Ride To The Edge (Lucifer's Saints MC) (Rough Riders MC Series Book 4) (10 page)

BOOK: Ride To The Edge (Lucifer's Saints MC) (Rough Riders MC Series Book 4)
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He slid two thick fingers in my pussy and I panted heavily before he slid them into my puckered hole and pumped thoroughly. It felt so fucking good especially when his cock entered my dripping hole and began to fuck me mercilessly.

Hardy drilled me like he was pumping for oil while his fingers continued to massage my anus without missing a beat. The sensation together was absolutely fucking amazing while I tried to keep my noise down to a minimum. The chances of our houseguests hearing us fucking were slim to none but I didn’t feel as vocal since I had a concert the next night and we weren’t alone.

“Oh shit, you’re cunt is so tight, babe. I gotta open you up a bit.” He leaned down to bite my right ear playfully before he continued to plunder in and out of me.

“Yeah? Why don’t you fuck me harder then?”

I knew it wouldn’t be long if we continued at this pace before he would come and so would I yet again but it would be with me wrapped snuggly around his dick and him inside me.

The truth was we’d never played it safe, not even the first time we fucked each other and I didn’t know him well at all. We’d always barebacked and I knew somehow I was playing with fire but at the time, I was reckless and I didn’t give a damn. I wanted something to happen to jolt me out of the numbness I felt when ever I was around Jaden.

Ironically, it was Jaden I’d make use a condom though we had a child together while I was fucking Hardy every chance I got with nothing between us but skin. Anything could have happened and something did. I got pregnant again with my daughter but even then, there was a feeling inside me that knew I’d be safe in his arms. I didn’t know his sexual history and he didn’t know mine but we’d rolled the dice and in the end, wound up pregnant.

The situation could have been so much worse than that but for some reason, it was for the best. One loser was forced out of my life and I got the chance to start over fresh with a man who cared so deeply for me, he confessed he’d never fucked a woman without a condom until me.

I had to admit that made me feel pretty goddamn special.

The buildup to my current orgasm was close but then again, so was his. I forced his cock deeper into my pussy as his one unencumbered hand grabbed me by the crease under my bump and pumped harder and harder with his cock. The encore finally arrived and I felt myself gush around him as his dick continued to hit my G-spot while his fingers plundered my asshole.

I wrapped my pussy around his dick and he shouted a string of obscenities as he drilled my hole, filling it with all his come.

“Goddamn it, fuck you feel so good. I don’t think I’ve ever come this hard in my life!” Hardy exclaimed.

As he pulled out of me, still leaving my body with the after effects of an extremely intense orgasm, I turned around and wrapped my mouth around his still hard dick, licking my juices and his cum off his cock.

He instantly went hard again and I was ready for him as I teased the head of his beautiful dick before I took him into my open mouth. We pretty much had this down to a science where I knew when to take more and more until I could feel him in the back of throat, pass my tonsils. My gag reflex was next to nil as I continued to suck his cock while massaging his heavy balls. It didn’t take too long before he came again, this time in my mouth.

I enjoyed the savory sweet taste of his cum and didn’t stop sucking him off until I drained every last drop. It was fun and exciting, especially since he was a man who enjoyed wheat grass and pineapple smoothies on a daily basis so his male essence wasn’t hard to swallow at all. It actually turned me on though after his dick slid from between my lips, I collapsed on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

I was sated in a way only he could make me feel like and we both knew that although there wouldn’t be any more sex for us tonight, we were both content and could rest easily.

Hardy wrapped his arms around me, caressing my bump as he kissed my lips, his tongue sliding between them easily. “How is that every time I make love to you, I love you just a wee bit more?”

“Because most of the time we’re fucking one another’s brains out and who doesn’t enjoy a good romp between the sheets?” I joked as soon as our kiss ended.

“Very funny. There’s no doubt about it. You were the one woman in the world made me for me, Talia. What would I do without you?”

I turned to my side, facing him, and caressed his pectoral muscles. “I’m sure your heart would go on . . . but rest assure, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere so there’s absolutely nothing for you to fear. I swear it.”

“Is that a promise?”

As I gazed at his face, I realized his eyes were closed and he was half-asleep. His facial muscles were completely relaxed and he looked peaceful. I didn’t want to ruin that gorgeous look on his face or burden him with problems I was woman enough to handle.

“You’re damn right it’s a promise,” I whispered before I kissed his cheek.

Several minutes later, he was asleep and dead to the world while I was still up, not quite ready to go to bed yet. I needed to talk to the one person who might be able to help me out of this situation without going through Hardy, and that one other happened to be my blood and my sister.




found my little sister by the pool in our backyard smoking marijuana out of a glass pipe and chillin’ on comfortable lounge chair. I knew about her habit—everyone did but she wasn’t much of a drinker and had never been a smoker of anything that wasn’t herbal so it didn’t bother me.

She looked toward the water before her gaze turned in my direction.

“Hey,” I greeted as I sat next to her.

Catrin blew the smoke out of her mouth in the opposite direction from where I sat before she replied, “Hey. I thought we’d have a chance to talk tonight before you went to bed but from what I heard, I completely understand why you were in such a hurry to get to your bedroom.”

I could feel my face heat up and knew I’d probably turned several shades of crimson. “Holy crap. I didn’t realize you could hear so much from here—”

“Listen, more power to you. I haven’t gotten laid in ages and with this assignment coming up, looks like it’s going to have wait just a little bit longer.” She set the glass pipe down on the art deco table that sat between the two of us. “Besides, you do realize your bedroom is right there? Your luxuriously opulent balcony overlooks the pool, nerd.”

“Excuse me? I’m the lead singer of a killer rock n roll band—”

“And I’m an FBI agent and Stanford graduate. You’re still a bigger nerd than me. You were always better at hiding it.”

We both laughed out loud at that joke as her face became serious again. “What’s up? You look like something is weighing on your mind, and you refuse to tell Hardy but you’ll confess it to me.”

“Something like that.” I stared off into the distance before I met my sister’s kaleidoscopic eyes, which at the moment were blue-gray without a trace of green. “He’s under enough pressure with the club and this sting to take down the White Knights MC. I don’t think I need his help with this particular problem.”

Catrin sat in a classic yoga position as she faced me. “Well, what exactly
the problem?”

“I’ve been getting threatening text messages from an unknown caller.” I couldn’t face my sister so I looked up toward the balcony. The lights were still off, which meant Hardy was dead to the world.

“Hold up—what do you mean by threatening texts?” Her voice remained calm but I knew my sister was anything but mellow at this moment.

“Just shitty texts about killing me and the baby. Texts telling me that if anyone shoots off their mouth, I’m dead; texts threatening to harm Kaelan—you know, regular psycho shit that people who are at the lowest scum pond in society tell people to make themselves feel better. Instead of a keyboard warrior, I’ve got a smart phone warrior, and he—or she—isn’t afraid to tell me how they really feel.”

After sighing out loud, I continued, “I’m not stupid, Catrin. I know it’s about the investigation but I don’t
anything. Hardy isn’t the type of guy to do pillow talk if you know what I mean. He leaves club business at the club and I prefer it that way.”

“Why is that?” she questioned with very little emotion in her voice.

“Hell, because I’m not Gisela or Kyra. I don’t have to defend my spouse or help out with their defense if something goes down—”

“They’re mock trials, Tal. Cillian was never going to do any time, and neither would anyone in the club. They’re so wrapped up in MI:6, the FBI and Interpol, the Lucifer’s Saints are an untouchable one percent club. They have too many secrets on too many government organizations—hell, even Eve doesn’t know where Dizzy hid all the bodies. The only thing we can do is take down other criminal organizations—”

“Even if another pops up to take their place?” I glanced my sister’s way. “Why the White Knights MC? I mean, there will always be racist one percent clubs—hell, most are racist—but what makes them so special?”

She pursed her lips together and her cheeks turned slightly red, even in the dim light. “They’re funneling money into other racist, pro-white organizations, Tal. The mood of the country isn’t that great at the moment—it’s not like I have to tell you that if you even scan social media once in a blue moon. These bastards think
The Turner Diaries
are gonna start any time now. We have to stop them and to cut off the funds—or the vast majority of funds I should say—means obliterating the White Knights MC.”

I chewed on my lower lip. “What’s the part you have to play?”

“Infiltrator, and it won’t be fun. I have to get a bunch of tats—not real ones but like what they used on shows like
Sons of Anarchy
. They stay for a while but I’ll have to keep getting brush ups to keep them looking fresh every few weeks. They want me to cut my hair—I said a pixie cut and no shorter—but turns out Eve thinks shoulder-length is fine. I have a new name, new identity. I’ve had to read all of the books, pamphlets . . . I’m ready and I’m not scared but now I’m worried about you, and that can get me killed, Talia,” Catrin explained in a soft voice.

“Shit. Maybe I should have told Hardy after all—”

“Nope. You can’t cross that bridge any longer. What we’re gonna do is let the Terrorism unit know and the asshole who’s doing this to you will be the first one arrested. Not on charges having to do with the investigation but for threatening and terrorizing a rock star.” She looked at me intently before she smiled. “It’ll throw them off our scent.”

“What about the investigation though?” I asked with worry lacing my tone of voice.

“We have people within the organization that have already turned. They don’t want to do time in prison and they believe their cause will prevail regardless so that’s not an issue. However, you’re not to have anything to do with this.” Catrin grabbed my arm closest to her with surprising strength. “You continue to be the oblivious rock star, is that understood? You can’t turn into Gisela or Kyra. And under no circumstances can you ask Hardy questions about what’s going on. All our lives are at stake, Talia—including yours and your children. If you start nosing around, you could blow this whole investigation wide open and give them time to leave the country or go into hiding and we can’t have that. All of us have worked too hard to get to where we are now. Is that clear?”

“As Baccarat crystal,” I mumbled under my breath.

“Good. Then finish up your remaining shows, prepare to go back into the studio and do what it is you do best. We have this, all right?”

Catrin let go of my arm. “Got it, little sis.”

“Good, now go back to bed. You can rest assure you won’t be receiving any other texts concerning your well being after tonight.”

“Okay.” I stood and began to walk back in the house before I turned to her. “Good night.”

“Night,” she replied but her state of the art iPhone was already in her hand and I had a feeling she was already working on my case. If this is what it took to make the world a safer place, I’d never been so relieved my gifts relied on the arts and not in technology and the government.

I might have been the biggest nerd between the two of us but my sister had the stronger disposition and the bigger heart to care more about keeping the lives of her fellow citizens safe, and the strength to realize her life was not worth as much as a stable democracy.

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