Ridge Creek Reunited (Ridge Creek Duology) (7 page)

BOOK: Ridge Creek Reunited (Ridge Creek Duology)
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Well alrighty then.

Clearly the man has a plan and I need to get on board.

Without any further hesitation I grab my shirt, whip it over my head, heel my ballet flats off, drop my jeans and stand before Jake in just my leopard skin pattern bra with matching thong.

I watch a smile creep along Jake’s face as his eyes slowly etch their way down my front. Pausing briefly at my bra they continue their way to the thong below. Then his smile disappears again as he leans forward, a dark look on his face. “Don’t make me ask again.”

Widening my eyes at him I get his point immediately. In a flash of swift movements I shed the bra and thong and jump into the shower. Clearly chat time is

The water has barely hit my head when I feel Jake move into the shower behind me. Like a magnet, I can
him behind me even though we’re not even touching. Every cell in my body is aware of his existence and knows he’s there. The water is hot on my shoulders and yet I still find myself shivering in his presence. I am starting to think that Mother Nature knew what she was doing when she placed Jake on this Earth because I swear even my ovaries are vibrating right now.

Turning quickly to face him I watch as he slowly slides the paneled shower screen closed behind him. Flicking me a wicked grin, he moves under the water and I watch as he draws a long, slow breath and rolls his neck against the water.

My eyes lock on his enormous shoulders and the way the cords on his neck bulge as he rolls his neck. I watch the water coursing down his chest and stare at his tattoos glistening black as the water slides over them before finally shifting my eyes to trace the v groove in his lower abdomen all the way down…

Holy crap.

“Babe,” Jake’s voice jolts me from my visual journey and I tip my head back up to see him staring at me, his lips tipping slightly at the sides. “Can see your enjoying the view but gotta say that I’m getting stiffer by the second here so gunna need you to hurry it along. Turn round, hands against the tiles, tip that fine ass

Did he just say what I thought he said?

Blinking at the boldness of his words and at the sprays of water bouncing of his magnificent shoulders onto my face, I flick my eyes to his bandage, roll my eyes and turn around. Clearly we are not messing about and I have to say, I
it. Leaning slightly forward, I slap my hands against the tiles and do as asked. I tip my ass up at him as I look back over my shoulder. I can already feel my pulse rising again as I anticipate what’s to come.

God, when did I become such a hussy?

We haven’t even attempted foreplay and I’m panting and hot, ready for him to just stick me and get straight to the good stuff. I see Jake smirking again as he slowly lowers his hand to take a hold of himself. I watch mesmerized as he slowly runs his own hand up and down his length. I’m captivated at the sight and feel as my stomach clenches and my inner muscles do a little dance of joy.

It’s what Jake does next that nearly undoes me. He leans forward and with his free hand, slowly reaches out
to gently touch a point on my back. Even with the water currently spraying all over the place, I feel his fingertip hit me like a lightning bolt. Jolting, I look up at him confused as I feel his finger slowly sliding crazy patterns across my back. Stopping occasionally, he lifts his finger only to set it back down again on another spot to continue its journey. It takes me a while to realize what he’s doing.

He’s tracing my scars.

With this realization, I suddenly tense up and all thoughts of sex and Jake’s magnificent cock pointed right at me flee from my head.

my scars. They must look
To be honest, I wouldn’t really know. I’ve tried a few times to see what my back looks like over the past weeks but it has been near on impossible due to the bathroom mirror being so high on the wall. I’ve even tried using a make-up mirror at various angles behind me but have only ever been able to see small patches of scarring at a time. I’ve not had time to consider, or worry about what the whole area looks like as a whole.

Oh my God.

Panicking, I start to straighten and twist to face him to remove my back from his line of sight. This proves unsuccessful as two massive hands clamp down either side of my hips to lock me in place. “No,” he growls in a voice so deep my inners vibrate against the rumble.

Letting out a squeak of annoyance at being held in my current vulnerable position, I quickly follow my squeak with the words, “They’re horrible.”

Ignoring my words, all thoughts of my horrible scars suddenly fly from my mind as Jake literally
me from behind. No warning, no warm up, just slam and he’s inside me to the hilt.

Oh my God.

My inner muscles instantly contract in response to his invasion and my hands slap firmly back up against the tiles to stop me toppling forward. I feel the instant gush of moisture between my legs as my vagina sings hallelujah at what I can now tell is a welcome invasion.

“Jake,” I grunt as I feel him slowly slide back out again, his hands softening at my hips. My inner muscles ripple
and automatically contract to hold him in there as long as possible. Jake ignores me as he withdraws just far enough that the tip of his cock is nearly free and I feel myself desperately tipping my ass back up in the air, silently begging him to come back to me. I feel my soft folds enflame and sensitize as they tickle against the engorged head of his cock. I start to wriggle slightly in anticipation as Jake lets out a soft grunt and slams back in.


My body rocks forward and I lock my elbows to avoid smacking my head up against the tiles in front of me.

“Fuck,” Jake groans as he stays planted deep within me. I hear a soft moan escape my lips as I drop my head forward and revel in the chills spiraling up and down my spine.

Slowly sliding back again, I look downwards between my legs to see Jake’s knees bent sharply as he rocks on his toes to hold himself deep within me. I realize how hard this must be for him dealing with our height difference and yet he hasn’t said a word.

Deciding that something needs to be done, I wait as he slowly draws himself away from me again. Just at the point where I think he is about to slam back in, I twist forward away from him
to wrench myself free from his hands.

Jake grunts his annoyance but I ignore him as I swivel myself quickly to face him. Throwing my hands around his neck, I l
ift my left knee and watch as without hesitation, Jake grabs it. Lifting myself against his hand, my other leg comes off the floor and Jake quickly snatches that one too. Then in one more fluid movement, he lifts me up and with a massive thrust, impales me again from below.

I grunt again, as my back hits the wall and Jake’s chest hits my front.

“Oh God,” I moan as my head falls forward to rest against his shoulder and my nipples connect with the course fabric of his bandage. Already sensitized by my arousal, they respond to the course material by pebbling harder than rocks. Tingles shoot across my breasts and I moan again.

“Fuck, Ari,” Jake growls again as without hesitation, he slides his hands along my thighs and grabs both globes of my ass. Lifting me easily, he pulls me upwards off his cock again and then slams me back down, my back sliding against the wet tiles as I go.

Oblivious to any thoughts on my back or what it looks like, I lose myself to the act of fucking Jake as my body ignites and every tissue of my being sensitizes. The water suddenly feels hotter. I feel hotter. Jake
hotter. If that’s at all possible. I instantly decide that this wet, shiny God, even bandaged up is
hottest thing on this Earth.

Without a doubt.

Slamming into me again, I lose track of time as my whole being focuses on the thousands of nerve endings all over my body now zinging with pleasure. Latching my mouth onto the top of Jake’s shoulder, I find myself sucking and licking in an automatic response to the pressure building deep inside my core.

Sensing my desperation, Jake increases his efforts and starts pounding into me relentlessly. I continue to moan and suck, lost in a sea of feelings as the now familiar tingles build along my lower back and my stomach starts to contract involuntarily.

“Fuck, Ari,” Jake grunts again as he continues to lift me and slam me back down as he pistons his hips hard against me with each stroke.

Still suckling madly at his shoulder, I mumble incoherently. Squeaks of agon
ized pleasure escape my lips as the pleasure centers in my body start to peak. I lose myself to the silky feel of Jake sliding back and forth inside me as I feel the moisture pouring from my insides, coating his rock hard cock as it glides back and forth.

Responding to my urgency, I feel Jake lengthen inside me. His slams now penetrating deeper than ever and touching
spot. That spot where it feels like you have an itch that can’t be scratched. He hits it once, twice and then that’s it. Every cell in my brain explodes and I’m pretty sure my eyes roll back in my head. My whole body involuntarily clamps down, including my mouth. Sinking my teeth into Jakes neck, I hear him grunt loudly as he slams one more time, smashing me up against the tiles before he slumps forward against me and stays there. As I slowly come down from wherever the fuck my mind went for a few brief seconds, I loosen my hold on his neck and feel his cock pulsing inside me as he spurts his hot seed deep inside.

Shit. Birth control.

Realizing it’s too late to do anything about it now I relax against the tiles and instinctively lick and kiss Jake’s shoulder where I can now see the clear indents left behind by my teeth.


“Jake…” I murmur, deciding I’d better raise the small issue of my concern over birth control immediately.

“Mmm,” he grunts sounding satisfied and relaxed.

“I hate to wreck what I have to say was a
good time, but you didn’t use a condom.”

“Hmm,” he rumbles back not moving from his position slumped across me, water spraying on his back. “Don’t worry about it.”

Don’t worry about it?

What. The. Fuck?

Tensing up, my head smacks back against the tiles with a crack as I semi-screech, “Don’t worry about it?”

babe, don’t worry about it,” he murmurs still relaxed. “We’ll get ourselves checked. If that fucktard Tony gave you anything, we’ll deal with it.”


Frantically wriggling to remove myself from his cock and get my feet to the ground, I feel Jake’s hands tighten on my ass. “Stop it babe, what the fuck is the matter with you?”

“What the fuck is the matter with me?”
I screech as my voice starts to sound all pitchy as anger courses through me. “You just fucked me without a condom which means I could get
So here I am worrying about making babies and all you’re worried about is the fact that I might have given

I feel and hear Jake sigh as he releases his hold on my ass and I slide my feet to the floor. Feeling the tiles beneath my feet, I straighten and tip my head to look at his face. He still looks unconcerned.

Staring blankly at him for a few moments I find it extremely difficult to comprehend why he is looking so calm right now. Especially when I feel like grabbing a baseball bat and beating him around the head with it. Scowling angrily at him, I slam my hands into his chest and snarl, “Are you fucking joking with me?”

I watch as Jake stares thoughtfully
at me for a beat or two before he lifts a hand, reaches over to his left and grabs a bottle of shampoo off of the bottle rack. “Nope.”

What. The.. Fuck?

“Are you saying you don’t care if I am pregnant?”

“Nope, not saying that either. I care. I care a whole lot. But I don’t have to worry about it,” he says as he starts squirting shampoo into his hand and puts the bottle back on the shelf.


Confused, I stare at him disbelievingly. “You don’t have to worry about it?”

Lifting both hands and scrubbing his hair, he closes his eyes to avoid soap burning them. “Nope, I’ve had a vasectomy.”

“Oh,” I mumble as his words hit me like a slap to the face. I feel my anger ebbing as I realize the enormity of what he
’s just told me. “You
get me pregnant.”

Well that certainly solves the immediate problem.

He finishes scrubbing the shampoo through his now shiny, wet, black hair before he tilts his head back to rinse “And I haven’t fucked bareback for years so if anyone should be getting stanky here, it’s me. Considering the filthy whore-bag I saw Tony jackin’ off into the night I popped him, he could have been carrying

Oh my God.

“Are you accusing me of being…” I feel my blood begin to boil as I try to formulate a word to explain what I mean. “Dirty?”

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