Riptide Love ( (7 page)

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Authors: Melissa Lopez

Tags: #Romance

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Ethan leaned over his hands braced on his knees. “Christ, mate, you’re as strong as a bloody bull.” He coughed. “A bloody brick shithouse.”

“Working with animals that outweigh you will do that.” Lee chuckled, slapping Miller on the back.

“Water boy.” Matt snickered. “You, on the other hand might be able to out swim a croc but that’s about it.”

A grin pulled at the corner of her lips. Okay, that’d been funny. She laughed. “Water boy.” Though he’d held his own against his bigger brother.

Ethan turned his head sharply her way. “Hey, not from you too.”

She lowered her lashes.

Miller headed for the truck. “Back to work, mates.” He stopped. “And no one mentions this to Mum.”

“Oh, hell no.” Ethan nodded in agreement.

The twins raised their hands in sync with one another. “Not a word from me.”

They acted like she wasn’t there. She just might tell to see Maree’s response. Maybe she’d put an end to the foolishness.



Denae examined Ethan once the twins left the barn. He was sweaty and dirty. “You okay?”

Ethan advanced. “I think he broke about six ribs.”

Unbelieving, she frowned. “He did not.”

“I think he knocked my tooth loose too.” A single stride brought him into her personal space. “Want to check it out for me?”

She pulled the conversation back into focus. His teasing wasn’t going to sway her. He’d called her his earlier. Butterflies danced low in her belly. As good as the declaration was, her dander still rose.

“No, no, I don’t.” Denae took hold of his shirt to keep him at a distance. Felt the speeding heart beneath the material. “What in the world came over you?”

“Me?” His face tensed up. “What about you? You, out here alone with Miller. Can’t you decide which one of us you want?”

For a moment, she could only stare. Heat spread up her face to burn her cheeks. “Oh… We weren’t kissing. Our bodies weren’t pressed together. We were talking.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe you said that!” She jerked her hand away from him. “This wasn’t about me and Miller, it was about you two!”

But he was faster and caught her wrist. “I’m damn sorry.”

“Let me go.”

“Not until I’ve had my say.” Fire lit his blue gaze. “Listen, last night, you were hot and heavy for my prick. For me.”

Her breath caught.

“This morning, you tell me we’ll not be starting a habit.” He pulled her closer. “Just what the fuck am I supposed to think? You were begging my bloody brother.”

The fire in his eyes threatened to consume her. She’d never seen that look in anyone’s eyes before.

“Listen, luv I’m sorry for my pig arse behavior, but answer me, De. What am I expected to think?” The hand wrapped around her wrist tightened.

“It’s not like that…”

“Well, maybe it should be.” His teeth clenched, his voice lowered. “Because out of the two of us, I know which is the better man. You think I don’t bloody well know he deserves you?”

“No. No. Oh, Ethan.” Liquid heat burst to life in her core as she continued to look in the blazing blue of his eyes. Ethan was jealous. Jealous of Miller. But it went beyond her. “You have everything all wrong…”

“I need to know what you want from me. Decide here and now, me or my brother…” His nostrils flared. “Because I’m not playing this game.”

As thrilled as she was that Ethan might care enough about her to feel some sort of powerful emotion, tension tightened the muscles along her spine. He’d hit a hot nerve. “A game with you?” Her throat worked as anger built. “A game. Well,
.” She pulled on her arm, but he didn’t release her. “I think you’re the only person who played any games.”

She ignored the change in his stance.

“You want to know the truth? The whole sad truth?”

“Eh, luv, I do.”

By God, she’d tell him. Maybe that would end this whole stupid charade. “I was miserable while I lived out here. Beyond miserable. I was so unhappy until Miller met my parents.” She swallowed, drifting back in time in her memories. “The day Miller helped me alongside the road, he took me home. Instead of getting a thank you, he got an hour long sermon of my father’s interpretation of the Bible.”

Tears burned her eyes, so she blinked them away. The time for tears was over. “I snuck out to his truck to tell him how sorry I was for what they’d put him through.”

“Go on, luv.” Ethan’s hand gentled on her wrist. His thumb massaged skin.

“He said, he said…‘No worries sheila. I could’ve walked out at anytime’. Oh God, I wanted to die then and there. Because there was absolutely nowhere I could go to get away from that. Nowhere. I’d been slaving on my parents’ small farmstay since I could walk.”

His hand slid from her wrist to her shoulder, rippling along her nerves.

“I’d slaved for them while they told me everything I did was wrong. Everything. They preached to me about how God was watching me and knew all the mistakes I was making. Then when I was fifteen and got caught kissing a boy at church during a picnic.” Her chest hurt so badly she couldn’t breathe.

His fingers kneaded her shoulder.

“Well, I went from being a useless dummy to the devil’s spawn and a whore for kissing that boy.”

Ethan groaned, wrapping his arms around her.

Trembling fingers clutched at his shirt. “Well, if they were going to call me a whore, I might as well be one. From then on, when I got the opportunity I slept with every boy, every young man who’d pick me up for a few hours of freedom.” Her parents had been so ashamed of her they’d left her at home when they traveled to church. “And not a single one wanted anything from me but the sex.” Not a single one of them.

She rested her head on his shoulder.


“Just sex.” The tears wouldn’t stop. “But not Miller. He looked at me that first day and asked me why I didn’t leave home. I laughed. Oh God, how I laughed at him, before asking him just how I was supposed to do that with no money and no one to take me in.” Maybe in a city people could escape with no help. But here in the outback she’d had no resources.

It hadn’t been until she was carrying Nate that she even remembered her cousin Jack existed. She ran across a couple old postcards she’d held on to. Upon the death of Jack’s father, his mum had moved back to her family on the coast. God, how she’d missed them. But over time, it’d been easier not to remember them.

Ethan picked her up and carried her over to a stack of bales. He sat and kept her in his lap. “I want to hear the end, De.” His arms were secure around her body. She held on for dear life.

“Miller started his truck and looked at me. ‘I’ll be back, sheila’.” Denae recalled the day so clearly. “Despite my parents’ preaching he came back a few days later.” Her fingers dug into Ethan’s muscles. “I threw myself at him but he wasn’t interested. Not that night or any other. Said it was best to get to know one another first. Only, I didn’t get to know him, not really. But he was so nice to me. And I loved how I felt when people saw us together.”

“He gave me a job in the Thorn station’s kitchen. It hadn’t been easy, but he explained to my parents with the constable’s help that I was an adult and couldn’t be kept on the family farm.” She buried her nose in Ethan’s neck. “Freedom. He gave me my first dose of freedom. He got me a car that wouldn’t break down. And for this I thought I loved him.”

Ethan’s chest vibrated in a growl.

“Miller told me I didn’t know what love was but finally accepted a kiss from me. It was my first real kiss. The first, since the first sweet kiss, when I hadn’t felt dirty.” She tried to get closer to him. “A week later, I impulsively asked him to marry me.” Marriage had been the next logical step in her mind.

Here and there, Ethan’s hands made soothing motions.

“He was reluctant. And right off, I knew he regretted agreeing.” A breath shuddered through her. “But then, there was your mum…”

He groaned.

“There’d be no slowing that woman down. Maree had been so happy for Miller. So kind to me. But Miller did find a way for some breathing room. Or that’s what I think now.”

“Sydney?” Ethan’s voice was rough.

“Yes. Miller treated me and my new girlfriends from the station to a trip to Sydney. He told me he wanted me to be sure.” Her hands tangled in his hair. “By then, I was scared I’d make him feel miserable…knew I wasn’t anywhere near good enough for Miller. But I couldn’t end it.” And she’d loved Miller for everything he’d done. Just not the way a woman was supposed to love a man. “He was the first safe, sane thing I’d ever had. Then you walked in that club.”

“Luv, De…”

She ignored him as the tightness in her chest threatened to crush her. “You were so gorgeous…so breathtakingly masculine… I knew the only thing you wanted from me was sex.”

“Enough, De.” His hands clasped her shoulders.

“I kept thinking, why is he singling me out with all these pretty women around? But I was right.” She lifted her head. “That was all you wanted from me. A quick fuck like the dozens before you.”

“Christ, De…”

“When it came down to it, it didn’t matter. I’d needed the sex.”

“De, stop.”

“Because if Miller found out, he’d call off the wedding…like I couldn’t bring myself to do.” A sob tore through her chest. “Only…only…the sex with you wasn’t dirty like I’d thought it’d be. You made me feel the most amazing things.” Desperately, she pulled at his hair. “Then you asked me to stay the weekend…and then the week.”

“I swear, De, you were special. I might have played you that first night, even the second night.” Ethan placed his forehead to hers. “But after that I felt differently. I’d never have invited you back to my place… I’d never have asked you to stay the night otherwise.”

“I swear I was as surprised as you were to find out you were Miller’s brother.” Until that fateful moment she’d been willing to stay with Ethan forever. Life had been so good with him.

“I know, luv. I know that now.” He kissed her then, stealing what little air she had. His mouth was fierce as it plundered hers. “I’m so bloody sorry about how I treated you that day. For being a pig’s arse earlier.”

Moaning, she dug her nails
into his shoulders, his muscles, as his prick pressed into her hip. His hands roamed everywhere caressing her body. One snuck under her shirt to rub along her skin. His rough fingers provoked a maddening desire.

“Oh God, Ethan.” She pressed into the hard planes of his body.

“I know.” He nibbled on her lips. “I know—I feel it too.”

Cupping her breast, his hand coaxed out a moan. Shifting away from her, he kept kissing her while he managed to unbutton her shirt. His nimble fingers unclasped the hook on the front of her bra. “I love your breasts.” Roughly, he pinched a puckered nipple.

“I didn’t have any until Nate came along.” She laughed, rolling her head to the side while he kissed along her throat. Loving the feel of his lips and hands on her body, she moaned.

He growled, his teeth scraping along the tender flesh under her ear.

Her clit swelled at the tingles of arousal.

“I have to fuck you now.” His tongue trailed down her throat. “Right here. Right now.”

All she did was moan, and then shifted off his lap. Quickly, she turned away from him to wiggle her jeans down to her ankles. Without having to be urged, she got onto her knees and leaned over a bale of hay.

Ethan’s breathing turned harsh, and it echoed in the confinement of the barn.

“Oh…” She gasped at the feel of the hay poking and scraping her swollen breasts. Liquid fire burst in her clit at pleasure-pain of the rough straw stabbing against her achy nipples. “Oh God, Ethan.”

Frantic with need, she cried out when he dragged her across the bale to bring her pussy to the corner. Rough straw rubbed at her extended clit. She moaned, the blissful need intensifying to make her stir crazy. Arousal hummed through her.

Ethan’s fingers stroked her slit. “So wet. Hot.” Two fingers filled her hole as his other hand pressed her into the hay. She screamed at the pleasure and arched her arse.

He removed his fingers to shove his long stiff muscle deep.

She whimpered at the delicious fullness. At the feel of his weight pressing behind her, she tried to keep her breasts and stomach off the straw, but it didn’t work.

Every thrust of his prick shoved her into the bale. Every inch of her body was sensitized. There was no thinking past the approaching climax. She focused on the pleasure-pain in her breasts, nipples and swollen clit.

Teeth nipped the back of her neck. His mouth suckled at the side of her neck where it met her shoulder.

“Oh, Ethan.” Her world buzzed on an arousal high.

He made her feel so good while he pounded his rigid muscle into her sucking pussy. His body was hard along her back as he thrust in and out. He grunted and groaned bringing her to an explosive orgasm. She arched her hips up. “Ethan!”

On a final thrust, he groaned low.

Inner walls clutched at his buried length as it jerked inside of her. She moaned, tensing, enjoying the sensation of completion. Of him coming.

Ethan pulled his weight from her all too soon. “You all right, luv?”

A laugh bubbled up. “I think so.” She groaned, moving away from the bale. “Maybe.”

“Christ, luv, I’ve marked your body all up.” Instead of touching her blotchy breasts, he ran his fingertips along her throat where he’d been sucking. “You’re not going to be able to hide those.”

“Ethan, you didn’t…”

“Eh, I did luv.” The love marks had been deliberate. His expression curled her toes.

First, she’d better worry about getting her clothes back up…

Chapter Seven

For the first time in his life, he was glad to be rid of his family. Cohen had been last to leave. He’d forgotten how serious his cousins took their card-playing. His arse was flat broke at the moment. Dammit. Again, if only he’d listened to Miller. More than once M had told him not to play poker with the twins. The mates were bloody thieves.

When his little brother’s taillights disappeared from sight, he went inside.

In the living room, his mum spread a sheet out for him, tucking in ends under the cushions. He’d given up telling her he was big enough to make his own bed years ago. She simply never listened to him. Or anyone. Miller plainly got his stubbornness from her.

She fluffed a pillow and dropped it near the arm of the couch. “All set.”

“Thanks, Mum.”

“My pleasure.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “It was a pleasure to hear you boys in the kitchen too.” She sat on the edge of the chair. “Did the twins leave you with a dollar to your name?”

“No.” He laughed. At least now, he knew better. He’d never been around long enough in the past to play poker with the twins.

“Shameful how those boys act.” Mum shook her head. “Alba spoiled them.”

“Yeah, Uncle Aaron and Auntie sure let them get by with a lot,” he mocked, knowing full well his cousins had had plenty boots to their backsides.

“Ethan Riley, those boys had it good compared to you and Miller…” Looking down, she trailed off.

Yeah, he guessed so. He’d give her that. But he’d seen his uncle turn mean. Especially if he’d been drinking.

“Miller called earlier.” Sharp eyes regarded him. “Besides when you told me you were going into the Navy, I don’t ever recall any of you boys needing to talk to me. Do you know what’s on Miller’s mind?” Mum looked as if she’d come apart at the seams, and he sat beside her and wrapped his arm around her.

“Big M’s fine. He’s just…” Christ, what was he supposed to say? What could he say? “We’re just having a family meeting.”

She leaned into him. “Do you know how much I worry about you and your brothers?” He squeezed her. He thought he did but he probably didn’t. “Every day, I worry some shark is going to get you. Miller works too hard and never takes any time for himself. And Cohen…” She shook her head against him. “I swear, even with girls of his own, that boy’s still reckless.”

Ethan closed his burning eyes. “We worry about you too, Mum.” He hated seeing his mum growing old. Co e-mailed him every other week, telling him of a new ailment she’d developed.

Wiping her eyes, Mum pushed up. “Well, I’m heading to bed. The girls wore me out.” She smiled. A dozen lines appeared on her face. “Now, Cohen’s girls are spoiled, but I’ll deny it if you say I said so.” She gave him a kiss on her way out of the room.

“Good dreams, Mum.”

“I want that.” A feminine whisper got his attention.

Turning, De stood with her arms crossed under her breasts. Long naked legs gave him an eyeful. Lust stirred. How easy it’d be to strip that T-shirt from her body. “Want what?”

“My son’s love.”

“Nate loves you.” Tightness creased his forehead as he frowned. Everyone could tell Nate loved his mum. De was a damn fine mother. He enjoyed watching the two interact.

“Nate’s a baby.” She sat nearby, folding her sexy legs under her. “I don’t know how he’ll feel as an adult.” After a shrug, she leaned back.

“You’re doing an excellent job with Nate.” Ethan slid over to her. “Speaking of Nate, any trouble getting him to go to sleep?”

“No. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow.” Laughter brightened her face, lit her eyes up. “Those girls sit still about as much as a kangaroo does.”

“Christ, they’re amazing. I’m still surprised how Cali fell asleep sitting up.”

“That was cute to watch.” She laughed again. “They’re beauties, though.”

“Hellions more like it.”

De shifted, exposing the love mark he’d placed on her neck earlier. “How are you feeling, luv?” He’d ridden her hard, been rougher with her than he could ever recall being with a woman.

“I’m tired.” Her teeth caught her lower lip. “A little sore.” A blush spread up from her chest. He watched as it crawled up her neck and cheeks.

“That’s too bad.” He moved closer, but she stalled him by placing a palm on his chest. “I was thinking how great a kiss from you would be.”

“The lights.” The colored deepened on her face.

“What is it?”

“Your mum might come out here.”

“She won’t.” He winked. “Mum’s a bloody bright woman. Besides, the hellions wore her out. She’ll sleep until morning.”

“And…” De hesitated. “I’m not completely comfortable in my skin.”

“What?” He blinked, zeroing in on her breasts. “Luv, you’re sexy as hell.”

Lifting his chin, she forced him to meet her gaze. A slow smile turned her mouth up. “I don’t think you’ve looked everywhere.”

“Luv, I’ve looked you over a hundred times.”

“No you’ve not.” She laughed. “Now turn the lights off if you want a kiss.”

Quickly, he gave her a kiss on her mouth. Then, he turned all the lights off except a dim lamp in the corner and went into the kitchen to shut those off as well.

Back in the living room, he removed his boots and socks before pulling his shirt over his head.

“You’re moving fast.” Laughing, Denae shook her head. “Don’t you dare take those off.” She waved at his jeans. “Remember your mum. What if she gets up?”

“All right, luv.” There hadn’t been a thought for his mum the previous night. But the smart bloke he was kept quiet on that fact.

Sitting back down, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “What about your delectable body are you hiding?” He nuzzled her temple.

“Let’s just say breasts aren’t the only thing Nate gave me.” She turned, bringing her legs over his lap.

“Your breasts are excellent.” He cupped one in his hand and massaged. “Just excellent. I’ll love any other change…”

“Ethan!” De caught his wrist. “I’ve stretch marks now.”

Face to face with her, he stilled. “What?” He’d not noticed a blemish anywhere on her. Not anywhere and he’d looked his fill.

She moaned, trying to shift away.

“Where?” He held her in place. “I want to see.” Yes, he wanted to see everything. Wanted to know everything he’d missed out on.

De covered her face. “Why’d I say anything?”

“De, luv. Show me.” Christ, he had to see. He wanted to know all the changes to her body.

Four fingers covering her eyes spread open. “Weren’t you going to kiss me?”

“Eh, I am as soon as I…”

She growled, causing him to grin.

“Come on, luv show me.”

“Fine.” She stood and lifted the hem of her shirt to her bellybutton. “Excellent they’re not.”

Ethan groaned, seeing the faded lines. There weren’t many, a half dozen or so at her hip line. What he wouldn’t give to turn back the clock. To see the marks developing as Nate grew inside her. “You’re a beauty, luv.”

Reaching out he clasped her thighs to bring her closer. He leaned over and ran his tongue over the marks that marred her silken skin. Here and there he placed kisses.

“Oh, Ethan.” Her hands tangled in his hair while he continued his exploration.

After making sure he covered all the marks she’d been worried about, his tongue dipped into her bellybutton to tease. “De…” He swallowed, the lust raging hot in his blood.

At the arch of her body, he removed her underwear.

He grunted, rubbed his confined prick. “Come here, luv.” He lay down on the couch to stretch his arm out for her.

Willingly, she took his fingers to allow him to help her lay at his side. Facing him, her minty breath mingled with his.

With his eyes closed, he swiped his tongue along her lips. Her teeth nipped at him.

Slipping his hand over her hip, he cupped her arse. He growled at the surge of arousal he felt. He pulled her long leg up over his hip. He loved the feel of her naked skin under his hand.

Teasing lips played on his mouth, her tongue slashed out from time to time, until he opened for the kiss. Moaning, she arched her pussy against his prick in need. He squeezed her arse cheek, urging her closer.

De’s mouth demanded from his. Greedily, she sucked his tongue. He groaned at the tightening of his balls. The passion with which she explored him fueled his blood until his prick pulsed in need of release.

Gasping for breath, she clasped his face in her hands. While all he wanted was for her to grasp his rigid prick.

Ethan slipped his hand between them to fondle her pussy. Wetness spread along his fingers as he ran them up and down her slit, tweaking her swollen clit from time to time.

Christ, he’d never get used to how she responded to him. Had always responded to him. His mind hazed over in need. Need for release, an even deeper need for her responses to him.

The kisses grew deeper as he concentrated on bringing her to climax. Over and over he flicked, rubbed and pressed on her extended clit.

She moaned, rocking into his hand. De’s body tensed when his fingertips turned rough on the sensitive flesh.

On a cry, which he caught with his mouth, she came apart for him. He groaned, waiting for her climax to ease. At her calming breath he climbed over her to stand once her body relaxed.

With shaking fingers, he got his prick out of his pants and protection rolled down over the aching muscle. “Come here, luv.” He sat in the rocking chair. “Come on.” He stroked his prick.

She stumbled over to him, and he helped her get her sexy legs over the arms of the chair. Christ, her legs made him hot. He worked his prick into her tight hole.

“Oh, Ethan…”

Teeth clenched, he rocked the chair a bit, thrusting up on a backward motion.

De clutched onto the top of the rocker and kissed him.

Their mouths sucked at one another’s. Their tongues dueled, danced and teased for control.

Back and forth, they rocked her pussy, grinding down on the root of his prick. His balls tightened with each press of her weight.

Suddenly, she rocked against the motion of the chair and moaned.
That’s it.
That’s what he wanted. Her response. Her need. She killed him with her tight hole, torturing him with the promise of building pleasure.

Desperate to come, he grabbed onto her arse to stay buried deep in her pussy while they rocked. Nothing existed but her hot body, eager mouth.

She panted into his mouth.

“Oh, fuck…De…” Unable to hold back a moment longer, his come pumped out, his balls let loose, he arched, jerked until he was left empty. Drained. His chest heaved while he worked to catch his breath.

Placing his hands on her waist he lifted her up to get his semi-erect prick out from inside her. There’d be no more accidents for De and him.

For long minutes he held her close as their breathing regulated. This closeness he could get used to. Wanted the chance to get used to having her in his life.

She finally lifted her head from his shoulder. “I’ll need help getting up.” Amusement sounded clear in her voice before she pressed a kiss to his mouth.



Ethan did his best to appear calm.

His mum seemed to be holding up as well as could be expected. She sat, drinking after-dinner coffee and eating a slice of the pie De had baked earlier.

Cohen, on the other hand, looked concerned as he kept a check on the time.

The muscles along Ethan’s shoulders knotted with tension.

Miller had opted out of dinner but promised he’d be there any minute.

De and Hayleigh entertained the ankle biters in the living room.

At the sound of an approaching engine, Co stood and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Fuck, I’ve no clue why I’m so jumpy.”

“Cohen Michael.” Their mum turned sharply to waggle a finger at Co. “Not in the house and not near those precious girls.”

“Sorry, Mum.” Over her head, Cohen rolled his eyes, causing Ethan to bite back a smile. Their mum always rode them about one thing or another.

At the sound of the slamming door, the dogs set to barking.

“Uncle M! Uncle M!” His nieces ran into the kitchen, jumping up and down. “Uncle M!”

No sooner did Miller get through the door than Abbey and Cali latched onto his legs. They each sat on one of his feet, squealing as he pretended to dislodge them. Miller lifted one leg, then the next to shake the girls.

Ethan looked on, enjoying this side of his brother. Even as a child he didn’t remember Miller playing much.

The girls laughed, delighted with M’s antics.

Ethan closed his eyes. Christ, Miller needed a family of his own. A bloody brood of children. He pushed the rising guilt away. Miller’s family hadn’t been meant to be with his De.


When he looked up, De stood in the doorway with Nate in her arms. The boy focused wide-eyed on Miller with the girls.

After another couple minutes, M stood still to regard the girls. “How are my two favorite kittens?”

Neither answered, only giggled.

“Abbey, hop off so we can see if Nate wants a ride.” Miller placed his hands on his hips.

“I don’t want to.” Abbey looked up mulishly.

“Abbey, you have to take turns.” Hayleigh went over and removed the oldest of the girls.

Miller gazed at Nate. “You want a turn?”

Nate was reluctant, but once De got him over to his uncle, the boy was all for it.

Miller pretended he couldn’t lift Nate. “I don’t know, mate, you’re as heavy as my horse.”

“I am not.” Nate laughed. “Horses are big.”

His brother lifted Nate then, causing the boy to hang on and laugh. He rubbed at his constricting chest at the sight of them together.

Ethan glanced over at De. She wasn’t looking at Miller, only at him. Before his family, he made his way over to her and kissed her on her delectable mouth. Then, for her ears only, he leaned in and brushed his lips under her ear. “You’re a beautiful woman, luv.”

De snorted and pushed at his chest. She was unable to nudge him away, so he stayed close by in her personal space. The tightness in his chest he’d been experiencing since rediscovering De and meeting his son returned full force. He liked having his family all together.

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