
Read Ricochet Online

Authors: Xanthe Walter

BOOK: Ricochet
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Xanthe Walter

* * * * *

Copyright Xanthe Walter 2012

All the characters in this book are fictitious,

and any resemblance to real persons, living or

dead, is purely coincidental.

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enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or

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* * * * *


Many thanks to:

My cover artist: Bluespirit

My trusty band of audiencers: Gloria Lancaster,

Haggy, Flyingnorth, Sasha and Bluespirit

My editors: Taylor Gibbs and The Proofreader

My friends and supporters: My LJ friends' list, my

long term readers and my site followers

And a special enormous thank you to Jacci, my

website designer, for encouragement, support,

audiencing, hand-holding, confidence-building and

a ton of good advice.

Any mistakes are my own.

About the BDSM Universe

is my first original character novel set in

the BDSM Universe I created in my 2006

fanfiction story,
General & Doctor Sheppard
. I

went on to write three more novel-length fanfiction

stories set in this universe, all of which can be







http://www.xanthe.org. It isn't necessary to have

read them to understand

The premise of this universe is that everyone is

bisexual and BDSM relationships are the norm.

People identify as dominant, submissive or switch,

and seek romantic and sexual partners who

complement their own dynamic. Some identify as

non-dynamic but that is rare.

Corporal punishment, both legal and in the

workplace, exists in this universe.

This universe is an escapist, erotic fantasy,

requiring a certain suspension of disbelief. I'm not

making a case for such a universe being better than

our own, or saying this is what a BDSM/bisexual

universe would be like if such a thing existed (!).

This is just the way I wanted to write this universe.

Most of all, it's intended to be fun, not to be taken

too seriously - so sit back and enjoy.

This book is not a 'how-to' manual on BDSM. If

you want to understand more about lifestyle

BDSM, please research the many great non-fiction

books on the subject.

I've chosen not to use a capitalized 'dominant' in

contrast to a lower case 'submissive' because

dominants and submissives are equal and

complementary in this universe.

This society is generally more open about sex and

sexuality than our own, although they still have

their own little hang-ups. The characters don't use

condoms because STDs are dealt with by annual

vaccination and there is no AIDS in this universe.

If you'd like to read more about my BDSM

universe, please visit my original fiction website

at http://www.xanthewalter.com.


I dedicate this novel to all the wonderful people

who have followed my fanfiction so loyally and

left me so much lovely feedback over the years.

You’re the best!

* * * * *

Chapter One

Rick turned over in bed and gazed at his

beautiful conquest of the night before. The young

man was still wearing the gaudy diamanté play

collar that Rick had buckled around his neck and

his hands were lightly bound together in front of

his body with the black silk scarf Rick had

fastened around his wrists. When Rick pulled back

the sheet, he positively purred at the sight of the

bite mark he'd placed on the sub's juicy, curved

bottom during the night.

Rick leaned over and began kissing his way

down the sub's back, one vertebra at a time, until

he reached that luscious ass. The young man

stirred, murmuring something, still half asleep.

"Come on, baby; open up for me," Rick

murmured in his ear, impatient to plant his tongue

deep inside the sub's ass, where his hard cock had

been most of last night and intended to be again

this morning.

"You're insatiable, Rick," the young man

complained, moving his leg obligingly anyway.

"Oh yeah, I am, and you're beautiful." Rick

took hold of the sub's butt cheeks and pulled them

apart. "Such a pretty sub… mmm… that's good…

you taste so good, baby," he murmured

appreciatively between licks.

He had no idea what the sub's name was, but

he'd long ago learned that using generics like

"Baby" and "Sweetheart" was a good way of not

offending his conquests by getting their names

wrong. He'd never been any good at remembering

names and besides, what did it matter? These

beautiful subs he picked up in the most exclusive

clubs in LA knew they weren't getting a permanent

collar from him.

What they were getting was a night with

Richard O'Shea, one of the lead actors on the hit

TV show
Collar Crime
. They also got to keep the

gaudy play collar that Rick loved fastening around

their pretty necks. Rick always made sure they

enjoyed their "night in paradise" as he liked to

describe it; he loved showing the succession of

gorgeous young subs who graced his bed a good


This particular gorgeous young sub arched his

back as Rick opened him up expertly with his

tongue. Rick drew back, reached for the lube, and

squeezed a dollop onto his hand. Then he took hold

of the sub's hard cock and stroked slowly. The sub

moaned in pleasure, and Rick anointed his own

cock with the lube, positioned himself, and then

slowly sank himself into the sub's sweetly tight, hot


He fucked him hard for several minutes until

they both came, and then Rick threw himself down

on the bed, panting.

"Oh man, that was good. You were good,

baby!" He smoothed the sub's dark curly hair with

his fingers and kissed the side of his neck.

"So were you. I can't believe I'm in bed with

Agent Alex Tanner from
Collar Crime
!" The sub

gave an astonished giggle. "My mom won't believe

me when I tell her. She loves that show, and she

loves you on it. You're her favorite character - she

likes it best when Chief Christie gets annoyed with

your antics, swings you over his knee and spanks

that cute ass of yours. Hey - how do you do that?"

"Do what, honey?" Rick played with the sub's

hair, gently twirling it in his fingers.

"Play a sub so convincingly onscreen when

you're such a dom in the bedroom?"

Rick had been asked that question dozens of

times, but he didn't mind; it amused him. "It's

called acting, sweetheart." He smiled indulgently

at the sub.

"Well, you're great at it! So, tell me about the

other actors." The sub pressed a little kiss to

Rick's cheek. "Tell me about Daniel Mayfield; I

loved him in the
movies but he's

even better as Chief Christie."

A lot of the subs Rick slept with asked him

about Daniel Mayfield. His co-star played one of

the most dominant characters on TV and half the

subs Rick slept with were in love with him -

which was a shame as Daniel was a sub in real


"Daniel's a really cool guy. Nobody has a bad

word to say about Daniel."

"And what's Matthew Lake like?" the sub

asked eagerly. "He's such a sweetie as Agent

Harris on the show; is he that cute in real life?"

"Matty?" Rick smiled. "Well, don't tell







conspiratorially. "Matty's a monster! He has this

big entourage and on his first day on set he got

them to measure his trailer to make sure it was the

exact size specified in his contract."


"Oh yeah, Matty's a total diva; he has tantrums

on set and orders everyone around."

The sub's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"You're kidding me!"

Rick laughed. "Aw, okay, you got me! Matty's

great, and yeah, he's just as much of a sweetie as

Ben Harris. He can be kind of serious, but I tease

the shit out of him until he lightens up. I drive him

nuts." Rick winked.

"Hmm." The sub frowned. "It seems to me

you're a lot like your character, even if you're not a


"Yeah, I get that a lot," Rick agreed easily. "I

love Alex Tanner - he's a fun guy to play. There's a

lot of me in him."

The sub looked at him thoughtfully. "It can't

be easy for you, being a dom playing the naughtiest

sub on TV. Do you have to work hard to persuade

the subs you pick up that you're actually a dom?"

"Did you have any complaints?" Rick

grinned, slapping the sub's bottom.

"No, but it was weird at first; I'm so used to

seeing you as Alex Tanner, fooling around on TV.

It must be tough for you in real life."

Rick shrugged. "Look, sweetheart - I'm not

complaining; I do okay."

"Well, you're young, rich, famous, and

incredibly handsome." The young man snuggled in

close and rested his bound hands on Rick's chest.

"So I guess you're not short of willing subs

throwing themselves at you."

"I've never exactly had a problem in that

department, but since the success of
Collar Crime

yeah, it's been nice." Rick winked.

Rick rarely slept alone these days; he pretty

much had his pick of every young, beautiful sub in

LA - and he intended to make the most of it while

it lasted. He spent most of his free evenings in

clubs, looking for subs to bed. He could usually

talk a potential conquest into coming home with

him within five minutes of meeting them. Any

longer, and he lost interest and moved on to a more

promising prospect.

"Matt's a sub, isn't he? Have you slept with

him?" the sub asked curiously.

"Me and Matty?" Rick frowned. "No way!

He's a neat freak, and I'm easy come, easy go!

We'd drive each other nuts."

"I love how you two are always bickering


"We're a lot like that in real life too." Rick

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