Risking Fate (15 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Foor

Tags: #Mitchell Family#4

BOOK: Risking Fate
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She nodded her head. “It’s in the microwave.”

“Tell you what kiddo, why don’t you go get you
pajamas and meet me in the bathroom. I’ll be there in a minute.”

She hugged me one more time before heading toward her bedroom. “Hurry up!”

I looked out into the living room to see Miranda curled up on the couch. She was reading one of her baby books, but it was sitting in her lap and she was intently looking right at me. A smile started on one corner of her lips. I flashed her a full one back. “Love you.”

“I love you too.”

I let my food cook in the microwave and walked over to my wife. Once I got down on my knees
I grabbed her hands in mine. “So much, Miranda. I love you so much.”

She removed one of her hands and ran it over my face. “Are you okay? You seem, I don’t know…weird?”

“This weeks just been rough on me. It’s all going to get better now, in fact it’s going to go away forever, Baby. I promise.”

She ran her hands through my hair as I reached up to kiss her. The food was beeping and I could hear Izzy calling me from her bathroom.

Miranda started to get up. “I can get her bath goin’, Babe.”

“No, no, I can do it. I will be right back. Just stay right where you are.” I ran back and saw my daughter standing bare ass naked with her hands on her hips.

“Iz, little girls don’t stand around naked.”

“Well, you told me to wait in the bathroom, Daddy.”

I shook my head and laughed at her. “Do you want
Conner to see your

She giggled. “No way!”

“Well then you need to not walk around with no clothes on. Boys aren’t supposed to see your girl parts.” I checked the temperature of the water before lifting her into the tub.

She swished the water around and looked up at me. “Daddy, you look at Mommy’s girl parts. I saw you do it before.”

I was a pretty tan guy, but I actually felt the color of my face changing to a bright red. I cleared my throat and sat the seat down on the toilet, so I could think about what to say. “Iz, Mommy and I are adults and we are married. When you get to be a grown up and you fall in love…….”
Oh shit! I was fucking this all up.

I walked out into the hallway. “Miranda, can you come in here? I need you.”

She met me in the hallway. “What’s wrong?”

I got close enough, so that our daughter couldn’t hear us. “I was trying to explain to Iz that she shouldn’t walk around naked and that she needed to cover her girl parts. She wants to know why I like to look at you when you’re naked.”

Miranda covered her mouth to contain her laughter. “So, what did you tell her?”

“I started to say something, but I think it’s a mom kind of conversation, don’t you?”

She shook her head and walked into the bathroom with me. “I think you are a chicken shit.”

I smacked her ass before we both stood over the tub
at Iz, playing with her mermaid doll. “Mommy, Daddy says that I can
show my girl parts, but you do it all the time. How come?”

Miranda looked at me and smiled, before looking back to Iz. “Sweetie, little girls can’t show their girl parts. You can’t show your girl parts until you get married.”

“So Daddy never saw your girl parts until you got married?”

“That’s right,” Miranda lied.

It would have been
easy for the conversation to end at that. “Well, do you like looking at Daddy’s boy parts?”

Miranda rubbed her belly and I had to st
ick my fist against my mouth to
keep from busting into laughter.  “Why do you want to know?”

She shrugged. “Well, I know Daddy looks different than us.”

Miranda looked shocked, like she was going to scream. “And how do you know that?”

“Noah showed me his boy parts before. He said that all boys look like him. How come we can’t stand up when we pee pee?”

Of course my wife turns to me for help. I leaned against the bathroom door and took a deep breath. “Iz, girls and boys have different parts. Little girls are too pretty
stand up when they pee. God wanted you to be comfortable when you had to go potty. Boys are tough so we have to stand.”

Miranda took her hand and smacked her face, shocked at my answer. I threw her a wink. “
So God thinks girls are pretty?”

“Yes, he thinks you’re beautiful. Now get washed and get out before you turn into an ugly prune.” Miranda stood up and walked me out into the hallway. “Really? God wants us to sit when we pee? You know she is goin’ to tell her teacher that.”

“It’s better than her talking about you staring at my dick like it’s a bedtime snack.”

Miranda kept walking, while shaking her head. I followed behind her and sat down on the couch. My dinner was cold again, but I didn’t care. I was starving.

While I ate, she
to watch me. “You want a bite?”

“I’m goin’ to bite somethin’.”

“Want me to lift my plate up, so you can get started?” A large pillow came at my head. Since I was eating, I didn’t have time to protect my face.

“You pull it out and just see what I do
it, smart ass.”

The truth was that I was getting hard just imagining her mouth on it. I was trying to chew my food up, but my focus was now on my cock. Miranda got up from the couch and left me sitting there alone.

“What do you want to drink, Babe?”

Aww, she was being nice.

“I don’t care. I can share yours.”

Izzy came out and jumped on the couch. Her pajamas were stuck to her body. “Can I have a bite?”

I handed her a green bean and touch
her pajamas. “Iz, did you get dressed while you were still wet?”

“You forgot to give me a towel.” She grabbed another green bean.

“Are you cold?”

Miranda walked into the living room and sat down on the other side of me.

“My feet are.” I set my plate down and started warming her little toes.

“You better give Mommy a kiss, we need to get you in bed.”

She sadly crawled over my lap and kissed her mother. “Goodnight Mommy.”

“Night Baby.”

I picked her up and carried my big girl to her bedroom. After I got her tucked in she folded her hands like she always did.

“Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep. In the morning when I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, bless the bed that I lay on. God please bless my Mommy and my Daddy and my Uncle Conner and Aunt Van, and Uncle Colt and Noah
and Sam and
Christian and my teacher
and Harvey.

She opened her eyes. “Did I forget anybody, Daddy?”

I leaned down and kissed her.

No, I think God knows you love everyone.”

“I forgot Mimi and Poppy and Grandma

I think he knows you love them
She remembered Colt’s dog though.

“Daddy, are you mad at me?”

I looked right at her. “What are you talking about, Iz? Why would I be mad at you?”

She shrugged. “You didn’t get me from school today and you didn’t come home to eat dinner. Mommy looked sad too.”

, Daddy isn’t mad at you. I love you with all of my heart, Sweetie.
I had something to do tonight, that’s all. I’m sorry I made you think that. You know you’re my favorite girl in the whole wide world.”

“And Mommy too.”

I kissed her
. “Yeah, and Mommy too. Get some sleep. I will see you when your  pretty face wakes up.”

“Love you, Iz.”

“Love you too.”

She could never get how much I loved her.

Miranda was washing my plate when I made it back into the living room. “Where’s Conner?”

“At your parents. Your mom is trying to set him up with some girl from her prayer group.”

“What? Are you freaking kidding me?” There was no way Conner could be interested.

“I gave him twenty bucks to go through with it. He claims he is goin’ to act like an ass the whole time.” Before Miranda got done talking, I reached my arms around her waist and hugged both her and my twins.

“I missed you today.” More than she knew.

She turned around and wrapped he
r arms around my neck. “More than yesterday
?” Her nose pressed against mine, but she didn’t kiss me.

I started closing my eyes, imagining those passionate lips making contact with mine. I licked mine to get them wet and ready. “So much, Baby.”

She talked and let her lips touch mine. “Show me.”

I picked her up and sat her on the countertop. She immediately wrapped her legs around me. After the week I was having, I couldn’t wait to be inside of her.

I needed to touch her, to hold her and to feel her close to me.


Chapter 11


Ty’s kisses were hungry, almost ravenous. I was on the countertop for only a few seconds before he was carrying me to our bedroom. After he sat me down on the bed, he ripped off my jogging pants taking my underwear with them. He unzipped my jacket and somehow kicked off his workpants at the same time. I reached up and started unbuttoning his uniform shirt. He grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled my head back as he came in and bit down on my bottom lip, pulling away with it.

I ripped his shirt down his arms and let him do the rest removing it. His undershirt came over his head with one pull and I ran my hands up his bare chest.

Ty growled as he laid me flat on the bed and unhooked my bra. He cupped my breast
into his hands and buried his
face into
. He sucked so hard, I let out a small cry.  I took my feet and pushed down the boxers off of his ass.

He pulled away from me and took in my naked appearance. “You’re so fucking sexy.”

I started to sit up, but he pushed me back down on the bed. “Stay right there.” Ty got down on his knees at the foot of the bed and grabbed both of my legs, pulling me down until my hot sex was right in front of his face. “I
wanted to do this all day.” He dove right in, licking and sucking me like he was fighting til
the death. It was painful and fantastic at the same time. He ignored my cries as he pushed his tongue hard against my swollen nub. Even after
I came, he
licking me, over and over, all the while looking straight up at me. I had to sit on my elbows and found myself falling back a few times, because I couldn’t control the surge of trembles that were overpowering every limb of my body.

His face came up to my belly and rubbed my wetness all over it. “Tell me how it felt.”

Two could play this game.

I grabbed him by his hair and pulled him up to my face. My tongue licked all over his chin, while my hands in his hair kept me in control of his head. “So fucking good, Babe.”

“Turn your fine ass around. I need to be inside of you right now.”

I turned over slowly and scooted myself on the bed further. I felt the mattress moving as Ty came up behind me. I started to spread my
legs and put my ass in t
he air, but Ty came up
and grabbed my hips. He didn’t even feel down there before he drove himself right into me. The instant pressure hurt at first and I cried out into the room.

He gritted his teeth when he talked to me and grabbed the back of my hair as he thrusted himself in and out of me, repeatedly. “Tell me you like it.”

I closed my eyes
focused on how good it felt. “Oh yeah, I w
ant it harder.

He started pumping me even harder. I reached down between my legs an
d cupped his balls into my hand
them as he fucked me.
The harder he invaded me
, the more I squeezed. “Oh God, Miranda.” Ty collapsed over my back and finally let go of my hair. I relaxed my head and felt little kisses all over my back.

He fell down over the bed next to me and pulled me on top of his chest. “Sorry.” He was trying to catch his breath.

“For what?”

He stroked my hair. “If I hurt you. Just feeling so stressed about everything. I didn’t mean to take it out on you, especially with the babies.”

“Babe, you didn’t hurt me. I had three orgasms in like five minutes. I’m not complainin’. I get it. I know you would
really hurt me, besides, sometimes I  like it.” I played with his nipple while I talked.

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