Riccardo (13 page)

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Authors: Elle Raven,Aimie Jennison

BOOK: Riccardo
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Fuck! I was the worst kind of friend, and Capo, to The Don. I shouldn't be doing any of this behind his back, but come Sunday, I'd rectify that. It should've been done weeks ago, but I knew there was going to be a war and possible bloodshed. I needed to fucking prepare for The Don’s wrath.

“I got two words for ya, bro,” Stefano said and lifted his hand to pretend he was slitting his throat. “DEAD MAN.”



I looked at my watch for the fifth time and wondered once again, where the fuck Aldo was? He was forty minutes late. My son was the worst time keeper. Luckily, he had me around to manage him when he took over the
. A topless waitress pulled me out of my thoughts as she sashayed toward our table.

“Hi, Joey, can I get you a fresh drink?”

It was Angel, the sweetheart who all the boys were so protective over. I just didn’t understand how they could all fall for her fake innocence and naïveté? She couldn’t be as sweet and as innocent as she made herself out to be. Even though, they seemed to think she was. Being in this business, she'd have to have some nasty skeletons hiding in her closet. Surely, Sebastiano could work that out. Then again, he was just a dumb fuck. If he even had half a brain, he should've killed me years ago. That was if he had any sense about him, which he didn't. I gave the slut my best smile. “Sure thing, sugar. I’ll have a scotch on the rocks.” I turned and gave my attention to the stage, dismissing her.

A tall, elegant brunette had just started her routine. She was dressed in a smart dress suit with her hair tied back in a neat up- do of some kind. She looked like she belonged in an office or library, not a strip club; especially with those little glasses she had perched on the bridge of her nose. I doubted her prim-and-proper look would last long. She’d be as good as naked by the end of the song. She pulled the clip out of her hair and gave her head a shake to free it, the long tresses cascading down her back. Aldo chose that moment to slide into the seat next to me.

“Sorry I’m late, Dad. I got held up at work.”

“I don’t want to hear your lame excuses. Excuses won’t help when you are the head of this
. You need to learn to keep better time,” I reprimanded.

“Dad, I—” he started to whine.

“Enough!” I held up my hand to cut him off. “Now you are here, we need to make our plans to end Sebastiano.” I paused and gave him a look that meant he wasn’t backing out of this. The Morassi family was mine. I should have taken control years ago. I was not going to accept Aldo’s weak stomach as an excuse and loyalty wasn’t going to get in my way. I was his father, and my son
be loyal to me. Fuck Sebastiano and fuck his men.

“It looks like we may have Riccardo on our side. I'm thinking he may help us knock Sebastiano from the top. There’s something happening between Riccardo and Lorena. I know it. I’ve seen the looks they give each other. It's more than just bickering. I saw both of them covered in icing sugar as they were coming out of the cellar on Matias’ birthday. No fucking way was it just a split bag like Riccardo said it was. And then, Lorena leaving the country like that, just a few days later was not a coincidence if you ask me," I added. "You know as well as I do Sebastiano doesn't deal well with betrayal. There is no way he will accept it. I was thinking, perhaps I could stir the pot by dropping the bombshell at the next family dinner. What do you think?"

"I'm not so sure your plan will work. Sebastiano may initially take a large part of his anger out on Riccardo, but as soon as he’s done with him, he’ll shoot the messenger,” Aldo responded.

I spotted Angel walking towards our table, carrying a tray with two glasses of scotch, so I kept quiet, not wanting her to overhear our conversation. I sure didn't want Sebastiano finding out about my plans before I was ready to deliver.

“Here you go, guys. Is there anything else I can get you? Maybe organise one of the girls to give you a dance?” She glanced at Aldo. “Aldo, I know you normally like Rachel, but today’s her day off. I’m sure any of the other girls would be happy to step in for her.”

“Thanks, Angel. I’m sure you’re right. If you could send one of the girls over in ten or fifteen minutes, I’ll happily let them give me a show.” She smiled in return, before walking away.

Alone once again, I carried on with our conversation as though we hadn’t been interrupted. “Don’t you worry about me. I'm not planning on hanging around after I load and fire the cannon.”

“Look, Dad, even if this does cause some aggravation, it’s not going to end him.”

“I’ve thought about this long and hard and I know exactly how it will pan out. It
work.” I took a moment to sip my drink, enjoying the cold scotch as it went down. “You're wrong. I know my nephew. He can't control his temper. He will lose it and will beat the shit out of him. Riccardo is not just going to stand there and take it. He’s a hit man, after all. One of them is bound to get carried away. I assure you, it will end in death. It will divide the
. It's what I've been waiting for. An opportunity like this doesn't come along very often, so I can't let it slip away."

“An opportunity for what?" Aldo questioned me. "He has a son now. It will all go to Matias. It will never be ours. Until Matias is of age, someone else will run it. You need to stop plotting to takeover. It'll never be yours. Matias is his only male heir, the legacy and
will be his," Aldo reminded me. What a fucking idiot my son was at times.
Did he not think I hadn’t considered all of this?

Losing my temper, I slammed the glass down, sloshing some of the scotch over the side and onto the table. “Do you think I haven't thought all this through? You of all people know this is what I've wanted for years. I will not let my plans go down the drain and watch, what should've always been mine, be run by someone else. I need to act now before it's too late. Matias will be easy to take out of the equation. It won’t take much to extinguish his young life.”

“What the fuck!" Aldo bellowed. "Are you fucking insane? He’s just a baby. You will not kill him, understand?"

Why me? Why couldn’t I have had a son who had balls of steel, someone brutal and lethal, like Sebastiano? Christ, I hated the guy yet I wished my son was more like him. “Son, if you believe that, then you’re a fool. It’s the only way we get what is rightfully ours. I will do anything to get it. Anything,” I said with determination. I knew Aldo wouldn’t argue; he wouldn’t dare. I may be getting on in age, but I sure as fuck hadn't softened over the years. I was still as brutal as I was when I was in my thirties.

I mopped up the mess on the table with a napkin, before standing up and fastening up my suit jacket. “I have everything in hand. Just keep your mouth shut and it will all go according to plan.” I began to walk away but a vision of my wife’s face flashed before my eyes, reminding me of her words before I left home earlier today. “And make sure you call your mother at some stage today. She was whining you never have time for her and that she misses her only son,” I called over my shoulder, leaving the club.



As I watched my father walk away, I started to question who was the bigger monster here, Sebastiano or my father. I’d been siding with my father with his hatred towards The Don for years. But listening to him had me seriously thinking he was losing the plot. As much as what Sebastiano was a monster, there was no way he would stoop as low as killing a baby in order to get what he wanted. He’d possibly kidnap or send him far away, make him disappear, but he’d never extinguish a young life like that. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket to read the text message that had come through.

Dad: Don’t even think about backing out. I know you and I could see the worried look on your face. We can find a way to remove the kid without death. Let’s concentrate on the Rat Bastard first.

Rat Bastard was my father's code name for The Don. Just in case someone got a hold of our phones, they would never know who we were talking about. Even if they guessed, they wouldn’t have proof. I replied with a quick ‘okay’ and put my phone away. As if Angel had been watching and waiting for me to be free, she stepped up to the table with a pretty little thing in tow. I’d never seen her before, but if she could dance half as well as Rachel, I may just have a new favourite. “Aldo, this is LouLou. She’s going to dance for you, if she is to your taste.”

LouLou gave me a shy smile. Two dimples popped out and something inside me melted. This girl would be doing far more than just dancing for me. I didn’t care what I had to pay. “I’d have to be blind to say no, sweetheart. Dance your heart out.”

Angel walked away and I settled in to watch LouLou dance. Keeping my hands to myself was going to be a task, but I’d try. I’d try anything for this beauty.



As I entered the mansion, my phone vibrated. Riccardo's name popped up on my screen and my first instinct was to panic, thinking everyone around the house knew our secret. I had to get a grip; no one was even home.

I snatched it out of my handbag and my body quivered from his text.

Riccardo: I need to fuck you. My house. One hour. Wear minimal clothing.

Me: God, bossy much?

Riccardo: I'll show you who’s bossy. Don't worry about that.

Me: I can't wait.

Riccardo: Don’t be late or you'll be punished.

Me: Is that a threat? Cos it's not working. You're tempting me to B late on purpose…

Riccardo: Geez, fuck, Lorena! Just get your sexy arse over here and do as I say!

I never texted him back. Instead, I wanted him to have to wait for me. I was walking toward the stairs, still fumbling with my phone when I bumped into Sierra.

“Fuck! What are you doing up here?” I screeched, my heart thumping, not expecting her to be here.

“I live here. Or did you forget that little bit of information?” Sierra questioned me with a wry look.


“Why the hell are you stammering? Are you okay?”

“Sure I am. I was just in a rush to get changed and head out.” I knew I sounded nervous and I couldn't help but rub my hands down my thighs. I tried to step past her but she blocked me.

“Lorena, sweetie, I know you. Something’s wrong. You're never jittery like this. Tell me what it is,” she prodded.

“Nope. All good. Honest.” God, I hated lying to Sierra. She was only a few years older than me, but I looked up to her. Anyone who could put up with my father needed a fucking medal and Sierra’s was pure gold. I needed to distract her somehow. “Is
home? Let's go see if she's got any of that tiramisu left over from last night. That was to- die- for delicious.”

“Okay, I could do with a cup of coffee. But I'm passing on the cake,” Sierra said cryptically.

She followed me to the kitchen and perched herself on one of the stools. I could feel her eyes on me as I pretended to busy myself in the kitchen. Sierra was awfully quiet.

“Is everything all right with you?” I asked, trying to shift her focus off me.

“Yes. I just put Matias down for his nap. I was actually coming down to have a coffee anyway. I'm just tired lately, that's all. We haven't spoken a lot since you've been back. I miss that.”

“I know,” I said, reaching for her hand. “I've been so busy.”


“With…um…things, work you know…stuff¸” I lied again.

“Lorena. You don’t work. Or have you started up your own interior design business since you've been back?”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I had to tell Sierra. This secret was killing me. Maybe if I told her, I'd feel better.

“You know you can tell me anything, sweetie.”

“Damn it. I don't know how to say this.” I covered my face with my hands, feeling flushed. “Oh, God.” I moved away from her to compose myself. “You've probably already guessed anyway. And we are going to tell everyone tomorrow night at the family dinner. We are both so sick of keeping our relationship a secret but I'm so scared of what Daddy will say. It's a huge betrayal.”

Sierra looked stunned. “Betrayal?” She screwed her face up and looked confused. “What exactly are you going to announce tomorrow at dinner? I don't understand what you're talking about?”

She didn't? Oh, shit! Now I had to tell her. “It's about Riccardo. We've planned to tell everyone tomorrow night at dinner.” I squeezed my temples together and breathed out a sigh of frustration. “It's so hard, Sierra. We just don’t know what Daddy's reaction will be or how to tell him. Stefano knows and it won’t be long before the rest of the
find out, so we have to do this soon. I'm so scared.”

“Okay, sweetie, slow down and let me process all this.” Sierra stood and grasped my arms. “You are planning to tell us about you and Riccardo being in a relationship?” She no longer sounded confused but shocked.

Oh. Shit. She never knew.

“So you and The Capo are doing the happy dance together? As in Riccardo, Sebastiano’s right- hand man, who he trusts with his life?” she whispered, her eyes wide as saucers. “Are you fucking kidding me?” She pulled away and paced the kitchen. Coffee and tiramisu are completely forgotten at this stage in the conversation. “Holy mother of God. You better start talking, lady, because this is serious and you said it was a betrayal. Shit, Lorena, this is huge and fucking dangerous.”

“Tell me something I don't already know.” I exhaled, staring at her. “I've always loved him, Sierra, always. I know I've always flirted with him and honestly, I'm not even sure when it became love.” I was so emotional; my heart felt stuck in my throat. Although I was nervous telling her, I felt better since I’d let it all out.

“How the hell have you kept this a secret and for how long?” Sierra asked. “For God’s sake, I'm still trying to process it all. Now I know how Paulie felt when he found out I was moving in with your father and becoming his mistress.”

“It started at Matias’ birthday but officially we began…um…you know…when I got back. Stefano told me Riccardo asked for me to be sent away and I got pissed, so I went to his house and one thing led to another, and—”

“Stop!” Sierra held up her hand and shook her head in disbelief. “Back up a minute. Is your father totally fucking clueless or something?”

“What on earth do you mean by that?” I demanded. We stared at each other for a suspended moment. “Explain.”

“Think about it, your father has seen you flirting with Riccardo for years, yet he laughs it off. Then Riccardo realises he has some feelings for you and asks Sebastiano to send you away. What the hell did your father think when Riccardo asked that? Wouldn't he have been suspicious about that?”

“No. You know my father and he's far from clueless. He trusts us. He'd never in a million years believe there could be anything between me and Riccardo. He's always told Riccardo my flirting was harmless. I've heard him say it a thousand times. That's what's going to make this so hard. I'm so nervous about telling him.” My lips trembled and I was on the verge of tears.

“Well, your father needs a kick up his royal rear for not noticing the attraction you both have for one another. So you have actually done the deed with The Capo?”

“Yes. I fucked him and I loved it!”

“Holy Jesus, Lorena, there’s going to be a war.” She moved closer, taking me by the shoulders and rubbed them gently. “I understand you love him, but you've hidden this for weeks from your father and the
. And it's with The Capo. Maybe if it was one of the other men, it wouldn't be so bad, but Riccardo is Sebastiano’s best friend. They're like brothers. This is going to kill your father.”

“I know.” I shrugged, looking at the ground and tried not to cry. “I'm afraid of the repercussions and of what he'll do to Riccardo. We've wanted to tell him but everything just escalated and…”

“Sweetie, I didn't mean to make you feel worse. I'm so sorry,” Sierra said and pulled me into a hug. “Hopefully it will all be okay.”

“I doubt it.” I shook my head in despair. “Betrayal by a family member is the biggest sin in this family. If I can only convince my father I love Riccardo, it might just make a difference.”

“I hope so.”

“I know Riccardo feels the same way about me. The way he looks at me, the way he touches me, the way he speaks to me. He's not what you see. I know everyone sees him as a ruthless hitman, but with me, he's different. He's sweet and not to mention damn hot in bed.

“Sweetie, I hear you. I married one.”



I lit a cigarette just as Stefano came back into the office.

“Hey, Riccardo. You want to talk about it?”

I ignored him. All I could think about was Lorena and being with her again before we told Sebastiano. It could be the last time we were together, or the last time I was alive. I tried to stay positive for her, by telling her everything would be okay, but I knew my friend too well. He'd want blood.

I'd try to make him understand that I loved Lorena and there was no other man who could love his daughter the way I did. I'd risk everything for her, my honour, the
and my life. But there was no way I was letting her go. I’d take every beating Sebastiano wanted to inflict on me. The entire mafia could take turns fucking me over, and I'd accept it because in the end, I'd have Lorena. I took a long drag of my cigarette, praying I'd still be alive and able to enjoy her in my life.

“Fuck, man. I can't believe you went and nailed The Don’s daughter.” Stefano never knew when to give up.

“Does it look like I want to fucking talk about this right now?” I threatened. Self-anger and hatred grew inside of me, and I grew even tenser. I curled my hand into a tight fist and slammed it into the wall. The plaster crumbled all around my hand, and the hole in the wall showed evidence of my blood.

I looked down at my fist and saw the blood oozing from the broken skin. I needed to hit something, to burn off this wild, nervous energy, and this angry hatred I had inside of me for being so fucking stupid. It was better to hit the wall than Stefano; otherwise, I'd have to explain that to Sebastiano, too. As much as what a ball breaker Stefano was, he had been loyal to me. He didn't deserve it.

“I'm a fucking stupid arsehole,” I admitted to Stefano. The more I thought about it, the angrier I became with myself. I had no regrets. I just wished I had done things differently, so I could be with Lorena.

Fuck. The guilt was killing me. I slammed my fist into the wall over and over. My knuckles cracked open even more and blood oozed down my hand. I welcomed the pain.

“Shit, bro. Stop.” Stefano pulled me away from the wall attempting to stop me. “You're gonna fucking break your hands. Where are your gloves? You always wear them when you do this shit.”

“Fuck the gloves. I deserve the pain. Make sure none of the men come in here, or I'm likely to kill them right about now. I need to get the fuck out of here.”

“You need to calm down first before you even think of setting foot out that door. What if they see you like that when you walk out? Relax. I'll call Ronnie to come clean you up.”

“No. I can do it. I don't need Ronnie. Fetch me the first-aid box.”

After I cleaned myself up, Stefano offered me a cigarette. I took a long drag, welcoming the burn in my throat and my chest.

“So, getting back to Lorena. Was she a little spitfire in bed?”

“Are you fucking kidding me? Do I need to ram your fucking head into the wall this time, instead of my own fists?” I yelled, seeing red.

“Okay, okay. Relax, man. Geez, I can't even ask you a fucking question about sex anymore. Come on. We share everything,” Stefano whined.

“There is no fucking way I'm sharing what I do with Lorena, you fuckhead. You know better than anyone what I was like, Stefano. I’d fuck any woman, whenever and however I wanted. I was a monster. All I'm going to say is Lorena is the sunshine to my dark world. She accepts me for what I am.”

Stefano laughed. “And you called me a fuckhead? You've gone and fallen in love with her, haven't you?” Stefano said, his face a picture of shock. “Fuck me, Riccardo. You’re the fuckhead here, if you ask me.”

“Who’s fucking asking you?” I whispered. All anger left me. Maybe the pain in my hand had dulled it. I didn’t know, but I needed to go and meet Lorena; otherwise, I'd be the one who was late. The truth was I did love her. I'd probably loved her from that very first night she accused me of having to ‘babysit’ her, when she kissed me.

“What are you going to do now?” Stefano asked.

“We are telling Sebastiano tomorrow night before dinner. I know there will be severe consequences, but I won't give her up. I can't.”

We both finished our cigarettes in silence.

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