Read Ricochet Online

Authors: Skye Jordan

Ricochet (6 page)

BOOK: Ricochet
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“Jesus Christ.” She pressed her face to his neck, and her breath heated his skin. “Nathan…”

That on-the-edge shimmer in her voice sharpened his focus. “Right here.”

“How much longer to the hotel?”

He lifted his gaze to look out the window and saw city streets, cars, and brake lights. “Not sure. We’re just getting out of traffic.”

She exhaled, the sound heavy with frustration. “Don’t stop. Feels so good.”

“Sure does.” He pulled back and hiked her leg higher. She angled her knee, opening for him, and her scent—musky and light—rose to his nose, so erotic. “I wish I could see you,” he whispered into her hair, circling his fingers at her opening, stretching, releasing, rubbing, teasing. “I’m going to spread you out on the bed when we get to the room. I’m going to look at you while I touch you. I’m going to lick you and suck you and fuck you. And I’m going to watch everything.”

“Nathan?” She was breathless, gripping his waist, pushing off him to move her hips into his hand. “Can you fuck me first? I…can’t wait.”

He leaned in, angled his arm, and pushed deeper. Rolled his fingertips against her front wall, searching for that little swell, but couldn’t find it before the van slowed again to take a turn. “How do you want it?”

“Want what?”

He grinned. “Want me to fuck you when we get to the room. Against a wall? On a table? A counter? Bent over the bed? What?”

“God…” she breathed, “I…don’t know. I don’t care. Whatever you like. I just need it.”

He’d discovered another new thrill—that exciting a woman to the point where she couldn’t think about how she wanted it, just that she had to have it, was a ridiculous turn-on.

The van slowed to a stop, and Rachel groaned out a sound of relief. “Is it just me, or did that take forever?”

“That took forever.” Ryker dragged his fingers from her pussy and stroked the wetness around her clit.

A surprised sound vibrated in her throat before Ryker slid his hand down her thigh and eased her back into the seat beside him. “Let the others get off first.”

He buttoned and zipped his pants, then held Rachel’s hand tight and pulled her to her feet. Walking was going to be a painful proposition, but the reward would be well worth it.

Rachel’s legs weren’t working right. Her head floated. And an extreme sexual hunger consumed her like fire. Her clit and her pussy throbbed to the beat of her heart, swollen and sensitive. Wetness slipped along her folds.

She was intensely, wickedly, insanely turned on as she followed Nathan toward the front of the bus, his bags over one shoulder, his free hand wrapped around hers in a way that made her feel safe when she knew very well she shouldn’t.

“Thanks,” he told the driver, pulling a few folded bills from his pocket for the woman. “Have a good night.”

“You too, now.”

Nathan moved down the stairs, then turned and gripped Rachel’s waist to help her off the van, setting her gently on the ground. All they were going to do was get in the room and fuck, yet she couldn’t remember the last time a man had done something so simple and thoughtful for her.

Then again, the alcohol was definitely hitting, and her memory might be a tad…selective.

Nathan held the hotel’s main door open for her and kept his hand on her lower back as she passed through. Rachel directed him toward elevators she’d noticed when she’d come in earlier to pick up the key, and he pressed the elevator’s up button.

Rachel stared at the lighted arrow, and for the first time since she’d taken a seat next to him at the bar, she had a real second thought. This was terribly spontaneous. Crazily impulsive. Not like her at all.

“Pays to be in the stunt business, huh?” he said.

Nathan’s voice pulled her fuzzy head from the random thought. His fingers skimmed down her spine, then back up as his gaze swept the lobby. Damn, he was so good-looking. He didn’t have that movie-star quality that many of the Renegades did—first and foremost, Jax and Wes. Nathan was far more rugged¸ which only made him more attractive to her.

He also kissed like the devil, had a body like granite, and used his hands like a god.

The elevator doors opened. “Finally,” he said, stepping into the empty car, pulling Rachel in beside him. “Is it me, or did that take forever?”

She laughed, but the sound touched her ears like a giggle.
A giggle?
And repeated his words to her in the van. “That took forever.”

As soon as the doors closed, she turned to Nathan, backed him against the wall, pushed up on her toes, and pulled his head down to kiss him. He opened to her, drank her in, his tongue tasting in erotic sweeps. His arms wrapped her hips, his hands grabbed her ass and dragged her against his erection.

She pried her hand between them to stroke his cock, hard and long and thick beneath his cargo pants. He growled into her mouth and broke the kiss with a desperate, “Baby…”

“I probably should have mentioned,” she said, stroking him, “alcohol makes me horny.”

He chuckled, the sound rich and low. “And here I thought it was all me.”

“Oh, it’s all you. The alcohol only helps me get it out.”

“Makes inhibitions evaporate?”

“Yes, in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol.”

His eyes were fiery. His grin seductive. “I’m sure there’s a minibar in the room.”

The insinuation thrilled and unnerved. “Why? What did you have in mind?”

The elevator stopped, and the doors parted. Nathan held the door with one foot and gripped Rachel’s face with both hands, his gaze intense and serious . “Anything, and everything, you’ve ever wanted or dreamed of.”

“Wh—” The word dissipated before she could get it out. “What…what if I haven’t…dreamed of anything?”

His grin grew. His eyes softened. “I can always introduce you to a few of my own fantasies.”

Wings brushed the inside of her torso, flapping wildly until Rachel felt both giddy and dizzy. And nervous, wondering if this man might be too much to handle. Something she should have been thinking about back at the bar.

He stepped out of the elevator and drew her with him. “What room?”

“Um…” She pulled the key card from the side of her purse and looked at the sleeve. “Twelve-oh-three.”

He started that way, two doors down, and stepped aside so Rachel could insert the key, but then wrapped his arms around her from behind, his body curved to hers, rubbing his erection against her ass, his mouth on her neck. Her sex burst with heat. She automatically met his decadent pressure, and when she dropped her head against his shoulder, Nathan’s hand slid up her belly, over her breast, and across her throat. His fingers spread, framing her jaw, holding her head back and exposing her neck as his mouth traveled over the sensitive flesh. Kissing, licking, biting. All while his other hand splayed over her belly, holding her against him.

“Need some help?” he asked, his voice a rough rasp.


“Help.” His teeth traveled across her jawbone, one nip at a time. “With the key. If we don’t get inside soon…” The hand at her belly slid lower. Rachel gasped and stiffened. The movement pushed her harder against his erection, and the whole mix burned sensation through her veins. “I’m gonna do you in the hallway.”

“Yeah.” She lifted the card over her shoulder. “I need help.”

He covered Rachel’s hand with his own. “Sure about this? You can still change your mind.”

It took a second for Rachel to drag her brain from warp speed. “I’m sure. Are you?”

“Never been more sure.”

He released her hand and slipped the key from her fingers. He bit her earlobe, sending tingles down her neck. A quiet double beep sounded, and Nathan reached out and turned the door handle.

This is it.

Stepping over that threshold put her into a whole different phase of her life.

One thought back to that text from Nicole propelled her forward. Rachel wasn’t that woman she’d been before. Wasn’t the woman people could walk all over. Wasn’t the woman who would settle. She wanted passionate and sexy and now. Nathan was all that—and no regrets.

He pushed the door open and walked Rachel inside, where he paused to flip on lights. With one arm still tight around her waist, he scanned the living area. “Holy shit,” he said, “I’m gonna have to look into adding stunts to my résumé.”

The kitchen was small but all granite and stainless, complete with bar and barstools. The living room had a plush gray L-shaped sofa with two cream leather ottomans the same length and width. Beyond, there was a dining room with a cherry table and six padded chairs.

Nathan dropped the bags from his shoulder, slipped her purse from her arm, adding it to the pile, then bent his knees and whisked his hands underneath her skirt and up her thighs as he straightened. His warm, rough hands abraded her skin, and Rachel drew a breath, her hands clutching his forearms.

“This is a great place to start.”

He walked her toward one wide ottoman, his mouth on her neck, his fingers slipping beneath the edge of her panties. Her breathing came fast and shallow. Her heart went wild. God, she wanted this. Wanted to be mindlessly fucked. He felt so good. Why hadn’t she done this sooner?

She released his hands and reached up and back, circling her arms around his head, arching her ass into his erection.

“Oh yeah,” he murmured against her neck.

She sank her fingers into his hair, pulled his head up, and kissed him with all the lack of inhibition the alcohol provided. He growled approval into her mouth while sliding her underwear down her legs. Then he leaned in, bending her forward, and broke the kiss as he crouched to slip her panties off her feet.

When she started to toe out of her boots, he gripped her calf. “No. These fuck-me boots stay on.”

The demand in his voice speared her pussy with excitement, adding wet heat and pressure between her legs.

He shoved the ottomans against the sofa with one work boot, making it a single large unit. Then slowly bent her over the cushions, guiding her arms down while he slid her dress up her thighs, and over her ass. Rachel now stood bent at the waist, her bare ass in the air, a stranger behind her, preparing to fuck her, and she couldn’t remember ever feeling this alive.

The thrill coiled in her belly, spreading heat lower until her pussy ached. The position, the exposure, both embarrassed and titillated as the cool air licked her exposed sex. “Nathan…”

He didn’t answer but used his feet to press hers together, then gripped her hips and slowly lowered into a crouch behind her.

Oh. My. God
was all she could think, knowing her ass and pussy were at his eye level now. Knowing he was staring. And, God, how did that make her so wet? How did that make her want to open her legs and push into his mouth?

“God, I love this view,” he murmured before his touch made Rachel startle.

He slid a finger over her pussy, stroking one side, then the other. Rachel clenched her teeth even as more wetness stirred inside her. He cupped her ass cheeks and massaged her folds with both thumbs, his movements firm and languid and insanely exciting. Rachel wiggled backward toward him, unable to stay still. Her pussy felt swollen and throbbed hot. “Nathan, you promised.”

He pulled her open gently. The decadent stretch made her gasp; the cool air stroking her made her moan and rock her hips. And finally,
, Nathan covered her with his mouth, and her mind flashed with the image of that dark stubble and those full lips against her sex—so naughty, so exhilarating.

But he didn’t give her the touch she needed. He just breathed long and gentle, washing her pussy with moist heat.

Rachel moaned and arched toward his mouth. “More…”

He rewarded her with a long, firm stroke of his tongue.

“Oh God…” Then another. “God, yes…” She dropped her head against her arms, locked her knees, and met his lapping tongue with a matching roll of her hips. “So good. Don’t stop.”

Which was exactly when he stopped.

She growled and glanced past her arms toward him. “Nathan.”

When she focused on his handsome face flushed with fiery lust, his lips glistening, she realized exactly how much light filled the room. Realized exactly how well he could see. And another jolt of shame heated her chest.

He licked her taste from his lips, his eyelids heavy, the look so sexy she wanted to melt in his mouth.

“Mmm,” he hummed. “Yum.” Then his touch returned—one finger sliding inside her. And, God, that was good. But not enough. She needed so much more. She pushed into his touch, but he pulled back and gripped her hip with the other hand. “Hold on, baby, I’m searching for that spot.”

“What spot?”

“The one that will make you scream.”

Good God. He had to be a perfectionist? Really? “Getting inside me will do it. I promise.”

A furrow created a crease between his brows. “I think you might be right.”

But instead of pulling out, he added a finger and pushed deeper. And deeper. And
. And…

“Ah…” Pleasure hammered her pelvisve. Her stomach contracted. Her lungs seized. “Fuck.”

“There it is,” he murmured, triumph in his voice. “Damn, this is going to be so good.”

BOOK: Ricochet
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