over my head. I shake my hair and smile, loving the confidence he makes me feel.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmurs, lifting his own shirt over his head. He unzips his pants and reaches in, freeing his hard cock. “Take off your underwear.”

I slowly do as he asks, pulling down my thong, keeping my knees straight as they slide over my legs and to the floor. He watches as I move my hand behind my back and unclasp my bra. My nipples are already erect.

His eyes narrow as his chest expands slowly, as if he’s trying to control his breathing. One hand works his cock as he watches me. There is something so sexy, so intimate about watching a guy palm himself. My finger trails down between my legs. I’m sensitive post-orgasm, but it’s only making me hornier.

I move forward and straddle him, pressing my lips against his. He pants, his breathing shallow as he grips the back of my head, kissing me roughly.

“I need you inside me,” I mumble, grinding my thighs against him. He is so fucking hard. I yelp as he lifts me off him so I’m kneeling on the sofa above him.

“Turn around,” he orders, his voice hoarse. I do.

My legs slightly parted, I’m trembling as I wait for him to enter me. He trails his hand from the base of my back up to my shoulders. I gasp when he grabs a handful of my hair, his sheathed cock resting at my entrance.

He tugs at my hair, and at the same time he rams his length inside me.
God, he’s amazing.
The full feeling of him in me is borderline painful. He moves with force but it feels incredible. 

“Oh God, yes,” I whimper as he thrusts himself inside me. I can feel myself contracting with every push. I arch my back, forcing myself down lower to allow me to take more of him.

Eli lets go of my hair and grabs my hips in his hands. His tight grip allows him to strike me harder. His pace speeds up and he’s close to coming. I don’t allow myself to finish but want to feel all of him.

He groans, pulling out and back in slowly as comes down from his high. 

“Hottest ass ever.” He smacks my behind, making me giggle. “Let’s get some dinner.”


We order from the room service menu, as neither of us can be bothered getting dressed. Instead, I’m wrapped in a sheet and Eli is naked except for some boxers. We sit out on the deck after we’ve eaten. The night is clear and we’ve got a direct view of the city. 

“I quite like LA. Of all the places I’ve lived, I’ve never actually been here.” I grin at Eli. “So thank you for bringing me.”

He scoots closer to me on the daybed so I’m leaning on him. “Ever been to Miami?”

No, that’s another place I haven’t been. I shake my head, and Eli continues.

“After you graduate, I’ll take you home to meet my mom.” 

Looking from the view to Eli, I must have a stunned look on my face when he says, “What? Too fast?”

“Really? You’ll introduce me to your mom?” A big smile breaks out over my face. “I’d really love that.”

Chuckling, he kisses the top of my head. “It’s Danny I don’t you to meet,” he smirks. “He’s a damn flirt.”

“Scared he might give you a little competition?” I tease, wrapping my arms around him. He laughs as I kiss his chest. As if anyone could compare.


The morning sun breaks through the curtains, blinding me as I open my eyes.
Where am I?
I glance around as my memory slowly pieces together last night. After relaxing on the daybed, we moved inside to watch a movie but ten minutes into it, I was out like a light. I have no recollection of getting into bed.

Yawning, I push back the covers and sit up, covering myself with a sheet when I realize Eli is at the door, accepting room service. I blush as the bellboy nods at me, his eyes darting downward as soon as he pushes the cart into the room. Eli slips him a bill and locks the door.

I watch as Eli pushes the cart over to me, his pajama pants hanging low on his hips and his normally styled hair all messed. He is so fucking hot. 

Fuck the food. I want him for breakfast.

“Sleep well?” he asks, sitting on the edge of the bed. I nod as he leans over and kisses me. “I didn’t know what you wanted, so I ordered a little bit of everything.” 

Stopping in front of me, he takes a tray from the cart and places it on my lap. He’s ordered my favorite, granola and fruit, along with bacon, eggs, pancakes, hash browns and piping hot coffee. I point to the granola and he removes the rest of the food.

“You’re the best.” I grin, pouring some yogurt into my bowl.

“Yeah. All the girls say I’m a total catch.” He ducks as I throw a pillow at him.



After breakfast and a long, hot shower, we go into downtown LA to have lunch.  Eli has never been to this part of LA before so we take our time, exploring. I could spend the rest of my life taking my time with him.

Except for when he’s going down on me. Then I’m happy for him rush.

We arrive back at the room and instead of getting room service from the restaurant on-site, we opt for pizza and play the deck of cards he brought with him.


“Hey, that’s not fair,” I yell, reaching over to whack his arm. “You can’t look at your card before turning it over. That’s cheating.” I fold my arms, pretending to be pissed.

“I did not. You’re just pissed because I won. Again.” He smirks. “Come on. Another piece of clothing off.”

I glower at him.
What a load of shit
. He’s sitting there, fully clothed—and he only has three items to remove. I’ve been able to take off my rings, earrings, and I’m
down to my underwear.
He doesn’t play fair.

And I’m sure he’s trying to get me drunk, judging by the amount of wine he’s been feeding me.

“You’re not being a very responsible adult,” I tease as he refills my glass again.

He narrows his eyes at me and laughs. “Oh, I see. Now you’re trying to guilt me into taking pity on you?” He shakes his head sadly. “I thought you were better than that.”

“I wouldn’t have to if you didn’t cheat.” I laugh. I throw my cards at him and cross my arms. “New game. You’re going to see me naked anyway, right? Let’s play truth. Not truth or dare, just truth. I ask a question and if you don’t want to answer, you do a shot.”

“A shot of wine?” He eyes me as if I’m insane.

“Unless you have something stronger,” I tease.

He shakes his head. “I don’t think so. You can barely handle this. All right, I’ll play your little game. I’ll start. Favorite movie?”

. Favorite food?” I respond.

“Indian. Best childhood memory?” Eli says.

“Christmas, 2007. It was the last time Dad was home for Holidays. Why were you single when we started talking?” I ask, looking him straight in the eye.

He pauses for a minute to think about the sudden question.  “Because I hadn’t met anyone that I was attracted to. Sure, I’ve had one-night stands, but no attachment that I wanted to take further.” He shrugs. I decide he’s telling the truth. “Favorite teacher?” He chuckles.

“Mr. Anderson, without a doubt.” He smiles, then I add, “Your dad, that is.”

His smile disappears, and I giggle. I decide this is as good an opportunity as any to ask him about his dad.

“So what is going on with your father?  He’ll be back teaching soon, right?”

He glances at me and sighs. Something is wrong. I’m not sure what, but I have a feeling I’m not going to like it and that it’s the same thing that’s been bothering him since we got on the plane.

“Shit,” he curses. His eyes drop. I go to move closer to him, but he stops me. “Stay there for a second. I may as well tell you what’s going on now.”

My stomach drops as I wait for him to speak. Why did I insist on playing this stupid game and asking

“I should’ve just told you this the other day. I have no idea why I didn’t.” He shakes his head and my anxiety soars. “Dad isn’t doing so well. His heart is playing up. He had minor surgery, and the doctors thought that he would bounce back in no time, but . . .” He swallows, raising his head, his eyes meeting mine. “Last week after you and I were in the office . . .” He flushes. “. . . Galleu asked to speak to us both. Apparently Dad needs more surgery, and he’ll be off for the rest of the year.” 

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