Rival Hearts (Rival Love #2) (11 page)

BOOK: Rival Hearts (Rival Love #2)
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“You sure?” Caleb asks as others glare as they pass us and enter the room.

“Yeah. I can manage.”

“I’ll be here, too,” Kayla chimes in.

Once he disappears into the classroom Kayla pulls me over to the far corner of the hallway and says, “You’ve got to break up with him. Stop hanging out with him.”

“What? Are you crazy? The week I left you begged me to talk to him. You sent me pics of his moping face and seriously, that almost broke me, Kayla, seeing him all miserable.” I shake my head, trying to rid myself of those images. “Now I’m back and with him again, and you want me to break up with him?” What the hell brought this crap on?

Kayla’s eyes water. “Sky, you’re my best friend. And I like Caleb, believe me, I do. You guys are so great together. But I wouldn’t tell you to ditch him if I wasn’t protecting you. If you get out now, you won’t get hurt in the future. Like seven months from now.”

“What?” I know Caleb has a history of flings and having expiration dates on relationships. I think his longest was three months, and I’m not including the bullshit one he had with Danielle. I know this, it’s not news, but for some reason I don’t think this is what Kayla is talking about. “That makes no sense. It’ll be July. What bad thing will happen in July?”

“Never mind.” Her face is all creased. She puffs out some air. “Just forget I said anything.” She starts to go back to class. I try to hold her up, but she shakes her head and enters. I follow with more on my mind than what the day started with.






During eighth period, Coach Grim asked me to come by the natatorium, so that’s where I am. The smell of chlorine fills me while the entire team surrounds Coach Grim and me in a huge circle. Dread is something I should be feeling at this moment while all these eyes are on me. It’s not, though. I’m more anxious than anything.

Rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet, I wait for my deliverance or execution.

“First, let me say I, for one, would love to have Skylar on the team. She has a lot of knowledge, and she’s helped improve Kayla so much I feel this would benefit all of us. But as I told Skylar this morning, this is a team decision. You have the deciding power here.”

Coach Grim turns to me. “Do you have anything you want to add?”

My throat feels like it’s closing on itself. All of a sudden it’s hard to breathe, think, let alone speak, but I must. I need to tell them my thoughts. I swallow my nerves and exhale a deep breath. “I was instilled with a lot of trust from you and this school, and I let you down. For that, I’m truly sorry. I know each one of you believes I know who destroyed your pool in December, or you believe it was somehow me. Either way, I can’t change that. You can believe me over time, or not. All I’m asking is that you set aside your feelings for me, whether it be that I’m a no-good Bulldog or, excuse my language here, a bitch. If you give me a chance, not only will I promise to pull my own weight, I’ll do whatever is asked of me. If you decide you can’t have me on the team, I’ll respect that decision as well.”

Amber, my nemesis since forever, narrows her stare, huffs, and stands. She takes a step toward me, flicking her now short, blond hair off her shoulder and says, “I hate the shit out of you, Skylar Fletcher.” If this is going to be a
hell no she can’t be on the team
speech, I really wish she’d get it over with. “But I’m impressed. What you did with Kayla, that’s some talent. And you’ve got some serious lady balls for coming here and asking for your spot back. Also, I need some competition, so … my vote is yes.”

I want to smile and hug this evil girl, but I’m not in the clear yet. Fifty-eight more votes left and then I might hug her.

The votes sound off like dominos, starting from the right and working through the three-ring circle. By the time Zack, who swims the butterfly, gives his vote, I’m a mess of nerves waiting for votes to be tallied up. I lost count after the fifteenth yes and tenth no.

“Skylar … it looks like you’re back on the team. Congratulations!” Coach Grim says.

I hug her and then find Kayla. She smiles and laughs as I hop up and down with joy. “Fletcher!” Amber shouts as Kayla and I head out the door. “We expect you at practice tomorrow at five in the morning. We’ve got a meet at four thirty in the afternoon.”

“Thanks, Amber.”

My happy high should last all night, but it leaves as soon I approach my car. Danielle walks up to me and Kayla. She’s got a gloating smile, which makes my insides twist. “Just the person I wanted to talk to.”

Kayla snorts and I arch a brow. “What do you want?”

“I want you to know, no hard feelings. I didn’t plan this.” She rubs her stomach and I swear her smile grows bigger.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

She rubs her hand over her belly some more. “Didn’t you hear? I’m pregnant. Caleb’s the father.”

The earth shifts under me, sucking me into a black hole. This can’t be happening. He did have a relationship with her, though. They did stuff. Lots of stuff I’d rather not think about right now. The thought of it makes me want to hurl.

Danielle has a twinkle in her eye, like she’s laughing this up. I push past her and launch myself into my Mini Cooper. Kayla is whipping into the passenger seat and I honestly can’t tell you what happened next. I barely hear her mumble, “This is what I was trying to tell you about earlier.” I think she says more, but I tune her out. My heart feels like it’s in a vise and someone is slowly squeezing it to the point at which it will explode.

In a daze, I somehow managed to drop Kayla off. Her lips move, and I think she says, “Goodbye,” or maybe it’s “Call me.” I don’t really know. Once she shuts the door, I drive to Summit and enter Coffee Junky’s Dream. Alex talks to me, but I swear it’s like watching my life go on without me. A few fake smiles, laughs, and nods later, I convince Alex to give me my job back.

It’s pushing seven twenty when I arrive at Brian’s house. My mom smiles at me when I enter and tells me my dinner is in the microwave, but I ignore her. My eyes land on Caleb, who’s coming toward me. “How did it go?”

I flip him off, run up to my room, lock the door, and sit on my window seat. I can’t tell you how long I stare out the window. But it turns pitch-black outside. Hell, to make it worse, I had no idea my mom unlocked my door and set food beside me. But sure enough, there’s a plate with roasted chicken, potatoes, and green beans with bacon bits. I blink and push the food away. The last thing I want to do is eat.

A deep sigh from my doorway pulls my attention. “Did it not go well?” my mom asks.

“It went fine. I have practice in the morning and a meet after school.”

She closes the door behind herself and sits on the edge of my bed. “Liv, what’s wrong, honey? You haven’t said a word to me or anyone for hours now. You aren’t even eating. Were people at school … ” She swallows.

“No. Everything was fine.” Well, most of it. Up until Danielle told me she’s carrying Caleb’s child. I can’t tell my mom this. I barely want to believe it. I want to scream, “A part of me died. That’s what’s wrong. That stupid, sexy, jerkfaced boy across the hall stole my heart and got someone else knocked up!” But again, I can’t tell my mom any of this.

Oh God, did he know about this before he came to New York and brought me here? Because if he knew this and still confessed this supposed undying love to me then he’s such an asshole!

My mom watches me with worried eyes. I have to tell her something so she’ll leave and not pry what’s really wrong out of me. “I had a busy day, and I’m tired. That’s all. I’ll be okay. I promise.”

“Liv, you’ll tell me if someone is bothering you?”

I fake a smile and nod. “Yeah, Mom. I’m okay though.”

She comes over, takes my plate, and kisses my forehead. She walks out of the room and closes the door again. I’m thankful for the emptiness, but it doesn’t last. My door swings open and closes within a matter of minutes. Caleb marches over to me, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. “Baby, what happened today? Why have you been shutting me out? I texted you because you locked door.”

His sexy scent assaults me, almost causing me to forget. I push him away and glare at him. “Don’t touch me.”

“What did I do?” He looks so dumbfounded. I want to punch him in the face. Is he serious?

“You touched her! That’s what you did. You ruined us forever because you got Danielle Samson pregnant!”

He jerks back like I slapped him. I wish I had slapped him. “Who the fuck told you that?”

“Danielle! She came up to me and Kayla rubbing her stomach, gloating about the two of you making a goddamn baby together.” He tries to swipe a tear from my cheek, but I swat his hand away. “Don’t come near me. Don’t touch me. Don’t even look at me. Don’t do a thing when it comes to me, ever again! Just leave me the hell alone.”

His face is ashen. “Are you serious? This could be some bullshit rumor. I used a fucking condom for Christ’s sake!”

I shove him again, toward the door. “Have you read the labels on the box? Not every condom comes with a hundred percent guarantee! There are risks, Caleb Alexander, and yours ruined us! We’re done! I’m not getting tied down to whatever stupid shit you did. Get out!”

With a determined glare, he yells, “Fine!” He stomps out of my room, slamming my door shut. My chest aches beyond belief, and I fall against my bed and curl up in a ball. I thought being taken from my friends and beloved school would be the worst hand dealt to me. But I didn’t ache then like this. This right here is like someone murdering me from the inside out.






Kayla walks with me on deck. We follow the strip of tile between the diving pool and the swimming pool, a couple of divers leading, Amber trailing behind us. I should be nervous or worried that the team will turn on me, but today, I wouldn’t care if they did. It has nothing to do with the simple fact it’s five in the morning and I had literally two hours of sleep. My eyeballs ache from crying. My head hurts, too. None of this matters, though, especially when I zombie-walk over to the group all formed in a circle, setting up for team stretching.

“Huddle up!” Amber shouts from behind me. Normally I’d jump at the explosive voice coming from behind me. I don’t move an inch.

“Kayla is going to count us off.” Amber moves in front of Kayla and me and gives me a half smile. “You okay, Fletcher? You look like you’re going to hurl.”

“I’m good.” I shake out my arms. It’s go-time. It’s time to become numb, forget; I can do it.

The shaking and internal pep talk isn’t doing shit, though. All I see is flashes of his smile. Hear his laugh. Feel his kiss. I hate it! I hate it so much. Why did I let him get to me? I knew what he was. I knew he’d destroy me.

I blink back some tears, sniff the air, and breathe out of my mouth. Kayla counts beside me, and I’m going through the motions of each stretch, but it feels like someone else is doing each move. Amber shouts, “Floor! Seals!”

Laying on my stomach with my hands beside my chest, I push up at the same time Danielle’s smug face flashes in my mind. A scream rips out of me, and I lay back down, too afraid to look around the circle. I’m positive everyone is staring at me.

Kayla drops beside me and whispers, “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay, Sky.”

I nod and mumble, “I know. I just. I hate them both.”

“What’s going on?” Amber asks. I won’t tell her. I will never tell her. Not her. She might be my teammate now, but I still see her as my nemesis. And she totally had the hots for Caleb, and they had sex, too. Shit, he seems to have his claws in every girl’s heart at this school.

“Sky, I’m telling her. We’re a team. This is what we do. This is how we build,” Kayla says. I know she’s right, but shit, I can’t have these people knowing my business. I can’t be seen as weak. I’m not weak!

Before I can stop her, she blurts, “Caleb apparently knocked up Danielle Samson. She found out yesterday after practice. And Sky here is dealing with a shattered heart because as most of you know, she and Caleb were dating. So, can we all not mention bitch-face Samson or dickwad Caleb for a while?”

“I’ll be right back,” Amber says. I look up. Everyone is staring at Kayla and me, but there are no traces of laughter in their eyes. No traces of sadness either, just genuine concern. It’s nice. I missed this, and for the first time since yesterday, I’m starting to feel a little better. Just a little.

Amber thrusts a Snickers at me. “Not allergic to peanuts are you?”


She grabs my hand and places the candy bar in it. “Eat. It will help. I promise. As for the other thing, we’re a team, Fletcher. When one of us gets knocked down, we’re there to pick you up. Got me?”

What the hell? Amber Ortiz is nice? Who would have guessed that? I smile and she helps me up. “Eat.”

“Got it. And Amber … thanks.”

She nods.

Coach Grim steps out of her office and walks over to us. “Team, listen up. Amber is going to be giving you instructions on what we’re going to be doing today.”

Amber makes her way to the starting blocks and hops up on one. “All right, Bobcats and Bulldog!” She winks at me. “Skylar and I are going to watch you go off the blocks. I need one line on lane two. I need another on lane five.” I walk over to lane four and sit on the footstep on the starting block while Amber shouts, “Swimmers in both lanes will go off the blocks as soon as Coach Grim blows the whistle. That’s your cue to dive into the water. If your start is shit, you’ll work that much harder to win the race. So let’s get this right!”

Coach Grim walks over to the sideline and nods to Amber and I. I take a bite out of the Snickers Amber handed me. Using our fingers, we silently count down, and each time we hit three, Amber yells, “Swimmers, step up!” Three seconds pass and she says, “Take your mark.” I count down and Coach Grim blows the whistle.

Henry and Brock drive in; both have good form. Brock, who is closer to me, needs to sling himself back more so he skims the water more. But it’s an easy fix. “Hey, Brock!”

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