Riverbend (12 page)

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Authors: Tess Thompson

BOOK: Riverbend
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“Well, sure, sugar, I got one of your juice boxes chilling on ice,” said Cindi, scooping up Ellie-Rose and settling her on her hip.

Billy was sitting with his arms crossed over his belly, staring at Drake with a near ferocious expression. Linus, although less obvious, stared at Drake with cold eyes.

“Everyone, this is Drake Webber,” said Annie. “He's offered up his home to Alder and me until we get all this sorted out.”

“You some kind of kajillionaire?” asked Cindi from behind the bar, staring at him through half-lidded eyes.

“Pretty much,” said Drake, seemingly amused. This was a relief. The opportunity for offending Drake was high around this group of friends. Their gang of misfits was quirky to say the least. It might take a person a while to get used to them.

“No shit?” asked Cindi. “For real?”

“I'm afraid so,” said Drake.

“How'd you do that?” After giving Alder his drink, Cindi joined them back at the table.

“I sold my company to Microsoft.”

“That Gates guy?” asked Cindi.

“Well, he doesn't actually run it anymore, but yes, so to speak.”

“Wow. Cool. We don't really know any rich people here in town.
Most of us are barely hanging on but we won't judge you just ‘cause you're filthy rich. Especially since you tip well.” She laughed, as if they were old friends. “But no, seriously, we're grateful you're looking after Alder and our girl here.”

Drake smiled. “Glad to hear it.” He looked over at Annie. “Probably should take Alder now so you guys can talk.”

She nodded. “Yes. Thank you.”

“I'll pick you up at eleven, then?”

“No need, man, one of us will get her to your house. Better if Alder doesn't have to leave the house so late,” said Tommy, pulling Ellie-Rose onto his lap. She sucked her juice box with great intensity, snuggling into her daddy's neck.

Drake shoved his hands in his pockets. “Sure. Annie, you have the code to the gate.”


Mike was studying Drake. “Listen, don't know if Annie told you about our plans to make this little town shine. So far we've got this place and Linus's inn. Some boys from up in Seattle are building a resort down by the river.”

“Yes, I've seen the construction,” said Drake.

“It's going to be something. Fly-fishing tours, a spa for the ladies—you know, all that fancy stuff city folks like. But this main street here needs some love. Needs a facelift, so to speak. And there's opportunity for more shops and cafes. We need a lunch place, for one thing.”

Drake appeared to be listening intently but what he thought of Mike's speech was not apparent to Annie, as his face was blank.

“I think it's great what you're doing here,” said Drake, without emotion or inflection. He was a careful man, thought Annie. He knew where this discussion was headed. He was a businessman—a smart businessman. He knew when he was about to be asked for money.

“My point is. Lots of opportunities for investments if you're so inclined,” said Mike.

“Yeah,” said Cindi. “We want this town to look like Sun Valley or Cannon Beach, all slicked up and quaint and stuff. And we need proper shops for rich ladies to buy things. And lampposts and brick
over some of our ugly buildings. And grass and parks with fountains. You know, stuff like that. And all that costs a butt-load of cash.”

Lee smiled at Drake. “How I dream of the day when the last of the turquoise buildings are gone. The turquoise color scheme was part of an earlier ‘beautify River Valley’ project. Mike and I are on a mission to get rid of every last one of those paint jobs.” She handed Ellie-Rose a bag of crackers from the purse at her feet.

“You all hush now,” said Ellen. “Leave the poor man alone. He hardly knows us.” She turned to Drake. “We need to learn some manners, clearly.”

“Ellen's right,” said Tommy. “Poor Drake doesn't know us from Adam. He's not interested in our dreams for this town.” He looked over at Drake, grinning. “Sorry, man. We get a little worked up about this subject. There are a lot of people here who could use good jobs and we have so many plans. We're not rational when it comes to River Valley. But we don't expect you to jump in without even knowing us or anything.”

“Of course not,” said Lee. “But I'll warn you. Something about this place, this town, sucks you in. I found it hard to resist. Especially because the place you call home is always the place where your people are. I didn't even know I needed people but here they are.”

Drake smiled, gently, but his eyes were sad. “I built a company out of nothing. I know what it's like to dream big. And what you're all doing here is extraordinary. But I'm not really up for becoming involved in a community.”

“Of course. We understand,” said Annie, quickly. “No reason for you to think twice about all this. We're all a little crazy here.” She smiled in a way she hoped was reassuring.

“However,” said Drake, running a hand through his hair, “I could certainly be convinced to donate to the ‘beautify River Valley’ fund.”

“No effing way?” Cindi let out a squeal.

Mike slapped his hand on the table. “We surely would appreciate it. Whatever you can give to the project would make a huge difference to us.”

Drake glanced at the ceiling, as if thinking through an idea. “I
know a woman in Seattle. She used to be a city planner, although retired now. Her husband worked for me and unfortunately passed away several years ago. I bet I could talk her into coming down here and putting some plans together. Whatever you all come up with, I'll pay for. As long as I don't have to actually be involved.”

“Holy crap,” said Alder, practically shouting. “Now that's badass.”

“And legit,” said Drake.

“Alder, where in the world do you get these sayings?” asked Ellen, sniffing with disapproval. “Honestly.”

Linus's face had changed from disapproval to disbelief. “Why would you do this?”

Drake eyes darted about the room before coming back to rest on Linus. “Because the chance to do something meaningful for other people is the only reason to keep living. And I certainly can't take my money with me when I go, anyway.”

Again with this talk of death. Annie went cold, goose bumps springing up on her arms.

Mike, for once, was speechless. He shook his head back and forth, staring at Drake. Finally, he looked over at Tommy. “It's just like in my dream. This here is one of the missing pieces.” He addressed Drake now, standing. “I've despaired some lately, I won't lie. The enormity of what we're trying to do here has me down a lot of days because we just can't figure out how to make it work. But this.” His eyes glistened. “This would make all the difference to us.” He walked toward Drake, holding out his hand.

Drake took steps back, his eyes meeting Annie's, pleading for help.
Don't let him touch me.

Annie moved towards Mike, taking his arm. Mike, understanding without her needing to say anything, took a few steps backwards. “Anyway, thank you,” said Mike.

“I've a few quirks,” said Drake. “But I know how to sign a check.” This last part sounded like the utterance of a bitter man.

Tommy rose from the table, Ellie-Rose perched on his hip. “We're all a little quirky in this group. You won't get any judgment from us. And we're grateful for what you just agreed to do. But we're here for you, as friends, if you ever decide that's something
you want or need. That offer stands regardless of your check signing ability or not.” Tommy's brown eyes were soft and so kind it twisted Annie's heart.
Love is all there is
, she thought.
And all there will ever be.

After Drake left with Alder, Annie joined the others at the table. “You guys didn't have to all come here,” she said.

“We most certainly did, little miss,” said Mike. “We need to approach this thing as a team.”

Lee reached over and took her hand. “Annie, can you tell us what he looks like?”

Annie hesitated. How could she describe someone she hadn't seen in ten years? “He looks like an older version of Alder.”

She saw the surprised expressions on the faces around the table before they settled into this new information.

“He was twenty-four years old the last time I saw him.” The image of Marco in handcuffs came to her mind, like a photograph she wanted to burn but couldn't bring herself to. “Which makes him thirty-four now. He's a big man. Six feet tall and, if he's the same, muscular like a guy you might see working out at a Gold's Gym in California. And he has a tattoo of a cross on his left arm.”

“Typical,” said Cindi. “The bat shit crazy ones always hide behind religion.”

Tommy leaned forward. “Here's the plan, in my mind. Annie is never alone here and obviously one of us will take her home after her shift.”

“That should be me,” said Billy. “I'm always here the same times she is.” He paused, puffing his chest out. “Plus it's my job to look after her.”

“You do a good job of it, too,” said Annie.

Billy blushed. “I try.”

“We need to spread it around town, too,” said Tommy. “Make sure everyone knows this guy is looking for Annie and not to give him any information.”

“He'll come here first,” said Lee, shivering.

Again, the table was quiet.

Finally Linus spoke, his face worried. “We just take this one day at a time.”

“And pray,” added Tommy.

An hour later, the entire staff of servers, cooks, a dishwasher, two busboys, and the new hostess, Amanda, gathered at the long table in the back of the restaurant to eat together before the dinner shift began. Several nights a week Lee joined them but more often than not she was home with Tommy and Ellie-Rose. Where she should be, Annie always encouraged her when Lee fretted over it. The wait staff was seasoned at this point, two years after they first opened the doors on that warm summer night in August, and the front of the house practically ran itself. But the tradition of eating together remained, the tone set by Linus in the early days. It was a time to bond, to go over the specials, and to get them nice and full before a busy evening.

The table was lively, everyone talking at once. Usually Annie let everyone have a few minutes of social time before she went over the specials. But tonight she just wanted to get it over with. “I have something hard to tell you,” she said, to no one in particular, twirling her angel hair pasta into a ball around her fork. “I have a little situation.”

Lee, from the other end of the table, caught her gaze.
You tell them
, Annie begged her silently.

Lee picked up her water glass, speaking casually, as if it were just another announcement about the dinner protocol. “Annie's been threatened by a man from her past. We know he's dangerous. We believe strongly that he'll come here looking for her.”

The table was silent, everyone staring in her direction. One of the busboys spoke first. “What does he look like?”

For the second time that night she told them the ugly truth. “He looks like my son.”

Chapter Ten

At Drake's home, a routine of sorts was established. When Annie first awakened in the morning, she went to his gym and exercised, having received instruction from Tommy via text message on her phone. He could torture her from afar, she mused one morning as sweat dripped into her eyes. During this time, Drake and Alder roamed the woods together or sat companionably in the front room reading. After a shower, she made their breakfast.

And, every morning after breakfast, Drake, clippers in hand, went to his rose garden.

Today Annie stood at the kitchen window watching him. He stood for several minutes at each rosebush, the water from the hose a crystal streak in the morning sun. Then he plucked old buds and placed them in a sack he carried around his shoulders. When this was done, he took the shearing clippers and cut six buds, gathering them into a bouquet of various pinks and yellows. Next, he cut from the two red rosebushes, one the color of blood, the other more the hue of burgundy wine. These he gathered into a separate bouquet. The white bush he did not cut from, this day or any of the others. Not once. Those buds opened, staying on their mother bush until they wilted and withered and he put them to rest in the bag at his side.

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