Ride the Fire (18 page)

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Authors: Jo Davis

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Romantic Suspense, #Contemporary Romance, #Suspense, #Fire Fighters

BOOK: Ride the Fire
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“I’ve got your snatch right here, motherfucker,” Jesse hissed, tucking the big hunting knife into his boot again. “You need to die so fucking bad it ain’t funny. And you will soon enough, begging for me to end your sorry life.”

Jesse might’ve killed him just now, gutted him like a deer. Probably would have if it hadn’t been for the spic interrupting and throwing off his game.

He stood, chest heaving. Breathing the cold air, letting himself calm.

Reason returned, and he could see that his prey escaping was for the best. Wouldn’t do to kill Sean too quickly—that would be like shooting his load too fast during sex. Give in to the moment and it’s ultimately unsatisfying.

He’d wait, stick with his plan. Torment the bastard a little longer. Incorporate him into the big scheme.

How horrified his holier-than-thou former friend would be when he learned the truth behind

Only then would Sean Tanner know the true meaning of betrayal.

And of long-awaited paybacks served stone cold.

“We need to talk, Rose.” Connors approached, his gaze raking Jesse with disdain. “Tanner doesn’t have to go to the captain because I will. It’s about time they know what you’ve been up to. You’re history.”
Jesse’s eyes glittered like a snake as he smiled. “That’s a mistake you’d come to regret.”

“I don’t give a—”

“Connors, don’t get involved,” Sean said, breaking into a sweat. “Let me handle this.”

Just then, one of the sergeants ran through the camp, yelling orders. “We’ve got some of Hussein’s troops coming on fast! Let’s go!”

The camp sprang to life, men scrambling for their weapons. Ready and eager to engage the enemy, send them the hell out of Kuwait. As Sean turned, he saw Jesse raise his hand, make a shooting motion at Connors with his thumb and forefinger.

“Bang,” he said.

Still smiling.

Eve felt slightly ill as her friends teased her about the humongous bid she’d placed to win Sean. She shouldn’t have done it, but by God she wasn’t about to watch that bottle-blond ho waltz off with her man.
“Holy shit, do you have ten thousand dollars?” Kat breathed.

“Of course I do,” she muttered.

“They can’t really hold you to it. Can they?” This from Shea, who swung her gaze toward Grace. All eyes fell on the willowy attorney.

“Hey, I’m a criminal defense lawyer. Legally, I don’t think they can, but . . .” She shrugged.

But it would look bad, and be in terrible form to cheat the families of fallen firefighters. Eve mustered a smile. “It’s no problem. I’ll claim it on my taxes.”

I’d just better pray nothing goes wrong with my car, or no other major catastrophes happen while I spend, oh, the next ten years saving it up again.

Then the crowd next to their table parted and she found herself staring up into brilliant green eyes, into that beloved face. And she knew she’d spend every penny all over again to keep another woman from sharing so much as a French fry with the man she loved, much less an entire dinner.

“May I have this dance?” His low rumbly voice sent a shiver through her.

“You bet.”

Taking her hand, he helped her up and led her to where some volunteers had cleared away the tables to create a dance floor. The DJ had switched to a slow song, something haunting and pretty about love lost and found.

Sean pulled her close against his body, practically wrapped himself around her, tucking her head underneath his chin. She snuggled into him, inhaling his clean, manly scent, and swayed with him, wishing she never had to let go.

“Chief Mitchell is watching us,” he said next to her ear.

“Oh, crap.” She tried to put some distance between them, but he didn’t budge.

“No, let everyone look. I’m not going to hide. If he says one of us has to transfer, so be it.”

Before, she was going to leave Station Five because of him. Now she knew she would leave
him. She didn’t want to mess up any chance he might have for promotion.

Settling down again, she decided if he wasn’t going to worry, neither would she. In fact, he wasn’t thinking of the others at all, from the size of the erection burning her through two layers of denim.

After just a couple of songs, he nuzzled her ear. “You’re driving me crazy. If we don’t get out of here, I’m going to come in my jeans.”

“Can’t have that, can we?”

“Let’s go.”

As he dragged her toward the exit, she managed to wave at Kat, who gave her the thumbs-up. She knew Howard’s wife would tell the others she’d left.

On the way to the parking lot, she remembered. “Damn, my car is here. Want me to follow you?”

“Or I can bring you back tomorrow to get it, since we’re off. I don’t mind.”

She thought about it. “Let me at least drive it as far as my apartment. Then it will be there, whatever we decide to do.”

“All right. I’ll walk you over.”

His gaze seemed to roam everywhere, searching the edges of the lot, and his pace picked up.

“What are you looking for?”

“I’ll tell you later.”

Instantly she went on alert. “Has something else happened?”

“Not really. I’ll tell you when we get back to your place.”

He wasn’t eager to linger here and his caution made her afraid. She didn’t argue, and was grateful that he saw her safely to her car with strict instructions to lock the doors as soon as he went to his SUV.

“I’ll follow you,” he said.


He gave her a quick kiss and she got in, hitting the locks. Nodding in approval, he jogged away and she started the car, just as anxious to be gone and she didn’t even understand why. Relief blasted through her as the Tahoe emerged from the other side of the parking lot, and she pulled out, secure in the knowledge that he was behind her if something happened. Whatever that might be.

The drive to her apartment took only a few minutes and they were inside, Sean pushing her against the door, devouring her mouth. His innate dominance plucked her nipples, tightened her womb. Set her ablaze. This man did it for her like no one else.

“Tell me . . . what was bothering you,” she managed between kisses.

His hand ventured under her shirt, going for the clasp on her bra. “Later. Need you now, baby.”

Freeing her breasts, he bent and took one nipple between his teeth, teased it to a hard nub. She dug her fingers into his soft hair, relishing the waves of pleasure created by his talented mouth. He suckled one tip, then the other, before losing patience and yanking at her jeans. She kicked off her shoes and helped him get her naked. Then gladly returned the favor.

They rid him of his shirt and jeans, and his cock sprang free, flushed deep red and leaking with pre-cum. She was about to kneel and taste the salty-sweet drops, but he guided her to the sofa instead.

“Bend over the back and spread your legs for me.” She complied, eliciting a feral moan from her lover. Fingers trailed down her spine. “God, I love looking at you. So pretty and wet for me, waiting for my cock. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? How sensual? Stay like this.”

The questions didn’t seem to require an answer, but she knew she’d never felt beautiful or sensual with anyone else. Not like this. She heard some rustling, the crinkle of foil. But then he moved away and she realized he’d gone into the kitchen. He fished in the pantry and returned, set something on the floor. Then the foil ripped and she knew he’d sheathed himself.

His palms glided down her sides, rough and callused. The hands of a hardworking man, and she loved them. He ran them down to her buttocks, parted her ass cheeks.

“Wh-what are you doing?”

“Something I think you’ll enjoy,” he said, voice low. “Has anyone ever played with you here?”

To emphasize his meaning, he rubbed her opening. His finger was slick and cool with . . . cooking oil?

“No,” she croaked.

Which apparently pleased him to no end. “Good. Relax and open yourself to me, honey. Just like that. This will feel strange at first, but it won’t hurt. Only going to use my fingers, okay?”

She nodded, melting a bit at the gentle assault on her defenses, her body. Dominant as he was, he’d still asked before doing something alien to her, and it made her trust him even more.

Dribbling a bit more oil into her crease, he set the bottle aside and held her open. Began to massage her entrance in lazy circles. With each pass, he worked a finger inside slowly. The tip, the knuckle. Deeper and deeper, stretching.

The peculiar sensation eventually gave way to a bloom of heat. The heat became flame, increasing to sweep her sex, sweet torment. She bent lower over the sofa, offering herself fully, quickly becoming mindless to this new, dark desire.

“You like this, pretty girl?”

“God, yes!”

“Look at you, writhing on my hand,” he whispered. “I’m going to fuck your ass and your pussy at the same time. Want me to fuck you, baby?”

“Yes, please! Sean!”

Wasting no time, he guided the head of his cock to her sex, pressed inside with a groan of sheer male satisfaction. A helpless noise escaped her throat as he filled her. So good. Naughty. As promised, he fucked her with long strokes, and the dual stimulation was almost too much.

She was oversensitized, every nerve throbbing in tempo with his thrusts. He owned her and she loved it. Her climax built before she was ready, but she was along for the ride. Nothing to do but let the explosion happen—and it blew her apart.

Her cries echoed in the small space and she barely heard him crooning, praising her. Then he stiffened with a shout, his cock pulsing hot, buried in her core. At last he kissed her back and carefully withdrew, helping her straighten.

She faced him on wobbly legs and accepted his hungry kiss. “I’ve
felt anything like that.”

“Was it good?”

“Are you kidding? You’re turning me into a wanton slut.”

He puffed up at this. “

“Yours,” she agreed. “Your very oily slut. Shower?”

“After you.”

The water was hot and wonderful, but even better was the hunky man sharing it. The space was barely big enough for both of them and she found herself dreaming about them sharing another shower, a huge one with pretty tile and a bench seat for messing around. One that was theirs together, not his or hers.

Maybe one day. She closed the door on those fantasies for now and enjoyed letting him soap her up and rinse, and vice versa. They laughed a lot, which fascinated her because until recently, he hadn’t laughed in years. Selfishly, she hoped she was part of the reason.

They dried off, and Sean stretched out on her bed naked while she dug in a drawer and pulled on an oversized T-shirt. As she admired his sexy body, for no particular reason the broken condom came to mind. How long had the incident been nagging her like a sore tooth? They were healthy, and she was on the pill. Nothing to worry about. Right?

Her lover closed his eyes and dozed. While he was drifting, she padded to the living room where she’d discarded her purse, and retrieved the minicalendar she always carried around. Opening it, she flipped to the previous month, and dread settled in her gut. She counted off the weeks since her last period. Twice.

“Holy crap.”

Late. By two weeks.

Not to panic. She’d start. And if not? She’d take a test and they’d deal with it together.

Everything would be fine.

Sean flipped a couple of pancakes and the bacon, smiling as a pair of slender arms wrapped around his waist and plump lips nuzzled his neck.
“Hungry?” he asked.

“Mmm. Not for pancakes.”

He chuckled. “Every wanton slut needs fuel. It’s a house rule.”

“Is that so? Well, I guess I’d better eat first.” Fetching two plates from the cabinet, she set them on the counter and got out the forks next. “You fell asleep before you told me what was bothering you last night. Time to spill.”

“Can’t put it off anymore, huh?”


“Let’s get breakfast on the table and we’ll talk.”

“Sounds ominous.”

“Hope it’s not.”

Finished, he took the pancakes and bacon to the table. Eve set it, bringing the plates, forks, butter, and syrup, while he poured two glasses of milk. They sat next to each other and filled their plates, and he was gratified at her moan of happiness with the meal.

“This is great! I love breakfast.”

“Me, too. Glad you like it.”

“Okay, out with it.”

He took a bite, chewed, thinking how best to get into this. “Remember my nightmare in the hospital?”

“About your ex-friend.” She nodded. “Sure, go on.”

“I had the nightmare because I thought I saw him.”

She blinked at him. “Where? When?”

“In the crowd, while we were working the fire at the strip mall. I only caught a glimpse of a man with long dirty blond hair and he was gone. So quick I guess it stuck in my subconscious. I mean, the guy moved, walked, just like Jesse. I know that sounds crazy.”

“Not really. You knew him for many years, practically lived together in the marines. He’d be very familiar to you.”

“Not anymore, I’d think. But still, with the explosion . . . I don’t know. I have no reason to think he was responsible.”

“But someone was. They confirmed it was a bomb in the restroom that did the damage and started the fire.” She paused. “And someone’s been trying to get to you, mentally.”

“That’s the other thing. Considering the bomb and the cut air hoses, it might be turning physical. And that’s not all—last night, I saw him again.”

She sat up straight. “The blond guy?”

“Yes. During the auction, when I was onstage. It was dark, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same man I saw at the strip mall, and I’m almost positive he
me to see him this time. In fact, when I changed clothes and went to put my turnouts in the Tahoe, I heard someone in the darkness moving around. Like boots on gravel. I challenged him.”

“You did what!” Her fork clattered to the plate. “He could’ve had a gun or something.”

“I know that,” he snapped. “But I was certain he wanted me to know he was out there, watching, and was deliberately trying to freak me out. I wasn’t going to let him get away with it, and it almost worked. I heard him coming toward me when Julian came outside and asked who I was yelling at. The guy vanished.”

She let out a breath, scowling at him. “Thank God for Julian. You idiot, that lunatic could’ve hurt you, dragged you off, and nobody would’ve known where you were, or found you until it was too late.”

“I’m not going to let him push me around and I let him know it! Fuck that asshole.”

“Terrific. You’ve instigated a pissing contest with a psycho.”

“Hey, I didn’t start it,” he defended. “But I’ll damned well finish it if he comes around again.”

was the question, when he didn’t know anything about the man. Why he was doing this, what he wanted.

Unless the man was Jesse.

They finished eating and she helped him take care of the dishes. He sneaked glances at her and could tell she was upset with him. Or the situation in general.

“Gonna stay mad at me all day?”

Her frown softened. “No.”

“Good. I have some things to do, but I’d like to see you again tonight. If you want.”

“Of course I do. I just worry about you, that’s all.”

“I know, baby,” he said, wrapping her in his arms. She snuggled into him and he kissed the top of her head. “It’s all going to be fine.”

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