Ride To Vengeance (A Rough Riders MC Novel #3): A Rough Riders MC Novel #3 (The Rough Riders MC Series)

BOOK: Ride To Vengeance (A Rough Riders MC Novel #3): A Rough Riders MC Novel #3 (The Rough Riders MC Series)
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Ride to Vengeance



A Rough Riders Novel


Selene Chardou


Ride To Vengeance


A Rough Riders Novel #3


Copyright © 2014 Selene Chardou


All rights reserved.


Editor: Juli Valenti


Cover Artist: L.J. Anderson (Mayhem Cover Creations)


Publisher: Midnight Engel Press, LLC




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This book is a work of fiction. People, places, events, and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental.


Novels Previous to
Ride To Vengeance




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Welcome to Southern Nevada. The locals are ambivalent about the abundance of tourists year-round, the air is hot and dry in the summer, and human trafficking sells. The underworld of Sin City is partly run by the Italian and Russian Mafias but three motorcycle clubs also vie for control. The path to Hell is paved with good intentions, and so are the highways where Lucifer's Saints, Demon's Bastards and White Knights call the shots. 

Ronan Cox has been surrounded by club life since he was in diapers. Not yet thirty years old, already he holds the powerful position of Vice President for the Glendale chapter of Lucifer's Saints. After the worst of the war between
Aztecas Infierno
and the Saints seem to be on the decline, he and the President are transferred from Southern California to the Las Vegas chapter. After Ronan and Hardy Cox have settled into their new positions, life goes from being pretty good to very bad very quickly...

Naomi couldn't be happier although she is an undercover Fed and Ronan's old lady. She's played the double agent for too long, feeding her superiors information while informing the club about the latest developments. Everything goes to hell in a hand basket when Hardy is shot by 
Aztecas Infierno
 gunmen and Naomi is abducted by them. The standoff between the cartel and club is officially over. 

This is Naomi and Ronan's story. It's not anything you're prepared for and completely unpredictable but life's like that too so proceed with caution.


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