Rise of Keitus (34 page)

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Authors: Andrea Pearson

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Fantasy & Magic, #MG Fantasy

BOOK: Rise of Keitus
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They had a lot of challenges up ahead, but after what they’d all been through, he knew that together they could succeed.




Note from the author:

Thank you so much for reading
Rise of Keitus, Kilenya Series Book Four
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Also, if you’d like to know when I release more books, consider joining my email newsletter list
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, the first book in my new Katon University series, for free. :-)

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Books by Andrea Pearson:


The Kilenya Series:

The Key of Kilenya

The Ember Gods, Kilenya Series Book Two

August Fortress, Kilenya Series Book Three

Rise of Keitus, Kilenya Series Book Four

Eyes of the Sun, Kilenya Series Book Five

The Golden Symbol, Kilenya Series Book Six


The Key of Kilenya: Special Edition with Illustrations


Grail Bestiary Volume I: Creatures of Grail and Kilenya


Kilenya Romances:

Samara, A Kilenya Romance

Midian, A Kilenya Romance


Katon University:

Discern, Katon University Book One

The Focus (A Katon University First Year Novella)

The Manor (A Katon University First Year Novella)

The Angel (A Katon University First Year Novella)

Praxis Bundle One: The Focus, The Manor, The Angel

Perceive, Katon University Book Two (coming early 2015)


Ranch City Academy:

Bezza’s Book of Enchantments (coming mid 2015)


For information on the above books, click
. (http://www.andreapearsonbooks.com/p/my-books.html)


About the Author



Andrea Pearson, author of the Kilenya Series, the Katon University series, and Kilenya Romances, is a Utah native and spends as much time writing as possible. When not doing that, she can be found hiking, biking, or watching a good movie with her husband. She graduated from Brigham Young University with a BS in Communication Disorders, and she loves art and music.


She and her husband and daughter live near a river in the middle of a valley framed with beautiful mountains.


Connect with her Online:


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Join her email mailing list for upcoming releases

(She doesn’t sell or misuse email addresses or send long, frequent emails)







I’d like to start out by thanking my amazing cover designer, James Curwen, for yet another wonderful piece of art, and my editor, Tristi Pinkston, for her expertise, patience, and friendship. Also, many thanks to BJ Rowley for his beautiful typesetting of the print book.

Next, thanks to my beta readers who tirelessly pore over the pages of my manuscripts: Mom, Dad, Jensen Bean, Ralph Hall and family, Helen Allred, Robert Taylor, Andrea Colvin, Tina Patrick, Lori Koerper, Jessica Raff, Laurie Pessetto, Rebecca Hansen, and Jaclyn Weist. I appreciate all of you for your hard work!

My proofreaders: Dad, Lon Pearson, and Andrea Colvin deserve an extra thanks, especially Dad who read the book three times, finding something new each pass. Thank you!

Last, I want to thank my husband and baby girl for their love and support. I cherish and love you both and look forward to warmer weather so we can go hiking!

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