Reynaldo Makes Three (5 page)

Read Reynaldo Makes Three Online

Authors: Ella Vines

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Reynaldo Makes Three
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Chapter 8



That morning, John got ready and hurried out the door. After that, Lorna barely saw him for three days. They lived together, but he was exhauste
g time
from headquarters.

She thought often about Reynaldo, but when she called him, he wouldn’t pick up his phone. What had she done wrong, she wondered? She assumed that their triple group had been more than he wanted. She, on the other hand, longed for Reynaldo and John both in her bed, and she was determined to have it that way again.

After four days had passed, she called Reynaldo again, and he finally answered.

“Why are you avoiding me?” Lorna made no preamble to the

“I haven’t been.” Reynaldo sighed. “Okay, I have been. I just don’t know if I can do this—be part of a threesome and then have you to myself only when John’s away.”

Lorna thought furiously for an answer that would satisfy Reynaldo. “There’s no rule that says that. The only rule we have to each other is faithfulness within our triangle. As for having me to yourself, I have no problem with doing that occasionally, or really as often as you like.” She smiled, knowing it was true.

“All right.” Reynaldo spoke slowly as if thinking hard. “Would you like to go out with me tonight, then? Let’s go to Club Marsh. It’s a strip-dance club. If that’s okay with you. I’ve only been once because I’m too embarrassed to be a regular, and honestly, I’d rather have a woman in my arms than one on a pole.”


Lorna laughed. “It’s a deal. What time are you picking me up?” Lorna knew John had a meeting tonight, and she wanted to keep Reynaldo happy as part of their circle. John was satisfied just to have her in any way he could—as long as she loved him. He had enjoyed the threesome aspect, but he didn’t have a problem with her going out with Reynaldo alone. The topic had come up the night before when he told her how tired he was and suggested she call Reynaldo if she needed someone.

“Seven. Is that okay? It might be a late night.”

Lorna grinned. “That’s great. John has a late meeting, and he’ll be cool with me coming in whenever.”

“See you then.”


* * * *


Reynaldo hung up the phone, excited. If he could be with Lorna sometimes alone, he thought he could deal with the threesome and maybe even grow to love it.

The hours ticked by slowly. He dressed in black leather pants and a red silk shirt, knowing the outfit made him look sharp, and headed out near seven.

When Lorna came to the door, he whistled, and he felt his cock swell at the sight of her. Her blonde hair was straight and gleaming, and her pale skin glowed in a tight, low-cut minidress with silky nude stockings. He wondered what was at the top of the stockings. Panties or not? A garter, maybe? He was so horny after not seeing her for a few days or getting off, though he had wanted to. He had found he really only wanted to be with Lorna, and masturbating wasn’t working for him. She turned him on like no other woman ever had.

She took his hand and walked to the car. On the drive, she crossed her legs, and he noticed, his cock rigid again.

“Like what you see? I’ve missed you, Rey.” “I’ve missed you, too.”


He reached over and slid his right hand down one side of the top of her dress, gasping when he felt that she had no bra on. Her nipple was hard, and he circled it with his fingers, making her moan quietly.

“Man, I could just skip the club and go back to your place—or mine. I want you right now, Lorna.”

“Nope. Let’s go to the club. I want to see some women dancing. Are the strippers there hot?” She felt high. This sort of thing was new to her.

“Yeah. I’ve only been once, but there’s a blonde who dances there every Wednesday night and has quite a reputation among the guys who work for me, so we’re in luck.”

He glanced at his watch. “I called ahead of time, and they said she comes to work tonight at seven thirty. That’s why we’re getting there early. There’s always a full house when she dances.”

“Sounds amazing.” Lorna had reached over to rub his cock with her hand. He wanted her to unzip him so badly, but he knew he would just have to wait. What an idiot he had been for not calling her these past few days! He couldn’t live without her.

When they got to the club, they were lucky to get a front table by the stage. The last dancer was just exiting off the stage, her black leather outfit shimmering under the lights. They sat close together at a round table. Lorna slipped her hand under the table and began rubbing his crotch again. He moaned.

Suddenly, a tall, blonde woman with impossibly long legs—much like Lorna’s—walked out on stage. She had a green negligee on and garters and stockings. Reynaldo glanced over at Lorna as he felt under her dress with his hand. He touched the top of her garter and was pleased to feel a pair of lacy underwear under his fingers as he rubbed lightly near her pussy. She squirmed under his touch.

He looked back at the stage, and “Yvonne” as the announcer had called her, was dancing slowly. She was rubbing her nipples through the lacy negligee, and Reynaldo found he was almost as turned on as he had been a few days before when he had first seen Lorna’s nipples.


Yvonne’s were rosy pink through the skimpy negligee, and she began working it down over her breasts to show the audience more of her fabulous chest.

He shifted his fingers over further until he found Lorna’s wet opening. She was drenched already and engorged.

“She’s good. I like her tits and her legs. I’d like to lick her pussy myself, she’s so sexy,” Lorna whispered huskily in his ear as he inserted his finger into her vagina.

“I’ll bet you would. I wonder what she’d taste like.” “Honey, I’m sure.”

His cock was engorged now, and she continued to rub over it with her hand as Yvonne peeled away her filmy top and circled a pole with her legs. She was only a few feet from them.

“I don’t know if I’ve ever been so turned on before,” Reynaldo gasped in Lorna’s ear as he slipped two fingers into her hot, wet cunt.

He knew he wasn’t going to make it home as he looked at
Yvonne’s large, baby pink areolas and pert nipples and felt the heat of
Lorna’s cunt. He groaned, so horny he could hardly stand it now. “Hey, I have an idea.”

His ears perked up, wondering what it was as Lorna stood up and grabbed his hand.


* * * *


Heart pounding, Lorna led him back to the back of the club where she knew the bathrooms would be. Everything here gleamed, and it was mod and top of the line. What she had in mind should work well as long as Reynaldo was game, and she thought he was.

She pulled him into the ladies’ restroom. There was no one in there as far as she could tell. She rushed him into the handicapped stall. He was panting, and she was, too.

He thrust his hands down the front of her dress and began sucking at her nipples. She groaned aloud, unable to suppress the sound. It
wouldn’t take much for her to come now. He pressed her against the stall wall and lifted her up. She curled her legs around his hips as he fumbled, working to unzip his jeans and free his erect cock. They were moaning and kissing hungrily when he quickly shoved his cock into her wet tunnel. She clasped him tightly and screamed as he drove into her, battering her with each thrust.

They heard no one come into the bathroom, but the element of potential discovery made their coupling even hotter. Lorna came quickly, gasping and struggling not to cry out with her orgasm. She had never done this in a bathroom stall before, and the excitement was almost too much to take. Reynaldo followed, bucking his hips and slamming hers against the stall wall with the force of his orgasm.

He gently put her on the ground, and they kissed.

“Let’s get out of here.” Lorna giggled and peeped out of the stall. The coast was still clear, and they made their getaway as soon as
she got her dress back on and Reynaldo was zipped up. They ran
through the club, ready to leave now.

“I don’t know about you, but I just want to crawl into bed with you and cuddle all night,” Lorna whispered to him as they climbed into the car.

“Sounds like a plan, baby doll. You wore me out back there. That was amazing.”

He leaned over and ran his fingers through her tangled hair. “Thanks, and likewise to you.”

They drove through the city, the winking lights surreal to Lorna
after their experience.

“So Lorna, about what I said before, I need to talk to you again.” Reynaldo glanced at her with a worried look on his face, and she
wondered what in the world he was going to say now. Was he going to dump her, drop his place in the circle?

She gripped the edge of her seat with baited breath as the car
whizzed through the night toward her house.




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Chapter 9



They were pulling into her driveway as he began to speak— finally, after a long silence. Lorna was relieved to see that John’s car wasn’t there. He was apparently still in his work meeting. She thought that was a good thing since she and Reynaldo had not yet ironed everything out.

“What I wanted to say is—that was amazing back there. I’m in love with you—totally in love with you, and it’s not just the wild sex. It’s you. You’re funny, sexy, smart—everything I want in a woman. I knew that a few days ago, the first time I saw you even.”

Lorna sat there in shock, her heart doing somersaults in her chest. Could he really be in love with her? She hadn’t bargained for this. She knew she was attracted to him, but love? She was definitely in love with John, but did she have room in her heart for two men? Her bed and just sex was one thing, but this was something else.

“Wow. I don’t know what to say.” She looked at him, being honest with her feelings, hoping it didn’t hurt him.

“Don’t say anything right now. I just want you to know that, and this, too. I’m not jealous of John. What you and I have is special— between us and to be shared. There’s enough love, sex, all of it to go around.”

He grinned at her, and she felt her chest lighten.

“Now, let’s go in and have a snack before bed and get some rest. I
have to be in early tomorrow.”

They spent the next two hours talking, laughing, and eating a late- night feast of fruit and cheese. Lorna realized more and more how much she liked Reynaldo for who he was. He told her about his
family—how they had come to the States with nothing and built an empire. She told him about her struggles to become a writer and do what she loved.

They held hands on the couch, feeding strawberries to each other and kissing. Reynaldo laughed at all Lorna’s jokes and asked her about her childhood. He dried a few of her tears and held her when she told him of her father’s death when she was seven. The tenderness she had sensed in him their first time together was no mirage. Lorna didn’t want the night to ever end, but she was yawning all too soon.

“Tired, love? I’m sorry I wore you out, but I’m glad we got to know each other better. I love hearing about your life and what you’re thinking and feeling.” Reynaldo smiled at her.

She punched his arm. “Are you kidding?” “No way. I mean it.” His eyes grew serious.

“I think you do.” She kissed him. “Let’s turn in.”

They made sure the doors were locked—John could let himself in when he got home—and went to bed.

Reynaldo spooned Lorna’s naked body, and they drifted off to sleep quickly.


* * * *


John drove up at midnight and was pleasantly surprised to see Reynaldo’s black sports car in the driveway. He and Lorna lived together when he was in town, and he couldn’t wait to meet the two of them inside. Then he realized they would probably be asleep.

“Well, I’ll just have to see if I can wake them up.” He chuckled under his breath.

The house was quiet when he let himself in and walked back to the bedroom. He saw Lorna and Reynaldo in bed, cuddled next to each other as he undressed quickly and quietly in the dark.

He climbed in next to Lorna, hard at the thought of sharing a bed with the two of them. She was facing toward him, and she sighed in
her sleep. Her body was warm and pliant, and he kissed her softly as he began to fondle her breasts gently. She groaned in her sleep.

“Hey, baby. It’s me. Wanna wake up?” He whispered softly near her ear, only wanting her to wake up if she wanted to.

“Umm. John, I’ve missed you.”

She opened her arms to him, and he pulled her closer, kissing her passionately and rubbing her pink nipple in a slow circle.

“Oh, John...” she sighed sleepily, and he could tell she was getting turned on.

“Hey, what’s going on over there?” Reynaldo piped up sleepily.

“Can I join the party?”

“The more the merrier, Rey,” Lorna said softly as Reynaldo began kissing her neck and massaging her back.

John continued to massage her breasts and kiss her, slipping his tongue deep into her mouth. She was sighing with pleasure.

He slowed up for a minute as he had an idea.

“You guys up for something a little different?”

“Sure,” Reynaldo piped up, lifting his head from kissing the small of Lorna’s back.

“Well, if Lorna is amenable to it, I was thinking front and back entry if you know what I mean.”

John kissed Lorna again.

“I’m game, though you know I’ve only done that once before.” Lorna looked at John as she spoke.

He hugged her tightly. “I know, and I know Rey is the guy to do it
again. I and he will be gentle, right, Rey?” He looked over at

Reynaldo in the darkness.

“Yes, I’ll make it good for you, Lorna.”

John got up to get some lube out of a drawer. He thought they would need it.


* * * *

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