Ride To The Edge (Lucifer's Saints MC) (Rough Riders MC Series Book 4) (16 page)

BOOK: Ride To The Edge (Lucifer's Saints MC) (Rough Riders MC Series Book 4)
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“Fuck!” he screamed as his gun, a lousy .45 that had seen better days skittered across the floor near the booty he’d intended to walk out of my home with.

I hoped Beatriz hadn’t heard the noise but Hardy had because he walked up like a panther behind me.

“What the bloody hell is he doin’ in our home?”

“Tryin’ to rob us so he can raise some money and get his brother a flight to Mexico or some other country where they won’t extradite his ass. How the fuck should I know?” My voice could have been warmer but I was still a bit pissed off at him.

Hardy walked past me and directly to Brad. “That was the wrong fuckin’ thing to do, mate. You come to my house and threaten my family?” He picked up the .45 and aimed it at Brad’s head. “If you don’t shut the fuck up, I’ll blow your head clean off you filthy piece of white trash scum.”

Brad stopped his yelping though he continued to growl low, like a pit bull ready to strike.

I shrugged my shoulders apathetically as I watched Hardy kneel over Brad with the man’s gun in his hand. “What should we do?”

“You piece of shit. You pond scum, son of a cunt thought you could walk into my home—the place where I raise my children and where my ol’ lady resides—and fuckin’ steal from me when I’m tryin’ to help your dumb ass? Wrong move, you daft fuckin’ prick.”

I wasn’t ready for what Hardy did next but I should have been as he began to pistol whip the fucker with his own gun. He broke his nose and fucked up his face but not enough to cause permanent damage as I looked on casually. He threw the gun down, wiping the fucker’s blood against his black jeans as he stood to his full height. He started kicking him several times in the ribs and gut much to Brad’s chagrin.

The guy tried to form a fetal position to protect his vital organs but that just made Hardy angrier as he shoved his foot forcefully into Brad’s exposed shoulder and back. He didn’t stop until the man blissfully passed out from his injuries and that’s when he finally stared at me.

I could see the rage in his eyes from where I was standing and we were at least twenty feet apart. Hardy barely breathed hard though I know his lung he’d been shot in must have been hurting him something fierce. The shoulder that had also received a gun shot wound looked sore and kind of hung in defeat as he glanced directly at me.

“You wanna do me a favor, love, and switch the safety back on your firearm?”

I did as I was told before I dropped the gun on the leather sofa. “What else do you want me to do?”

Hardy stalked toward me and grabbed me in his arms with such intensity, I could feel the violence and anger radiating off of him. “I thought about what you said and you’re right. I can’t quit because we’ll lose everything—scratch that, I’ll lose everythin’ and that just ain’t gonna happen.”

“Why?” I whispered, my green eyes locked with his blues.

“Because I would fuckin’ take a gun and shoot you in the head before I killed myself. I am fuckin’ crazy you know—a goddamn psychopath but if you lived through what I have you’d understand why. I’m not goin’ to lose you—I refuse to lose you so if I have to stay with that shitty fucking agency then I will but you—you’re not goin’ any fuckin’ where. Not alone and certainly not with

I smiled at him before I bit my lip. “Okay.”

“Is that all you have to say?”

“Well, what exactly were you expecting, Dex?”

Hardy grabbed my body roughly and wrapped my legs around his waist as he devoured me in a soul-sucking kiss that took my breath away. Our tongues danced and played Russian Roulette with each other, daring one another to go further than we ever had just to see who would win.

I undid his jeans as he lifted up my negligee, and tore my lace panties away from flesh. As I released his cock from my hand, he grabbed it as he pressed me against the wall and thrust into me unexpectedly. I moaned out loud as he fucked me as if this was the last supper and we’d never see each other again.

The first orgasm hit me quickly but he was an insatiable beast. He tongued my neck as his cock worked in and out of me. The slower he slid his dick inside my pussy, the more I seemed to drench him until his jeans, only pulled down below his ass, were soaked with my juices.

“You like that, don’t you? You want to get fucked in front of a man I just beat half to fuckin’ death?” he whispered in my ear as he battered my insides with vicious thrusts, the next feeling better than the one before.

“Fuck yeah but now, you have to stay with the agency because if you don’t, who’s gonna protect you—protect us from this fall out?” I said in a quiet voice near his ear.

Hardy stared at me and lifted me higher while he let me slide down on his dick before he backed out, taking his manhood with him and leaving me bare.

“Get on your knees.”

We were near the staircase so I complied because at least it had a Persian runner to protect slips and falls against the marble surface. I could hear him take his jeans off before he tore the delicate silk fabric of my La Perla nightgown. We were both naked as the almost-full moon provided enough light for us to see.

I turned to look into his eyes—those crystal blue irises had darkened and he looked menacing and dangerous from my perspective but all I could do was lick my suddenly dry lips.

He slapped my ass several times, alternating between the left cheek and the right cheek. By the time he was done punishing me, I knew my ass was fire engine red—I could feel the burn, and still I was so turned on, my pussy was dripping, juices sliding down between my thighs.

Hardy stuck two thick fingers inside me and played with my G-spot while I continued to gush all over his hands. He used his other hand to lap up my secretions and lube his cock by the way he was jerking himself off and the wet slick sound I heard from his hand sliding up and down his dick.

My breath came hard and fast as he bent over and licked my puckered hole like he was at a buffet. He spit and stuck his tongue as deep as it would get into my asshole, all the meanwhile jerking himself off and twisting his fingers, caressing my G-spot until I was on the edge of spontaneous combustion but not quite. The bastard knew exactly what he was doing and I could have killed him for it.

I thrust out my ass at him as he stopped playing with his cock, slid his fingers out of my dripping hole and spread my ass cheeks as far as possible as he licked my ass, tongued it deeply and completely before he used my own lubricant to stick a finger inside and then two. His movements were rough, and harsh but at the same time, my body betrayed me and responded to his kinky play. I didn’t realize he nearly had his whole hand up my ass until he whispered into my ear, “I know you like it rough, babe, but I didn’t realize you were into fisting. Which shall I do first? Your pretty cunt or your delectable ass?”

“Fuck me,” I panted as he removed his fingers from my asshole and entered me with his hard cock instead.

He slid right inside, all the way without resistance. I encouraged him to fuck me harder as the burning pain in my ass became a delicious delicacy I desired and his other hand slid fingers into my pussy, caressing my G-spot harder and fiercer than before.

Hardy fucked my ass as if he were inside my pussy, hard and rough while teasing my G-spot like it was his favorite place on earth. I came so hard, I squirted all over his hand but all he did was slap my ass again.

“You dirty little cunt, you like this don’t you? After I finish fucking your ass, are you gonna suck my cock and make me cum again?”

“Of course not, you fucking dickhead. It’s been in my shit hole. If you clean it first, I might think about it but it’s much too dirty to enter my mouth.”

He laughed out loud as he continued to fuck me harder and faster inside my asshole. Gingerly, he leaned over me, making sure not to place his weight on my back. “You do realize the mouth is the dirtiest place on our bodies, right? Not your asshole, not your hands—your mouth. It’s always moist and it’s a breeding ground for bacteria. I flicked my tongue inside your asshole and you might not suck my cock but you will kiss me.”

I opened my mouth to object and was met with breath-stealing lip lock where he twirled his tongue around mine and I felt if he pressed any harder on my neck to turn my head toward him, it would snap like a twig.

He let go of my mouth suddenly and grabbed a hold of my hips as he pumped in and out of me with such a steady precision I knew I would come again. My fingers found my engorged clit and I began to rub it hard as it felt like it was about to burst.

I rubbed harder the faster Hardy fucked my ass and when he growled deep, indicating that he was about to come, a few more strokes of my clit created the perfect storm and pain and pleasure, especially when he pulled out of my asshole and came all over my back and ass cheeks. My pussy clenched involuntarily as did my ass from an orgasm impossible to control.

Hardy leaned over after he’d cum all over me and lapped it up with his fingers before sticking them inside of my mouth for me to suck on. I did it because the area between my legs was still spinning and clenching and I couldn’t stop until I got even more of a release. Every part of me was sore but he couldn’t possibly be done satisfying me because my body wasn’t ready let.

He leaned against the staircase in an impossibly uncomfortable position and placed my pussy on his face as he lapped at my juices and allowed his fingers to run in and out of my abused asshole and clenching pussy while he sucked on my clit like I was a fucking buffet.

I had no shame by this point and ground myself into his face and mouth deeper and deeper until a mind-shattering orgasm hit me that was so strong I felt my whole body collapse. My boneless and uncontrollable form sank into a pleasure so severe, I could feel myself fading and my only wish at that moment while I felt so much fucking euphoria pass through me was that Hardy would catch me before I passed out.




fter tucking my sexually satisfied ol’ lady into bed shortly after she passed out on one of the monster orgasms I knew only I could give her, I showered, changed into a pair of fresh black boxer-briefs, distressed jeans, and a black t-shirt. The last incident I needed was for Beatriz to find a stranger passed out in the family room of our home.

I went through the duffel bag and placed all the items he’d tried to steal back in the right place, grabbed a couple of industrial sized garbage bags and rolled him in them with duct tape before placing a piece on his mouth and throwing him in the back of the black Cadillac Escalade we owned.

Afterwards, I cleaned the whole area of the marble flooring with ammonia and boiling hot water, spritzed the room with Lysol and cleaned up after myself by disposing anything that would make it look like a crime had happened. After I replaced Talia’s gun back in its safe, I closed the door to the suite and hurried down the stairs to the Escalade. My mission was to bring Brad in, alive, not dead so the clock on what I wanted to do was ticking down much faster than I would have liked.

By the time I got onto I-515 heading north in the wee hours of the morning, the sun was starting to rise and I knew there would be FBI personnel in the building to collect our star witness.

Whether he realized it or not, the moment he tried to steal from me and my family, Brad had turned into a snitch as far as I was concerned. He’d either hand over the information voluntarily or I would put in a good word to whatever prison he was sent to he was a snitch. They died almost as fast as pedophiles and rapists so as far as I was concerned it was a win-win for our team.

My team.

Talia had been right all along. There was no way I could trade in my badge for a fucking informant card. I’d done the same training as Catrin, Eve, Desmond, Pyro, and countless other members and associated personnel that ran the Domestic Terrorism Unit. Before then, I worked for MI:6 and before then, MI:5.

A life serving the government—whether it was my own or someone else’s—was all I knew. Yes, I could admit I was very good at playing the bad guy but deep down, that wasn’t who I was. I didn’t do this job for the shitty paychecks, long-term bodily injuries that would affect me for the rest of my life or the adrenaline rush. I did this because it was all I knew how to do.

The agencies I served weren’t for better men or heroes but they were for guys like me. Men who would have had “Born Loser” stamped on their foreheads and spent their whole lives in and out of prison while they promised to try to be a better man. It was serve a country—even if I didn’t give a fuck about it—or serve time, and it was entirely my choice.

When all was said and done, I didn’t do it for any of those reasons. I did it because there was a gorgeous woman I loved with all my heart who stood by me when I had absolutely no one. I skirted the law and committed crimes because there were two children who would always know me as their father and I wanted them to be proud of me. I wanted someone in my godforsaken, gobshite life to think that I’d made a difference and even, if only for a few precious moments, I made the world a safer place to live in.

My children were the most important human beings in my life besides my ol’ lady and I wanted them to remember me with fond memories and thoughts that their father was a good man who may have had to do bad things but it was all for them. At the end of the day, I did it for them, their generation, the future, the country they would grow to become adults and live in. Regardless whether they chose Britain or the United States, I wanted them to always be safe and feel like they’d always been protected from the greater evil in the world.

I arrived at the office just as the fire ball of the sun had completely rose in the east and got out of the car with a renewed swagger to my step. I dragged the half-dead, piece of shit from the back of the Escalade into the FBI office and dropped him on the lobby floor of the Domestic Terrorism Unit.

Eve strode out with Catrin closely behind her. They both stared at me as if I’d gone deranged but I smirked and shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

“Dexter,” Eve began in a soft voice, “what’s he doing here? I thought he said he needed more time and furthermore, why’s he wrapped in garbage bags?”

“We have been waitin’ more than seven months to take these assholes down and this one,” I nudged with the toe of my shitkickers and he groaned in pain, “has been playin’ us all along. I found him trying to burglarize my home so he could raise enough money to get his brother out of the country so I shot him in the leg and beat his ass myself. He’s decided to turn state’s evidence and work on our side. We can set up the rest of the operation because the WKs are officially goin’ down.”

Eve snapped her fingers and several burly agents immediately entered the room. “Get Mr. Decker some medical attention. Take him to the local hospital and say he was beat up by a bunch of gangbangers due to his tats. Make sure he is under lock and key—I want Metro and FBI agents watching his hospital room at all times. When he’s lucid enough, we’ll offer him the deal. If he takes it, great, if he doesn’t then he can spend the next couple of years in Pelican Bay before he’s executed on the many, many crimes he’s committed over the years.”

She leaned over Brad, who had come to though he was in a lot of pain. “By the way, Mr. Decker, we’ll let everyone know at Pelican Bay that you are a pedophile. Your crime, technically, will be the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and the abduction of their thirteen-year-old daughter, Magnolia Reynolds-Gillespie, who you then kept in captivity for twelve years. You know that pedophiles are the most reviled criminals in the penal system so have fun lasting long enough for your execution date. That’s if you decide to fuck me again and plan on tryin’ to play me for a fool. Hand over the White Knights MC or you go to prison and die a very painful death. Your choice. Get this piece of shit off my floor and have the janitor come back in here to the sanitize this place.”

The agents followed Eve’s orders as she pointed to me. “In my office, Dex. Now!”

Although I could be a cold son of a bitch, I wasn’t one to disobey orders given to me by my direct superiors so I followed Eve into her office and shut the door behind me. She sat down behind her desk while I continued to stand.

The whole space was made of bulletproof glass therefore to maintain the whole look and feel of transparency even if that wasn’t the case at all.

Her Apple desktop was encrypted and contained a screen protector to prevent her employees from spying on what exact files she had pulled up while her keyboard was built within her desk and away from prying eyes.

I’d figured out pretty quickly how MI:5 and MI:6 worked as an agent; it wasn’t hard to see the U.S. government worked similarly though the technology was better, newer, faster and had a higher bit encryption. It would take a genius like her son, Trey, to break down the firewall, and even someone as brilliant as him would be caught within a matter of moments, his hard drive erased, and the government on his invisible digital footprints within seconds.

Eve typed something quickly on her desktop before she signed out and put it into sleep mode. “So, I heard from a confidential source you’re thinking of quitting the agency. Is it true?”

“Would it bother you if it was?” I inquired, answering her question with one of my own.

“Of course.” Eve sighed with resignation as her hazel-green eyes settled on my crystal blue irises. “You’re married to my niece, and this agency is the only protection she truly has from the world finding out about her husband. Trey keeps feeding misinformation to TMZ, they take the bait and word spreads. However, if you were to leave, I wouldn’t be able to protect her anymore and that would be a very big issue.”

I looked around the office before my eyes met hers again. “I considered it for a wee bit of time but it’s not worth the trouble it would cause. I was thinking only about my own wants and needs and not about my wife’s or my children. I don’t ever want to disappoint any of them . . . ever. It was a moment of weakness—a flight of fancy if you will. I’ve decided to stay.”

She smirked a she turned away from me. “We all have those moments, Dex. You know how many times I’ve wanted to quit and leave all this shit behind? Then I think about my children and the club. I no longer have the luxury of feeling like if the Lucifer’s Saints came under the government’s scrutiny I wouldn’t feel anything at all. I have to protect my children and grandchildren. It’s something so much bigger than me and I don’t know how I truly feel about it.”

“What do you mean?”

“For a long time, I was ambivalent to everything. The job, my loved ones—hell, even myself. Then when Bronaugh came down with breast cancer, I thought about how short life is and . . . though I am a reluctant believer in a higher power, no one has come back and told us how it is on the other side. So now I fight to do my best to make the world a better place but not for me. I have seen the most depraved human behavior there is to witness and there is no hope for me. However my children and grandchildren—they still have that faith that humanity isn’t inherently bad. I would hate for them to lose that due to my own cynicism,” Eve explained, her tone slightly less than bitter but far from elated.

“Well, can I give you a word of advice if you’ll kindly take it?”

“Shoot—figuratively, not literally of course.”

“You should never run for public office. You don’t have the disposition to quite convince people anything will change and you sure as fuck don’t have the pseudo-optimism the public likes to hear.”

Eve laughed out loud and it was indeed genuine. “Why do you think I’m stuck here heading the Domestic Terrorism Department? I can give a hell of a speech about people I truly believe in but no, I couldn’t fake it till I made it if I tried.”

I smiled at her while feelings of regret panged at me for even thinking that leaving was an option someone like me could actually take. “Seriously, I couldn’t abandon you and Catrin with the rest of the nuts you have to put up with inside my club. You deserve better.”

“Well, thank you for thinking of your sister-in-law and me but we’re pretty capable of taking care of ourselves. We’ve got some great agents in the club, and they have yet to let me down. Not even you, and I say that with all the honesty in the world. You kept your word and brought in Brad. Now we can move on to the master plan of dismantling the White Knights MC.”

I began to walk out before I stopped. “There were certain people he wanted the agency to spare—”

“Yes, I know. His biological son, Jake and his family; his wife who is as useless as a three-dollar bill; his daughter, Marion. I don’t plan to drag them into this unless they make me and even then, they will be spared any prison time.”

Eve stood and strode over to me. Even in her expensive black Yves Saint Laurent pants suit and matching Christian Louboutin heels, she still seemed diminutive underneath me. Though she had to be at least five feet, ten inches with the added height from her expensive shoes, there was something about her that was powerful and commanding none-the-less. “I keep my promises, Dex. I know what Jake has done . . . Marion too but they were just circumstances of being born into a twisted family. I have very little doubt either would be a danger to society. Not like some of the other Deckers on their fucked up family tree.”

I held out my hand and she swatted it away before we embraced like the family we were. “Thank you.”

Eve stared at me quizzically. “For what?”

“For allowing me to keep my word.”

BOOK: Ride To The Edge (Lucifer's Saints MC) (Rough Riders MC Series Book 4)
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