Rise Once More (25 page)

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Authors: D. Henbane

BOOK: Rise Once More
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Chapter Twenty Seven

Another Night

Steelville had grown very little since they had left many years ago. Despite recent additions, it remained largely the same small town they had known. Eve's rude awakening had put her into a bitter mood, scared rightly out of her mind, and constantly looking over her shoulder. Alex did his best to calm her fears, but just about the time she started to relax another infected needed to be dispatched.

They had spent the majority of the day, clearing the streets of stragglers, looting supplies from the meager pickings the shelves of abandoned stores offered. The major chain stores were the worst, they had been hit first, and had many infected wandering the isles. Alex thought it best to just barricade the doors, trapping what little was salvageable inside with the danger.

The plan had worked as expected, by mid afternoon the infected waves seemed to stop completely, and they were awarded with a much need session of rest. Eve did little fighting, she left that to Alex, she was more comfortable calling out targets for Alex. At least that is what she called it, but she knew deep down that she was just hiding in fear.

“It's getting late, we need more supplies to keep moving, and we can't risk driving to another town. No way of knowing we can find a spot secure enough to get some sleep.” Alex said.

Sleep sounds good, but where are we going to get more food?” Eve asked.

I've got an idea. It's a long shot, and I am going to have to go in alone.” Alex said.

You can't be serious. What is this long shot? We have been in every store in town.” Eve asked.

Its a store all right, but not the kind that sells anything. Remember that crazy bastard old man Vickers?” Alex said.

Oh yeah. Who could forget that old lunatic? Marching around town with a stick, wearing a helmet, and pretending the enemy was firing at him.” Eve replied.

He might have been crazy, but he wasn't stupid.” Alex said.

What are you talking about?” Eve asked.

One day the guys and I were out messing around after a party. We all got this wise ass idea to  head out to Vickers place, rattle his cage a little and watch him squirm. It was meant as a joke...” Alex said.

You didn't.” Eve said.

We did. He wasn't in the old house, and we were getting ready to leave when we saw a light in the shed. So we headed over to check it out. We looked in the window to see Vickers covering up a trap door in the dirt floor. Not sure which one of us stepped on a stick, but he heard it, grabbed his gun and came out chasing us. We ran like hell, but as you know Vickers didn't make it. Poor bastard had a heart attack chasing after us.” Alex said.

I heard about his death, but I had no idea you were involved. You want to head back and see what he had down there?” Eve said.

Exactly.” Alex said.

C'mon Alex, it's been years. The guy was mentally ill. He probably kept his collection of children's severed heads down there.” Eve replied.

Hear me out here. He had PTSD. He wasn't insane, just couldn't sort out what was real and what wasn't anymore. If he honestly believed he was still fighting, then I know exactly why he has down there; a stock pile of treasure. Food, ammo, weapons, water, medicine, hell, you name it. I am sure he was rat holing it up under there.” Alex said.

I don't think so. I think he was a psycho, and he hid the bodies down there.” Eve said.

Whatever it is down there, he took the time to hide it, meaning it has value, and he was guarding it with his life. I am going there regardless. Even if just to satisfy my curiosity, but when I get back you're the one who is going to grateful for my little hunch.” Alex said.

What am I going to be doing during your little adventure? I am sure as hell not going out there.” Eve said.

You'll be safe. I have the perfect hiding spot.” Alex said.


Alex stopped the car in front of a rundown old building; the chain link fence surrounding it was secured with chains and a paddle lock. A weathered sign hung on the entrance, warning that the premises were private property, and trespassers would be prosecuted. Alex eyed the property and proceeded to drive around to the back.

Eve chuckled a little as they drove, a flash of nostalgia crossing her mind, as she watched the dilapidated school buses pass by them. She looked out at their former high school, it looked aged, neglected, and in need of up keeping. It had served its purpose, and was now just a forgotten relic of Steelville.

It was old when they had attended; the school was closed the following year after graduation, and sold off in a sealed bid auction. They were rumors that it was going to be renovated into a business plaza, but the developer had gone bankrupt before making it a reality.

The Gymnasium sat at the rear of the property, its massive size was unsuited for the land it was placed on. It was a later addition to the grounds and in being so wasn't properly planned for. The building itself actually encroached on the adjacent land, but the owner had agreed to allow its building because the community needed it more than he did.

The fence ended abruptly at the edge of the building, leaving a small gap, just enough to squeeze past if you knew to go there. It was the place that the teens used to sneak out during lunchtime, head out into the trees, and have their mid-day cigarette, safe from the watching eyes of the school staff.

Not exactly what I would call a safe place.
Eve thought to herself. To her it seemed just another group of buildings. No more secure than a gas station bathroom, but to Alex's well trained eye it was a fortress. The gates were still up, aside from a layer of dirt, the buildings stood undisturbed. There were no outward signs that anything might be tampered with.

The two of them slid past the fence and up to the double doors marking the entrance to the gymnasium. They were chained shut, but a round from Alexs firearm solved that. Alex stepped inside, his gun drawn just in case his instincts had failed him. Eve followed closely behind, her eyes darting down the hall expecting to find something stirring on the other end.

The carefulness was unwarranted, as the rest of the trip was uneventful. Just as Alex had predicted, the building was completely vacant. The main gym floor was pitch black, no windows to let any light shine in, and without a second source of light they decided the concessions stand was the best location for Eve to hide.

The door had a lock; the serving window had a large metal draw down door that would be sufficient in keeping anyone or anything for that matter out. Eve wasn't happy about his location for safe hiding. She felt as if she would just be trapped like a rat in cage, should the infected discover her. “I don't like it Alex. I have nowhere to run if things go wrong while your gone.” Eve said.

“You have an escape route.” Alex replied.

I see nothing but four walls.” Eve said. Her voice filled with doubt and uneasiness. “What if they break down the door? I can barely see anything in the lobby, and this is even darker.” Eve asked. Eve motioned out from behind the concession stand doorway, her hand pointing towards the high windows that allowed light to fill the lobby area.

Close the door.” Alex said as he drew a flashlight from his pocket. The beam from the LED lamp filled the small room, and Eve shut the door behind them. Alex walked calmly over to the northeastern corner of the dusty room, grabbing a step ladder, and placed it against the wall.

Alex took a few steps, reaching up to remove a tile from the false ceiling, and setting it to the side. Eve could see conduit, duct work, and unpainted walls behind the tile. Alex swept away the accumulated cobwebs and pulled himself up onto the now visible wall. His feet disappeared behind him, along with the only light source, and Eve began to feel goose bumps ripple across her skin.

The light once again shone down into the concession stand, the beam focused on Eve, and made it difficult for her to see. “Are you coming up or not?” Alex said, his extended arm an invitation for Eve to follow. “I want to show you something” his hand waving at her to follow. Eve grabbed a hold and ascended the steps, once her head cleared the false ceiling she could see exactly what he was talking about.

She had expected to find nothing up there, but much too her amazement, there was a surprisingly spacious room above the concession stand. It was large enough for a person to sit comfortably and still be a few inches from the roof. A person could easily walk around slightly hunched over with very little obstacles, aside from the occasional duct work that had to be crawled under.

“Careful where you step, just follow the cinder block lines or wooden planks and you will be fine. If you see insulation don't step on it.” Alex said as he held her hand and walked along the frame of the wall. He paused at an intersection of the blocks; the layout of the cinderblocks indicated the presence of another room directly below.

Alex dug down in the insulation and removed another false ceiling tile. He let it fall down below, along with the insulation, before he shown the flashlight into the new room. “Look familiar?” Alex asked. Eve looked over the edge into the room below and immediately recognized it as the office of her high school P.E. Teacher. “That's Mr. Patrick's office!”

Alex brought the light back up, tracing the lines of yet another room, this one directly behind the office. “Boys locker room.” Alex turned a half circle and traced a long wall with his flashlight. “Gym floor.” Alex turned the flash light back around, and traced out another nearly identical wall pattern as the boys locker room only on the opposite side of the building.

You got to be kidding me.” Eve said.

Girls locker room.” His voice an overdue admission of guilt, filled with a cocky sense of pride, and a feeling of satisfaction that the other end had thought it was just hear say.

I heard rumors... No freaking way!” Eve said.

Alex traced a U-shaped corner of the room with the flash light. “Showers. Once you get there it should be second nature to find your way out right?” Alex said.

“You little pervert!” Eve said.

Do you blame me?” Alex said.


Alex felt bad leaving Eve alone, even with a flashlight to keep her company, it was going to be difficult for her. He had done everything to ease her fears, knowing in the back of his mind that she was safe if she stayed put. In his mind the risk was worth the reward. He had a gut feeling that old man Vickers cache would be just the ticket for much needed supplies.

There were less than a handful of people that even knew of its existence, let alone, were in a position to pillage it. If only for the sake of satisfying his own curiosity, made the trip worthwhile, and even more so an added bonus of being back home. He had often wondered exactly what was down there, something that Vickers had considered treasure.

Was it possible that Eve was right? Had Vickers just been a complete nut job, and had used the room as his personal dungeon of horrors?
I don't think so.
Alex said to himself as he approached the decrepit old farmstead.

Vickers house had collapsed in on itself. The only erect structure was the old brick fireplace, standing tall above the debris of what was formerly Vickers dwelling. The roof to the old shed had rotted away, its wooden shingles fell victim to the ravages of time, and left a hollowed out shell of a building behind.

Alex exited the car, walked up to the rotting wood structure, and started pitching parts of what was once a wall out of his way. Time might have reclaimed the shed itself, but his objective was buried under the ground. It would have been sheltered from the fury of Mother Nature.

It is true that Nature is a cruel unforgiving bitch, but if you bury something in her bowels, it remains largely intact. It would seem she can't find a way to harm herself. This was a thought that gave Alex comfort. He removed more rubble, pushing weathered old wood out of the way, and he was relieved when he saw the raw earth below him resurface.

He dug his hands into the loose dry soil, its grains separated easily between his finger tips. He drug his hand back and forth, searching for a wooden door marking the entrance to Vickers crypt. After several minutes of failed attempts, he thought to himself that he might be off bearing a little bit. Perhaps his memory had failed him, and the door to the cellar was part of his overly-active teenage imagination.

Alex was determined to find it, the memory was very vivid in his mind, and he had clearly seen Vicker seal the entrance. He was beginning to become frustrated, and resorted to tossing more wooden fragments to the side in his desperate hunt for the cellar door. He searched the barren earth once again with his hands, this time digging down even further, his fingers searching for something out of place.

Alex stopped for a moment. He stood up and looked once again at the pile of crumbled wood, until a flash back crossed his eyes. There had been more than one shed on Vickers property, and this one was most likely the wrong one. Alex remembered that the building had electricity, the very light they saw that lured them to the shed in the first place.

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