Read RiskingEternity Online

Authors: Voirey Linger

RiskingEternity (7 page)

BOOK: RiskingEternity
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She took another sip and examined him. He looked…normal. Well, as normal as someone that incredibly sexy could look.

But what he hid had her interest. “I, uh, think you’re missing something.”

“What would that be?”

“Your—” She flapped one hand by her shoulder, too embarrassed to say it out loud.
Where are your wings, big guy?
It sounded stupid, even to her, and she’d already done the dumb routine around him too often.

“You mean my wings.” The air shimmered and there they were again, an elegant sweep of ebony feathers, falling to the floor behind him.

Maggie took a startled gulp of coffee and choked as it scalded its way down her throat. Eyes watering, she slammed her cup on the counter, sloshing the contents onto her hand. She muttered a curse and rushed to the sink to run cold water over the burn.

“Are you all right?”
cupped her jaw, tilting her head up. Through the tears she could see his brow wrinkled with concern.

“Fine,” she tried to answer, but it came out in a gasping croak.

“Let me fix it.”

She shook her head. Crap, she didn’t think she could deal with doing that freaky shit again. Not now, when she knew it was happening.

“Please, I don’t want you hurting. Not even a little.” He dipped his head and let his lips touch hers in the lightest feathering of a caress. “Please, Maggie. Let me.”

How was she supposed to resist that? No one had ever wanted to take care of her before. Even Gram, the only person who’d ever loved her, would have just told her to clean her mess. She melted with a sigh. It had to be part of his angel
, because no human had ever made her feel this special, this loved.

His tongue dipped into her mouth and that faint buzz of sensation crackled over her again.

“What is that?” she whispered against his lips. “It’s like my mouth is full of static electricity. It makes me tingle all over.”

“It’s my power.” His lips left hers to graze over her cheek and skim along her
. “I can feel your power, too. It’s sweet, like a spring morning.”

“I have power?”

“Every being has power. It changes as it’s traded, but it’s there. An angel’s power can heal. It can also do this.” His lips covered hers again. His power exploded in her mouth and she stiffened in shock. It felt like candy she’d eaten as a child, grains of sugar that crackled and popped on her tongue. Only this was better.
So very much better.
These little pops set off sparks in her whole body, sent tendrils of heat zinging along every nerve. Just that quick, her nipples were hard and her empty flesh was clenching in need. She moaned and opened more, accepting his kiss, his power and whatever else he wanted.

With a snarl, he tore his mouth from hers and stalked away, leaving her bereft and wanting. Off balance, she fell hard against the counter, gasping for breath and watched, wide-eyed, as he walked into her small living room, as far away from her as the small apartment would allow.

He dropped heavily into a chair. With his legs sprawled in front of him and his arms and wings draped over the sides of the seat, his whole body screamed defeat.

“Why do you always do that?” she asked, following him from the kitchen.

“Do what?” He didn’t face her, looking anywhere, at anything except her.

“Run away when we kiss.”

He frowned at her. “I do not run away.”

You stomp off or vanish into thin air.
Same thing.”

“We have only kissed twice. I hardly run.”

“Three times now, and you sure don’t stay and finish.” A twinge of satisfaction shot through her when he jerked to sit upright and glare at her.

“You found your pleasure.
Both times.”

“You didn’t.”

He studied her intently before replying. “I stop because you test me. You are a beautiful temptation I don’t know if I’m supposed to resist. But do not doubt I want you, Maggie.”

“Don’t resist.” He wanted her. It wasn’t just her burning up inside, or some strange side effect of his angelic power. He felt it too. She crossed the room and stood between his splayed thighs, her legs pressed against the front of the chair, so close to him she could feel the heat coming off his hard cock. “Please, touch me. Kiss me again, and don’t stop this time.”

His eyes met hers, indecision filling them. All she had to do was push and his arms would be around her again, his body pressing against hers, his heat singeing her. Bending forward, she put her hands over the back edge of the seat, one on either side of his head, and leaned in close to his ear and gave him that nudge. “Tell me to go away and I will.”

“Ah, Maggie.”
Her name left him on a sigh, and his hand came up to slide under her robe, over the back of her thigh. “I can’t send you away. I could never do that.”

Relief stole her breath. Without moving her hands, she crawled into his lap, straddling him, his hard against her soft,
hot against her wet. She moved slowly, afraid he would vanish from under her, pull one of his divine disappearing acts, but his hands pushed the tail of the robe out of the way. He cupped her ass and he rocked against her.

“Kiss me.” His words were a plea, a chink in the armor of her invincible angel. She placed her lips near his, close enough they brushed when she spoke.

“Kiss me back.”

A deep sound of need rumbled through his chest and he shifted, just enough to join their mouths. The blaze of desire flared again, brighter, hotter than ever and she whimpered as it swept through her. She was swollen, wet with need and so freaking close her entire body shook. He thrust his hips and his cock pressed against her again, rubbing her swollen clit, driving her close to the rush of orgasm, making her tremble on the edge.

It was his power. He was using his power to send her spiraling fast, hard and out of control. She didn’t want it like this. She wanted his body filling her, not some mystical Heavenly magic.

Another thrust against her and her back arched, forcing her lips from his as she cried out. She screamed again when his mouth covered her nipple, sucking on the sensitive flesh, biting into it with a pleasure-pain. His mouth was hard and ravenous against her skin, nipping, licking and sucking until she was whimpering.

He was nibbling bare skin. She wondered where her robe had gone, but the thought was fleeting, driven quickly from her mind by the sheer carnality of his mouth on her. She pressed a fist against the back of his head, trying to force him closer, to get that bit of sensation that would push her over the edge. The tension rose, peaking, then he backed off, licking her in long savoring strokes, keeping her balanced on the cusp.

He was toying with her, winding her up and leaving her there. Frustrated, Maggie reached down and shoved her hand under the lace of her panties. One finger found her clit, brushed it and she jerked with a strangled gasp. It was so swollen, so sensitive. Her body clenching at nothing with every delicate flicker of contact, need twisted and cramped low in her belly.

“Do it, Maggie,” he whispered. “Come for me.” His hand moved up to fist in her hair, forcing her head down until she was looking him in the eye. “Let me watch you come for me.”

She blinked, struggling to focus on his beautiful face, his expression fierce with arousal. She slipped her fingers farther into her panties, letting them slip over the wet flesh. She was so close, wound so tight, she just needed a little more, just a little. One rub, then another and he gripped her hips, ground against her harder. Her soaked panties rasped against her and his cock pressed her fingers against her engorged clit, pinching it. The tension broke and she was flying, her body convulsing.

rocked his hips, drove against her, like he was fucking her through their clothes, keeping her in that whirlwind of sensation, drawing out the orgasm, not letting her leave that peak. She whimpered as another wave of pleasure washed over her.
’ hands moved to stroke over the bare skin of her back and he crooned encouragement, soothing her while the orgasm finally ebbed.

“You are so very lovely, Maggie,” he breathed reverently. “I thank you for sharing that with me.”

She rocked carefully against his hard cock. “It isn’t over yet.”

Sliding off him, she dropped to her knees between his thighs and fumbled to open his jeans with shaking hands.

“You have given me enough, I do not need this.” His voice lacked conviction so she ignored him and tugged at his fly. Hands cupped her shoulders and urged her away but she shook them off.

“But I want to. I want this.” The denim gave way and his flesh pushed free of the confining fabric. “I want to taste you.”

There was no other word for him. Long and hard, his cock rose to his navel in a smooth, elegant curve and slowly dripped pre-cum over the narrow trail of dark hair underneath.

She wrapped her hand around him, squeezing. Pumping her fist once, twice, she watched him arch in the chair, the powerful angel, helpless in her grasp. More pearly fluid beaded on his cock and she leaned in. She licked, tasting the saltiness of him, breathing in his musky scent, before taking him fully in her mouth.

“Oh, Maggie,” he breathed and caressed her hair tenderly with one large hand. Encouraged, she sucked, rubbing her tongue over the tender spot under the head, and his fingers twitched, clenching in her hair before releasing to drag his nails gently over her scalp.

Teasing, she sucked his cock deep before letting it slide out again, licking his length and taking him deep again. Bobbing her head, she worked her tongue over him. She rested one hand on his thigh and smiled inwardly at the twitch and flex of muscle there.

His hips jerked, forcing him farther down her throat. “I can’t stop,” he ground out from between clenched teeth. “Please, it’s been too long. I don’t want to come this way.”

Her lips covered him one more time to taunt, to tempt, before letting him slip free with a pop.

The room spun as his hands wrapped around her ribs and he launched himself from the chair. She clung to him, disoriented, her equilibrium thrown off, until her back hit the floor and the harsh rasp of carpeting scraped her bare skin. In a heartbeat, his mouth covered hers and he ground himself against her, his thrusting forcing her across the floor.

They stopped, staring wide-eyed at each other as sudden shock of skin meeting skin froze them both in place. They were both naked.

“O-our clothes,” she stuttered.

“We do not need them. I got them out of our way.” He shifted and the blunt head of his cock slipped into her warm crease. He paused, his eyelids eased down and his lips parted in an expression of pure, decadent bliss. Then with a rough stroke he slid in deep, stretching her, filling her, fulfilling her. Her eyes closed and pleasure rippled through her. This wasn’t sex. Sex didn’t feel this good. This was something more.

“Look at me,” he demanded.

“Hmmm… I can’t.” Her lids were too heavy.

“Please, Maggie. I need to see your soul. I need to know I am not hurting you.”

She forced her heavy lids up. “You’re not hurting me. You feel good.
So incredibly good.”

“I don’t mean your body. There are other ways to hurt the one you love.”

Her brain stuttered on the word “love”. Did angels love like people loved? Too muddled to think about it, she let the thought drift away on a wave of pleasure. His hand stroked over her hair and he began to move, apparently satisfied with whatever he’d seen.

His wings curved to settle on the floor on either side of them, the thick muscles of his back flexed under her hands as they took on the weight of his body. His wings shut out the world, created a dark cocoon in which only the two of them existed. There was nothing and no one beyond this moment, this pleasure.

Her knees came up to grip his hips and the dark feathers teased her, tickling over her as his thrusts rocked their bodies. She slid her legs higher, letting her thighs bracket his ribs and he went deeper than before, wrenching a groan from him.

“I cannot… Maggie, forgive me, I cannot stop.” Hard hands gripped her shoulders and he grew rougher, faster. He drove into her, pushing her across the carpet with his body. Every stroke rubbed against the tender bundle of nerves inside her. Every hard meeting of their bodies pinched her swollen clit between them. Fire washed over her skin and need twisted tighter within her, driving her higher. His movements grew jerky and his breath came in hard, gasping pants. She was balanced on that razor’s edge when he stiffened, jolting against her hard. He held himself there, grinding against her and pushing himself impossibly deep. The dam within her broke and she screamed his name as she came again.

Chapter Seven


pressed his face into the curve of Maggie’s shoulder, breathed in the scent of her and called himself every kind of fool. It had been so easy to ignore the world. Under the shelter of his wings it had been only them. There were no demons, no

No prohibition.

In his mind’s eye he could picture the consequences of such sin, see the beautiful golden
, just a child, and
clutching his daughter’s body as he cried out his pain to the unhearing Heavens.

Squeezing his eyes shut he tried to force that cold reality away. He’d broken the law of the Most High. The law existed to protect, and in ignoring it he’d risked not only himself, but Maggie.

This was how an angel

Maggie shifted under him with a purring moan, rolling her hips in lush invitation.

“Do angels have super powers?”

“Super powers?” he repeated, his brow wrinkling in confusion.

“You’re hard again.
Or still.”
She rolled her hips again with a sigh of pleasure, and an answering groan escaped him. The devil wasn’t done tempting him.

“Maggie, we must not.”

“Oh, but we must.” She pulled her knees up to grip his hips while her hands slid up his back.

BOOK: RiskingEternity
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