Rive (16 page)

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Authors: Miranda Kavi

BOOK: Rive
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Celeste sat back in her chair, waiting for Regina to finish doing whatever it was she was doing.

Regina finally opened her eyes and tilted her head back forward. “What is your plan? And how, exactly, are you going to keep your boyfriend from being killed trying to protect you?”

“I will go with Victor when he looks for the potentiates. When we find them, I will allow myself to be captured.”

Regina raised her eyebrows. “Rylan does not know of your plan?”

Celeste smiled. “Of course not. By the time he realizes I’m gone, it will be done.”

“Is there nothing I can say to stop you?” Regina said. She was back in her normal form, slumped in her chair, looking fully human. Gray hairs were speckled around her temples. When had that happened?


“You will live, then. You must. I wear a key around my neck. There is a vault beneath our feet. You have to tear up the floor to get everything.”

“Okay, not sure why you’re telling me this, but what’s in there?”

“Everything you need. History of the
, reference materials on the
magical objects.”

Celeste stared at the smooth marble floor, trying to imagine the mysteries beneath her feat. “What do I need it for?”

“When I die very soon, you will need it to lead,” Regina said. “To carry the
into the next generation. It is my time to leave this world, and I hope to do so intact, but even if we fail, you must live. You must carry forward the

“Regina, I don’t like it when you talk like this,” Celeste said.

Regina put her hand on top of Celeste’s. “It is necessary. We are at war. I’m sorry you didn’t get to enjoy any peaceful times. I’m sorry you have a human family in danger, too. I’m sorry about it all.” She pulled her hand back. “It might not be too late to save Rylan.”

Celeste dropped her face into her hands, letting the tears come. “He loves me. I love him. I can’t send him away. He won’t go. He says it’s his choice.” Her shoulders shook. “You were right. He’ll probably die trying to save me.”

Regina cleared her throat. “He’s right, though. It is his choice. Perhaps he’s more mature than I give him credit for.” She stood, slowly, as though she was stiff from sitting. “Continue the
bloodline. I know you can’t think of being a parent right now, but when you do, it needs to be with another
. That is the best chance of creating another

Celeste wiped the tears off her face. “I understand. I understand everything now.”


Regina walked toward the door. She paused, and then returned, kissing Celeste on the top of her head. She left without another word.

Celeste stared at the empty room, wondering why everything felt so final.


Chapter 18

Celeste slammed her phone shut. The atrium was getting more and more crowded as guards and fighters congregated. After a marathon two-hour phone call with her parents, they were somewhere near calm. Not really. Okay, not at all, but at least they’d agreed to go deeper into hiding temporarily.

“That looked fun,” Rylan said.

“Yeah, fun. Scared, angry parents.”

He sat down next to her. “Victor said he’s got the best on them. They’ll be safe. I trust him.”

She leaned her head on his shoulder. “If anything happens to me, I want you to look after them. And Tink.”

“Hey!” He pulled away. “Don’t talk like that. “This isn’t some doomsday. Regina’s being over-dramatic.”

“Will you just promise me? Please?” She forced him to hold her gaze.

“Yes. Of course,” he muttered.

“And Regina’s not being overdramatic. There are rumors flying. This Rive group is growing.”

“Yeah? Well the
who don’t want that to happen are growing, too. They’re scared. Rive isn’t a secret anymore. They were thriving on that. Now, it’s gone. Everyone in the Otherworld knows. And…”

“And what?” She put her head back on his shoulder.

He spoke very low. “You could destroy them all. Hell, you could probably wipe out the planet.

“Rylan!” She elbowed him.

“Don’t worry. It totally turns me on.”

“Shush.” She nudged him then stood. “We should find Victor and see if there are any updates on where the potentiates are.”


They wove through the crowds until they found the hallway that led to the boardroom. Further down the hall there were several small classroom type rooms. Victor, Mateus, and Usha had commandeered several of them.

“Rua!” Tink ran down the hallway, swooping her up. “Where you been, chick? I’ve been watching for you ever since I got here!”

“Hey!” She hugged him back. “I didn’t know you were coming.”

“Yeah. Victor thought I’d be safest with him.” He cupped his hand around his mouth. “He totally just wants me around,” he stage-whispered. “His dad’s kind of a butt sometimes, right?”

“Totally,” Celeste said.

“He’s in here.” He led them down the hallway to one of the smaller rooms.

Victor and Mateus were side by side, crouched over several tablet computers and rolled out maps, sorting though information. Some of her guards were there, too, talking quietly while Victor worked.

Victor looked up when they walked in. Mateus did too, displaying a broad smile for Celeste. His smile faded when he saw Tink. He dropped his eyes back down to the paper.

“What can we do?” Celeste said.

Mateus smiled at her, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Rest. We’ve got scouts all over the world looking for them. So far—”

“So far, we can’t find them,” Victor finished for him. “But we will.”

“Okay.” She mashed her fingernails into the palm of her hand.

Rylan pulled her to the side of the room. “You need to lay down, get some rest. I’ll be there soon. I want to stay a while and help them. I’m not bad at tracking. I’ll get in-touch with my bio-dad and see if he can help. He’s one of the best out there.”

“That’s big of you,” she said.

“We need to find them,” he said. “I’ll come into your room later tonight. Please don’t go anywhere and be careful.”

“I won’t, I promise. Plus I have my guards and my awesomeness. I’m fine.” She gestured to the two guards that remained with her. She’d send the other three away to help Victor.

She returned to her room, two guards in tow. The hallways were crowded, tensions high.

Her room was quiet and dark. It startled her that she thought of it as her room now, but it was. Her things were strewn about. A blanket her mother had crocheted her was draped over the modern bedspread. The pajamas crumpled on the floor were a gift from her father. Her toiletries and hair-ties were strewn about the bathroom counter.

She changed into the least wrinkled pair of pajamas then laid in bed. She closed her eyes, but sleep eluded her. Instead, her brain was a whirring motion of anger at Rive, worry for Regina, Rylan and the potentiates, and confusion over what her place was in it all.

Her body was exhausted, begging for sleep, but her mind continued to work. Hours passed as she tossed and turned, begging for sleep.

Finally, hours after she’d been in bed, her mind gave up.

She woke up to a screeching alarm and screams filling the hallway. She sat up, hearing the pounding of footsteps outside her door. It sounded like complete and total chaos. The space next to her was empty. “Rylan?”

“I’m here.” He appeared next to her. “I’m trying to figure out what’s going on. It’s crazy out there. Stay here.”

“Where is Tink? Victor?”

Rylan shook his head. “I don’t know. Let me go find out. Please, stay here. Please.” He disappeared.

She tiptoed of bed and opened the door. Panicked people and
were running through the halls.

“What’s happening? Hello?” she shouted into the hallway.

“They’re here. Rive.” Her female guard, Ina, appeared next to her. “I’m sure they would love to find you wandering the hallways. Go back in your room or Victor will have my head.”

“No. I can help,” Celeste said. “Show me where they are.”

“No.” Ina pulled Celeste back into the room, slamming the door behind her.

“Yes. You saw what I can do. The tsunami. The birds? I can stop them.” Celeste pushed her aside and opened the door. “Where are they?”

“The potentiate dorm,” she said with her weird smile.

Celeste felt sick. The potentiates. All the chose children. How could they? She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Her blood churned with heat. She could save them. She could stop them. She wasn’t sure how, she just knew she would.

Her birds burst into existence, filling every space in the hallway with blackness. Violet light burst through her skin, casting crazy shadows on the wall. She reached the dorm. All the doors were open.

Her heart dropped.

She ran into the first room, empty. The second room empty. The common room empty. Guards ran in behind her, shouting the potentiates names.

But they were gone. All of them were gone.

“No!” She rushed outside the compound, joined now by hundreds. They spilled out, sprinting to the corners of the land. Faint flashes of light caught her eye. “Over here!” she shouted. Her birds flocked in the direction of the lights.

She ran toward the light, seeing faint flash after faint flash. The early morning breeze carried sobs.

She burst into the space, only to find a huge
with a sole potentiate clutched against his chest. He smiled, flashed faintly, then disappeared.

They were gone.

“No!” She heard shouting behind her. Regina ran to the empty space, still in pajamas, long blond hair flowing down her back. “Not them!” She collapsed into the empty space, pushing her fingers into the dirt.

Her guard appeared next to her, his brown hair disheveled. “They are all gone, my lady.”

She stood slowly, dirt falling off her fingers as she turned to face the growing crowed. “Victor!” she shouted.

“Yes!” He came running through the crowed, sword drawn.

She stepped closer to him. “Find them. Get them back, now!” He bowed in response. She turned to Celeste. “Destroy Rive. Don’t leave a soul living.”

Chills washed down Celeste’s back. The air stirred around them, sending her crazy red curls flying in the breeze. Her birds flew in giant, lazy, circles above, waiting for her command.

“Now is not the time for mercy.” Regina gently patted her cheek then walked toward the compound, flanked by her main guard. She looked small and fragile, like life was slowly ebbing from her.

Victor’s jaw was locked. He stormed inside, leaving the crowd milling around, speaking in whispers about what they had seen. Many of them openly stared at her. She was beaming like a high-watt flashlight, blackbirds swirling around her. No wonder.

She dismissed her blackbirds and quieted her flame.

Ashley and Betty hovered near the edge of the crowd. Celeste strode toward them. “What are you guys still doing here? This isn’t safe.”

Betty raked a hand through her tussled black hair. “I’m staying with Regina. She’s my sister.”

Celeste searched her face, but found no reason to argue. “And you?” she asked Ashley.

“I’m leaving now. I’ve been told not to discuss it with anyone. Not even you guys.” Her blond hair was braided and folded neatly over one shoulder. She fiddled with the ends of her braid in a very child-like gesture.

“That’s good. And you shouldn’t. You never know who is listening.” She stepped closer to Ashley, noticing the greenery thickening under her feet as she did. “Be careful.”

“You too.” Ashley folded her into a hug. “Next time you disappear, take me with you.”

“Done,” Celeste said with a smile.

She shook Betty’s hand. “Please be careful.”

Betty’s face was strained and grim, but she smiled back. “And you. I sincerely hope I see you both again.”


Chapter 19

Back inside, the compound was a swirl of activity. The alarm sirens had finally been turned off, but the compound was on high alert. Sentries walked the perimeter of the grounds. Witches were lined up outside, casting protective circles and burning candles.
guards darted in and out.

More and more creatures filled the compound, more than Celeste had ever seen before. She’d even seen a couple that could glow like her.

The early morning gave way to a bright sun. She didn’t like it as much as the cool night air, but she was grateful for light. It cleansed the compound, making it feel safe again.

She’d changed into rugged jeans and a sweater with running sneakers. She had no idea what to wear in a combat situation, so it would have to do.

She returned with Tink and Rylan to one of the classrooms Victor and Mateus had commandeered.

Rylan pushed a cup of coffee into her hand. “We could be up a while,” he said.


He pushed her hair out of her face. It was completely out of control, a wild mess of auburn curls. “You okay?” he said.

“I’m pissed. That’s what I am.”

“Yeah, I know. Those fuckers took them right out from under our nose. They must be so terrified.”

“I think we’ve got something,” Victor called from the small table he was hunched over with a cluster of
. “There’s an abandoned prison in Kansas where our intel has picked up some activity.”

“Home, sweet home,” Celeste muttered. “When do we leave?”


Mateus strode in. “Found them?”

“I think so,” Victor said. “At least it’s a good shot if we move fast.”

“How many do we have on our team?” Mateus said.

“Twelve, with back up near-by. Any more and we won’t be able to move quietly,” Victor said.

“Let’s go!” Mateus said then disappeared.

disappeared too. Rylan tightened his grip on her waist. “Ready?” he asked.

She tried to answer, but they were already moving. She wasn’t sure why she was so surprised with the speed at which it unfolded. They were waiting for this moment and now they had to act fast.

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