Rise (War Witch Book 1) (3 page)

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Authors: Cain S. Latrani

BOOK: Rise (War Witch Book 1)
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A hybrid creature, with the hind legs and head of a wolf, and the body and arms of a man, it was covered in a thick, red fur. On its head, chest, arms and legs, it wore shining silver armor that glittered even in the smoke-congested late day sun. At its back, it carried a massive sword. When it placed its enormous feet, great claws dug into the ash and dirt, while equally fearsome talon-tipped hands curled into fists at its side. It looked about as if hunting prey and she waited to die.

It saw her quickly, the only survivor of the horror that was strewn about like a careless child’s toys. It stood and stared, not moving any more than she did, its pale gray eyes regarding her behind the metal of the helmet that had been made to cover the lupine head. She waited for it to strike, holding her breath, prepared for pain that would, in her mind, be as nothing compared to the suffering she’d already survived.

Slowly, it reached up to lift the helmet from its head, tucking it under a massive, muscular arm. She looked as it wept, the fur around its eyes damp from the tears it had shed. She released the breath she’d been holding and clutched her mother tighter, ignoring the flakes of burnt skin that fell away under her fingers.

The beast knelt before her slowly, placing the helmet on the ground, its mouth curled into a gentle smile. Through the haze of smoke behind it, she saw movement and it seemed the shadowed forms also had wolfish tails.

“Is this your mother?” the beast asked, its voice beautiful and soft, not the feral growl she’d expected.

She nodded slowly, tightening her grip, again ignoring the way her fingers sunk too deep into the charred skin.

The beast nodded slowly. “She loved you very much, I’m sure. As you loved her.”

She swallowed against her fear, certain this must be a trick. She’d seen the Hell Hounds, seen what they did to humans, and no matter how kind this one seemed, she waited for it to turn and attack. Voices behind gave the beast cause to turn its head, but it looked back to her again in a moment.

“She died trying to protect you. I know. Trying to protect you from the monsters that did this. She would be proud to know you had survived,” it said to her, placing a massive clawed hand on the devastated chest of the dead woman.

When it got no reaction from her, it continued to speak, edging closer to her. “I don’t think she would be happy for you to die of starvation, or some other fate, now. I would be remiss if I allowed that to happen.”

She pulled back from the beast, not liking the sugary words it spoke. It was all a lie, a trick. The dark man who had led the monsters had sent this one back to see to that she was truly finished. Why play games? Just end the pain.

“They hurt you, I know,” the beast said. “But I will not. I’m here to help you, I promise.”

She shook her head, growing angry at the lies. The tears she had thought gone returned as she slipped the knife she’d gathered when she had searched for her mother from under her scorched and tattered skirt and stabbed at the beast. Her blade found home in the thing’s hand, cutting deep and bringing blood.

The beast didn’t flinch, or even blink, as if it didn’t feel the pain. The cut healed almost instantly, the blood flowing backward into the wound as it smoothed over and disappeared. She dropped the knife and simply sobbed, helpless, defeated, and tired.

A large hand touched her head and she cried, grateful for it to be over. Instead, the beast stroked her hair gently. Looking up, she saw tears streaming from the monster’s eyes, soaking into the fur.

“I’m sorry,” he said, his beautiful voice trembling and breaking.

She knew it was no lie, nor a trick. She felt the pain in the massive creature’s voice, saw it in his eyes, and knew. She fell against the broad chest covered in steel and cried, great wracking sobs as she mourned her mother, her father, her brother and sister, and everyone and everything she knew.

The beast held her tight, stroking her hair slowly and whispering words of comfort to her as she let go of her pain. He ignored those who came near, seeking his advice or commands, his whole world reduced to the small child he held in his arms.

When she looked at him again, he saw the hopelessness, the fear, the ravaging pain that had taken place on her body and soul. He saw through her eyes the events that had laid low the once peaceful village and felt his own heart and soul break at it.

“Come with me, child,” he said slowly as she pulled away, stroking her mother’s ravaged face. “Let me help you.”

She looked at him, her eyes tired, then turned back to her mother, saying nothing. He hadn’t expected any more.

“I can give you something no one else can. I can give you justice,” he pleaded, reaching out, but not touching her.

When she still didn’t look at him, he chose his next words carefully, standing, wanting to do what he knew he must. This child couldn’t be left alone, nor could she be simply handed over to someone who wouldn’t understand what she felt.

“My name is Ramor,” he said slowly. “I am the God of Honor and Family. I am the General of Heaven, the Wolf of War. Let me take you home with me. Let me make you into my sword of vengeance on the Demon Seed and the Gods they serve. Let me give you the power to prevent this from happening to others.”

Ramor held out his hand as she turned to him again, regarding him not with fear, or awe, but curiosity. A moment later, she wrapped her small fingers around his great talon, leaving her mother behind.

The War Wolf lifted her into his arms and held her close, turning and striding away from the carnage. His men fell in around him as he reached the edge of the village and paused there, giving one last look at what had once been homes.

“Give them all a decent burial. Pay homage as is proper. Send their souls on to Garrius and Zastra, the way they should be,” he commanded.

The Ascended, demigods in his service, nodded and went to work. Ramor turned and stepped from the physical world, the young girl in his arms. By nightfall, all that remained were the graves of villagers to mark that once, there’d been life in that place.



Chapter Two


Chara screamed, knowing no one could hear her. She screamed not for help, nor in the hope a passing hero would rescue her. She screamed because it was the only logical thing to do as the Hob-Goblin waddled into the clearing, his bulk jiggling as he moved. He was flanked by five Goblins, foul, twisted little things, with sadistic grins.

“Ah, such sweet music you play for me,” the obese creature gurgled as it stabbed a fat finger at the girl, sending the lesser minions down upon her in a wave of giggling putrescence.

Chara turned to run, but the evil little beasts tripped her up, knocking her to the ground. Her head struck a rock, sending white hot stars shooting behind her eyes, and turning her world into a haze of pain. It didn’t last long, but was enough for the foul-smelling Hob-Goblin to grasp her neck with his pudgy fingers.

She choked on her own bile at the stench of the thing as he pulled her close, almost pressing his nose to hers as he smelled her, sniffing down her neck with a series of quick snorts. A slow grin spread across his greenish yellow skin, revealing a row of blackened, rotten teeth. His breath was noxious, making the young girl dizzy with a wave of nausea.

“Ohhh, aren’t you just a luscious little thing?” the Hob-Goblin purred, tightening his grip on Chara’s neck, sending the twisted little Goblins into fits of hysterics.

“P-please...” Chara gagged, vainly twisting at the creature’s fat arm.

He just laughed. “I love it when they beg."

Gripping the front of her linen blouse with his thick fingers, the Hob-Goblin ripped it away, leaving her young, firm breasts bare. With a soft moan of pleasure, he explored her soft flesh with greasy fingers, making Chara whimper in disgust and fear.

“Hold her,” he ordered, tossing her to the ground again. The Goblins set upon her instantly as she tried to crawl away, gripping her legs tightly to pull them apart, pinning her arms and holding her head. The Hob-Goblin giggled insanely as he stood over her, working loose his belt, making his intent clear.

She felt her skirt being pulled high to expose her to the monster as he lowered his pants, revealing a short, squat erection that would’ve made her laugh had the situation not be so desperate. The odoriferous creature chuckled as he stroked his pitiful member, lowering himself slowly to his knees, sweaty palms reaching for her young breasts again.

“I’m gonna eat those sweet little nipples of yours,” he said, his voice husky with lust.

Chara recoiled, preparing herself to stand before Garrius and Zastra. Fetid breath washed over her, the thick, choking fumes of the Demon Seed making her eyes water as it covered her body with his own. The gnarled hands of the Goblins as they pinched and held her kept her from telling herself it was all a dream.

Everything stopped with a sudden powerful wind blowing over them, making the trees rattle and almost knocking over the Goblins. The bulk of the Hob-Goblin faded as he rose, scanning about nervously, the oddness of it giving him chills. Chara found herself suddenly free, and with a solid kick of a booted foot to the Hob-Goblin’s questionable genitals, scuttled backward, barely allowing herself the hope of escape.

The Hob-Goblin grunted, clutching his crotch, doubled over from the pain, but still kept his gaze fixated on the south edge of the clearing. The Goblins cowered, also looking that way, forcing Chara to hesitantly glance over as well, hoping against hope that something even worse hadn't arrived.

Standing at the edge of the tree line was a woman. Taller than any woman Chara had ever seen, with lean, hard muscle, flaxen hair, and cornflower blue eyes. She wore armor of a sort Chara had never seen, colored red and formed into a chest plate, arm bands, and shin guards. Black, flat-heeled knee boots hugged the black leather pants beneath the armor, setting it off in a way that seemed almost like a warning. A single red ribbon the same color as the armor held her long, thick, and curly hair back from her face, as well as giving her easy access to the massive greatsword strapped to her back.

At that moment, she was the most beautiful woman Chara had ever seen, for upon her head was the wolf paw mark of the War God, Ramor. A Blessed of the High Gods.

The Hob-Goblin hitched his pants up as he stood, still clutching his offended and offensive privates, eying the woman with trepidation. “You should just wait your turn, pretty one. There’s enough of old Gret to go around.”

The woman said nothing, didn’t move, barely even seemed to breathe. Her eyes were fixed on the Hob-Goblin, a piercing gaze that even Chara felt cutting.

The Hob-Goblin snarled, jabbing a thick finger at the woman. “Get that bitch. I want to gnaw her tits off!”

The five Goblins hesitated only a moment before moving, running, jumping and rolling across the ground towards the mysterious woman. Their gibbering laughter was a noisome distraction meant to unnerve their opponents.

“Look out!” Chara called, not meaning to draw more attention to herself, but fearing for the Blessed’s safety against so many enemies.

The woman stood her ground until the noxious creatures were almost upon her. In a single blinding move, she pulled the sword free of its sheath and swung in a wide arc, dropping to one knee as she did. Four of the Goblins fell to the ground dead, their heads rolling away, staining the grass with their Demonic blood.

Gret pulled back in sudden fear, casting about for the quickest escape route as the woman rose and began walking towards him. Her stride was that of a casual stroll, not hurried, not fearing the fat toad’s escape. His death was an obvious event in her movements.

The remaining Goblin that had so narrowly escaped decapitation with his brethren cowered as the warrior passed him, but she spared him not a single glance. A malicious smile crossed the creature’s twisted face as it rose and scampered after her, intent on jumping the warrior, his mouth gaping to reveal jagged yellow teeth designed for the rending and tearing of flesh.

Chara had scrambled to her feet by then, awe struck at the warrior’s prowess and saw the impending attack. “Behind you!” she cried out, pointing.

The warrior opened the hand that hung at her side, belching forth a fireball that consumed the Demon Seed in purifying flame in an instant, leaving little besides a scorched skeleton that slowly crumbled to the earth.

“Take the girl and I’ll spare your life!” the Hob-Goblin cried, his voice trembling in fear. His escape had become hampered by his loosened trousers, bringing his retreat to an ungainly hobble.

The warrior slowed her stroll until she came to a halt before the obese monster. She towered over him, easily a foot taller and glared down at the pathetic creature with a gaze of pure ice. With a twitch of her hand, she brought the blood-stained sword up, the tip hovering near his pitiable crotch.

“Take anything you want, I beg of you, but let me live. I’m but a humble servant of twisted masters. My foulness is not my own doing,” Gret whimpered, letting his trousers drop as he clasped his hands before the Blessed.

The warrior didn’t react to his plea at all, but simply continued to glare at him coldly until the Hob-Goblin had been reduced to a blubbering, begging mess. Only then did she slowly drive her blade through him, piercing his pitiful penis first. His screams were those of a girl child as she patiently sent the sword mid-way through him, paused a moment to smile down at him hatefully, gripped the handle with both hands and pulled upward with all her might, severing the hideous Demon Seed in half.

As his body slowly collapsed to the ground, the warrior strolled away, pulling a cloth from the pouch at her hip to wipe the blood from her blade. Sheathing the sword, she turned to Chara and slowly extended a hand.

“I’m okay,” Chara assured, trying her best to cover her nudity with the tattered remains of her blouse. “Thank you very much for saving me.”

The warrior dropped her hand and strode the distance separating them, gripping Chara’s chin in a loose grasp and examining her face closely. Finding nothing, she released her and stepped back.

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