Rise of the Gryphon (34 page)

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Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon,Dianna Love

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Urban, #Romance, #Paranormal, #General

BOOK: Rise of the Gryphon
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Boomer went to his knees, then fell on his side, making gurgling noises. His eyes closed.

He shifted into his human form.

She snatched her dagger out and straightened up to shouts, jeers and cheers.

Because she’d won or because she stood with her back to them, buck naked?

A guard walked out with two robes. He handed one to her, then dropped the other robe on Boomer and left.

She pulled on the thick burgundy robe and turned around to find Storm with his arms crossed, waiting as they’d agreed. He would give her time to talk to the other Alterants. She’d told him she’d touch the emerald on her chest if anything odd happened and she needed to let him know she was fine.

For a man who had shown limitless patience with her, she could tell just by looking at him that he practically vibrated with the need to come inside the dome.

She touched the emerald.

His eyes moved, following her action, then the stone
warmed against her skin, sending a soothing balm through her. He smiled and winked.

Had he really pushed his majik through this stone?

Dame Lynn declared, “
Moonlight Warrior wins her Elite round and the option to negotiate with the Medb. A deal has been struck for the loser Boomer. All fighting will cease in Battle Theater One.

Searching the stands, Evalle’s gaze landed on Tristan and Kizira. And Petrina, Tristan’s sister, was there.

Evalle met Tristan’s gaze.

He nodded slightly and Kizira scowled, her gaze locked on Boomer.

Evalle poked the big Alterant with the tip of her boot, pushing him onto his back.

Boomer’s eyes opened. He coughed and rolled to his knees, clutching his neck that was already healing. Hate glared at her.

Definitely not a recruit, but neither had she wanted him traded to the Medb. “The fight is over.”

More glare. Not so mouthy after losing.

She called upon her beast power and forced her ankle to finish healing. She could feel it mending more quickly now that she’d burned the rest of the venom from her body.

Or because Storm had sent her a dose of healing through the emerald.

Dame Lynn announced, “
All surviving Alterants not already claimed by the Medb are directed to Battle Theater One to wait as the Medb representative completes negotiations for trades

That gave Evalle no chance to speak with Storm first. She waved a hand, telling him she’d be over in a minute to talk.

He nodded, though clearly not happy to wait.

Now would be her only chance to find out if Tristan was really on the Medb team or not.



lterants filed into Evalle’s battle dome from both Gate One and Gate Two. Adding Tristan and his sister to the other Alterants, Evalle would have eight to convince to leave, nine if Boomer could be swayed.

Alterants eyed each other with wariness, all ready to attack at the first provocation. Silence fell across the dome as if someone had sucked the air from the room.

Evalle walked over to where Storm stood on the other side of the warded dome. “Can you hear me?”

Reading her lips, Storm shook his head.

She could use this soundproofing to her advantage. Lifting a finger to ask for a minute, she walked back to the others mingling around and keeping their distance from each other.

Since Tristan had been in captivity for the past week, he shouldn’t have the infection going around in Atlanta. Evalle reached out to him telepathically.

The call echoed back at her as if someone had backhanded it.

She couldn’t waste what little time she had before Kizira appeared. She walked into the middle of the Alterants and started her pitch. “The Medb offer is a trick.”

Several turned to her. Boomer coughed again. He
might heal quickly, but his throat had to still be raw. “You got a better offer than immortality?”

“Not exactly.”

“Then shut up.”

She’d have to fight Boomer again, but with words this time, not her weapon of choice. “Sorry I had to stab you, but I was trying to not kill you.”

couldn’t kill me.”

“Wrong. If I hadn’t pulled out my dagger, it would have stayed until you bled out. But let’s talk about options. The Medb will use you to do their dirty work. Once that’s done, you’ll be of no use to them.”

Boomer came back with, “What’s a little dirty work if we’re immortal?”

“There’s a catch to that offer. Has to be.” She looked around, gratified to find everyone listening. Bernie had moved close. Evalle had heard about Imogenia getting caught. If Bernie was here, Kol had traded him to the Medb. And Bernie had a girlfriend.

Evalle believed he’d be her first recruit. “The goddess Macha has offered protection inside her pantheon for Alterants. She’s submitted a charter that will give us status as an accepted race.” Just as soon as Evalle showed up with Tristan’s information on the origins of Alterants and five Alterants willing to claim loyalty to Macha. No point in cluttering her speech with a lot of detail right now.

“But no immortality?”

Boomer would not let that go. “No, and you’re a
fool to believe you’ll get that from the Medb. Whatever they do, they’ll turn you into their slaves. Wouldn’t you rather be free?”

“I’m practically invincible,” Boomer bragged. “Give me immortality and no one will dare try to enslave me.”

She gave up on Boomer and turned to Bernie. “Doesn’t that sound good to you?”

Bernie had his arms wrapped around his chest, shoulders hunched. “But we’ve been traded to the Medb.”

Black Satin piped up. “He’s right. I haven’t seen an Alterant sponsor who isn’t a dark witch, mage or wizard. They’re all cutting deals to hand us over for Noirre majik right now.”

“You’re sure?” Evalle asked.

Black Satin’s head bobbed up and down. “Heard them.”

Evalle had another card to play, but it was a gamble. “If
will testify at a Tribunal meeting that you were traded for Noirre majik, and”—Evalle looked around the room—“if the rest of you’ll agree to go with me, I have a way to get us out of here safely regardless of any deal.” She doubted she had enough of the potion for all of them, but Evalle would risk contacting Tzader.

he’d answer a telepathic call, she could depend on him to send in Beladors to bust the other Alterants out of here.

Bernie asked, “Will someone help me get my girlfriend away from Imogenia?”

Evalle told him, “If you leave with me, I’ll personally help you.”

As more Alterants asked similar questions, Evalle gave more assurances, telling them all they’d have the full force of the Beladors to support them if they joined Macha’s pantheon.

“Why should we believe you?” Boomer asked. “The Medb passed a test to prove they weren’t lying.”

Energy sparked and Tristan appeared in the battle dome, which meant he had use of his teleporting ability inside here. He ordered the room, “Everyone line up between the gates.”

The others immediately shuffled into a wobbly line.

Evalle crossed over to Tristan and kept her voice soft. “I’ve been trying to find a way into TÅμr Medb to help you, your sister and your two Rías friends escape. This was the only way I could—”

“Get in line, Evalle.”

“Listen to me, Tristan. One of the Alterants has evidence of the Noirre majik deals. I can call in the Beladors if you’ll help me get these Alterants out. If you’re worried about your sister being safe, I have a potion that will turn her invisible. Storm’s here and he’s keeping it for me. We’ll go after your two friends, too.”

Tristan let her finish. “The only place I can go from here is TÅμr Medb. Get in line.”

“Have you really swapped sides?”

He caught her by the throat and lifted her.

She grabbed his arm, squeezing to break bone.

Clenching his teeth, he brought her to his face and whispered, “I’m compelled, dammit. I can’t do anything to help you or any other Alterant. Kizira will be here soon.
If I show you any leeway, she’ll kill me and my sister. She only brought Petrina here to dangle her life in front of me if I show any sign of not being under her power.”

Evalle caught on quickly that he was covering their chance to talk by manhandling her, but Storm would be livid.

Tristan’s grip loosened, but he kept a deadly glare pasted on his face. She struggled against his hold to make their confrontation look believable and whispered, “I don’t want to leave here without you and your sister.”

“You’re not leaving and neither will any of the others. Kizira won’t allow it. You want to help us, come to TÅμr Medb.”

“I can’t. VIPER and the Beladors will think I’ve gone rogue.”

“Sen’s waiting outside for you.”


Tristan murmured, “Kizira’s coming,” and shoved Evalle away. “Get. In. Line. Now.”

She got up, dusted her pants and stepped over to the end of the line . . . next to Boomer.

Storm watched it all from outside the dome. Evalle gave a small shake of her head, telling him not to try anything. His jaw was set with determination that worried her about just what he might do.

Purple haze swirled, spinning a moment, then ending with Kizira, priestess of the Medb, in skintight black pants and a snug top. “Congratulations on surviving your fights and to those of you who won your Elite matches in the Achilles Beast Championship.”

Kizira continued, “Negotiations have been completed. You now belong to the Medb.”

“I don’t have a sponsor, so I speak for myself,” Evalle said. “I don’t believe you can make good on your offer.”

Kizira turned on her. “Oh? Then why did you enter the beast championship?”

Evalle had been expecting that. “To tell these Alterants that they have another option.”

“If they didn’t belong to me, that might be true,” Kizira countered, then addressed everyone. “But why would any of you turn down the opportunity we’ve offered that would allow you to protect yourself and those you care about?”

Rumblings of approval rolled through the group.

Boomer leaned over and told Evalle, “I’ll be a free man as soon as I become immortal, and when I do, you’re the first one I’m going to kill. The next one’s going to be your pretty healer.” Then he shouted at Kizira, “Take me first.”

Several more made noises of agreement. Even Bernie wouldn’t meet Evalle’s gaze. This was a dismal failure. Evalle told Kizira, “They may not know better, but I do.”

“You mean you’d rather leave and have your healer face Kol to answer for helping during your match with Sandspur?”

Evalle looked at Storm then back at Kizira. “He didn’t.”

“He’ll have to prove it, because a wizard by the name of Grendal claims you were helped and that he
prove it.”

Evalle couldn’t give up Lanna.

Neither could she let Storm face Kol.

With no comeback from Evalle, Kizira kept selling her program to the entire group. “You are all offered a chance to become warriors who can defeat death, but I do not want any who are not willing to prove themselves worthy. Step forward if you wish to join us in TÅμr Medb, where as warriors you will be treated well and trained fully. If you do not step forward, you become the property of Kol D’Alimonte.” Kizira’s gaze landed on Evalle when she added, “And as I understand it, VIPER has a contingency of agents waiting to apprehend any Alterant caught leaving here.”

This was the reason Sen had been so accommodating when she’d asked for the warded SUV. Just a piece of cheese for his trap, because he’d assumed she would come for the chance at immortality. It wouldn’t matter that she’d come for the right reasons, she was still going to be facing a Tribunal if he took her in.

Evalle watched every Alterant in the dome take a step forward. All but her.

None of this bunch would give up the opportunity Kizira outlined.

Leaving this beast championship after being seen by plenty of people who would sell Evalle out in a minute would end with her facing the Tribunal. Macha would not come to her defense once she found out no Alterants returned with Evalle.

If Evalle refused Kizira, Storm would be at Kol’s mercy. If she accepted the Medb offer, she’d have to walk away from the Beladors, and Storm, forever.


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