Rise to Greatness (68 page)

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Authors: David Von Drehle

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“a deadly vampyre”: Prentice,
Biography of Henry Clay,
p. 266.

American Colonization Society: Ibid., p. 267.

“What next?”:
Vol. 2, pp. 248–83.

“sustain no reverse”: ibid., Vol. 5, p. 210.

“siege from start to close”: Grant,
Memoirs and Selected Letters,
pp. 250–51.

“little more than an observer”: Sherman,
Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman,
p. 271.

“high feather”: ibid., pp. 275–76; Sherman to Thomas Ewing, Sr., May 3, 1862; Ellen Ewing Sherman to Hugh Ewing, May 23, 1862, Ewing Family Papers, Box 67, Library of Congress Manuscript Division.

Grant saw the opportunities: Sherman to Ewing, Sr., May 3, 1862; Grant,
Memoirs and Selected Letters,
pp. 256–57.

“be relieved entirely”: Grant to Halleck, May 11, 1862.

“guns that’ll carry further”:
p. 426.

“My entire force”: McClellan to Stanton, May 5, 1862.

“If I win”: McClellan to Ambrose Burnside, May 21, 1862.

Stonewall Jackson: James I. Robertson, Jr., “Thomas Jonathan Jackson,” in Heidler and Heidler, eds.,
Encyclopedia of the American Civil War,
pp. 1058–65.

“He seems to be cut off”: quoted in Foote,
The Civil War,
Vol. 1, p. 429.

“Always mystify”: quoted in Robertson, “Thomas Jonathan Jackson,” in Heidler and Heidler, eds.,
Encyclopedia of the American Civil War,
pp. 1058–65.

“bound for Richmond”: Foote,
The Civil War,
Vol. 1, p. 427.

“the enemy were concentrating”:
Vol. 5, p. 216n.

Halleck faced a great mass: ibid., p. 231.

secret order: ibid., pp. 219–20.

“worried about Mary”:
p. 234.

“Our home is very beautiful”: Mary Lincoln to Julia Ann Sprigg, May 29, 1862.

“our especial desire”: quoted in Burlingame,
Abraham Lincoln,
Vol. 2, p. 260.

“I want the crape”: Mary Lincoln to Ruth Harris, May 17, 1862.

counting the days: Mary Lincoln to Julia Ann Sprigg, May 29, 1862.

“one of the best”:
Vol. 5, p. 326; Boyden,
Echoes from Hospital and White House,
pp. 93–94.

at the hospital: Boyden,
Echoes from Hospital and White House,
pp. 95–98.

“It will not be long”: ibid.

“He left so privately”: Dahlgren diary, May 22, 1862.

“Let us walk over”: ibid.

“Take a good ready”:
p. 202.

“trying to do my duty”: ibid., p. 324.

“decline and fall”: ibid., p. 167.

Mercier … also in camp: Dahlgren diary, May 23, 1862.

up again at five
: ibid., May 24 and 25, 1862.

urgent message to McClellan:
Vol. 5, pp. 231–32.

“Apprehension of something”: ibid., pp. 236–37.

she buttonholed Nicolay: Nicolay to Therena Bates, May 25, 1862.

“fall of Richmond”: Foote,
The Civil War,
Vol. 1, p. 437.

“Another Bull Run”:
p. 434.

For all he knew: Browning diary, May 25, 1862: “President entertained fears that [Banks] was destroyed.”

“a general and concerted one”:
Vol. 5, pp. 235–36.

“the utmost speed”: ibid., p. 231.

“the time is near”: ibid., pp. 235–36.

“This is a crushing blow”: ibid., p. 233n.

McClellan’s scorn: McClellan to Mary Ellen McClellan, May 25, 1862.

McClellan tried to persuade: McClellan to Lincoln, May 25, 1862.

“mere occupation of places”: Grant,
Memoirs and Selected Letters,
p. 255.

Napoleon Bonaparte had called: Foote,
The Civil War,
Vol. 1, p. 436.

Frémont, ordered east:
Vol. 5, p. 243.

The skies opened: Foote,
The Civil War,
Vol. 1, pp. 432–33.

McDowell’s scouts:
Vol. 5, pp. 246–48.

A railroad accident: ibid., p. 248n.

“much disabled”: ibid., p. 247n.

a pass for … Lamon: ibid., p. 247.

“The game is before you”: ibid., pp. 250–51.

“a precious lot of fools”: McClellan to Mary Ellen McClellan, May 26, 1862.


fingers at one another: Joseph E. Johnston, “Manassas to Seven Pines,” in
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War,
Vol. 2, pp. 202–19; Gustavus W. Smith, “Two Days of Battle at Seven Pines (Fair Oaks),” in
Battle and Leaders of the Civil War,
Vol. 2, pp. 220–63.

“what I had to sleep on”: Dahlgren diary, June 1, 1862.

optimism prevailed: Nicolay to Therena Bates, June 2, 1862.

Robert E. Lee: Gary W. Gallagher, “Robert E. Lee,” in Heidler and Heidler, eds.,
Encyclopedia of the American Civil War,
pp. 1154–55.

Lee was “too cautious”: McClellan to Lincoln, April 20, 1862.

“a constabulary basis”: Catton,
Grant Moves South,
pp. 280–81.

“repair of the railroad”: ibid.

ordered Grant … to Memphis: Smith,
pp. 213–15.

One exchange of telegrams:
Vol. 5, p. 258.

“possessed all the qualities”: quoted in Richardson,
William James: In the Maelstrom of American Modernism,
p. 385.

“Jackson’s game”:
Vol. 5, pp. 270–72, 273–74.

“How glad I will be”: McClellan to Mary Ellen McClellan, June 9, 1862.

McClellan’s “extreme caution”: Nicolay to Therena Bates, June 5, 1862.

unsought advice:
Vol. 5, p. 257.

volleyed back: ibid., p. 258n; also Stoddard,
Inside the White House,
p. 163: “I have inadvertently spoken of the President as ‘his Excellency’ … the use of which Mr. Lincoln always disapproved.”

the crowded lobby of Willard’s: Bates diary, June 4, 1862.

He encouraged Banks:
Vol. 5, p. 280.

“terribly out of shape”: ibid., p. 272.

“I … almost weep”: J. G. Barnard to Gustavus V. Fox, July 24, 1862, in
Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox,
pp. 330–31.

“The current reports”: Stoddard,
Inside the White House,
pp. 79–80.

J. E. B. Stuart, had ridden: cf. W. T. Robins, “Stuart’s Ride Around McClellan,” in
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War,
Vol. 2, pp. 271–75.

“only a political raid”:
p. 183.

“I will break it for him”: ibid.; also Donald,
p. 359.

“If we are so forbearing”: John Sherman to Thomas Ewing, Sr., June 5, 1862, Ewing Family Papers, Box 14, No. 5036, Library of Congress Manuscript Division.

confusion over … runaways: Browning diary, June 11, 1862.

“prejudice … against Labor”: quoted in Long,
The Civil War Day by Day,
June 11, 1862.

Progressive Quakers: A brief history of the meeting is found at

“We are solemnly convinced”:
Vol. 5, pp. 278–79.

softened his tone: ibid.

“under divine guidance”: ibid.

The obvious sincerity:
New-York Tribune,
June 21, 1862.

“comes in every day at ten”: Nicolay to Therena Bates, June 15, 1862.

In a coded telegram:
Vol. 5, p. 276.

legions of Rebels: McClellan to Stanton, June 14, 1862.

refused to be pinned down: McClellan to Lincoln, June 18, 1862.

“I see hundreds”:
pp. 171, 349.

“by daylight and moonlight”: quoted in Pinsker,
Lincoln’s Sanctuary: Abraham Lincoln and the Soldiers’ Home,
p. 50.

Hamlin was delighted: Hamlin,
The Life and Times of Hannibal Hamlin,
Vol. 2, pp. 428–29.

put ideas on paper: Guelzo,
Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation,
pp. 140–45.

“My dear Sir”: Ridley,
Lord Palmerston,
p. 556.

Benjamin Franklin Butler: Kathleen R. Zebley, “Benjamin Franklin Butler,” in Heidler and Heidler, eds.,
Encyclopedia of the American Civil War,
pp. 329–31.

“guilty in cold Blood”: Ridley,
Lord Palmerston,
p. 556.

pay down Mexico’s debts: Seward to Adams, June 7, 1862;
Vol. 5, p. 281.

“It is vain to hope”: Dayton to Seward, June 2, 1862.

finer than the
Spencer C. Tucker, “CSS Alabama,” in Heidler and Heidler, eds.,
Encyclopedia of the American Civil War,
pp. 22–23.

“It strikes me”: quoted in Adams,
Charles Francis Adams: An American Statesman,
p. 257.

the women of Delhi: Ridley,
Lord Palmerston,
p. 556; Dalrymple,
The Last Mughal: The Fall of a Dynasty: Delhi, 1857,
p. 427.

It would help: Adams,
Charles Francis Adams,
p. 257.

“anomalous form of proceeding”: ibid., p. 258.

“the progress of the war”: Adams to Seward, June 20, 1862.

séance in the Red Room: Randall,
Mary Lincoln,
pp. 261–63.

participant at … prayer meetings: Johnson,
Abraham Lincoln the Christian,
pp. 13–15.

“A simple faith in God”:
p. 191.

a collection of “memoranda”: Browning diary, June 22, 1862.

riding off to his fate: Randall,
Lincoln’s Sons,
pp. 120–21.

a private car: Miers,
Lincoln Day by Day,
Vol. 3, June 23, 1862.

John Pope: John C. Fredriksen, “John Pope,” in Heidler and Heidler, eds.,
Encyclopedia of the American Civil War,
pp. 1541–42.

As Scott put it:
Vol. 5, p. 284n.

the next objectives: ibid.

“All he wanted”:
p. 179.

in mind just the man: Eisenhower,
Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott,
pp. 396–97, 403.

broke up at noon: Miers,
Lincoln Day by Day,
Vol. 3, June 24, 1862.

“a thousand rumors buzzing”: Nicolay to Therena Bates, June 27, 1862.

“When birds and animals”:
Vol. 5, p. 284.

One … claimed … 104,300: Sears,
George B. McClellan
, p. 207.

quite a different count: Rafuse,
McClellan’s War,
p. 221.

“fight those people for years”: quoted in Foote,
The Civil War,
Vol. 1, p. 469.

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