Rivulet (39 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee

BOOK: Rivulet
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She nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be ready.”

He took a step back. “I will see you then.” He turned and left, leaving her in the middle of the interrogation room with blood at her feet, a pair of beautiful earrings in hand, and a dumbfounded expression on her face.


Dinah entered her room, turning all three locks as soon as the door was shut. It didn’t matter how well the building was protected, she never trusted it enough to leave her door unlocked. There were enough men in the New World army with seriously questionable morals that she was often on guard, even at home. She turned and looked at the small room she occupied and frowned to herself.
. Perhaps that was a bit much to describe the single room and bathroom – the only space she could call her own. It wasn’t a lot, but knowing how most of the population lived, it was definitely better than some. The roof didn’t leak, and there was actual heat. That alone was more than most could hope for.

She started her nightly ritual of disarming herself. Considering the amount of weapons she wore on her at all times, this was quite the exercise. She removed the two M1911 pistols from the double shoulder holsters, the desert eagle from the holster strapped around her thigh, the dagger in her boot, and the compact semi-automatic Smith and Wesson tucked in the back of her pants. She pulled her shirt off, shaking out her long, black hair. Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly, enjoying the feeling of air on her face.

Sitting down on the edge of her bed, she took off her boots then headed for the shower. It was only eight, but really, what else was she going to do? She didn’t have friends, so even if she had wanted to go out, who would she go with? And where? She knew nothing of the city she lived in for five years now. It was just as unknown as it had been the day Roman brought her here. Sighing, she stripped down and got into the shower, letting the hot water wash over her. Tomorrow would be a long day anyway, she told herself. A solid night’s sleep was always a good idea before she had to deal with searching a large group of people. She just hoped they knew something worth her time.

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