Rising Bounty (6 page)

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Authors: K.D. Jones

BOOK: Rising Bounty
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Chapter 10


Thirty Minutes Later


Abe could smell the food before he came inside the cabin. “Wow, that smells delicious.”

Roxanne looked up at him and smiled. “That’s Mom’s famous chili.”

He rubbed his flat stomach. “I love chili. Where is yer mother and Cici?”

“Cici’s been playing with her dollhouse. Mom went upstairs to bring her down for dinner. I’ve set the table. If you want to go ahead and sit down, I’ll serve you.”

“Ye don’t have to do that.”

“It’s the least I can do. What would you like to drink? Mom made tea but I saw you had some beer in the refrigerator.”

“A beer would be fine, thanks.” Abe sat down feeling a bit awkward. He should be the one taking care of her since it was his home, but it was also a pleasant feeling to come home and have someone there waiting on him. He watched her as she flitted around the kitchen getting plates of food and bringing them to the table. She looked like she belonged there.

He could hear footsteps on the stairs and turned in his seat. “Hi Cici, did ye find a room ye liked?”

“Yep. I liked the blue room, blue’s my favorite color. There’s a big bed me and Mama can share. All my favorite toys are here. Does that mean we’re going to live with you now, Abe?”

He pulled out a chair for her and did the same for Roxanne’s mother. “Ye all will for a little while. Is that okay?”

“Can we, Mama? I like the view from the windows upstairs. You can see the whole world. Plus, there’s no loud noises like people yelling when they come out of the club.”

“We’ll stay for a little bit.” Roxanne put a bowl down for Cici and handed Abe his. Cici immediately reached for a piece of bread and dipped it in the chili. He smiled at her excitement.

He inhaled deeply. “This looks and smells delicious.”

“Roxanne cooked it. I just helped her get the ingredients together,” Sandy told him.

“It’s Mom’s recipe. I remember, growing up, we would have chili night once a week. It was my favorite night of the week. My dad loved chili.” Roxanne sat down next to him.

“Yes he sure did.” Sandy agreed with a fond smile on her face.

It was the oddest feeling for Abe, as though they were a real family sitting down for a meal. That was something he had never really experienced. His grandmother did the best she could, and the foster family on Bazin put on a show when others were around, but they always let him know in their little gestures that he was an outsider, not a full Bazinoid. He was part human and, therefore, not equal to them.

“Abe, is something wrong?” Roxanne touched his arm.

“I’m just appreciating this. I’m a lone bachelor who fixes quick meals for one. To be honest, this might be the first time I’ve ever eaten at this table.”

“Well, that’s about to change. I insist that family have a sit-down dinner every night at least five times a week. It brings everyone together to talk about his or her day. It bonds you. You don’t have any family around here?” Sandy asked, taking a spoon and dipping it in the chili.

Abe shifted in his seat. “My grandmother was from New Earth’s Scotland. When she passed away I moved here to Fin-Dieskau.”

“What about your mother and father?” Roxanne asked.

“My mother was a rebellious teenager who got into a lot of trouble early on, she met my father who was from Bazin and got pregnant. My father skipped out on her halfway through the pregnancy and by the time she had me, my mother decided she didn’t want to be tied down to a baby so she dumped me on my grandmother.”

“I’m so sorry Abe.” Roxanne looked at him with a tear in her eye. He couldn’t take it if she cried.

“I’m fine. I had my grandmother for the first ten years of my life then she found a decent couple on Bazin to foster me and teach me about my Bazin roots.”

He felt a tug on his shirtsleeve and looked down to find that Cici had gotten out of her chair to come and stand next to him. He leaned down. “Is there something ye need little one?”

She rose on tip toes to hug his neck. He patted her back and then let her go. “What was that for?”

“You had a bad mommy and I had a bad daddy. Mama says as long as there are people who care about you, you can have a happy life. I just wanted you to know that we care about you.”

He cleared his throat. “Thank you Cici. I care about you, your mom and your grandmother too.” He watched as she went back to her seat. He glanced over at Roxanne who was beaming with pride.

“Let’s eat before the chili gets cold.” Sandy directed their attention back to the meal.

Abe lifted his spoon of chili up to his mouth and blew on it a little before tasting it. It was delicious, spicy without being overwhelmingly hot. “This is so good.”

“Thank you.” Roxanne smiled at him and he forgot everything. When she smiled she lit up the whole room. He knew that he would never get tired of looking at her smile. She had a gentle classic beauty with pale skin and full lips. He knew she dyed her hair black, which looked very good against her complexion, but he longed to know her true coloring.

“Abe, eat as much chili as you want, Roxanne made plenty,” Sandy nudged him, bringing his attention back to the present moment. He looked at her and she winked. He knew he had been caught ogling Roxanne.

“Aye, ma’am.”

“None of that — you call me Sandy.”

“Aye—Sandy.” Abe watched, fascinated, as Roxanne, her mother, and daughter all took over the conversation. They talked about Cici’s class and what field trip was coming up. They finished their meal and Abe had to admit, it was the most pleasant one he had ever had.

“I have to work on my homework,” Cici announced.

“You can work on it tomorrow. You’re not going to school for the rest of the week. I’ll call your teacher to get the work load.”

“Why?” Cici asked innocently.

“We’re…” It was obvious Roxanne was struggling with what to tell Cici.

Abe stepped up. “Ye’re on vacation right now.”

“Vacation? Don’t you have to go to a beach or something for it to be a vacation?” Cici was pretty smart with her questions.

“There’s a lake out there that is perfect for swimming. Lots of people take vacations at the lake,” Abe told her.

She looked to her mother. “Is that right, Mama? We’re having a vacation at the lake?”

“Yes, we’ll have to find something to swim in. I don’t think we had any swimsuits.”

“You could swim in a pair of shorts,” Sandy offered.

“That’s true,” Roxanne agreed.

“Yay, we’re going swimming in the lake tomorrow.” Cici stood up and did a little dance. Abe laughed at her antics. Laughter was rare for him. Because he had to deal with the darker things in life, he often found it hard to feel light-hearted.

“Cici, why don’t you and grandma go pick a movie for us to watch before bedtime.”

“Okay.” Cici took her grandmother’s hand and pulled her into the living room while Abe and Roxanne cleared the table of the dishes.

“You don’t have to help me.” She scooted past him and their bodies rubbed against each other briefly. He noticed her breath hitch at their contact. She was just as affected by him as he was by her.

“Ye cooked so I should at least help clean.” He moved closer to her back, trapping her against the table.

“Abe,” she whispered, shivering.

“Stay with me down here when Cici goes to bed.”

“What?” She turned around and it brought her chest up against his.

“I want to spend time with ye.”

Images of them alone and naked flitted through her mind. “Is that why you brought us here?”

He stepped away from her. “No, of course not.”

“I—I didn’t mean…”

Abe turned and walked away. “I’m going to check the perimeter.” He closed the door behind him.

That hadn’t gone the way he wanted. He probably shouldn’t have made a move on her so soon, but it hurt to have her think he only brought her here so that he could sleep with her. He liked Roxanne, more than he had ever liked any woman. He turned but didn’t open the door. He just watched through the window as Cici and her grandmother sat on the couch in front of his television. For him, it was more than having just Roxanne. It was about having a family. Was he ready for that? Was she ready to accept him in her own family?


Roxanne knew she had blown it. Maybe it had been a long time since she had allowed herself to have feelings for a man. She hadn’t seen anyone since her divorce. How could she, with her having to move around all the time, on the run? Men had hit on her over the years, especially when she worked as a bartender, but she never took any of that seriously.

Now, a sexy strong man wanted to be alone with her. Oh, she knew he didn’t want to just talk. They had both been giving off sexual vibes since the first time she saw him. He wanted her in his bed and what scared her most was that she wanted nothing more than to be there. Was she ready to let someone get that close to her?

She regretted pushing him away, but she needed to think first before she acted on her feelings. It wouldn’t be just her and Abe affected, this decision would affect Cici and even her mother. Maybe she should put whatever this was with Abe aside until after things were settled with Darryl. She couldn’t offer him a regular relationship right now. She was on the run, wanted by the authority. She had nothing to offer Abe except a lot of problems.

Why was she worried about this? He might not even want her longer than a few nights in his bed. This was not the time to start a relationship with anyone. Even as she thought the matter was settled in her mind, her heart and body longed for a different decision.

“What movie are we watching?” She asked walking into the living room.

“The cartoon one. I like those even though they are really old.” Cici scooted over on the couch so Roxanne could sit next to her.

“If you don’t mind, I’m going to go to bed early. All this excitement has tired me out.” Her mom stood and kissed them both before going up the stairs.

Her daughter snuggled against her side and she wrapped her arms around her. For a short time, she would let herself get lost in the moment of being a mom. Cici deserved to have her time and it wasn’t until recently with the new position that she was able to do things like this. She glanced out the window, wondering when Abe would get back. She wanted to apologize and let him know it was just bad timing for them. She hoped he would accept that.


“What do you mean you lost them?” Darryl yelled over the phone.

“My men waited outside the kid’s school, but your bitch wife spotted us. She had someone drop them off at some bail bonds office before we could grab them. They went inside the building but never came back out.”

“Who owns the bails bonds business? I want a name. They are harboring a fugitive and I’m going to make sure they are charged with helping my ex kidnap my daughter!” He was going to make someone suffer for keeping him away from what he wanted. They would lose their business and everything else that mattered to them.

He was a governor and had powerful friends. He was building his empire. His ex had put a question mark over his head, and people were starting to wonder. If he couldn’t control his wife, then how was he supposed to be an effective leader? He was determined that no one would stop him from reaching his goal. He would eliminate anyone who got in his way.




Chapter 11



Roxanne started and woke when a hand on her shoulder shook her. She blinked up at Abe, who was leaning down over her. She felt slightly disoriented.

“What?” She looked down and saw Cici was fast asleep with her head in her lap. “What time is it?”

“A little after eleven. I just got back a few minutes ago.”

“We fell asleep partway through the movie. It was a really long day for both of us.” She tried to lift Cici into her arms but Abe stopped her.

“Let me take her.” Abe easily lifted Cici into his arms and let Roxanne lead the way upstairs.

She pulled the covers back and had him lay Cici down while she removed her shoes. She whispered, “I’m going to let her sleep in her clothes tonight, I don’t want to wake her up.”

She could feel Abe watching her as she kissed her daughter’s forehead. “Goodnight sweetheart.”

Roxanne stood up and walked to the door. She felt him watching her with those dark sexy eyes of his. It mad her shiver with anticipation.

She should tell him goodnight and shut the door, but she didn’t. She followed him out of the room and shut the door behind her. Then they headed back downstairs without saying a word. She straightened up the couch and turned off the television while Abe secured the windows and doors.

The lights dimmed and she stood still, knowing he was coming up behind her. “Abe, I’m sorry about earlier.” She turned to face him.

He was just inches from her and reached out to cup her cheek. “I was moving too fast for ye. This isn’t the best of times to romance a woman.”

She tilted her head and smiled at him. “You wanted to romance me?”

“Hoping, I was hoping to. God, ye’re so beautiful.” He caressed her hair, moving it from her face.

Roxanne could continue to fight this pull between them, but did she really want to? Her mom always encouraged her to take a chance on life, even if it didn’t turn out how she planned. Could she do that now?

She took a deep breath and released it. “Maybe there isn’t a perfect time. We have to take the chance when it comes along.”

“Are ye saying that ye’re interested in me?”

“I’m saying…” She couldn’t stand to be that close to him without touching him. Words weren’t what were needed in that moment. Actions were needed.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down so that she could kiss him. At first, she worried her aggression would throw him off, but as soon as he returned the kiss and wrapped his arms around her, she felt everything was falling into place somehow. Like this was where she was supposed to be.

She gasped when he suddenly cupped her ass and lifted her up. “Abe?”

“I want to be in my bedroom, for privacy.” He stopped walking just before he opened the door to his bedroom. “Are ye sure that this is what ye want?”

She pressed herself against him and licked his neck. “Yes, this is what I want. You’re what I want.” She wanted him more than anything. She had fantasized about him for a while now. Thought about what his hands and mouth would do to her.

“Good, because I don’t think I could stop right now.” He carried her through the door and closed and locked it. He didn’t set her down right away. He carried her to his large bed and lowered her down, and then he stood back up. He reached for a lamp on the side table and turned it on. It had a really low light and gave the room a warm romantic ambience.

“What are you doing?” She leaned up on her elbows.

“I’m taking my clothes off.” He pulled his t-shirt off slowly, exposing his muscles.

Holy shit!
He was built like a god. Hard muscles bulged and his stomach was lined with an eight pack. She licked her lips as she climbed onto her hands and knees. She watched him as he reached for the zipper on his jeans. He pushed his kilt down his hips slowly until his large cock sprung free.

“Oh.” She didn’t realize she had spoken until he chuckled.

“Just ‘oh’?”

She crawled toward the end of the bed and reached for him taking him in her hands. “Oh as in oh wow and oh my God. You’re bigger than anyone I’ve—”

He growled, interrupting her. “I don’t want to hear about other men you’ve been with.”

She stopped stroking him. She could understand; she was positive he was a man that had been with many women, and she wouldn’t want him to compare them to her in any way either. “I’m sorry. I just meant you’re really big and it’s been a long time since I’ve been intimate.” She bit her bottom lip.

“I promise to go slow.” He took her hand and placed it back on his cock, helping her stroke him. He kicked off his shoes and leaned forward to pull off his socks and jeans.

“How come I’m the only one getting naked?” Abe asked.

“I’m enjoying the show too much.” She leaned forward and licked the tip of his cock. Roxanne had never before been enthusiastic about giving head, mainly because Darryl always told her she was doing it wrong. Whenever she did, he never reciprocated.

This was different. She found that she enjoyed touching and tasting Abe. It was empowering to have a strong effect on a big man like him.

“You need to stop or I’ll come in yer mouth.”

She looked up at him and opened her mouth taking his dick as far down her throat as she could. When she sucked on him, he moaned. She did it again and again while using both her hands to massage and stroke his length from the tip down to his ball sac. She cupped him and squeezed a little hoping that it felt good. She had overheard women at the bar tell stories about how guys loved that.

“Lass, ye have to stop. I want ye too much.” He pulled back from her, causing her to release his cock. “Ye’re overdressed.” That was the only warning he gave her before he gently pulled her t-shirt up over her arms and head. He threw it to the floor, along with the black bra she was wearing. Then he pushed her shoulder to get her to lie back. He stood up and removed her shoes and socks.

Roxanne wasn’t idle; while he was removing her shoes, she unbuttoned her pants and unzipped her zipper. She started to pull down her jeans.

“Here, I’ll pull them off while ye lift up,” he offered, gripping the edges of her pants.

She used her feet on the bed to lift her hips up while he pulled the pants off. Then he reached for her panties and did the same thing. When she was completely naked and lying there on the bed, he just stood over her, taking her in. She felt a little self-conscious because she wasn’t as big chested as some of the women that he usually flirted with at the club. She also had a C-section mark and stretch marks on her stomach from her pregnancy. Darryl hated her scars and had told her she should see a plastic surgeon.

She attempted to cover her breasts and stomach, but he stopped her.

“Don’t, I want to look at ye.”

“I’m not — I have scars.”

He knelt on the bed next to her and touched the C-section scar. “Are ye talking about this wee thing?”

“One of them.”

“Ye got this from having Cici?”

“Yes, there were complications at delivery and they had to do a C-section. I also have stretch marks from the pregnancy that never went away. They’re ugly.”

He growled. “They are beautiful, like ye.” He leaned down and kissed the faint stretch marks on her belly, then moved lower and kissed her C-section scar. “They show how strong ye were to carry a child for nine months and ye risked yer life to bring a beautiful wee babe into the world. There is nothing more amazing than that.”

Right then and there, with his sweet words and gentle kisses, he wiped away all the feelings of imperfection that Darryl had given to her, and he gave her acceptance. He made her feel beautiful and deserving. Without a shadow of a doubt she was falling in love with Abe.

“Abe,” she whispered his name, but her emotions choked her up.

“I’m going to make love to ye, worship every inch of ye, and by the time I am done ye will know just how truly exceptional ye are.”


Abe leaned down further on the bed and spread her legs. His nose was right over her entrance, which was dripping with evidence of her arousal. He closed his eyes and inhaled. She smelled of sweet honey, he loved honey. He leaned forward and licked her seam taking her essence in. The taste of her was drawing something primal from him. He growled with need for more of her. He wanted all of her and he would have her.

He latched onto her clit while he pumped his fingers in and out of her. She was so tight and hot. Holding his desire at bay, he knew he had to make her wet enough so that his size could slide in without hurting her. The last thing he wanted was to cause her pain.

When she began to lift her bottom to meet his thrusts, he removed his fingers and replaced it with his tongue. He stroked in and out of her. He reached up with his hands and covered her breasts and began pinching the nipples. His only thought was to bring her pleasure. He would put her needs first before his own, always.

“Abe — please. I need you.”

He sucked and licked, stroked and pumped until she eventually bowed up under him screaming his name. While her body shivered with aftereffects, he kissed and caressed his way up her body. He paused at her breasts and cupped each one in his hands. They were perfect, pale pink and delicate. He rubbed his face against them. He sucked her nipple into his mouth and began nibbling, making her arch again. He lavished her breast with attention then did the same with the other. When she tugged his hair, he looked up releasing her stiff peak with a pop.

She was breathing hard and arching up at him. “Inside me. Abe, I want you inside me.”

Oh yeah, he wanted that too. He moved up her body and kissed her lips holding nothing back. He breathed her in and knew she was breathing him in too. The anticipation was too much. He lined his cock up with her quivering flesh and slowly lowered himself pushing into her.

“So fucking tight, don’t want to hurt ye.” He had to force himself to not slam into her, which he really wanted to do. He continued his slow descent into her sweet depths. Sweat broke out on his shoulders and back. Finally, he got to the bottom and was fully inside her. A sense of rightness filled him. They were completely meshed and he didn’t ever want to leave, but the need to move was too strong to be denied.

He pulled out then pushed back in. They both moaned in pleasure. Their bodies molded and moved in perfect harmony as one. Together, in and out with every roll with every wave until he couldn’t hold back his release any longer. They both shouted out their release, clinging to one another as they tried to get their heart rates under control and their breathing at a normal pace.

“Wow,” Roxanne commented, her legs still wrapped around his waist.

He chuckled. “Aye, wow is right, and guess what.”

She looked up at him with such a sweet and satisfied expression he had to kiss her lips again.


“I’ve only just started lass. We’ve got all night and I plan to keep ye busy until dawn.” As he spoke, her eyes widened, and to prove his point, he moved his still hardened dick inside her.

“I may not survive this,” she whispered as she arched up to meet his thrust.

“Don’t worry, lass. I know CPR.”




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