Read Rhuul's Flame Online

Authors: Nulli Para Ora

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction

Rhuul's Flame (11 page)

BOOK: Rhuul's Flame
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“We can enter the ruins from the springs. There are tunnels beneath us.” She looked at him as if she was searching for an answer even before she asked the question. “Ready to get this over with so you can leave?”

The idea of it seemed so far away, but it was something he’d have to face. “I just wanted to know how much farther we had to travel.” It was the truth, but her question raised several others in his head.
Could I give it all up? Would I hate myself for not trying to fulfill my destiny?

“Well, when you’re ready, we can get out of here.”

He watched her for a few moments and wondered about the dark circles under her eyes.
Are those from crying or …
“When’s the last time you slept?”

“I haven’t. I needed to keep an eye on you.”

“Then we’ll go
you get some rest.”

“Rhuul, I’m fine. I can—”

“You can get some rest. You’ve been dragging me for three days. Let me watch over you for a little while. I promise not to kill anything while you sleep.”

The sound of her light laughter was the sweetest melody he could imagine in that moment. He reached out and pulled the makeshift bed closer and watched her grow wide leaves and fold them into a pillow.

“Don’t let me sleep for too long.”

He nodded and lay on his stomach next to her. He stretched out a wing, covering her with it. He watched her close her eyes with a smile. Moments later, he felt soft moss grow under his body, cushioning him. “Thanks. Sleep well, Lea.”

“Mm-hmm. You’d better not kill anything.”

“Right.” He listened to her breaths slow, his mind still in overdrive. One question replaced all others as he stared at her.
Can I really leave her behind?

* * * *

Avalea woke up to Rhuul still resting by her side. He was awake too, watching her. “What?”

“I’ve been waiting for you to wake up. I really need to use a bathroom.” He stood up and pulled her along with him.

“I need to go too. How are we going to do this?”

“How did you do it before?” He rocked from side to side, never standing still.

“You were asleep before, so I just went whenever. Uh … so did you.” It was odd to feel so embarrassed about something so natural, but there she stood, avoiding his gaze.

“I … Are you telling me I wet myself?”

“You were unconscious. Besides, I kept you clean. Dragging you in and out of the springs took care of that.” She finally focused on their surroundings and spotted an area with stalagmites and stalactites. There were several that were connected, creating thick columns. “There, we can use those. I’ll stand on one side, you can stand on the other.”

“Fine with me. Come on.” The rope on their wrists had loosened, but when he held her hand, she held on too, and walked beside him.

It took some maneuvering to lift her dress and pull down her underwear with one hand, but she managed. They continued to hold hands around the column, even as they relieved themselves.

“Much better.”

After shimmying her underwear back up, she joined him on the other side of the rippled rock. “I’ll need a soap stone. We can bathe in that pool over there.” When he nodded, she led him to the edge of the water.

To her surprise, he pulled his pants down without hesitation and stepped into the natural basin. Her entire body tingled at the thought of being close to him in the natural pool, but she tried to ignore it. Instead, she concentrated on her magic and pulled two soap stones from the ground. She elected to wade in with her clothes on. She passed him a stone and worked up a lather.

“Do you usually bathe fully dressed?” She wouldn’t look at him, but she knew he was smirking at her from the tone of his voice.

“No, but I don’t usually bathe while tied to another person.”

“Omala are modest? I never would have imagined. The way you speak about life and nature, I’m actually surprised you wear clothes at all. Wouldn’t it be more
to go without them?”

“Are you really curious, or are you just trying to get me to show my breasts?”

His laugh was deep and long, making it hard for her to keep a straight face. “I was genuinely curious.”

She may have kept her clothes on, but she felt naked. He was so close, his bare body connected to hers by the wrist. She tried to focus on her task, but she couldn’t help but steal glances at him. When her gaze traveled below his waist, she sucked in a quick breath. The light from her flames illuminated the area well enough to see his erection under the surface.

His manhood matched the rest of him, thick and long with multiple ridges along the length. It stood tall, attached to muscled hips and thighs that promised power in the heat of passion. For the first time in her life, she felt sweat on her brow as she pictured him plunging into her depths, gripping her tight, and…


She forced her gaze to her soap stone and continued bathing. “Yes?”

“Is something wrong?” When she met his eyes, he was staring at her head, not her face.

“N-no. Why do you ask?”

“Your flames. They’re really high.”

She hadn’t noticed the increased brightness. Now that she was aware her flames were speaking far more than she’d like, she ducked under the water. A knot formed in the pit of her stomach as she offered silent prayers in the hope he wouldn’t know what was going on. She didn’t expect to be lifted above the surface.

“What are you doing?”

“I … just wanted to … wash my hair.”

“You put out your flames.” He ran his fingers through a section of her wet strands, almost as if he marveled at them.

“I can light it again.”

“Good. Makes it easier to see your face in here.”

Every part of her cried out for his touch, but she resisted.
He’s really not that bad when he stops trying to destroy everything in sight. But is he for real? Is he just doing this so we can get out of here and go our separate ways?
“I’ll do it after we dry off. You know, for a little privacy.”

“Whatever you say, Omala.” He pulled his fingers from her tresses and led her out of the pool.

Her dress clung to her like a second skin, but she’d take care of that easily enough. She tapped into her fire, warming her body and evaporating the water from the garment while she smoothed her hair back.

“Gods! Are you trying to cook me?”

“Sorry, I was just drying off.” She decreased the heat and adjusted her clothes. She could feel the tension of the rope when he pulled up his pants and hoped she hadn’t actually injured him. “Better?”

“I’m not fireproof, remember?” He chuckled and interlaced their fingers.

The rope at their wrists had lengthened, allowing them more freedom of movement, but she held onto his hand just the same, wanting to stay close. She wanted to chastise herself for the behavior, but she couldn’t. She liked being next to him. She was happy he’d recovered and was well. Somewhere along the way, she started feeling good about him being her
. And that was the problem. “Where are you going when we get back?”

He didn’t speak right away, and she wondered if he’d heard her. “I don’t know, but I need to leave.”

“If you don’t know where you’re going, why do you have to leave? Tell me the truth.” She couldn’t see his face in the dark.
Maybe that’s for the best.
She didn’t need light to feel him loom over her. When he stepped closer, she abandoned her plans and shot fire on either side of her, revealing the darkness in his eyes.

“You want the truth? Fine. I’m leaving because you raise too many questions, questions I don’t have the answers to. I’m leaving because I don’t know what this is between us, and I don’t have time for it even though I want it more than anything. I’m leaving because I have to. I have my own destiny to fulfill, my own realm to rule, and I can’t do it from Akash.”

He leaned closer still, his breaths caressing the bridge of her nose, eyes, and cheeks. “I’m leaving because something happens to me every time I’m close to you. I need to leave because even as we speak, I’m so hard it hurts.” He leaned in even more, his lips almost touching hers. “Right now, I want to be inside you more than I want to breathe. I’ve looked at all the walls in this cave and I’ve already picked out the one I want to take you up against. So I’m leaving … before I can’t. Was that honest enough for you?”

Every inch of her skin was on fire. The look of hunger in his eyes matched the intensity of what she felt inside. Somewhere along the way, her mind convinced her body she’d die if she didn’t have him right then and there, and without any other words, she leaned in, bringing their mouths together.

He returned her kiss, his lips taking possession of hers. Their softness coupled with his insistence made her feel drunk as she snaked her arm around his waist. She held him as close as she could, feeling the hardness of his body against hers, noting the pulse of his arousal against her belly, wanting more than anything to free him from the prison of his clothes.

She felt a thrumming in her core. Her legs almost gave out, but she held on tighter to steady herself. When she felt the tip of his tongue against her lips, she opened for him, reveling in the way he devoured her, twining her tongue around his, tasting him.

“Gods, Lea!” He pulled away, gasping for breath. “You’re going to burn me alive.”

She smiled and took a step back, noticing the strands of her hair were no longer hanging down.
He ignited my fire?
When he pulled her close again, she shook her head. She really wanted to strip him down, burn his clothes, and ride him like a wild
bull, but there were things they needed to discuss. “I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?” He backed her up against a column, lifted her hand, and began to kiss, lick, and suck on the tips of her fingers.

Oh gods, I’m not going to make it!
The muscles of her thighs flexed, her inner walls spasmed, and a soft “mmm” escaped her lips.

“Tell me, Lea.” He kissed the palm of her hand before running his teeth across it.

She shuddered, watching the spread of goose bumps up her arm. “Y-you’re…”

“I’m what?” He nibbled at her wrist, biting down then sucking on the spot.

A delicious pressure built up inside her, leaving her aching for him, needing him to fill her. She was losing herself, and she reached out to the last bits of her sanity to bolster her for what she needed to say. “Do you want me, Rhuul?”

“Can’t you tell?” He pulled her close, rubbing his hips against her while moving his hand up her waist.

“I don’t mean just for now. You’re my
. You’re a part of my destiny, and I’m a part of yours.”

He stilled his hands and watched her face, as if the fire within him had been doused. “Your what?”

“Do you remember what I told you about my parents?” When he nodded, she continued, “Just like my father knew my mother was the one, I know you’re the one. The Omala call it
. It means life mate.” She held her breath, swallowing hard into the back of her throat. “You were honest with me, so I’m being honest with you.” She’d revealed the truth to him and she felt exposed, vulnerable. There was no way to know how he’d react. All she could do was hope he accepted her words.

“Life mate?” He looked at her with raised eyebrows. “Is that why you make me crazy?”

“Yes. I feel the same thing. I’m telling you this because if we go any further, we’ll be bonded. I won’t let you just walk out of here like I’m some prostitute.”

He released a slow breath and took a step back. “Then we can’t do this. I can’t stay here, Lea. There are things I need to do.” His expression was pained, as if it hurt him to say the words.

“Who said you had to stay here?” She reached up and cupped his face.

“I don’t understand.”

“You’re my
. I’d go with you.” She shook her head and did her best to give him a look that screamed, “Duh!”

“You’d leave here? To go with me?”

“Your dreams would be mine, but your goals won’t be the only ones between us. We support each other.” She pinched his cheek with firm pressure, watching him smirk. “I know this is sudden, but I’ve known you were my
since I came to you in your dreams. It’s the only reason I could have done it. I’ve shared my flame with Ghena. When he was close to you, he made it possible for me to reach out to you.”

She released his cheek and readied herself. “You have a choice. Leave and pretend you never met me, or stay with me. I can’t predict the future, but I can promise to be by your side and—”

In the blink of an eye, he pressed her into the stone behind her, pinning her wrists above her head. “Keep your arms there. Do not move them.” There was a darkness in his eyes again, both alluring and fearsome. She wouldn’t have time to dwell on this phenomenon. He placed his lips on her chest, teasing her skin with swipes of his tongue.

As he got closer to the swell of her left breast, her hips bucked, as if they could initiate the contact she craved with every fiber of her being. She looked down at the top of his head, watching him nip his way closer to the center of her breast. He pulled the scoop neck of her dress down, exposing her dark areola. “Rhuul…”

“Shh.” His tongue was hot and wet as he teased around her hardened nipple.

Tears filled her eyes as need gnawed at her lower lips and chest. She wanted him to touch her everywhere, wanting to feel enveloped by his body.

His grip on the fabric of her skirt was demanding. He pulled the cloth by the fistful, lifting it to expose her right thigh. His warm fingers teased the outside of her underwear, making her delirious. “Rhuul, please!”

“Know that I need to be inside you just as much as you want me to be there, but if I am to share your dreams, and you mine, I have to do this.”

“Do what?” All she wanted him to
was her.

“Will you trust me?” He looked up at her, his lips glistening with saliva.

“Yes.” He lowered his head and closed his mouth around her nipple, sending pinpoints of light dancing in her field of vision. He alternated between pulling on her flesh with exquisite pressure and grazing it with his teeth. She was wet before, but now she was drenched. Her underwear felt soggy, but she didn’t care. This was the closest to heaven as she’d ever get in this existence, and she planned to enjoy it to the fullest.

BOOK: Rhuul's Flame
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