Read Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC Book 5) Online

Authors: Jani Kay

Tags: #Biker MC Series, #bikers, #Australian Author, #badboy alpha, #Suspense, #Action & Adventure, #new adult romance novel, #biker romance

Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC Book 5) (2 page)

BOOK: Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC Book 5)
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“You wouldn’t—”

“Baby, don’t challenge me.” I grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer, smothering her with a sizzling kiss while I grabbed hold of the plump flesh that had been teasing me all morning.

She threw her arms around my neck and melted into me, rubbing her pussy up against me unashamedly.

Fuck me. I took a step back and placed my hands on her waist, lifting her onto the counter. She shrieked as her bared ass hit the cold black marble, but then she threw her head back, exposing her long neck as she leaned on her elbows and spread her legs wide. I groaned as my gaze went straight to her glistening pussy.

“Eat me,” she demanded in a husky voice.

Who the fuck was I to argue with that? I lifted her ass off the surface with both hands and pulled her toward me as I went to feast on her slick pussy, sucking and licking and nibbling. Jade grabbed a fist full of my hair, pulling and twisting it between her fingers while bucking her hips and fucking my face.  Before long, her body convulsed and she screamed my name loud enough that the neighbors were likely to hear her.

That was the cue to drop my boxers and pound into her. Her nails clawed into my back as I fucked her, Jade gasping as I came within a few strokes.

“Jesus, baby, you make me lose control,” I chided. “The eggs must be cold and rubbery by now.”

With a handful of paper towel I wiped carefully between her legs, then rolled it into a ball and tossed it into the bin.

“No, it’ll be just fine. Let’s eat and then go have a shower. I’m starving.”

“Hmmm, and you’re a dirty girl,” I said while wiping her juices off my beard with my hand, “we’ll definitely need to get you clean.”

I lifted her off the counter and watched Jade dish up, the fucking t-shirt still riding up her ass as she leaned over and making me hard, but this time I just grinned and beared it.

Jade tucked into her breakfast with gusto. Her plate was stacked high with food but I had no doubt she’d finish it all.

My girl.
I loved how she did everything with passion and a zest for life. From the simple things to the most profound things.

Wolfing down my bacon, eggs and toast, I washed it down with orange juice. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I’d taken the first mouthful. I waited until Jade had finished eating and poured us each a cup of coffee before telling her my plans for the day.

“I’m going to the club this morning to meet with Cobra and the boys. There’s something worrying Cobra, and he won’t talk about it over the phone.” I leaned forward in my chair and rubbed up and down Jade’s arm, trying not to stare at her nipples which were still hard and teasing me.

“No problem.” Jade looked up at me over her coffee cup and smiled. “Eva and I are shopping for baby stuff today. I didn’t think you’d want to come along anyway.”

Amused, I lifted an eyebrow and smiled warmly. “Not the way the two of you shop. All you need me for is to carry all the bags. Not that I’m complaining, Princess. You know I love being with you and Eva too, but I’d rather have our time together spent doing something else.” I waggled my eyebrows playfully. 

She chuckled softly. “Yeah, I don’t blame you. Your sister and I have the same taste, it seems, and shopping for babies is so much fun.”

“I’m sure you’re going to do some serious damage to our credit card, but that’s okay. That’s why you have me, babe—to provide for you. Go and enjoy yourself while I take care of business. And tell my sister I said hi.”

I pulled Jade into a tight hug and kissed the shit out of her. It would only be for a few hours, but I’d miss her. Being around Jade was like having an injection of sunshine straight to my soul, and I could never get enough. But there were things a man had to do, and I was never one for shirking my responsibilities. Especially not when Cobra had sounded so off key and worried.

Jade clung to me for a few moments, and then let me go. “Tell Cobra and Mia to come over for a barbecue. I miss seeing little Jamie and Bella. It’s been a while.”

I rubbed large circles on her stomach, then leaned down and placed a gentle kiss first on the right side and then on the left. The fact that she was carrying two babies in her belly still blew me away. “I’ll tell them. You take care of yourself and our babies, okay?”

If I didn’t leave straight away, I’d be tempted to hang around the girls instead of making the trip to the clubhouse. I shook my head and laughed out loud at the thought of how domesticated I’d become lately and how my life was the closest to normal it had ever been. Whatever
meant, anyway. There was still a restlessness inside me that would never subside. A wildness of sorts that ran in my blood and could never be tempered if I wanted to stay true to myself.

I turned on my heels and went outside to where my bike stood parked in the shade of a big oak tree. I placed the helmet on my head and started up the Harley. It roared to life between my legs. I grinned wide. Every time I rode the beast it gave me the same thrill it always did. It was an extension of myself, and I loved how it gave me freedom and peace.

Jade stood in the doorway and waved goodbye. She looked fucking adorable with her round stomach, and those long naked legs made my cock twitch. I blew her a kiss before I disappeared down the road.

Fresh air hit my face and cleared my head. The long ride down to the club gave me time to think, to mull things over in my head. I couldn’t be in a better place in my life. Things were sweet between me and my woman, and with our new additions to the family everything would be perfect. As a young boy, I’d never imagined I could ever be this happy, or that one woman would hold my happiness in her hands.

All too quickly, I reached the compound that was home to the Scorpio Stinger MC. Once I’d entered through the gates and parked my bike with all the others, I shook my legs out, then cracked my knuckles one by one before making my way to Cobra’s office. I kinda missed this place. After all, it had been my home for more than a decade. It had taken me a while to become accustomed to living in luxury in Malibu with Jade. I was a simple man, and my needs were small. All I really needed was Jade, my brothers, and my Harley. I could live without the rest.

Hammer was the first one out to greet me. “Hey, dude. How the fuck have you been?”

We did the brotherly hug with lots of back-slapping before walking side by side to the main building. “I’m good. No, I’m better than good—I’m fucking awesome. How are you?”

Hammer chuckled. “It’s all that ‘falling in love’ shit that’s gotten to you. I miss seeing your ugly mug around here.”

“Sorry, I can’t say the same about you,” I joked back. I followed Hammer into the clubhouse where a group of guys were playing a game of pool.

Razor looked up over the balls he’d just set up for the break in the triangular rack, an expression of scorn on his face.

“Hey, Ryder. I thought you’d forgotten all about us, cocksucker. Now that you’re in your little love nest, you have no time for your brothers.” Razor’s eyebrows knitted together as he chalked up the tip until it was blue. He leaned over the green table to stare down the tapered shaft of the cue before he took the break shot. He slammed the stick into the cue ball with so much force that the seven striped and seven solid balls scattered in all directions.

Who’d blown smoke up his ass?

“That’s bullshit and you know it,” I shot back, his tone irking the fuck out of me.

He nodded toward Cobra’s office. “Pres is waiting for you.”

“Thanks, Bro,” I said as I slapped him on the back, ignoring his obvious foul mood, and made my way to Cobra’s office.

“Maybe we can shoot some eight-ball when I finish with Cobra?” I said over my shoulder as I reached the door. The boys were right. I hadn’t spent much time at the clubhouse recently and guilt pushed up in my gut.

The only answer I got from Razor was a snort.

I shrugged and simply presumed he’d had another fight with Lexi, because if those two weren’t fucking each other’s brains out, they were fucking with one another’s minds. But that was none of my damn business, and I wasn’t getting in the middle of that one any time soon, if ever.

Even though the door was open, I knocked before entering out of pure habit. Cobra rose from his chair and closed the distance between us, a huge grin on his face. “Ryder! Fuck, it’s good to see you. You’ve been scarce lately.”

Usually Cobra and I insulted one another as a way of showing our affection. The fact that he was so openly pleased to see me worried me even more than I had been before. It meant that he didn’t have the time to think about verbal abuse, even if in jest.

“What’s up, bro?” I asked as I rubbed my hands together. Except for bags under his eyes, Cobra didn’t look too bad from what I could tell by a quick glance.

“Want coffee? It’s getting cold now, and the wind can be icy when you ride a longer distance.” Without even waiting for my reply, Cobra yelled out, “Two coffees. Make them extra strong and extra hot. And bring cookies.”

Some things never changed and that was just the way I liked it. I grinned as I sank into the closest chair and pushed my hair back with my fingers before settling in, legs wide open and my head resting back as I got comfortable. I was lucky that lately I was becoming somewhat of a chameleon and could adapt more easily to most environments.

We waited for the coffees to be delivered and made small talk for a while. Now that I had the time to study his face more, I noticed that not only were his eyes a lot puffier than normal, he also had dark rings under his eyes and he kept flexing his hands.

“Thanks, babe,” he said to Amelia, one of the club whores, as she set two steaming mugs of coffee, a plate of cookies and a sugar bowl down on his desk a few minutes later. “Close the door behind you,” he ordered in a gruff voice.

Until he was ready to spill his guts and tell me what was worrying him I’d play it cool, but the fact he wanted the door closed confirmed my suspicions.

I sniffed the air. Cobra always chain smoked when he was worried and since I already had doubts, I smelled for signs that he’d been smoking.

He chuckled. “You’re an untrusting bastard. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. I told you I’d given up smoking. You and Mia should start believing me.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard that bullshit before.” I chuckled, but secretly I was happy that Cobra had quit. I sure as hell wanted my friend to be around for a very long time.

“With all the pressure from you and my woman, I had to give up my one and only vice and pleasure. But to be honest, I do feel better since I did. I won’t lie and say that I don’t still crave it, especially when I’m having a bad day or shit stirs up, but you know I’m a tenacious bastard, and once I make up my mind about something I kinda stick to it.”

Instead of taking his seat behind the desk, Cobra leaned his ass onto the desktop in front of me, but rather than crossing his legs at the ankle like he normally did when he was relaxed, he pressed his palms down into his knees in a nervous and restless kind of gesture.

My muscles tensed up as the nagging feeling returned to my gut.

“Yeah, you have your two little ones to think about. It’s not only about you anymore. I’m starting to learn that now that Jade is having our twins. Fuck, man, you and I are going to get disgracefully gray together and cause havoc in our old age,” I said in an attempt to lighten the mood.

“I’m looking forward to that—giving my kids as much grief as what my old man gave me.” Cobra and I both laughed. He was nothing like his deceased father. Chopper Malone had been a hard man, whereas under his tough exterior, Cobra had a good heart. Sure, he hid it like most men did, but he couldn’t fool me. My best friend had more compassion in his little finger than any other man I knew. He was just not that comfortable showing it. Yet whenever it counted, Cobra stood up for his beliefs and his people.

Cobra held up the sugar. “Need some?”

“Nah. Not since Jade weaned me off the sweet stuff.”

He handed me a mug.  I took the first sip and let the brew warm me up from the inside. “Enough of the small talk. Tell me what’s worrying you.”

Cobra gave me a lopsided grin which faded quickly. “Whatever gave you the idea that something is worrying me? Don’t tell me your eye has been twitching lately.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Should it be?”

Cobra hesitated before answering, as if looking for the right words. “I don’t know yet. But I’ve had some news, and it’s not good. Daemon’s club has made a deal with the Don’s Mexican cartel, worth millions. Alone, each of them has serious power, but together they’ll be virtually unstoppable. They’ll both have connections either side of the border, and that makes them stronger and a lot more dangerous.”

My stomach dropped into my boots.

“Joining forces isn’t anything new, but yeah, you might be right. On their own they each can cause serious damage, but together havoc and mayhem is a given.”

The atmosphere turned thick and heavy.

My gaze met Cobra’s. It was only then that I noticed his bloodshot eyes. My friend probably hadn’t slept much, and I couldn’t blame him.

“Yeah. Even though both the fuckers are dead, it seems their people are still going strong.”

That twitch that Cobra was waiting for—my left eye jumped. It wasn’t a good sign.

I took a long, hard look at Cobra. There was something else he wasn’t telling me, and that worried me more. “Talk to me, brother. Tell me what’s eating at you.”

“Fuck, you know me too well. I wasn’t going to tell anybody because I didn’t want you to worry if nothing ever happened.”

My fucking eye twitched like that of a crazy person. I sat forward, on the edge of my seat and spoke in a gravelly voice. “Spill. Everything. There are no secrets between us—isn’t that what you told me?”

Cobra shrugged. “Mostly true, but you know every man has his own skeletons. And if I tell you, Mia can ever find out. You have to guarantee me that.”

My eyebrows knitted together. “I’m fucking bleeding that you don’t trust me enough to know that if that’s what you want that’s the way it will be. It will stay between you and me—nobody else.”

BOOK: Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC Book 5)
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