RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy (17 page)

BOOK: RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy
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Apparently, Jackson had described to her exactly what he'd wanted.

Last week.

"I'm happy for you Sis. I know he loves you."

I nodded. Obviously he did, if he was picking out wedding dresses before I'd even said yes. It was crazy, how quickly I realized that those feelings had been there all along.

"I love him too, heaven help me."

She just laughed and handed me my bouquet.


I nodded and went over to her chair. But Casey just smiled and walked to the door without any help.

"What are you doing Casey?"

She smiled at me.

"I'm going to do this on my feet, not my wheels."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded.

"Everything we've been doing is working. It's been so gradual I almost didn't notice. But I'm definitely doing better. And I can walk up the aisle."

"Okay, but I want you to sit during the ceremony. I have no idea how long it's going to be."

She shook her head, grinning.

"Jackson insisted on a brief ceremony. I think he's afraid you are going to run off. But yes, I will sit. He took care of that too."

I bit my lip, smiling to myself.

That might be part of it, but there was another reason too. Last night after he'd finally untied me I'd turned the tables on him. I'd tied
up instead, keeping him aroused until dawn.

He begged me all night. But I told him we needed something blue for the wedding.

His balls.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Everyone in Brentwood had shown up for the wedding. It seemed hard to believe, considering how last minute the whole thing had been, but it was true. The temporary outdoor pavilion was going to be busting at the seams.

After all, it wasn't every day that all three Delancey brothers got hitched in a triple ceremony.

We were kind of a big deal around here.

The wedding would be the talk of the town for years to come. I was just hoping it wasn't because one, or more of the grooms got ditched at the altar.

Especially not me.

Daniel didn't look too worried. And Jake and Elle had been engaged for a while now. They'd told me just this morning that I was going to be an uncle.

I should be celebrating. I was getting everything I wanted and more. Instead I was standing under the biggest oak tree on our property, trying not to panic. The fact that I was semi erect was not helping matters.

I frowned to hide my nerves, trying to look stern. Jake was grinning stupidly while Daniel rocked back and forth on his heels. He'd drank more than fifteen cups of coffee today and he still didn't look all that alert.

Apparently, Francesca hadn't caved until dawn.

The music started and I sighed in relief as Casey appeared. If she was here, her sister must be behind her.

My chest swelled with pride as she walked down the aisle without assistance, throwing rose petals everywhere. When she got to the front I held out a chair for her and she smiled at me, taking her seat. I was so proud of her it almost hurt.

I wasn't just getting a bride. I was getting a sister. Three of them.

I turned my attention to the back of the crowd again.

Now it was time for the brides.

Elle came first, taking her place beside Jake. She looked beautiful, as always. Her dress was empire waist, to hide the growing belly she'd managed to keep a secret from the rest of us all this time.

Francesca was next. She was dolled up to the nines, wearing a flowing white silk gown. I noticed that she had thick bracelets on each wrist. According to Daniel, the bindings he'd used had left a mark.

I shook my head. He should have been more careful. I had left Angelina with nothing more than slightly sore nipples.

And... other parts.

I was pleasantly contemplating my wedding night when Angelina stepped into the aisle. Suddenly the world seemed to stop turning. In her simple white dress, she looked like a movie star walking toward me.

Relief filled me as I realized that everything had worked out after all.

She was here.

She hadn't run.

She loved me.

I was grinning foolishly as she walked down the aisle, looking like a princess. I took her hand and squeezed it as we all turned to face the judge who was performing the ceremony. He spoke about marriage and commitment for a little while.

One by one we pledged our love and lives to each other. One by one, we said yes, and "I do." And at the end, all at once, we kissed the brides.

Most people would have told you it was a perfect ceremony. Simple. Classic.

I grinned, rubbing my thumb against the device in my pocket.

I knew something they did not know.

My bride was wearing a remote controll vibrator under her pristine white gown.

And no panties.

There was no way in hell I was going to wait for the wedding night. I was going to take my bride as soon as I could get her alone.

Now, I just had to smile and nod for a couple minutes longer...


Jackson stared down at me triumphantly. He'd looked so relieved when he first saw me, I almost felt sorry for him.

But like Francesca had told me, it was good to keep a man on his toes.

My man in particular was too arrogant by far. But not apparently, when it came to me. With me, he was as timid as a kitten. At least when he thought I was going to say no to him.

I couldn't help it. I liked it. It made me feel powerful.

That's when I felt the jolt. He had turned up the vibrator. It was high.

Too high.

"Jackson what are you-"

He grinned, throwing his arm around me and hustling me down the aisle. He smiled and nodded at people. I could
barely walk, I was so close to coming.

Had I just been thinking what a sweet, considerate man he was?

I was wrong.

The man was pure evil.

"Jackon- oh God! Please- where are we going?"

He barely looked at me, too busy hauling me through the crowd towards the stables. He looked around furtively and then pushed me into a clean stall, pressing me up against the wooden wall. He reached down and yanked my dress up, pulling the vibrator straps loose.

A second later, his wicked fingers replaced it.

"Hmmmfff... Jesus Jackson- what are you doing?"

He touched me lightly, stroking my petals.

"You kept me up all night. You made me wait."

"You made me wait for three days!"

He smirked at me.

"That was fun. Maybe we can reenact that on our anniversary."

"No, we will not!"

He gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Maybe just for a few hours?"

I sighed.

"Alright. As long as I get a turn with the feather."

His eyes grew wide and he swallowed. I'd used the feather on him last night. He'd liked it at first. Especially when I used it to tickle his balls and shaft. That was before the begging started.

He'd begged all night. I'd made him swear not to touch his cock until after the ceremony too. In exchanged I'd worn the vibrator for him.

That probably was part of the reason his cock was practically poking a hole in his pants.

"Bend over. It's time to perform your wifely duties."

I didn't argue, turning to grasp the wooden rail in front of me

I felt my skirt being bunched up around my waist. The air felt cool against my hot skin. He guided his cock to my entrance and pressed forward with a thick groan. I shivered at the delicious intrusion.

I loved those sex sounds he made.

Almost as much as I loved knowing
was the one who made him groan like that.

I stood there, pressing back against him while he fucked me slow and hard. It didn't take long for him to pick up the tempo though. In just a few minutes he was pounding his cock into me like a jackhammer.

A very sexy jackhammer.

I felt it right before he came. A strange electrical current passed between us. He swelled and then I felt his seed erupt from his shaft, filling me with warm wetness. Something about that feeling always made me come.

We shook and shuddered together, huffing like animals.

I felt him withdraw as he pressed a kiss to my shoulder.

"I think I'm going to like being a husband."

I looked over my shoulder at him as he started to straighten his clothes.

"Who told you you could put your pants back on?"

His eyes flared appreciatively as I lowered myself to my knees. He grinned, pulling out his already stiffening cock.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to like being married a lot."

Chapter Twenty-Five


I had my arm over my bride's shoulders as we wandered around the estate, chatting with the guests. Elle's mom and uncle were here, along with some childhood friends. We'd flown them all out first-class from Ireland. Shirl was here too, as well as Elle's band Black Diamond. They were going to be performing later, when the dancing started.

But for now there was a string quartet playing by the bar. White flowers were everywhere, along with food and drink stations.

It was serene and classy and beautiful.

Just like my bride.

She kicked my shin. I looked at her, surprised by the sharp jab. She glared at me, hissing in my ear.

"Why am I the only one who didn't get the kinky stuff, eh?"

I was laughing as I pulled her behind a tree. I tried not to smirk as I pressed her up against it. She wiggled indignantly as I reached down to pinch her juicy little ass.

"Is that what you are after, wife? We can get kinky if that's what you want."

She frowned at me, crossing her arms. Her green eyes sparkled at me the way they did when she was mad. She looked adorable as always.

She also looked dangerous.

My bride had grown up on the wrong side of the tracks in rural Ireland. She'd had to kick ass and take names from the beginning. I knew for a fact, she had a long list of names.

"I'm just surprised to hear that your brothers are so much more enterprising."

I bit her neck, running my hand down over her belly.

"You need your rest kitty cat. I didn't want to keep you up too late."

I lifted her skirt slowly.

"But I will be happy to accommodate you during daylight hours."

"Jake Delancey, you are wicked!"

She slapped my arms but she was laughing. I grinned at her, loving the husky sound of her voice. Then I lifted her skirt and slipped my finger under the edge of her lace panties.

"I've read that a woman becomes more sensitive during pregnancy. I wonder if that's true?"

She gasped as I toyed with her folds.

I smirked.

"I guess it is. Would you like to go upstairs with me Eleanor?"

She nodded, her eyes closed. Her lips were pink and open as she exhaled deeply. I gave her a quick kiss before I hoisted her up and carried her to the house.

It's a good thing her dress was long.

It swayed in front of us, covering my massive erection.


"Jake- please!"

My husband had surprised me. We'd been married less than an hour and he was already full of tricks. I supposed in this case I had asked for it.

I'd wanted kink. Now he was giving it to me. He had tied me to the bed, very carefully of course. He was being extremely gentle as he stimulated every inch of my body with his tongue and hands.

Too gentle.

I squirmed against my bonds, my body crying out for release. I was ready dammit! But he was taking too damn long!

He grinned at me, wagging his finger.

"Jake- we have to get back to the party!"

"Nobody will notice."

He was making lazy whorls against my pussy with his tongue when I used my most no nonsense voice. It always got his attention. He said I sounded like a sexy schoolteacher.


He lifted his head, but he didn't stop what he was doing. I fought through the pleasure to keep the stern expression on my face.

"I am pregnant."

He grinned.

"I know sweetheart."

He lowered his head again, tugging my clit into his mouth and sucking on it. I let out a squeal of pleasure before refocusing on the task at hand. Getting my husband to make sweet love to me.

Hell, I'd settle for a rough and dirty quickie at this point.


"Hmmm hmmm?"

"Pregnant women need to pee more often than other women."

He lifted his head, looking alarmed.

"That means you have less than ten minutes to fuck me before I piss all over the sheets. If that happens, I assure you I will be sleeping elsewhere. Alone."

He rolled off the bed and yanked his clothes off quicker than a jackrabbit. I leaned my head back and waited.

I didn't have to wait long.

"Why didn't you say something sweetheart?"

I looked up to see my husband's face above me as he gently slid his cock inside me. I sighed in pleasure. He was a perfect fit, now that I'd gotten used to his size.

Well, mostly used to it. I still felt like a stuffed turkey half the time. But I loved the way he made me feel so small and delicate. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I smiled at him cheekily.

"I was enjoying myself too much."

His sharp laugh quickly turned into a moan as I started to circle my hips against him. He held back as he fucked me, just like he had ever since I'd told him I was expecting.

That was not going to cut it today.


"Yes love."

"Pick up the pace."

"You're sure?"

"You aren't going to break me, or our little passenger."

He moaned as he thrust harder, doing as I asked. He drove his shaft home and started to ride me deep and fast. I came in less than a minute, screaming like a banshee.

He was right behind me.

When he came, Jake screamed like a banshee too.


"Where are your brothers and their beautiful brides?"

I shrugged, changing the subject. I had a very good idea where they were. In fact, I was hoping to sneak off as soon as possible myself.

BOOK: RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy
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