Ride to Redemption (10 page)

Read Ride to Redemption Online

Authors: D. J. Wilson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Suspense, #Action, #Adventure

BOOK: Ride to Redemption
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minutes later, through stop and walk traffic, we made it to the campground. I
found will-call and surprisingly enough, there were two backstage passes
waiting for us along with a phone number to call if we arrived before seven.

do you want to do, young lady? Call them or check into the hotel and come back

them now. I’ve waited almost two days to meet these guys and their band.” She
minced no words this time!

called the number but it went to voice mail. “I tried, baby,” I said, looking
once again into her disappointed eyes. “Let’s go to the hotel and come back

as we got on the bike, my phone rang. It was Billy, and he proceeded to tell me
where to find him. “Go behind the stage area,” he directed, “and pull up to the
VIP section where the buses are. I’ll tell the guards you’re coming. Did your sweetie
make it?”

sir,” I replied.

she with you now?”

behind me.”

persistence continued. “Hand her the phone.”

baby. Billy wants to talk to you.”

Billy, thank you for the tickets; I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet up with you in
Sioux City.”

problem,” said Billy, “You’re going to meet us in just a few. I just wanted to
tell you, I don’t know what spell you’ve cast over D, but when he talked about
you the way he did, all of us wanted to take you away from him. He’s a lucky
guy … and you, my dear, are fortunate to have him.

you sir, we’ll see you shortly!”

did Billy say to you?” I asked, figuring he’d pumped her full of BS.

said you were lucky to have me and a few other things I already knew.”

and he couldn’t wait ‘til we got to his bus to tell you that? Oh and why didn’t
you ask him the name of their band?”

already know,” she confessed with a smirk. “I looked them up on Google based on
their names you provided … plus their performance in Sioux City Saturday night,
in conjunction with this one.”

you didn’t tell me?”

it’s your turn to be surprised.”

I made our way behind the staging area, I realized just how big a deal this
concert tonight was going to be. I bet the roped off area for the fans could
hold at least 20,000 people. And here we were going to hang out with one of the
bands that all these people are coming to see.

didn’t take me long to determine that if you want to find someone in the VIP
section, go where the security is concentrated.

guys,” I announced, greeting the guards standing there, “I’m D, and this is
Candi. Billy said he would notify someone at the gate to get us in and tell us
where to go.”

said a female security member bristling with testosterone, “you two follow me.”
She jumped on her golf cart and crisscrossed her way through a maze of
pedestrians and buses. Far in the back lot, we pulled up to four busses,
circled like wagons. There was one bodacious party going on under a circus-sized
tent, pitched in the middle of it all. “Park anywhere you can find,” she
commanded, before she drove away.

easier said than done on a motorcycle. If you don’t park somewhere on the
gravel, the kickstand will bury into the ground and flip the bike. Finally,
after maneuvering in, around and through the busses, I found a place to leave
the bike with solid ground beneath it.

go and meet these guys you’ve been dying to see.” Walking up and under the
circus tent, I saw many people that looked familiar, but couldn’t place any
name with a face. It appeared that most of these people belonged here for some
reason — most likely fame being one.

saw us wandering around under the tent and shuffled up, completely bypassing me
to give Candi a serious squeeze.

nice to meet you, I’m Billy.”

to me,
“D, she’s everything you
said she was. Come join us for some BBQ. We don’t go on till 9:30, so we’ve got
some time to hang out.”

to the others nearby, Billy spoke up, “Frank, Dusty, this is Candi.” The two
stood, walked over and gave her an all to generous hug, too.

What is it with all the serious squeezing?” I asked defiantly.

LOVE bodacious booby hugs, D!”

ya'll are acting like a bunch of horny old guys, who unlike Willie haven’t
outlived your dicks … yet!”

yeah,” shouted Frank, slapping me a high-five.

chimed Dusty.

to all of your dicks,” echoed Candi.

tonight’s performance,” I toasted, attempting unsuccessfully to quickly change
the subject matter.

the distance, we heard a distinct voice fast approaching. “To ZZ Top,” said
this pony-tailed, familiar-looking old guy strutting into our conversation. He
had a joint in his left hand and a longneck in his right. His Rebel Flag
bandana gave him away. To my disbelief, Willie, along with his self-proclaimed
dead dick, was here in Sturgis, too, performing right before Billy and the

my!” were the only words Candi could muster, standing motionless in awe of
these revered musicians.

announced Billy, “this is D and Candi. He’s the real deal, and we damn well
think he’s from South Texas, but he swears he’s from Tennessee.”

to meet you, I like them both,” professed Willie, bypassing me while extending
his arms to Candi for a hug. “Don’t worry young lady. I know a good thing when
I see it. I may have outlived my dick,” I heard him whisper in Candi’ ear,” but
I haven’t out lived my eyes, my hands or my mind. I can still damage with those

group enjoyed a good laugh, watching Willie toy with Candi. She, too, got in
some funny remarks. I must confess, it was my first time hanging behind the
scenes with a motley crew, such as this. We had a blast, long before the
concert ever started. I’ll say one thing … those boys ALL know how to party!

rocked and rolled, and partied hard until a little after midnight. As the boys
were striking up another all-night get together, we said our goodbyes and
headed off to Deadwood in search of our hotel. Sleep was calling my name in no
uncertain terms. Candi, too, echoed my sentiments on her way to the room. She
wanted a long, hot, soaking butt-soothing bath, as much as I needed sleep.

an end to a great day. I chuckled to myself, as I settled into the pillow.

girlfriend impressed the band! What a hoot! What an amazing woo-hoo!


ake up, baby girl. I’ve
let you sleep in. It’s 9 a.m. It took superman strength not to jump your bones
at five this morning when I woke to you wearing nothing, but a smile. Breakfast
awaits, on the table by the window. I brought it up with me after my work out.”

darling. You’re doing your best to spoil me. I could get used to this.”

could get used to this, too.” I watched her settle into a chair, wearing
nothing more than the napkin draped across her lap. It’s strange how we can
both be so loving and caring at times, and yet still ruffle one another’s
feathers with ever present deep, dark buried secrets.

up your dirty clothes. We need to go to FedEx and exchange them for fresh, clean
ones. Plus, I could possibly use your help in mailing some souvenir packages if
you're so inclined.”

Packages?” she asked, “Just where did you get souvenir packages?”

had them shipped in with our clothes. What can I say? Some people do post cards.
I do souvenir packages.”

Candi scurried about, gathering all her things. Dressed, we loaded up and set
out for our first stop. Thanks to Siri, I found FedEx and exchanged our
clothes, being careful to load the clean ones first, before I stuffed in the
bug-encrusted ones to make the return trip home. In between, I managed to
separate the packages, rather inconspicuously and drop them into my watertight
duffle bag. “Here, baby. Would you carry this for me?” I asked, as I placed the
bag in her hands, without waiting for an answer. As was becoming the pattern, I
drove up to numerous post office boxes and dropped off 25 to 30 packages each
time. Now, my novice assistant was playing in my ongoing rodeo, whether she
knew it or not.

the final drop, Candi could no longer contain herself. “What gives? Are you
going to tell me why we just didn’t take these to the post office and mail them
all at once?”

really want the truth?” I asked, “Or would it be best if I lied? You know like
lawyer speak.”

truth would be good, D. It’s reality check time. I'm honestly sick of lawyers.”

was nothing playful in her tone of voice, and I assessed the now awkward
situation, with that in mind. Wanting a better location to spill my guts, I
spoke up. “Did you know Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane are buried up on
that hill?” I asked, pointing toward the far South side of town.

not changing the subject on me,” she grumbled, showing her disapproval of the
whole conversation.

I’m not changing the subject on you. Let’s ride up to Boot Hill and visit their
graves. Once there, we can walk and talk on the way to the top. There are long,
climbing stairs, periodic resting benches, and usually some quiet time on the
climb. At least we could have some scenery while I try to explain myself. As
you’ve said yourself: It’s complicated.”

saw the wheels turning in her mind as she came to terms with my suggestion.
“Come on, baby. After I show you their tombstones, I know of a great bench near
the top that looks out over the town where we can sit and talk all you wish.
I’ll tell you what you want to know.”

agreed and we eased through some traffic to find our destination. After thirty
minutes of hill climbing, coupled by a breakout sweat and minimal grumbling
about Bill and Jane, we made it to the top.

out over Deadwood, I grasped Candi’s hand. “It’s like this,” I said looking
intensely into her eyes. “There are cameras and people in Post Offices. The
packages I’m sending out are best not traced back to me, if you understand
where I’m coming from.”

she gasped with a scowl.

no” I assured her. “It’s not like that at all. But, it doesn’t make them any
more legal. Let’s just say I’m currently dealing in hot commodities and not
making a dime. I’m giving away stolen property to people that have been wronged
in a giant business deal gone sour. It's like I’m playing Robin Hood, Candi,
and although I don’t necessarily like it........ I feel like I’m doing the
right thing in the long run.”

these packages carrying something illegal that will get you thrown in jail?”

I replied. “The government isn’t going to appreciate my clever antics. And
worse, some people that AREN’T government will be even more pissed.”

I could divulge anything further, Candi’s phone rang. “Hi Gio, I don’t know,
let me ask D.”

baby?” she asked, suddenly changing her tone. “When are we leaving Deadwood?
And do you mind if Gio and Mile ride along to Bozeman?”

you’re okay with it, tell them we will leave around noon. They’re welcome to
ride along. Pass it on that we’re going to ride by the Devil’s Tower and stay
in Sheridan, WY, tonight. If that works, we’ll see them at our hotel at twelve
and leave from there.”

chirped in excited Italian, and I assumed Gio got the message.

the phone call interrupted her train of thought for the moment, and nothing
further was said about the care packages on the downhill trek to the bike. It
surprised me that she bottled up her thoughts about them. Seemingly, I think
she now had other more pressing questions on her mind.

don’t really know anything about you, D.”

same goes for me. My guess is we’re both just treading water in the shallow
part of the pool, trying to decide if we’re willing to jump into the deep end
together. How about for now, lust works? — But it won’t carry us forever.
Most of my history needs to be held tight to my chest for a little longer. We
will just have to evolve on a need-to-know basis.” I could tell she was uneasy
by the way she nodded in agreement. I think her own secrets might have been
slipping back into the big picture. If she let me shut up, I’d probably follow

right,” she mumbled. “Okay for now.”

you ready to ride, darlin’?” I asked.

guess,” she replied, still pondering. “I’m assuming these packages are quite
valuable, right?”


shoulders dropped along with a huff of exasperation. She eyed me head to toe.
“One more thing …” she jabbed.

I stammered.

many more of these packages do you have to ship?”

spoke through gritted teeth, almost at a whisper, “Hundreds and hundreds.”

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